How To
BPM is calling Identity Insight via WebServices calls. BPM is getting an error, which seems to be an access right problem on Liberty level.
Error: return code: ( 403 ) Forbidden
Error 403: SRVE0295E: Error reported: 403</string></detail></soapenv:Fault></soapenv:Body>
If you are using basic authentication, there will be a users.xml file that stores user info. You will need to configure the SOAP UI for authentication.
The client can download SoapUI from, it is an open-source web service testing application. Download the SoapUI Open Source version from .
The following steps will add authentication to SoapUI and run a simple request to get the configured number types in Identity Insight:
1. From the SoapUI file menu, choose "New Soap Project"
2. Enter a project name (your choice).
3. For initial WSDL, enter the URL to the EntityResolver WSDL:
(http://hostname:port/easws/resources/wsdl/EntityResolver.wsdl) or if you want to run the requests over HTTPS (https://hostname:port/easws/resources/wsdl/EntityResolver.wsdl)
4. Make sure "Create sample requests for all operations?" option is checked (it is by default), and that the other options remain unchecked.
5. Click OK to create the should see the definitions being loaded
6. Once the loading has finished, you should have a tree with all of the Identity Insight web service bindings and methods.
7. Find the "ConfigurationBinding" node and expand it
8. Find the ":getNumberTypes" node and expand it to see the request (Request 1)
9. Double-click on Request 1 to open the request
10. In the request window, click Auth, and then click Add New Authorization.
11. Select "basic", and enter the admin username/pwd and click the Authenticate pre-emptively radio button. (If using LDAP, enter you LDAP defined username/pwd).
12. On the left hand side of the screen is the SOAP request envelope. Please replace that with the request below (remove the hashtags(#) at the beginning of each line before running):
#<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=""
#xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
#<getNumberTypes xmlns="http://services/">
#<additionalInfo xsi:nil="true" xmlns=""/>
Document Location
Product Synonym
ISII, Identity Insight, EA-GNR, Entity Analytics
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Document Information
Modified date:
19 June 2020