IBM Support

How to deploy stand alone IBM Daeja ViewONE Virtual with IBM WebSphere Application Server

How To


IBM Daeja ViewONE Virtual is deployed as a Java servlet. When you configure and deploy the servlet, the core of IBM Daeja ViewONE Virtual is also included. However, you must modify the web page that loads the viewer. You can use HTML5 or later or JavaScript to configure the viewer.


How to deploy stand alone IBM Daeja ViewONE Virtual viewer using the IBM WebSphere Application Server


IBM Daeja ViewONE Virtual
Windows Operating System


1. Download Eclipse from the web or alternatively, use Notepad, and create the HTML page displaying the virtual viewer to add the lines of code to deploy the servlet.
2. To deploy the core servlet for the Daeja virtual viewer, you must use a Java web application server. In this case, we are using the WebSphere Application Server. Login to the WAS administration console, and type your userid and password in. 
3. Once you login , go the WebSphere Enterprise Application and deploy the web application by clicking on the install button.
3. Select the local file system and click on Browse. Then , select the war file from the local file system. The file you have selected will be shown, and click on the next button. Select the fast path and click on next once again. On the next page, you have the ability to change the application name, then click next.
4. Specify targets such as application servers or clusters of application servers where you want to install the modules that are contained in your application and click next. Specify other name as the context root and click next to confirm, click next, click on finish, and click on save. At this point, the Daeja viewone application will not be running, so be sure to start the application.
5. If you run into errors, you an check the WebSphere logs.
6. Once the application has started successfully, open a browser and verify that you can access the application by entering the URL to the server into the browser. For example, the URL http://hostname:portnumber/viewone/view_one_virtual.html

Document Location


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SSTTN8","label":"IBM Daeja ViewONE Virtual"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"All Versions","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Product Synonym

Daeja Virtual ViewONE

Document Information

Modified date:
28 January 2021

