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How to configure Rational ClearQuest web with the Rational Lifecycle Integration Adapters for HP ALM and JIRA

Question & Answer


How do you configure IBM Rational ClearQuest web with the IBM Rational Lifecycle Integration Adapters for HP ALM and JIRA?


This technote describes how to configure cross-server communication and project relationships between IBM Rational ClearQuest and the HP ALM application by using the Rational Adapter for HP ALM, and between Rational ClearQuest and the JIRA application by using the Rational Adapter for JIRA.


Table of contents

Database 'DCF Technotes (Rational)', View 'Inbox', Document 'Configuring Rational ClearQuest Web with the Rational Lifecycle Integration Adapters for HP ALM and JIRA', Anchor 'I. Configuring the Rational Clea'I. Configuring the Rational ClearQuest and HP ALM integration

    Database 'DCF Technotes (Rational)', View 'Inbox', Document 'Configuring Rational ClearQuest Web with the Rational Lifecycle Integration Adapters for HP ALM and JIRA', Anchor 'I.A. Establishing cross-server c'A. Establishing cross-server communication from the Rational Adapter for HP ALM
    Database 'DCF Technotes (Rational)', View 'Inbox', Document 'Configuring Rational ClearQuest Web with the Rational Lifecycle Integration Adapters for HP ALM and JIRA', Anchor 'I.B. Approving an access request'B. Approving an access request
    Database 'DCF Technotes (Rational)', View 'Inbox', Document 'Configuring Rational ClearQuest Web with the Rational Lifecycle Integration Adapters for HP ALM and JIRA', Anchor 'I.C. Establishing cross-server c'C. Establishing cross-server communication from Rational ClearQuest web server
    Database 'DCF Technotes (Rational)', View 'Inbox', Document 'Configuring Rational ClearQuest Web with the Rational Lifecycle Integration Adapters for HP ALM and JIRA', Anchor 'I.D. Linking Rational ClearQuest'D. Linking between Rational ClearQuest web project areas and HP ALM projects

Database 'DCF Technotes (Rational)', View 'Inbox', Document 'Configuring Rational ClearQuest Web with the Rational Lifecycle Integration Adapters for HP ALM and JIRA', Anchor 'II. Configuring the Rational Cle'II. Configuring the Rational ClearQuest and JIRA integration
    Database 'DCF Technotes (Rational)', View 'Inbox', Document 'Configuring Rational ClearQuest Web with the Rational Lifecycle Integration Adapters for HP ALM and JIRA', Anchor 'II.A. Establishing cross-server'A. Establishing cross-server communication from Rational ClearQuest web server
    Database 'DCF Technotes (Rational)', View 'Inbox', Document 'Configuring Rational ClearQuest Web with the Rational Lifecycle Integration Adapters for HP ALM and JIRA', Anchor 'II.B. Linking between Rational C'B. Linking between Rational ClearQuest web project areas and JIRA projects

Before you begin
This technote assumes that you have completed the following tasks:
1. Installed Rational ClearQuest with the ClearQuest web server component
2. Configured your Rational ClearQuest web server environment
3. Applied the ClearQuest OSLCLinks package to your schema
4. Started the ClearQuest web server on the target server, and the HP ALM server or the JIRA server, as appropriate
5. Installed the Rational Adapter for HP ALM or the Rational Adapter for JIRA, as appropriate

I. Configuring the Rational ClearQuest and HP ALM integration
You must perform the following tasks to configure the integration between Rational ClearQuest and HP ALM.

Database 'DCF Technotes (Rational)', View 'Inbox', Document 'Configuring Rational ClearQuest Web with the Rational Lifecycle Integration Adapters for HP ALM and JIRA', Anchor 'I.A. Establishing cross-server c'A. Establishing cross-server communication from the Rational Adapter for HP ALM
Database 'DCF Technotes (Rational)', View 'Inbox', Document 'Configuring Rational ClearQuest Web with the Rational Lifecycle Integration Adapters for HP ALM and JIRA', Anchor 'I.B. Approving an access request'B. Approving an access request
Database 'DCF Technotes (Rational)', View 'Inbox', Document 'Configuring Rational ClearQuest Web with the Rational Lifecycle Integration Adapters for HP ALM and JIRA', Anchor 'I.C. Establishing cross-server c'C. Establishing cross-server communication from Rational ClearQuest web server
Database 'DCF Technotes (Rational)', View 'Inbox', Document 'Configuring Rational ClearQuest Web with the Rational Lifecycle Integration Adapters for HP ALM and JIRA', Anchor 'I.D. Linking Rational ClearQuest'D. Linking between HP ALM projects and Rational ClearQuest web project areas

I.A. Establishing cross-server communication from the Rational Adapter for HP ALM
Use the Rational® Adapter for HP ALM server administration interface to establish cross-server communication between Rational Adapter for HP ALM, the HP ALM server, and Rational ClearQuest web server. Use this procedure to add the location information for the Rational ClearQuest web server, and to send a friend request to the Rational ClearQuest web application.

    Before you begin
    You must complete the installation and set up of the Rational Adapter for HP ALM.

About this task
Add a friend relationship to the Rational ClearQuest web server to establish cross-server communication with the HP ALM server. You can then associate project areas, and team members can link artifacts in the applications on the friend servers.

1. Point your browser to https://<fully qualified hostname>:<port>/hpqm. Log on to the Rational Adapter for HP ALM server. Use an account that has administrator privileges, if applicable.

2. On the Application Administration page, click Friends (Outbound). The Friends page opens.

3. Fill in the required information in the Add Friend section:

    a. For Name, type the name that you want to use to identify the HP ALM friend application, that is, Rational ClearQuest web. For example, to create a friend relationship with an installation Rational ClearQuest web that is hosted on a computer named, you might use the name My CQWeb.

    b. For Root Services URI, type the uniform resource identifier for the Rational ClearQuest web server. For example,

      · If SSL is configured:
        https://<fully qualified hostname>/<context>/oslc/repo/<dbset>/discovery

      · If SSL is not configured:
        http://<fully qualified hostname>/<context>/oslc/repo/<dbset>/discovery

      where the variables have the following meanings:

      fully qualified hostname

        Fully qualified host name of the friend server.
        Attention: Be sure to specify the host name by using the public URL with a fully qualified domain name. Do not specify the IP address. For example,
        Application context. Specify cqweb for ClearQuest web server.
        Repository (database set) name.
      Here is an example of a Root Serveries URI for a ClearQuest web server configured to use SSL communication:

    c. Clear the Attempt to friend the HP ALM Adapter from the remote application check box.
    Important: This option is not supported with Rational ClearQuest web.

    d. Click Add. If you selected the check box in the previous step, you are prompted for log in credentials for the CLM applications. The new friend server is displayed in the Friend List section.

From the Rational Adapter for HP ALM, you have created a friend request from the HP ALM server and the Rational ClearQuest web server.

What to do next
Approve each friend request. For more information, see the next section, Approving an access request.

I.B. Approving an access request
After you create a request for access from the HP ALM application to the Rational ClearQuest web server, you use the Rational ClearQuest web server Site Administration utility to approve the request.
    Before you begin
    You must establish cross-server communication between the HP ALM server and the Rational ClearQuest web server before performing this procedure.

1. Point your browser to the Rational ClearQuest web server. Typically, the URL is https://<fully qualified hostname>/cqweb. Log in to the Rational ClearQuest web server by using a ClearQuest account that has administrator privileges.

2. Click Site Administration > OAuth Consumer Management on the ClearQuest web toolbar. The OAuth Consumer Management window opens.

3. View the Provisional Keys section for new requests.

4. Locate the consumer key requested by the HP ALM server and select Approve.

The HP ALM application can now use the key to communicate with the Rational ClearQuest web application.

What to do next
When access is approved, you can establish cross-server communication from the Rational ClearQuest web server to the HP ALM application. For more information, see the next section, Establishing cross-server communication from Rational ClearQuest web server.

I.C. Establishing cross-server communication from Rational ClearQuest web server
Use the Rational ClearQuest web server Cross-Server Communication page of the Site Administration utility to establish cross-server communication from the ClearQuest web server to the HP ALM application. Use this procedure to add the location information for the Rational Adapter for HP ALM application, and send a request to the friend application.
    Before you begin
    After approving an access request from the Rational Adapter for HP ALM, you create friend relationships between the Rational Adapter for HP ALM, the HP ALM server, and the ClearQuest web server.

About this task
Add friend relationships to the Rational Adapter for HP ALM to establish cross-server communication with the HP ALM server and the Rational ClearQuest web server. Then you can then associate project areas, and team members can link artifacts in applications on the friend servers.

1. Point your browser to the Rational ClearQuest web server. Typically, the URL is https://<fully qualified hostname>/cqweb. Log on to Rational ClearQuest by using a ClearQuest account that has administrator privileges.

2. Click Site Administration > Cross-Server Communication on the ClearQuest web toolbar. The Cross-Server Communication window opens.

3. Specify the requested information about the HP ALM server with which you want to establish communication.
    a. For Title, type the name that you want to use to identify the HP ALM friend application, for example HP ALM server.

    b. For Root Services URI, type the uniform resource identifier for the HP ALM server. To find the URI, click the Help icon in the Rational Adapter for HP ALM title bar.

    c. In the OAuth Secret and Re-type Secret fields, enter an OAuth secret code phrase to associate with the new OAuth consumer key. This string can contain one or more words and special characters, and cannot exceed 50 characters. This string is never displayed in the user interface, and you do not enter this string again. This string, also called an OAuth consumer secret, acts as a password to access the friend server.

    d. Select the Trusted check box. Trusted consumers can share authorization with other trusted consumers and do not require user approval to access data.

    e. Click Request Access. A provisional key is requested on the target server and the access information is added to the Server Friends List section of the page. A new entry is added to the Authorize Provisional Key section.

    f. Authorize the provisional OAuth consumer key by clicking Grant access for the provisional key.

    g. Record the provisional key value. If you have administrator privileges on the target server, you can log on and approve the request. Otherwise, work with a member of that administrator group to get approval for the provisional OAuth consumer key. You might need to provide the provisional key value to the target server administrator.

From the Rational ClearQuest web server, you have added a friend to the Rational Adapter for HP ALM.

What to do next
You can now link between project areas. See the next section, Linking between HP ALM projects and Rational ClearQuest web project areas.

I.D. Linking Rational ClearQuest web project areas and HP ALM projects
Use the Site Administration interface of Rational ClearQuest web to establish project associations between a Rational ClearQuest project area and an HP ALM project. This association of project areas enables team members to create links from artifacts such as change requests, defects, and test cases in one project area to artifacts in another project area.
    Before you begin
    You must establish cross-server communication and approve OAuth access requests before performing this procedure. Ensure that your web browser preferences are not set to block pop-ups.

1. Point your browser to the Rational ClearQuest web server. Typically, the URL is https://<fully qualified hostname>/cqweb. Log in to the Rational ClearQuest web server by using a ClearQuest account that has administrator privileges.

2. Click Site Administration > Project Relationships on the ClearQuest web toolbar. The Project Relationships window opens.

3. Select the HP ALM server from the Server list to create a link with the ClearQuest web application. An authentication window might open that prompts for your HP ALM credentials for the remote service. Enter the user name and password, and click OK.

4. Select a service provider from the Service Providers list.

5. Click Add to add the project relationship link. Project relationship links appear in the Project Relationship section of the page.

What to do next
Users can now create links from artifacts in the local project area to artifacts in the project area on the target server. See the Rational Lifecycle Integration Adapters Information Center, Working with Rational ClearQuest help, for information on linking Rational ClearQuest artifacts and HP ALM artifacts.

II. Configuring the Rational ClearQuest and JIRA integration
You must perform the following tasks to configure the integration between Rational ClearQuest and Atlassian JIRA.

Database 'DCF Technotes (Rational)', View 'Inbox', Document 'Configuring Rational ClearQuest Web with the Rational Lifecycle Integration Adapters for HP ALM and JIRA', Anchor 'II.A. Establishing cross-server'A. Establishing cross-server communication from Rational ClearQuest web server
Database 'DCF Technotes (Rational)', View 'Inbox', Document 'Configuring Rational ClearQuest Web with the Rational Lifecycle Integration Adapters for HP ALM and JIRA', Anchor 'II.B. Linking between Rational C'B. Linking between JIRA projects and Rational ClearQuest web project areas

II.A. Establishing cross-server communication from Rational ClearQuest web server
Use the Site Administration interface of Rational ClearQuest web to establish cross-server communication between Rational ClearQuest and JIRA. Use this procedure to add the location information for the JIRA application, and send a request to the friend application.
    Before you begin
    After installing the Rational Adapter for JIRA and completing the adapter set up, you must establish links between the Rational ClearQuest web server and the JIRA server.

About this task
Add friend relationships to JIRA to establish cross-server communication with Rational ClearQuest web server. Then you can establish a project collaboration relationship, and team members can link artifacts in applications on friend servers.


1. Point your browser to the Rational ClearQuest web server. Typically, the URL is https://<fully qualified hostname>/cqweb. Log in to the Rational ClearQuest web server by using a ClearQuest account that has administrator privileges.

2. Click Site Administration > Cross-Server Communication on the ClearQuest web toolbar. The Cross-Server Communication window opens.

3. Specify the requested information about the target JIRA server with which you want to establish communication:

    a. In the Title field, enter a title to identify a target server. For example, JIRA Adapter Server to identify a Rational JIRA Adapter server.

    b. In the Root Services URI field, enter the URI for the JIRA server root services. Typically, the URI is https://<fully qualified hostname>:<port>/jira/rest/oslc/latest/rootservices.

    c. In the OAuth Secret and Re-type Secret fields, enter an OAuth secret code phrase to associate with the new OAuth consumer key. This string can contain one or more words and special characters, and cannot exceed 50 characters. This string is never displayed in the user interface, and you do not enter this string again. This string, also called an OAuth consumer secret, acts as a password to access the friend server.

    d. Optional: Select the Trusted check box. Trusted consumers can share authorization with other trusted consumers and do not require user approval to access data.

      Attention: For external products or web sites, it is a best practice to clear the Trusted check box.

    e. Click Request Access. A provisional key is requested on the JIRA server. Log in with your JIRA credentials, if prompted. Specify a consumer name to remember your OAuth friendship.

    f. In the Authorize Provisional Key window, click Approve and Finish. The access information is added to the Server Friends List section of the page. A new entry is added to the Authorize Provisional Key section.


From the ClearQuest web server, you have added a friend to the JIRA server.

What to do next
You can now link between project areas.

II.B. Linking between Rational ClearQuest web project areas and JIRA projects
Use the Site Administration interface of Rational ClearQuest web to establish project associations between a Rational ClearQuest project area and a JIRA project. This association of project areas enables team members to create links from artifacts such as change requests and issues in one project area to artifacts in another project area.

Before you begin
You must establish cross-server communication before performing this procedure. Ensure that your web browser preferences are not set to block pop-ups.

1. Log on to ClearQuest web server as a user with Super User privileges.

2. Click Site Administration > Project Relationships on the ClearQuest web toolbar. The Project Relationships window opens.

3. Select the JIRA server from the Server list to create a link with the ClearQuest web application. An authentication window might open that prompts for your JIRA credentials for the remote service. Enter the user name and password, and click OK.

4. Select a service provider from the Service Providers list.

5. Click Add to add the project relationship link. Project relationship links appear in the Project Relationship section of the page.

What to do next
Users can now create links from artifacts in the local project area to artifacts in the project area on the target server. See the Rational Lifecycle Integration Adapters Information Center, Integrating Rational ClearQuest and JIRA help, for information on linking Rational ClearQuest artifacts and JIRA artifacts.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSSH5A","label":"Rational ClearQuest"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Integrations: 3rd Party","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}},{"Product":{"code":"SSWMXJ","label":"Rational Lifecycle Integration Adapters"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU055","label":"Cognitive Applications"},"Component":" ","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"1.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
08 August 2018

