IBM Support

IBM MQ Replicated Data Queue Manager Kernel Modules

Preventive Service Planning


The Replicated Data Queue Manager (RDQM) feature of IBM MQ Advanced relies on a kernel module to provide data replication.


The Replicated Data Queue Manager (RDQM) feature of IBM MQ Advanced relies on a kernel module to provide data replication.

The kernel module is only required when the RDQM component is installed.

Each IBM MQ Continuous Delivery (CD) and Long Term Support (LTS) image includes the RDQM kernel modules for each Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) kernel supported by that image.

If you upgrade to a newer RHEL kernel, then you might need to upgrade the RDQM kernel module before you are able to use RDQM with that new RHEL kernel. Failure to upgrade the RDQM kernel module, where needed, results in a failure to start the Replicated Data Queue Managers.

This document will typically lists the most recent DRBD versions, MQ LTS maintenance and CD levels available at the point where the RHEL kernel level was tested. Newer DRBD levels are assumed to be compatible unless explicitly stated otherwise, and where the V.R (e.g. 9.2) version of the DRBD package matches the V.R version of DRBD shipped with MQ. For example, an ifix bundles that contain DRBD kernel module version 9.2.* should be compatible with earlier MQ versions that also used 9.2*.

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Delivery of updated RDQM kernel modules

From September 2023, the delivery mechanism for kernel module updates has changed. The latest available kernel modules will continue to be shipped with each IBM MQ release and its subsequent maintenance. However, the recommended mechanism to obtain kernel modules is to download the kernel module package from IBM Fix Central for the required IBM MQ release.

The kernel module packages on IBM Fix Central are updated whenever new maintenance is released for each MQ version, and when additional kernel modules are required to support newer kernel levels that are released by Red Hat. This means that the kernel module package on IBM Fix Central might contain additional kernel modules that are not present in the most recent MQ maintenance downloads.

Kernel modules are validated by IBM prior to being included in the kernel module packages. This document lists the most recent kernel levels and the corresponding kernel module that has been validated by IBM for each RHEL version and MQ release combination. A minimum MQ version is listed for the latest kernel level where earlier MQ versions are not compatible with it. In these cases, the MQ version must be updated to at least the stated level before using the later kernel level and its corresponding kernel module.

As a result of the changes to the delivery of kernel module updates, this document no longer lists the kernel module levels shipped with each GA release and maintenance level of MQ.

Regardless of whether kernel modules are obtained from the product install media or the kernel module packages on IBM Fix Central, the included modver utility can be used to confirm which supplied kernel module is appropriate for use with the current kernel level.

Kernel module packages on IBM Fix Central

The following downloads are available on IBM Fix Central for entitled MQ Advanced users, and are maintained with the latest available RDQM kernel module levels

Fix Central Fix ID Description
9.1.0-IBM-MQ-RDQM-Kmods Latest kernel module package for 9.1.0.x long term support installations
9.2.0-IBM-MQ-RDQM-Kmods Latest kernel module package for 9.2.0.x long term support installations
9.3.0-IBM-MQ-RDQM-Kmods Latest kernel module package for 9.3.0.x long term support installations
9.4.0-IBM-MQ-RDQM-Kmods Latest kernel module package for 9.4.0.x long term support installations
9.4-CD-IBM-MQ-RDQM-Kmods Latest kernel module package for 9.4.x.x continuous delivery installations

RHEL Kernel Releases

Each RHEL release introduces a new kernel release, as documented at

For example, RHEL 7.5 introduced kernel release 3.10.0-862.

There can be kernel updates within a RHEL release, and some of these updates require an updated RDQM kernel module.

A typical RHEL kernel release has an identifier like this:


The extra digits, in this example ".3.2", are referred to in this document as a subrelease. However, this is not official terminology.

Where releases and subreleases require different RDQM kernel modules, IBM provides an RDQM kernel module for each one.

Kernel versions validated by IBM

Kernel versions with known compatibility issues

Kernel versions listed here have been tested by IBM and are known to require a new kernel module to function correctly with IBM MQ RDQM. IBM makes compatible kernel modules available at the earliest opportunity in this situation. RDQM users are advised to defer updating to these kernel versions until updated kernel modules are available.

RHEL version Kernel versions with known compatibility issues
RHEL7 None
RHEL8 None
RHEL9 None
Latest kernel versions successfully validated by IBM
This table lists the most recent kernel version that has been validated by IBM. Earlier kernel versions (within the supported range of RHEL releases supported by the IBM MQ version) have been confirmed to be compatible unless otherwise stated.
RHEL version Kernel version Validated IBM MQ version Kernel module version Minimum expected compatible IBM MQ version
3.10.0-1160.129.1 kmod-drbd-9.0.32_3.10.0_1160-1 kmod-drbd-9.1.22_3.10.0_1160-1 kmod-drbd-9.1.22_3.10.0_1160-1 kmod-drbd-9.2.7+ptf.14.gdc5453714_3.10.0_1160-1
RHEL8 4.18.0-553.40.1 kmod-drbd-9.1.22_4.18.0_553-1 kmod-drbd-9.1.22_4.18.0_553-1 kmod-drbd-9.2.11_4.18.0_553-1 kmod-drbd-9.2.11_4.18.0_553-1
RHEL9 5.14.0-503.23.2 kmod-drbd-9.1.22_5.14.0_503.11.1-1 kmod-drbd-9.1.22_5.14.0_503.11.1-1 kmod-drbd-9.2.11_5.14.0_503.11.1-1 kmod-drbd-9.2.11_5.14.0_503.11.1-1
Useful links:

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB77","label":"Automation Platform"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSYHRD","label":"IBM MQ"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z00000008HvAAI","label":"High Availability-\u003ERDQM"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"}],"Version":"9.1.0;9.2.0;9.3.0"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
12 February 2025

