IBM Support

HMC support lifecycle information

Preventive Service Planning


The HMC V9R1 release dates and end of service pack support (EoSPS) dates.


The overall end of Service Pack support for Version 9R1 is 2021.09.30.  Fixes and enhancements for V9R1 are supplied as either a new Service Pack or an interim fix (ifix) for the latest Service  Pack.  The FLRT lite site depicts the EoSPS dates with more granularity in V9R1 than V8 to show an EoSPS date for each service pack (modification level).  The EoSPS is the date that ifixes for that Service Pack stop and it is superseded by the next subsequent Service Pack.  As each new Service Pack is released, the previous Service Pack's EoSPS date is updated to the date of the new Service Pack release date.
The differences in the VRMF with Version 8 & prior vs Version 9 & later is depicted in the following table:
V8 & prior V9 & higher Further explanation
V = Version 8 9 Maps to Power Family
R = Release 810,820… 1,2,3… In V8, release mapped to the firmware release.
In V9, release increments when an upgrade is required.
M = Mod 0,1,2… 910,920… In V8, mod mapped to a service pack.
In V9, mod maps the first 2 digits to the service firmware release.
In V9, the third digit maps to the HMC service pack.
F = Fix Not used 1,2,3… V9 only.  The fix level increments for each interim fix (a PTF released between service packs).  lshmc -V output lists the PTF number associated with fix.  lshmc -v "*RM" field lists the Fix level.
  • The initial release of the V9 HMC is VRM V9.R1.M910.0 
    • If a PTF with a security fix comes out the following month, the lshmc –V output shows "Version: 9  Release: 1 Service Pack: 910" as well as the iFix PTF number and description.  lshmc -v output lists it as V9R1.910.1.
    • If Service Pack 1 comes out 3 months later, the VRMF shown is V9.R1.M911.0
  • Interim fixes (iFixes) are only published for the most recent service pack level.  Once a Service Pack is released, for example 9.1.941.0, you must update 9.1.91x to 9.1.941.0 to obtain future iFixes for V9R1.
  • When the release is incremented to 9.2 instead of 9.1, new recovery images or vHMC images are published & a fresh install or upgrade can be done from previous releases. 
  • iFixes are supplied for modification levels (Service Packs) until they are superseded by the next subsequent modification level.

[{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB08","label":"Cognitive Systems"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SGGSNP","label":"Hardware Management Console V9"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z000000cw1DAAQ","label":"Hardware Management Console-\u003EHMC Upgrade\/Update"}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"9.1.0"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
16 November 2022

