Fix Readme
This list includes fixes resolved in the IBM SPSS Statistics 28.0.1 On-Prem and Subscription.
Statistics 28.0.1 Download Document
APAR | Description |
PI95718 | Font change on Basic Script Editor window does not persist. |
PH01818 | Subscription not respecting proxy settings - seems it is bypassing the proxy, sending straight through the firewall. |
PH13601 | Savvy end users can get a commuter license for 180 days (maybe more). |
PH28447 | One-Way ANOVA with Post-HOC analysis fails when Locale + UI is set to Polish. |
PH28481 | Case counter freezing but application is still processing the information. |
PH29843 | Unable to enter Thai characters after upgrading to Statistics v27.0 |
PH31755 | Wrong Spanish translation for standard deviation on output viewer for Frequencies and Descriptives. |
PH40379 | Statistics Server 26 on Win 2016 Server VM with gsk SSL enabled stops working suddenly without errors |
PH41606 | SET SIGLESS NO does not take effect when executed from Command Syntax Window. |
PH41607 | JAWS does not read text for image in Chart builder. |
PH36636 | REPOSITORY ATTRIBUTE does not apply version label. |
PH36862 | OpenJDK JRE Contains Vulnerabilities in Microsoft v10 C Runtimes. |
PH37307 | GGRAPH shows levels it shouldn't and fails to display their proper value labels. |
PH37337 | Extension fails when run from statisticsb |
PH38039 | Chart Editor allows edits it doesn't save to the Chart Template file. |
PH38276 | 'F' value is displayed incorrectly in Korean output. |
PH41608 | Japanese translation of Power Analysis is incorrect on SPSS Statistics 28. |
PH41609 | Bad Polish translations of statistical terms in UI and output of Statistics 28. |
PH38238 | R is not installed with Statistics 28.0 on macOS. |
PH38549 | LIC: Commuter Utility "Check-in" and "Check-out" buttons have reversed labeling in Polish. |
PH38863 | Statistics passes garbage text to R on Windows |
PH38989 | Doc: We do not document how to set the ACTIVATE_TYPE on a Push/Silent install. |
PH39565 | What is Error Code 3 in Statistics Server?. |
PH39266 | Data Editor shows only the 'Selected' cases. |
PH39267 | Can't add a case to the Data Editor while a FILTER is active. |
PH39429 | "Standard" users with AD credentials lose their interface when connecting to Statistics Server. |
PH39792 | Clicking 'Syntax Help' for 'PROPORTIONS' command in Syntax Editor will attempt to execute the script instead of opening IBM Docs. |
PH39918 | Published documentation is outdated; does not match new "Manage Licenses" paradigm. |
PH40152 | Working with Python Program Blocks online example contains a syntax error. |
PH40434 | Statistics 28.0 enables a 'Paste' button to export charts to SVG but no such syntax can be generated. |
PH41908 | SPSS Statistics for macOS cannot save command syntax to Codepage for Hebrew locale |
PH40666 | Tables fail to render when oms export to word is running. |
PH40708 | "Ungroup" in Pivot Table Editor collapses the table such that it cannot be displayed. |
PH40971 | "Ungroup" drops columns from the pivot table. |
PH40975 | Related-sample t-test: Hedge's correction. |
PH41004 | MANOVA mislabels output table with DISCRIM ROTATE. |
PH41202 | SPSS Statistics 27.0 fails with Passlogix\v-GO SSO. |
PH41217 | Statistics 28.0 cannot tolerate a semi-colon in the VARIABLE LABEL. |
[{"Type":"SW","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSLVMB","label":"IBM SPSS Statistics"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m50000000CkeZAAS","label":"Statistics Subscription-\u003EKnown defects"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF017","label":"Mac OS"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"28.0.0"}]
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Document Information
Modified date:
09 November 2021