IBM Support

How to add or modify additional vlans using enhanced UI



This document describes how to add an additional vlan to an existing bridge (SEA) using the enhanced UI.  It also discusses errors that occur if the vlan update is done incorrectly using legacy "profile edits" or command line (CLI).


If the vlan is added incorrectly using CLI or profile edit, symptoms can include one or more of the following:
- Unable to activate VIOS due to errors for an invalid vlan configuration on a trunk adapter.
- Virtual ethernet trunk adapter(s) are lost after activating a VIOS partition.  The adapter may show defined in VIOS.
- Previous changes made dynamically to VIOS virtual ethernet trunk adapters are discarded after a shutdown and activate of VIOS using current configuration.
- Virtual ethernet adapter configuration changes made to a profile are discarded and overwritten after a activate profile.
Additional errors that also may occur at V9 when following this procedure could result in:
"Virtual IO Server(s) is not configured to bridge the virtual network."
"There's no physical I/O available to create the bridged virtual network"
These errors are fixed in the V9.1M930 level of HMC:
PTF MH01810 HMC V9 R1.930.0 Service Pack - for 7042 Machine Types or vHMC for x86 hypervisors (5765-HMW)
PTF MH01811 HMC V9 R1.930.0 Service Pack - for 7063 Machine Types or vHMC for PowerVM (5765-HMB)
Fixed network bridge creation failure in the absence of backing devices on VIOS, even though tagged virtual network is selected. Also updated to report RMC connection failures, if any.


Vlan rules for trunk adapters are:
1) The vlans must be on different switches
2) OR the vlans are completely different PVID/VLAN IDs on the same switch
3) OR the vlans on each trunk are identical PVID/VLAN IDs AND different priorities on the same switch

If two VIOS trunk adapters bridge the same vlan (on same vswitch) then they both must bridge the same set of vlans (pvid and additional vlans) but with different trunk priorities.  An exception to this rule is allowed for dynamic changes to the additional vlan configuration for what should be a temporary state until both VIOS are updated.  This rule is enforced on activation.

Activating a current configuration or a profile with existing errors for a VIOS that conflicts with a running VIOS will result in an error or discarding of the invalid trunk adapter(s).  If the adapter(s) are configured as "required" an informative error is returned to the user.  If the adapters are configured as "desired" the HMC suppresses the error message and activates the VIOS without the adapters that had errors.  

For the case of "desired" adapters, if "Save configuration changes to profile" is enabled (or suspended until next activate) the new "current configuration" (which does not have the discarded adapters) is saved to the profile causing the adapters with errors to be discarded from both current config and profile.



HMC V8 with Enhanced GUI

Diagnosing The Problem

Set the failing trunk adapter to "required" and attempt to activate.  Review the error message returned and compare the pvid and additional vlan list of the conflicting trunk adapter to the current configuration of the running VIOS. 

Resolving The Problem

Using the enhanced UI to add the new vlans will prevent configuration errors and ensure both VIOS are updated correctly.

1. Ensure "Save configuration changes to profile" is enabled in both VIOS.

This ensures the dynamic changes to the current configuration are saved to the last activated profile. 

Click on General Properties of your VIOS servers (one by one), then click on Advanced and verify if "Save configuration changes to profile" is set to Enabled:
general properties

2. Add the new vlan to an existing "load group" (trunk adapter).
Select the server then PowerVM > Virtual Networks.

Click  "Add virtual network" to start the add virtual network wizard.

Specify a descriptive name (no spaces allowed),  select "bridged network", "IEEE 802.1Q Tagging", and enter the desired vlan id.


 Select the desired bridge


Select the desired load sharing group (if load sharing is enabled):


Confirm settings and Click Finish.  The new network (i.e. vlan) is available for assignment to the partitions.

3.  Assign the new network (vlan) to the client partition.

Note: Check the guest partition's "Save configuration changes to profile" setting.  If the setting is disabled, either enable it prior to attaching the new network or manually save the change (Partition Actions > Profiles > Save Current Configuration) after attaching the network.
Select the AIX/Linux/IBM i partition to assign the network to, then Virtual I/O > Virtual Networks.

Click on Attach Virtual Network and pick the new network (vlan) the click OK.


Document Location


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SGGSNP","label":"Hardware Management Console V9"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"}],"Version":"V8 \u0026 V9","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB08","label":"Cognitive Systems"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
22 September 2021

