IBM Support

Fixes by Version for zSecure Base

Product Documentation


A comprehensive list of recommended, generally available (GA) fixes for IBM® Security zSecure® Base releases.

Please note, when zSecure takes part in a Release Beta Program (RBP) alongside z/OS, zSecure PTFs will be published during the RBP which must be applied when installing a zSecure product order from Shopz. These PTFs will generally be supplied with the order, but if the base FMIDs only are applied you will not have fixes for known issues discovered during the RBP.
The RBP PTFs are listed in the relevant tables.

It can take up to 6 months for a published PTF to become part of a Recommended Service Update (RSU). Therefore, if you apply maintenance solely from an RSU, you can still encounter known issues that are resolved by a PTF listed here.

For information, the following document describes the z/OS Consolidated Service Test process used by the RSU packaging team to determine the contents of an RSU, and this process does not include the zSecure suite components:

The recommended fixes for zSecure Base included in this document can be relevant to Admin, Audit, Alert, Visual, zSecure Adapters for SIEM and RACF-Offline. The IBM Z Security and Compliance Center component z/OS Compliance Integration Manager may have zSecure base component fixes listed here.

Tables are organized by version in the order they were released.


Recommended fixes table of contents:

zSecure Base Release 3.1.0
zSecure Base Release 2.5.0
zSecure Base Release 2.4.0

zSecure Base Release 3.1.0
OA67244 UJ96418 TRUSTED newlist may not report all resources when run in isolation.
OA67205 UJ96339 Sensitivities AccMonData and zSecFreeze not reported for TRUSTED newlist.
OA67080 UJ96330 RACF violations with CKFCOLL using CHECKDSN.
OA67173 UJ96319 zSecure Audit support for: z/OS RACF STIG V9R2, z/OS ACF2 STIG V9R2, and z/OS TSS STIG V9R2.
OA67176 UJ96268 CKF0002 04 LOCATE return code 8 on LPALST.
OA67129 UJ96187 zSecure version 3.1.0 SSE (October 2024).
OA66990 UJ96186 zSecure version 3.1.0 SSE (October 2024).
OA67079 UJ96186 zSecure Audit does not report a 'Compare result' column while evaluating compliance rules with 'Compare differences' option active.
OA67073 UJ96186 High CPU in C2POLICE or zSecure Audit using AS_DD, TRUSTED and SENSDSN reports.
OA67028 UJ96186 CSVLLA senstype should apply to profiles with any number of qualifiers beyond 2.
OA66985 UJ96186 When loading DB2 data, trailing spaces are added to some fields.
OA66983 UJ96186 C2PACMON does not collect access event data with racfexitmode direct or csvdynex.
OA66981 UJ96186 Certificate labels not shown if SE.0 option "Use IO in preference to storage" is selected.
OA66977 UJ96186 AU.S EXITS may not report on pre-existing RACF post-processing exits when C2PACMON is in use.
OA66959 UJ96186 Summary Lastuse date and last used time for RA.U display can be from different RACF sources.
OA66434 UJ96186 CKR2092 08 Buffer overflow: record len 1 but free only 0 byte, record skipped: .
OA66565 UJ96007 CKXLOG shows password values for SETROPTS RVARYPW commands.
OA66034 UJ95949 Value -group- is reported instead of connected user IDs from the RACF_DB2_ACL when configuration IDs are RACF Group IDs.
OA66714 UJ95942 C2P0589E ERROR CREATING PID-NT, RC=0004 PID=C2P_USC.01010013 seen during system startup, after C2PACMON has initialized.
OA66925 UJ95935 SITE_SEVERITY specification with CONTROL but without RULE does not cause the expected change in AUDITPRIORITY.
OA66876 UJ95933 Incorrect non-compliant findings for RACF-ES-000080.
OA66870 UJ95931 ZCIC0030 enforces CICSUSER as CICS default user but DISA does not require this.
OA66962 UJ95919 ABEND0C4 at CKAOUNIX.CKAUTHOM+8E when comparing SETROPTS options.
OA66919 UJ95885 Alert 1617 incorrectly triggered multiple times for the same SMF record.
OA66831 UJ95883 PROGRAMs residing in non-sensitive datasets are incorrectly reported causing non-compliant findings in compliance controls.
OA66914 UJ95881 After PTF UJ95655 recreating a userID with a password interval other than the default creates invalid alu interval(xx) command.
OA66889 UJ95838 z/VM V7.4 toleration.
OA66875 UJ95835 ABEND0C4-04 at offset 00067E in routine CKROUOPT.
OA66874 UJ95819 SYSTEM newlist field icsf_P11_MKVP_date not reported correctly.
OA66794 UJ95765 zSecure Audit support for: z/OS RACF STIG V9R1, z/OS ACF2 STIG V9R1, and z/OS TSS STIG V9R1.
OA66841 UJ95754 Recreate of CFIELD resource optimized for post-processing does not recreate the installation data field.
OA66816 UJ95728 Incorrect non-compliant findings for RACF-SL-000030 when multiple CKFREEZE files are allocated.
OA66705 UJ95723 CKR999I 16 Storage shortage for task PROGRAM heap PROGRAM4 in CKRCARLA - increase REGION.
OA66569 UJ95655 After APAR OA66357, when recreating a user, a syntax error is reported for the command generated.
OA66538 UJ95633 CSDATA field in user profile not shown through indirect lookup.
OA66630 UJ95605 ABEND013-C0 trying to allocate C2REMAIL when running C2POLICE with SUB=MSTR.
OA66445 UJ95476 CKFCOLL abends with S30A-1C when processing MQ data.
OA66469 UJ95473 New function to provide support for IBM CICS Transaction Server V6R2.
OA66599 UJ95416 TRUSTED newlist does not correctly enable pre-selection resulting in long run times.
OA66600 UJ95370 High CPU in CKQRADAR and CKQCEF.
OA66391 UJ95351 Excessive CPU consumed with NEWLIST TYPE=RACF_ACCESS_ID due to no pre-selection.
OA66411 UJ95336 CKFREEZE is missing the individual JES2 STC proclib members if the SSI path is being used to obtain the PAD.
OA66212 UJ95302 RA.5.2 generates RACDCERT command with parameters ICSF and SIZE(4096) resulting in IRRD125I.
OA66471 UJ95292 Storage growth running CKGRACF ACCESS commands in REXX in BMC AMI OpsAutomation TSO environment.
OA66474 UJ95282 zSecure Admin does not display the complex name on non-base segment displays for general resources profiles.
OA66448 UJ95188 Abend 0C4-10 in CKFLMOD.CKFALM.
OA66229 UJ95177 Trusted report incorrectly adds 40 to priority causing JESNEWS to be reported as non-compliant.
OA66357 UJ95172 MFA settings for a userid do not get recreated without selecting CKGRACF support.
OA66265 UJ95136 ABEND0C4-10 in IGVCPOOL in nucleus, along with message C2P0483W.
OA66291 UJ95112 Alert 1402 triggered incorrectly for pseudotermial (pseudo-TTYs) files.
OA66241 UJ95071 Running a compare query (show differences) and then submitting the query from the RESULTS panel results in CKR0002 message.
OA65979 UJ95069 CKR0305 messages seen when processing RMM CDS tape dataset information in a CKFREEZE.
OA66278 UJ94977 zSecure version 3.1.0 SSE (March 2024).
OA66201 UJ94977 Description of allowlist members used is not included in print format compliance output.
OA66108 UJ94852 Incorrect non-compliant findings for ZWMQ0054 when MQ mixed case support uses class MXQUEUE.
OA66140 UJ94723 zSecure Audit support for: z/OS RACF STIG V8R13, z/OS ACF2 STIG V8R14, and z/OS TSS STIG V8R12.
OA66009 UJ94705 If an ALLOC TYPE=ASSERT DSNPREF specification causes a PDS to be included, omit it from the input.
OA65920 PE - See OA66278 ABEND0C9-09 at offset 000E3A in routine CKFCAT.
OA66120 UJ94672 CKR0103 12 Field "PHRASEINT_PHRASEINT_EFFECTIVE" to be processed not found in any template.
OA65942 UJ94642 STIG controls report incorrect results with CL/Supersession 3.1.
OA66088 UJ94637 zSecure Audit might ABEND0C4 while processing sensitive resource data.
OA66102 UJ94632 Compliance assertion validity end date is not checked correctly.
OA66106 UJ94615 SMF support for RACF RVARY password protection enhancement (SETROPTS sub-keyword).
OA66055 UJ94609 CKR0991 16 Unexpected ANY_ pointer 00000050ABF2A0D0. E3D7C6C9 *TPFI* in CKROBJ.
OA66065 UJ94571 When selecting a customizable alert the customizaton panel is not shown but we return back to the list of alerts.
OA65952 UJ94487 Incorrect reporting for RACF-VT-000010.
OA65837 UJ94462 CKG669I 24 Internal error in procedure CKGIRD.
OA65864 UJ94399 NEWLIST TYPE=SYSTEM fields not populated correctly because RACF DB information is not referenced.
OA65970 UJ94377 zSecure Audit might generate incorrect 'SMF subsystem-dependent settings' report.
OA65903 UJ94370 Control ZCIC0042.1 is not shown for standard RACF_CICS_STIG.
OA65931 UJ94368 zSecure Audit might generate incomplete AS_DD, SENSDSN, and TRUSTED reports.
OA65833 UJ94310 Compliance controls do not use effective pre-selection for the ACF2_SENSRESOURCE_ACCESS newlist.
OA65618 PE - See OA65931 Hyper-PAV alias address usage can result in incorrect audit concerns (false positives).
OA65870 UJ94256 zSecure Audit support for: z/OS STIG ACF2 8.13, z/OS STIG TSS 8.11, and CIS Benchmark for RACF 1.1.0.
OA65817 PE - See OA65931 zSecure Audit might loop while processing Address Space DD names/Sensitive data set names reports.
OA65839 UJ94239 SDSFVaryDev sensitivity reported incorrectly for READ access.
OA65835 UJ94155 zSecure Audit might issue a MSGCKR0788.
OA65789 UJ94151 Incorrect UNICODE characters in MIME/HTML email.
OA65796 UJ94145 AU.R.S for single standard controls reports a version of question mark (?).
OA65689 UJ94143 Show differences report may show USERID(->) when comparing different RACF DBs.
OA65463 UJ94139 Activating Alert 1124 causes unnecessary processing of SMF records.
OA65769 UJ94128 PassTicket generation failure SMF record reported as success in SMF newlist.
OA65640 UJ94120 Incorrect non-compliant findings for RACF-ES-000240.
OA65541 UJ94068 Incorrect non-compliant findings for RACF-ES-000540 when CONTROL access is in effect.
OA65698 UJ94045 Lookup on select of a two-pass query with an Unload does not produce expected results.
OA65741 UJ94042 RE.K.S shows unprintable key labels with non-zero COUNT_DATASET_BACKUP values.
OA65682 UJ93995 zSecure issues MSGCKR0316 and MSGCKR0000 in cases where only a Top Secret license is enabled.
OA65639 UJ93979 SMF type 82 records might have an incomplete SAF resource name.
OA65695 UJ93968 zSecure might issue a MSGCKR0260 while processing system data (CKFREEZE).
OA65641 UJ93885 SEC/INT APAR.
OA65434 UJ93846 Group-audit authority is not properly supported in restricted mode.
OA65612 UJ93844 CKFCOLL incorrectly determines ACF2 is the ESM if a task called ACF2 is running.
OA65469 UJ93842 When using ID MUST BE PRESENT in Access Monitor reports the generated CARLa code uses inefficient syntax.
OA65538 UJ93743 zSecure late September 2023 update in preparation for GA.
OA65508 UJ93673 zSecure version 3.1.0 RBP update (September 2023).
OA65507 UJ93672 zSecure version 3.1.0 RBP update (September 2023).
OA65506 UJ93671 zSecure version 3.1.0 RBP update (September 2023).
OA65477 UJ93658 zSecure version 3.1.0 RBP update (September 2023).
OA65263 UJ93332 zSecure version 3.1.0 RBP update (August 2023).
OA65266 UJ93316 zSecure version 3.1.0 RBP update (August 2023).
OA65259 UJ93315 zSecure version 3.1.0 RBP update (August 2023).
OA64938 UJ92881 zSecure version 3.1.0 RBP update (May 2023).
OA64937 UJ92880 zSecure version 3.1.0 RBP update (May 2023).
OA64887 UJ92876 zSecure version 3.1.0 RBP update (May 2023).
Additional information

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zSecure Base Release 2.5.0
OA67080 UJ96331 RACF violations with CKFCOLL using CHECKDSN.
OA67145 UJ96254 CKFREEZE is missing the individual JES2 STC proclib members if the SSI path is being used to obtain the PAD.
OA67132 UJ96193 High CPU in C2POLICE or zSecure Audit using AS_DD, TRUSTED and SENSDSN reports.
OA67020 UJ96140 C2POLICE cannot delete Extended Monitoring CKFREEZE as it still has an enqueue on it.
OA66034 UJ95950 Value -group- is reported instead of connected user IDs from the RACF_DB2_ACL when configuration IDs are RACF Group IDs.
OA66876 UJ95934 Incorrect non-compliant findings for RACF-ES-000080.
OA66870 UJ95932 ZCIC0030 enforces CICSUSER as CICS default user but DISA does not require this.
OA66962 UJ95920 ABEND0C4 at CKAOUNIX.CKAUTHOM+8E when comparing SETROPTS options.
OA66919 UJ95886 Alert 1617 incorrectly triggered multiple times for the same SMF record.
OA66914 UJ95882 After PTF UJ95655 recreating a userID with a password interval other than the default creates invalid alu interval(xx) command.
OA66889 UJ95839 z/VM V7.4 toleration.
OA66875 UJ95836 ABEND0C4-04 at offset 00067E in routine CKROUOPT.
OA66551 UJ95793 ABEND0C4-10 in IGVCPOOL in NUCLEUS, along with message C2P0483W.
OA66841 UJ95755 Recreate of CFIELD resource optimized for post-processing does not recreate the installation data field.
OA66569 UJ95656 After APAR OA66357, when recreating a user, a syntax error is reported for the command generated.
OA66538 UJ95634 CSDATA field in user profile not shown through indirect lookup.
OA66445 UJ95477 CKFCOLL abends with S30A-1C when processing MQ data.
OA66469 UJ95474 New function to provide support for IBM CICS Transaction Server V6R2.
OA66391 UJ95352 Excessive CPU consumed with NEWLIST TYPE=RACF_ACCESS_ID due to no pre-selection.
OA66212 UJ95303 RA.5.2 generates RACDCERT command with parameters ICSF and SIZE(4096) resulting in IRRD125I.
OA66531 UJ95294 Trusted report incorrectly adds 40 to priority causing JESNEWS to be reported as non-compliant.
OA66471 UJ95293 Storage growth running CKGRACF ACCESS commands in REXX in BMC AMI OpsAutomation TSO environment.
OA66448 UJ95189 Abend 0C4-10 in CKFLMOD.CKFALM.
OA66357 UJ95173 MFA settings for a userid do not get recreated without selecting CKGRACF support.
OA66291 UJ95113 Alert 1402 triggered incorrectly for pseudotermial (pseudo-TTYs) files.
OA66241 UJ95072 Running a compare query (show differences) and then submitting the query from the RESULTS panel results in CKR0002 message.
OA65979 UJ95070 CKR0305 messages seen when processing RMM CDS tape dataset information in a CKFREEZE.
OA66322 UJ94994 zSecure Collect might ABEND0C4 while collecting DASD volume information.
OA65920 PE - See OA66322 ABEND0C9-09 at offset 000E3A in routine CKFCAT.
OA66120 UJ94672 CKR0103 12 Field "PHRASEINT_PHRASEINT_EFFECTIVE" to be processed not found in any template at CKRCMDV2 line 6.
OA65942 UJ94643 STIG controls report incorrect results with CL/Supersession 3.1.
OA66106 UJ94616 SMF support for RACF RVARY password protection enhancement (SETROPTS sub-keyword).
OA66065 UJ94572 When selecting a customizable alert the customizaton panel is not shown but we return back to the list of alerts.
OA65952 UJ94488 Incorrect reporting for RACF-VT-000010.
OA65837 UJ94463 CKG669I 24 Internal error in procedure CKGIRD.
OA65864 UJ94400 NEWLIST TYPE=SYSTEM fields not populated correctly because RACF DB information is not referenced.
OA65970 UJ94378 zSecure Audit might generate incorrect 'SMF subsystem-dependent settings' report.
OA65931 UJ94369 zSecure Audit might generate incomplete AS_DD, SENSDSN, and TRUSTED reports.
OA65833 UJ94311 Compliance controls do not use effective pre-selection for the ACF2_SENSRESOURCE_ACCESS newlist.
OA65618 UJ94270 Hyper-PAV alias address usage can result in incorrect audit concerns (false positives).
OA65817 PE - See OA65931 zSecure Audit might loop while processing Address Space DD names/Sensitive data set names reports.
OA65839 UJ94240 SDSFVaryDev sensitivity reported incorrectly for READ access.
OA65835 UJ94156 zSecure Audit might issue a MSGCKR0788.
OA65796 UJ94146 AU.R.S for single standard controls reports a version of question mark (?).
OA65689 UJ94144 Show differences report may show USERID(->) when comparing different RACF DBs.
OA65463 UJ94140 Activating Alert 1124 causes unnecessary processing of SMF records.
OA65769 UJ94129 PassTicket generation failure SMF record reported as success in SMF newlist.
OA65640 UJ94121 Incorrect non-compliant findings for RACF-ES-000240.
OA65779 UJ94108 SEC/INT APAR.
OA65541 UJ94069 Incorrect non-compliant findings for RACF-ES-000540 when CONTROL access is in effect.
OA65698 UJ94046 Lookup on select of a two-pass query with an Unload does not produce expected results.
OA65741 UJ94043 RE.K.S shows unprintable key labels with non-zero COUNT_DATASET_BACKUP values.
OA65682 UJ93996 zSecure issues MSGCKR0316 and MSGCKR0000 in cases where only a Top Secret license is enabled.
OA65639 UJ93980 SMF type 82 records might have an incomplete SAF resource name.
OA65641 UJ93886 SEC/INT APAR.
OA65434 UJ93847 Group-audit authority is not properly supported in restricted mode.
OA65612 UJ93845 CKFCOLL incorrectly determines ACF2 is the ESM if a task called ACF2 is running.
OA65469 UJ93843 When using ID MUST BE PRESENT in Access Monitor reports the generated CARLa code uses inefficient syntax.
OA65493 UJ93749 Emergency subsystem incorrectly reported as an NJE node by zSecure Audit.
OA65509 UJ93733 Abend 0C4-10 at offset 000374 in routine CKFIMS.CKFIMSA.
OA65444 UJ93641 z/OS STIG version 8.12 support in zSecure Audit.
OA65436 UJ93640 CKRCARLA incorrectly picking up old data set names from inactive CA1 DSNB records.
OA65342 UJ93630 zSecure MERGE function does not support PHRASEINT and generates invalid RACF commands.
OA65268 UJ93585 Records from CKXLOG logstreams might be assigned to incorrect COMPLEX if matching CKFREEZE for the SYSTEM is not available.
OA65186 UJ93531 Handle non-existent data set names in JES2 PROCLIB statements.
OA65178 UJ93528 Alerts 1214 and 1409 report on NAME field which is not available in the SMF records which trigger them.
OA65308 UJ93491 Incorrect non-compliant findings for RACF-ES-000850 when non-base segments exist.
OA65306 UJ93464 Japanese translation of the audit concern ID 1677.
OA65293 UJ93391 A CARLa report across many systems might be terminated early due to idle-client detection.
OA65118 UJ93312 Alert 1121 triggered incorrectly.
OA65141 UJ93264 CKRCARLA issues CKR1475 when running inside Access Monitor.
OA65179 UJ93262 Missing end of comment code in member C2RH@INS.
OA65110 UJ93261 zSecure Access Monitor reporting function might issue an ABEND0C4.
OA65146 UJ93260 Incorrect non-compliant findings for RACF-ES-000380.
OA65175 UJ93235 Receiving allocation error IKJ56228I at zSecure dialog startup for CKRCMD file.
OA65148 UJ93228 Add audit concern for UPDATE access to master catalog.
OA65184 UJ93218 SE.D.N error message when trying to change Menu Option back to zSecure Default.
OA65171 UJ93193 S878 or 80A when running zSecure within RACF-Offline session.
OA65137 UJ93182 Messages from RACF commands that are issued on remote CKNSERVE are not visible in local client.
OA65013 UJ92966 Running RA.3.G more than once in a single ISPF session results in CKR0391 errors.
OA65021 UJ92964 z/OS STIG version 8.11 support in zSecure Audit.
OA64881 UJ92884 PKCS12 format password omitted from generated RACDCERT ADD command.
OA64739 UJ92870 ACL indirect lookup query not returning results from CSDATA.
OA64563 UJ92815 CKR1483 12 Syslog message SYSSTAT has more than 1 line.
OA64782 UJ92799 zSecure Alert issues alert 1402 during standard SSHD recovery processing.
OA64829 UJ92790 Non-compliant findings for RACF-OS-000210 as DIGTCERT profiles do not have UACC=NONE.
OA64797 UJ92769 Print format RA.U with output options to show KERB segments fails with CKR0218.
OA64695 UJ92647 Performance improvement for SMF 1154-97 goal processing.
OA64718 UJ92637 Specifying "M" to email report from RESULTS panel truncates attachment sent.
OA64684 UJ92629 zSecure Admin/Audit might display an 'Unsupported type' message while using the IN.F function in interactive mode.
OA64698 UJ92614 CKR1508 24 CKRESRC.GETRESN empty resource name class JESINPUT.
OA64562 UJ92424 CKF0028 08 SVC 99 RC=12 DAIRFAIL code 035C 0002.
OA64509 UJ92403 Abend 0C4 in Access monitor STC in module C2PIORTN when collecting Unix data.
OA64504 UJ92403 AU.R.S results in CKR0425 12 Field "LIMIT" to be processed not valid for NEWLIST TYPE=COMPLIANCE at CKRCMDV line 4.
OA63932 UJ92293 Alert Verify fails with CKR0987 when specifying :destination.field for text message destination.
OA64158 PE - See OA63932 Alert 1411 does not report GROUP names used on the PERMIT command.
OA64304 UJ92243 Empty daily consolidation file on LPARs with few resources.
OA64401 UJ92218 zSecure version 2.5.0 SSE (February 2023).
OA64305 UJ92215 zSecure version 2.5.0 SSE (February 2023).
OA64225 UJ92214 zSecure version 2.5.0 SSE (February 2023).
OA64178 UJ92039 ABEND0C4-11 in CKFCOLL.HLLENQISGST+X'F8' during C2POLICE execution.
OA64085 UJ92031 Recreate of RACFVARS profile results in member lists being reversed.
OA63700 UJ09748 SEC/INT APAR.
OA64095 UJ09724 C2PACMON, C2POLICE, CKQEXSMF, and CKXLOG may abend during RESTART processing.
OA64080 UJ09721 ABEND0C4 in C2POLICE at end of CKRCARLA processing.
OA64069 UJ09720 TRUSTED newlist results in CKR0703 errors when multiple complexes are allocated.
OA64000 UJ09704 SHA2 related hash algorithms reported as SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384 and SHA-512 which does not match Comms Server IP.
OA63970 UJ09702 zSecure SMF reporting shows a TLS key exchange method of DHE-EC.
OA64070 UJ09701 zSecure Access Monitor might report incorrect use counts if the CONSOLIDATE command is used.
OA64053 UJ09686 High CPU in CKRVCONF processing catalog information from a CKFREEZE.
OA64009 UJ09685 CKF0002 04 LOCATE return code 8 on PROGxx LNKLST data set.
OA64013 UJ09674 CKR0529 12 Invalid ACCESS VALUE "CREATE ".
OA64056 UJ09629 zSecure ACF2 Nextkey expansion shows all rules.
OA63686 UJ09584 MSGCKR2216 received for multiple audit concerns applicable to the same UNIX file sensitivity type.
OA63882 UJ09541 CKR1952 24 CKRPUTV: Invalid element length for SRCIP.
OA63894 UJ09533 Error when attempting to "W"rite to a data set from the RESULTS screen.
OA63540 UJ09479 Incorrect results when using Access Monitor router exit (C2PRTY00) in combination with existing ICHRTX00.
OA63822 UJ09447 CKR0989 04 Unexpected word "A4CFG1)," at LPALST00 line 1 following application of APAR OA63769.
OA63868 UJ09424 CKR1483 error for alert 1306.
OA63844 UJ09409 Receiving "IRR421I ACEE modification detected" with C2POLICE.
OA63716 UJ09363 CKR0988 12 Syntax error when selecting all options on the zERT selection panels.
OA63769 PE - See OA63822 CKF0987 04 Syntax error: field name expected instead of dsname at ".),".
OA63698 UJ09270 CKFCOLL issues S0C4-11 for module CKFPDSE.TRCEIDR.
OA63751 UJ09264 ABEND0C4-10 in C2PUSC02.
OA63393 UJ09263 AM.U report panels show jobname unconditionally.
OA63753 UJ09243 z/VM V7.3 toleration.
OA63746 UJ09238 JOBTAG field not populated for CICS SMF type 110 records.
OA63748 UJ09226 STIG ACP00282 does not take into consideration profiles which are less generic than the MVS.START.STC.mmmmmmmm.ssssssss.
OA63677 UJ09162 Fix pack for IBM Z Security and Compliance Center 1.1 support.
OA63649 UJ09128 C2POLICE might show CKRCARLA ENQ issues for CKFREEZE file.
OA63696 UJ09115 Incorrect non-compliant findings for ruleset ZCIC0040.
OA63637 UJ09015 Improve error messages for missing SCKACUST/SCKACUSV product libraries.
OA63644 UJ09011 Refresh of Alert configuration fails with "Not authorized for ULOG".
OA63666 UJ09095 ABEND0C4 in CKRGEVL.
OA63093 UJ08952 Using DEVICE_CLASS=DASD still results in tape devices being read.
OA63542 UJ08862 RA.5.1 selection from "Other fields" panel overwrites previous selection.
OA63471 UJ08855 When an ALLOC statement has TYPE=RACF but the dataset allocated is a zSecure Unload, an ABEND0C1 occurs.
OA63515 UJ08854 Abend 0C4-04 in routine CKRLIST.#A@CLC while processing JFCB information in a CKFREEZE.
OA63536 UJ08835 SEC/INT APAR.
OA63226 UJ08796 SEC/INT APAR.
OA63454 UJ08794 Specification of OPTION EMPTYLIST=HIDE prevents NEWLIST EMPTYLIST='XXXX' from being effective.
OA63382 UJ08788 Recovery/retry in program calls C2PUSCPC and C2PSMFPC fails for some abends.
OA63159 UJ08771 Alert 1125 trigger conditions incorrect.
OA63135 UJ08719 CKGRACF CMD COMPLETE DENY does not change the status of the queued ASK command.
OA63225 UJ08663 SVC scan incorrectly detects SVC 222 in IBM SVCs on ACF2 system.
OA63085 UJ08626 RE.F.M selection from "Other fields" panel overwrites previous selection.
OA63358 UJ08625 CKF0305 08 BPX1CHD failed rc=000000A4 reason=EDF66220.
OA63372 UJ08616 Support for RACF/SAF APARs OA61951 and OA61952 for phrase interval display and management.
OA63366 UJ08601 zSecure version 2.5.0 SSE (May 2022) - Adapters for SIEM - TSS.
OA63352 UJ08589 zSecure version 2.5.0 SSE (May 2022) - Audit for TSS.
OA63353 UJ08588 zSecure version 2.5.0 SSE (May 2022) - Adapters for SIEM - RACF.
OA63338 UJ08576 zSecure version 2.5.0 SSE (May 2022) - Audit for RACF.
OA63333 UJ08572 zSecure version 2.5.0 SSE (May 2022).
OA63332 UJ08571 zSecure version 2.5.0 SSE (May 2022).
OA63110 UJ08499 ABEND0C4 in C2PRTY00 - the SAF router exit for PROGRAM class.
OA62611 UJ08431 RA.2 - When trying to delete a PR command the error message is confusing.
OA63114 UJ08331 CKR0286 messages issued for SENSDSN reporting.
OA63173 UJ08291 zSecure version 2.5.0 SSE (May 2022).
OA62936 UJ08272 CKX216E IXGWRITE Failed, RC=00000008-00000806.
OA63092 UJ08219 New function to provide support for IBM CICS Transaction Server V6R1.
OA62484 UJ08196 CKF0000 04 Control block hcct omitted because of protection exception.
OA62896 UJ08096 Flag for expired passphrase not available from RA.U summary display.
OA62982 UJ08018 CKR0981 and CKR0983 if PROGxx contains an EXIT DELETE statement.
OA62803 UJ07997 Enhancement to cater for remote syslog devices that break newly established TCP connections.
OA62912 UJ07993 DSN_MEMBER fields LAST_CHANGE and LAST_CHANGE_USERID empty for PDS members.
OA62914 UJ07987 CKF0588 08 system abend 0C4-11 (invalid storage address - page) accessing OMVS kernel address space OMVS ASID 0010.
OA62821 UJ07987 CKF0592 error messages when running CKFCOLL.
OA62862 UJ07911 ID lookup from ACL field to a target field in a non-BASE segment produces no output when indexed I/O is used to read a RACF DB.
OA62514 UJ07910 C2POLICE reports error messages CKR0213 and CKF0178.
OA62745 UJ07706 Message CKR3215 issued if a dsn member allocation exceeds 44 characters.
OA62761 UJ07689 C2PACMON abend recovery does not remove UNIX exit routines.
OA62663 UJ07645 Collect started task may be automatically started by C2POLICE when Option CollectTime(0000) is set.
OA62694 UJ07612 When omitting explicit complex names on ALLOC statements, matching CKFREEZE files are not automatically provided.
OA62593 UJ07594 CKR0304, CKR0307, CKR0308 and CKR0311 messages seen when CA1 TMC data set migration info in a CKFREEZE is processed via CKNSERVE.
OA62572 UJ07587 Print format of RA.U/G/R/D with "Shows differences" does not report the differences.
OA62592 UJ07481 CKR1483 error for alert 1401 for RACF rename DACCESS violation.
OA62474 PE - See OA62745 System symbols not resolved prior to CKRCARLA obtaining ENQ.
OA60881 UJ07446 TRUSTED newlist shows user ID has access to a data set, even when it has PERMIT AC(NONE).
OA62454 UJ07411 CKF0991 16 Unexpected UNIT pointer 00000000. 000A0000 * . * in CKFMAIN.CONTEXT - user abend 991.
OA62470 UJ07261 Panelid C2RP3SI2 does not account for PFKeys and Swapbar.
OA62481 PE - See OA62634 IRR421I ACEE modification detected for C2POLICE.
OA62292 UJ07204 zSecure 2.5.0 post-GA update (December 2021).
OA62480 UJ07185 Modify CKGRACF to ease interfacing with password synchronization tools.
OA62440 UJ07181 CONVERT to SMFTIME or SMFTIMESTAMP does not work correctly in print mode (SUMMARY).
OA62359 UJ07160 ABEND0C4-11 in CKR8Z12 occasionally seen in CKNSERVE.
OA61790 UJ07152 The C2PCBLD procedure does not substitute the C2POLICE variable used in a custom alert skeleton.
OA62395 UJ07126 CKRZPOST tries to copy members which no longer exist.
OA62411 UJ07090 zSecure Audit might ABEND0C7 while processing various reports which refer to CICS related data stored in a CKFREEZE data set.
OA62377 UJ06994 RECORDDESC for SMF type 119(70) does not report AT-TLS.
OA62340 UJ06950 Certificate related sensitivity types not reported when DIGTCERT class is inactive.
OA62303 PE - See OA62411 TRUSTED report does not correctly reflect protection with ACF2/CICS.
OA62236 UJ06844 RACF SMF TYPE=80 events with a missing CLASS do not result in a LEEF record being generated.
OA62249 UJ06826 Detail missing from RECORDDESC field for ACCESS events.
OA61208 UJ06652 zSecure version 2.5.0 RBP update (September 2021).
OA62111 UJ06651 zSecure version 2.5.0 RBP update (September 2021).
OA61867 UJ06160 zSecure version 2.5.0 RBP update (July 2021).
OA61865 UJ06156 zSecure version 2.5.0 RBP update (July 2021).
OA61322 UJ06156 Support for RACF databases in VSAM format.
OA61665 UJ05924 zSecure version 2.5.0 RBP update (June 2021).
OA61421 UJ05576 zSecure version 2.5.0 RBP update (May 2021).
OA61401 UJ05574 zSecure version 2.5.0 RBP update (May 2021).
OA61420 UJ05573 zSecure version 2.5.0 Release Beta Program (RBP) update (May 2021).
OA61308 UJ05374 z/OS 2.5 compatibility.
Additional information

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zSecure Base Release 2.4.0
OA66469 UJ95475 New function to provide support for IBM CICS Transaction Server V6R2.
OA66633 UJ95471 Abend 0C4-10 at offset 000374 in routine CKFIMS.CKFIMSA.
OA66573 UJ95339 Abend 0C4-10 in CKFLMOD.CKFALM.
OA66106 UJ94617 SMF support for RACF RVARY password protection enhancement (SETROPTS sub-keyword).
OA66065 UJ94573 When selecting a customizable alert the customizaton panel is not shown but we return back to the list of alerts.
OA65970 UJ94379 zSecure Audit might generate incorrect 'SMF subsystem-dependent settings' report.
OA65835 UJ94157 zSecure Audit might issue a MSGCKR0788.
OA65463 UJ94141 Activating Alert 1124 causes unnecessary processing of SMF records.
OA65779 UJ94109 SEC/INT APAR.
OA65741 UJ94044 RE.K.S shows unprintable key labels with non-zero COUNT_DATASET_BACKUP values.
OA65639 UJ93981 SMF type 82 records might have an incomplete SAF resource name.
OA65641 UJ93887 SEC/INT APAR.
OA65434 UJ93848 Group-audit authority is not properly supported in restricted mode.
OA65175 UJ93236 Receiving allocation error IKJ56228I at zSecure dialog startup for CKRCMD file.
OA64158 UJ92251 Alert 1411 does not report GROUP names used on the PERMIT command.
OA64684 UJ92630 zSecure Admin/Audit might display an 'Unsupported type' message while using the IN.F function in interactive mode.
OA64178 UJ92054 ABEND0C4-11 in CKFCOLL.HLLENQISGST+X'F8' during C2POLICE execution.
OA63700 UJ09750 SEC/INT APAR.
OA64080 UJ09723 ABEND0C4 in C2POLICE at end of CKRCARLA processing.
OA64053 UJ09688 High CPU in CKRVCONF processing catalog information from a CKFREEZE.
OA64056 UJ09633 zSecure ACF2 Nextkey expansion shows all rules.
OA63822 UJ09448 CKR0989 04 Unexpected word "A4CFG1)," at LPALST00 line 1 following application of APAR OA63769.
OA63844 UJ09423 Receiving "IRR421I ACEE modification detected" with C2POLICE.
OA63716 UJ09364 CKR0988 12 Syntax error when selecting all options on the zERT selection panels.
OA63769 UJ09298 CKF0987 04 Syntax error: field name expected instead of dsname at ".),".
OA63753 UJ09244 z/VM V7.3 toleration.
OA63746 UJ09239 JOBTAG field not populated for CICS SMF type 110 records.
OA63649 UJ09129 C2POLICE might show CKRCARLA ENQ issues for CKFREEZE file.
OA63666 UJ09105 ABEND0C4 in CKRGEVL.
OA63637 UJ09021 Improve error messages for missing SCKACUST/SCKACUSV product libraries.
OA63542 UJ08875 RA.5.1 selection from "Other fields" panel overwrites previous selection.
OA63471 UJ08856 When an ALLOC statement has TYPE=RACF but the dataset allocated is a zSecure Unload, an ABEND0C1 occurs.
OA63536 UJ08848 SEC/INT APAR.
OA63454 UJ08795 Specification of OPTION EMPTYLIST=HIDE prevents NEWLIST EMPTYLIST='XXXX' from being effective.
OA63135 UJ08758 CKGRACF CMD COMPLETE DENY does not change the status of the queued ASK command.
OA63225 UJ08664 SVC scan incorrectly detects SVC 222 in IBM SVCs on ACF2 system.
OA63085 UJ08627 RE.F.M selection from "Other fields" panel overwrites previous selection.
OA62611 UJ08439 RA.2 - When trying to delete a PR command the error message is confusing.
OA63114 UJ08332 CKR0286 messages issued for SENSDSN reporting.
OA62936 UJ08299 CKX216E IXGWRITE Failed, RC=00000008-00000806.
OA63092 UJ08220 New function to provide support for IBM CICS Transaction Server V6R1.
OA62896 UJ08112 Flag for expired passphrase not available from RA.U summary display.
OA62982 UJ08056 CKR0981 and CKR0983 if PROGxx contains an EXIT DELETE statement.
OA62803 UJ08014 Enhancement to cater for remote syslog devices that break newly established TCP connections.
OA62912 UJ07995 DSN_MEMBER fields LAST_CHANGE and LAST_CHANGE_USERID empty for PDS members.
OA62914 UJ07988 CKF0588 08 system abend 0C4-11 (invalid storage address - page) accessing OMVS kernel address space OMVS ASID 0010.
OA62821 UJ07988 CKF0592 error messages when running CKFCOLL.
OA62745 UJ07707 Message CKR3215 issued if a dsn member allocation exceeds 44 characters.
OA62663 UJ07646 Collect started task may be automatically started by C2POLICE when Option CollectTime(0000) is set.
OA62694 UJ07616 When omitting explicit complex names on ALLOC statements, matching CKFREEZE files are not automatically provided.
OA62593 UJ07596 CKR0304, CKR0307, CKR0308 and CKR0311 messages seen when CA1 TMC data set migration info in a CKFREEZE is processed via CKNSERVE.
OA62572 UJ07591 Print format of RA.U/G/R/D with "Shows differences" does not report the differences.
OA62592 UJ07517 CKR1483 error for alert 1401 for RACF rename DACCESS violation.
OA62474 PE - See OA62745 System symbols not resolved prior to CKRCARLA obtaining ENQ.
OA60881 UJ07450 TRUSTED newlist shows user ID has access to a data set, even when it has PERMIT AC(NONE).
OA62454 UJ07412 CKF0991 16 Unexpected UNIT pointer 00000000. 000A0000 * . * in CKFMAIN.CONTEXT - user abend 991.
OA62470 UJ07265 Panelid C2RP3SI2 does not account for PFKeys and Swapbar.
OA62481 PE - See OA62634 IRR421I ACEE modification detected for C2POLICE.
OA62480 UJ07186 Modify CKGRACF to ease interfacing with password synchronization tools.
OA62359 UJ07161 ABEND0C4-11 in CKR8Z12 occasionally seen in CKNSERVE.
OA61790 UJ07153 The C2PCBLD procedure does not substitute the C2POLICE variable used in a custom alert skeleton.
OA62395 UJ07129 CKRZPOST tries to copy members which no longer exist.
OA62411 UJ07091 zSecure Audit might ABEND0C7 while processing various reports which refer to CICS related data stored in a CKFREEZE data set.
OA62377 UJ06995 RECORDDESC for SMF type 119(70) does not report AT-TLS.
OA62340 UJ06958 Certificate related sensitivity types not reported when DIGTCERT class is inactive.
OA62303 PE - See OA62411 TRUSTED report does not correctly reflect protection with ACF2/CICS.
OA62236 UJ06845 RACF SMF TYPE=80 events with a missing CLASS do not result in a LEEF record being generated.
OA62249 UJ06842 Detail missing from RECORDDESC field for ACCESS events.
OA62093 UJ06703 Receiving return code 24 and CKR2531 24 Unexpected state connected messages.
OA62204 UJ06701 CKR1411 04 Cannot determine active SMF log streams, even though CKFREEZE is allocated.
OA62117 UJ06655 Resolve issue with IFTP0100 Report showing incorrect results after APAR OA62010 (PTF UJ06611).
OA61873 UJ06612 CKF0592 08 system abend 0C4-10 (invalid storage address - segment).
OA62010 PE - See OA62117 Compliance comparison value is uppercase instead of lowercase for STIG Rule ZUSS0012.
OA62038 UJ06462 PTF hold data did not include requirement for SIPL shutdown for C2POLICE, C2PACMON and CKQEXSMF.
OA61897 UJ06402 Incorrect non-compliant findings for ZUSS0031 due to inconsistent RACF_PROFILE reporting.
OA61989 UJ06401 VSAM or VVDS Inconsistencies report does not contain relevant messages when a select on SENSTYPE is used.
OA60524 PE - See OA62038 Enhancement to cater for remote syslog devices that regularly abort TCP connections.
OA61968 UJ06397 CKR0981 04 Invalid NAM_PARM "STAT ".
OA61645 UJ06268 IRR421I ACEE modification detected with RACF-Offline.
OA61908 UJ06259 Substring of system symbol followed by other literals in PROGxx not parsed correctly.
OA61575 UJ06253 OPTION REFRESHMODE(INTERNAL) causes entire SYSPRRPT to be copied to C2PDEBUG at each environment refresh.
OA61843 UJ06225 REMOVE USER function incorrectly generates RDELETE for profiles with NOTIFY for the ID being deleted.
OA61834 UJ06221 ZUSS0012 incorrectly reports non-compliance for the AUTOMNT file system type.
OA61778 UJ06123 ICH408I for DSNOUT data set when collecting DB2 information.
OA61272 UJ06110 CKF1010 08 Program and argument strings: configuration file cannot be opened for scanning.
OA61789 UJ06109 Using EV.R and selecting a resource longer than 12 characters results in CKR0412 12.
OA61688 UJ06035 CKF0028 08 SVC 99 RC=12 DAIRFAIL code 035C 0002.
OA61592 UJ06028 CKR999I 16 Storage shortage for task PROGRAM heap MERGESEG in CKRCARLA.
OA61694 UJ05996 zSecure not properly RLISTing an LDAPBIND class profile.
OA61659 UJ05855 GSD rule F. incorrectly reports differences when input sets have different VERSION names.
OA61607 UJ05854 When using RA.5.8 to create certificate filters, the entry fields are not large enough.
OA61608 UJ05847 CKF0981 04 Invalid PROG_STMT "NOTRACKD " issued by CKFCOLL when PROGxx contains NOTRACKDIRLOAD.
OA61570 UJ05764 SMFOPT selection ACTIVE=NO returns an SMF record type which has ACTIVE=YES when using FLATTEN.
OA61439 UJ05749 Improve conditions for alerting on SMF 42-27 records.
OA60392 UJ05740 Syntax errors reported when PROGxx parmlib member contains substrings of system symbols.
OA61205 UJ05678 ABEND 0C4, 0E0 or 0D5 in CKFCOLL (CKFNT) can occur when address space information could not be collected.
OA61604 UJ05642 SELECT LIKELIST= should leave pre-selection intact instead of disabling it.
OA61502 UJ05642 Reduce CPU and storage requirements for ACF2 STIG compliance evaluations.
OA61366 UJ05536 Support for the NOPASS_ALLOWBATCH and NODSI_ALLOWBATCH program properties table attributes in the PPT report.
OA61058 UJ05461 IBM Security zSecure enhancements for compliance automation and usability (Q2 2021).
OA61343 UJ05440 RACF-Offline ACEE management error.
OA61118 UJ05439 The RACDCERT command requires either a single ID of at most length 8 or a mapping specification of at most length 255.
OA61200 UJ05438 Compliance check with a substring scan results in error message CKR2452.
OA61291 UJ05327 LINK-EDIT errors when applying PTFs together with FMIDs during installation.
OA61206 UJ05306 EV.2 option "Logging" shows RACINIT events despite description stating they are excluded.
OA61063 UJ05302 F C2POLICE,COLLECT ignored with OPTION COLLECTTIME(0000).
OA61157 PE - See OA61291 Abend0c4 at offset 0010D4 in routine CKFJES2.CKFSS83.
OA61096 UJ05141 ABEND0E0-2A at offset 000202 in routine CKFAS CKFCOLL.
OA61042 UJ05098 zSecure might incorrectly display key length as 56 for double and triple length DES keys.
OA60876 UJ05086 RE.U.F (Unix file system selection) "effective" attributes do not take into consideration UID 0 for the owner attributes.
OA60959 UJ05008 SETROPTS REFRESH not generated for IDIDMAP when using recreate via MASS UPDATE (RA.4.6).
OA60861 UJ04987 Running C2PJRECI sample job with jobname containing @ results in CKR0987 12 Syntax error.
OA60687 UJ04987 Alert 2102 allows an empty selection list and alerts on all users.
OA60878 UJ04950 Key label not reported when DFHSM uses migrated dataset record extension key x'13' with MCDF_MCDXV2 set on.
OA60924 UJ04945 RA.3.4 incurs 0C4 abend when DEBUG SCOP is on.
OA60941 UJ04941 Audit concern "Memory region writable by any user" incorrectly reported for XSHR.
OA60925 UJ04924 RA.5.2 generates a CKGRACF command omitting "execute" for long RACF commands.
OA60913 UJ04923 SETROPTS REFRESH not generated for IDIDMAP profiles with RECREATE.
OA60783 UJ04883 ZUSS0034 does not show "Actual value of test field" nor "Compliance comparison value" for audit settings.
OA60778 UJ04880 ABEND0C4 at offset 00012A in routine CKASINT.CKAHC80 while processing SMF data.
OA60683 UJ04757 Syntax errors parsing the contents of /etc/profile (ETCPROF).
OA60555 UJ04732 Incorrect resource names checked for IEASYMUP.symbolname affecting STIG rule ACP00350.
OA60603 UJ04686 CKF0981 04 Invalid PROG_STMT "COPYFROMCUR ".
OA60614 UJ04681 Missing help panels when customer only has RACF FMIDs Applied and/or Accepted into their environment.
OA60183 UJ04620 ID lookup from CONNECTS field produces no output when indexed I/O is used to read a RACF DB.
OA60611 UJ04580 Support for new fields in SSIGNON segment in general resources.
OA60348 PE - See OA61157 and OA61291 ABEND0C4 at offset 00A638 in routine CKARPROG when PROGxx EXIT definitions span multiple lines.
OA60556 UJ04536 CKF/CKR 987, 988, 983, and 984 errors for CSAMIN statement in PROGxx parmlib member. Also CKR0991 and ABEND0C7.
OA60527 UJ04531 Abend 0C4-10 at offset 00008C in routine CKRSTORE.STDCON.
OA60565 UJ04530 Issuing D(elete) for a certificate after a previous LC(listchain) repeats the listchain command.
OA60419 UJ04501 IBM Security zSecure enhancements for compliance automation and usability.
OA60509 UJ04476 Enhance Extended Monitoring alerts to report more accurate timestamps.
OA60525 UJ04455 STIG report missing ACF2 ROLES - ACP0060.
OA60503 UJ04454 Message CKF0028 issued when both CHECKDSN and FREE parameters are specified for CKFCOLL.
OA60519 UJ04447 ABEND0C4-04 at offset 00009A in routine CKASMF77.SC_D.
OA60440 UJ04428 Loop in CKROUACC.CONNAUTH when a group ownership loop exists in the RACF database.
OA60396 UJ04410 ACF2 alerts 2105/2106 yield incorrect results when a single ACF2 CHANGE command has multiple updates.
OA60483 UJ04399 CKR0981 04 Invalid LPA_ADD_MOD_OR_MASK "DSN ".
OA60370 UJ04312 Infrequent ABEND0C7 in CKNSERVE in CKRSVPUT+x'6A0', due to timing issue.
OA60197 UJ04282 Panel C2RP3UD1 no longer shows hex values when appropriate for USRDATA value.
OA60342 UJ04213 Alert configuration panel does not allow both TCP and UDP destinations for an alert.
OA60104 UJ04195 zSecure Audit might report incomplete system exit list.
OA60200 UJ04178 Copied alert may disappear after exiting SE.A.A.
OA59867 UJ04169 AU.L.4 (using MEMBER newlist) truncates long alias names.
OA59799 UJ04168 Message "CKR0734 12 Imbed failed, file CKA@CUST not allocated" occurs when one of the split screen sessions has been exited.
OA60150 UJ04167 CKQCEF uses dvcpid label but sends non-integer value (jobid).
OA60176 UJ04157 EV.2 does not report upon SETROPTS APPLAUDIT/NOAPPLAUDIT.
OA60004 UJ04136 CKF0980 04 system abend 0C4 (protection exception/invalid address).
OA59808 UJ04121 ABEND878 in CKR8Z12 program after recursive opening of a dataset.
OA60205 UJ04103 z/VM V7.2 toleration.
OA60046 UJ04092 CKQCEF sends IPv6 addresses to Arcsight using src and dst labels, which it cannot process.
OA60038 UJ04088 zSecure Admin/Audit might issue CKR1990 while parsing a CARLa script containing the EMPTYLIST keyword.
OA58509 UJ04075 Inconsistent recovery when SYSLOGTCP partner, or firewall, closes the TCP connection.
OA60129 UJ03864 CKNSERVE listener socket does not recover after TCP/IP recycle.
OA60123 UJ03832 Alert 1123 displays incorrect information in its 'Job name' and 'Program' fields when triggered by 3- or less characters user ID.
OA59999 UJ03670 "Use of commands to display or manage profiles", excludes FASTAUTH records in AM.1.
OA59995 UJ03649 CKQRADAR experiences a RESTART loop if the CKFREEZE contains parmlib member dumps.
OA59968 UJ03611 New function to provide support for IBM CICS Transaction Server V5R6.
OA59690 UJ03552 AU.L.1 summary does not report on changed sequential datasets.
OA59807 PE - See OA59995 IBM Security zSecure enhancements for IBM MQ auditing, compliance automation, and other enhancements.
OA59710 UJ03346 ABEND0C4-38 in CKRCARLA.CKR54CFS due to incomplete CKFREEZE data captured during CICS initialization.
OA59777 UJ03303 Alert 1111 not written to CEF (or SYSLOG) destination if jobname of application changes during the threshold period.
OA59750 UJ03254 CKRCMD edit does not scroll correctly with PFSHOW ON and/or SWAPBAR, and with more than 1 line of PFKEYS/Screens shown.
OA59671 UJ03180 Typing GO/RUN from CKRCMD does not follow Command Routing setting of Normal.
OA59677 UJ03156 ICSF_PARMLIB_MEMBER field in the SYSTEM newlist contains unprintable characters with HCR77D1.
OA59587 UJ03148 Available/Supported line commands on Alert selection panel C2PP3ZA2 missing.
OA59413 UJ02940 Alert action command field contains data from a different alert.
OA59406 UJ02935 zSecure Admin does not prompt for a ticket identification/description while processing user requests for AM.8, AM.9, AU.V, and RA.Q options in interactive mode.
OA59270 UJ02935 zSecure Admin does not prompt for a ticket identification/description while processing the FORALL primary command.
OA59568 UJ02891 ABEND 0C7-FF at offset 00006E in routine CKRSCOPE.FLACSCP.
OA59505 UJ02888 zSecure Admin/Audit might issue MSGCKR1938 and subsequently ABENDU1938 while processing RE.F.M (FIM) reports.
OA59496 UJ02838 CKR999I storage shortage in HEAP4 when processing various reports that require PDSE information from the CKFREEZE data.
OA59525 UJ02833 ABEND 0C7 at offset 00086E in routine CKAOUMEM.OUTPUT running the MEMBER newlist.
OA59511 UJ02832 Selection on both key ring name and key ring owner ignores the key ring name in RA.5.6.
OA59440 UJ02798 Updating System Defaults using SE.D.1 results in CKR0981 12 Invalid ALLOC_DSN_FUNCTION "CKRCMD " messages.
OA59398 UJ02772 zSecure Audit displays empty CLASS and incorrect PROFILE fields in SMF reports for RACF events of type 86 (R_PgmSignVer).
OA59339 UJ02761 CKFCOLL issuing ABEND 0C9-09 in module CKFCAT.
OA59350 UJ02698 Blank lines included in email report when no additional data is specified.
OA59317 UJ02685 ABEND0C7 incurred at offset 0000D6 in routine CKROURPT.@PRSTC due to corrupted ISPF statistics on a member.
OA59297 UJ02684 RACF FMID is incorrectly reported as HRF7791 in ESMLEVEL, CKF039I and CKR0132 messages.
OA58879 UJ02671 STIG ACF0350 not reporting correctly.
OA59004 UJ02585 IBM Security zSecure enhancements for compliance automation.
OA59187 UJ02418 RE.P.E Exit routine report lists IMS modules which are not exits.
OA59225 UJ02400 Invalid PROGRAM= parameter specification calls 31-bit mode program, instead of default program.
OA59079 UJ02398 ABEND0C4 in CKASMF77.SC_D while processing SMF data.
OA59105 UJ02365 Incorrect record selection where matching criteria is based on list of values applied to fields having UTF8_or_EBCDIC output format.
OA59051 UJ02345 ZUSS0023 incorrectly reports a non-compliant finding for CHOWN.UNRESTRICTED when a generic profile covering it exists.
OA59168 UJ02309 When adding multiple entries into the SETUP FILES definition, and the number exceeds the screen length, a loop can occur.
OA59078 UJ02289 Ensure that registers are set correctly on entry to RETRY routine.
OA58999 UJ02025 CKF0524 08 Error in checksum computations: Setup is NULL during full initialization of AVF.
OA58993 UJ02016 ABEND0C7-FF in routine CKRSCOPE.FLACSCP when RACF database read is suppressed and scoping is specified.
OA58961 UJ01918 ABEND0C4-38 in CKRMAIL.
OA58947 UJ01914 An internal buffer allocated to process profile user data may overflow leading to unpredictable results.
OA58938 UJ01886 STIG ruleset ZCA1R040 reports non-compliant findings even though CA 1 Tape Management is not installed.
OA58952 UJ01881 List of available actions against an ACL entry shown in C2RP3@@I is incomplete, but all available actions can be executed if not using / first.
OA58813 UJ01867 ACCESS preselect skips all records in 31-bit mode, resulting in empty reports.
OA58825 UJ01856 CKQRADAR incurs ABENDS0C4-38 when PRIMEPSA is enabled.
OA58780 UJ01808 Extra data validity checking introduced in OA56174 is only effective if DEBUG BUFFER is active.
OA58843 UJ01801 Reading a large ACF2 CKFREEZE file can result in S0C4-38 abend.
OA57915 UJ01801 CKR1984 24 CKRPUTV: Invalid column - seen in TRUSTED newlist.
OA57335 PE - See OA58947 RA.Q option 7 results in message CKG706I when executing the CKGRACF command generated.
OA58799 UJ01655 IBM Security zSecure enhancements for administration, compliance automation, and event management.
OA58741 UJ01655 CKR0903 24 Attempt to use uninstalled function - user abend 903.
OA58648 UJ01604 STIG compliance rule ZWMQ0052 does not have a customization member for users of applications that connect to IBM MQ Queues.
OA58744 UJ01567 CKRCARLA incorrectly assumes that it is called as a UNIX process when LE initializes a UNIX environment.
OA58748 UJ01553 Certificate management panels do not handle dataset names correctly when TSO PROFILE NOPREFIX is in effect and quotes are omitted.
OA58747 UJ01541 RACF STIG controls RACF0310 and RACF0320 do not exempt the CFIELD and IDIDMAP classes.
OA58667 UJ01469 CKFCOLL parameter DB2CAT=No also excludes collection of ZPRM settings.
OA58495 UJ01446 DB2 numeric table identifiers are not resolved to table names for IFCIDs 143 and 144.
OA57412 UJ01418 ABEND0C4 while processing CARLa SUMMARY statement containing lookups with a TOPTILE output field modifier.
OA58605 UJ01371 Datetime field does not have the correct length override for Alert 1110.
OA58629 UJ01346 When using AM.I function in batch mode, incorrect CARLa code is generated. The selection criteria is missing.
OA58632 UJ01343 System abend 0C7 at offset 00076A in routine CKRESRC.MKRCDSR when using a CKFREEZE from an ACF2 system.
OA58664 UJ01338 Message CKR1460 04 BPX1PCT ZFS configuration query failed is issued with RC=00000079 reason=11B3005A when zFS is not started.
OA57978 UJ01281 ABEND 0C4-04 at offset 000180 in routine CKFEXIO.
OA58550 UJ01226 IMS OTMA client member type reported as '?' instead of 'IMS Connect'.
OA58552 UJ01192 CKF0567 08 Nil pointer trying to access dt1d in .
OA58407 UJ00935 Missing UI options to control the checksum algorithm migration on AU.L panels.
OA58368 UJ00901 Assertion file not allocated when running AU.R.E in Background.
OA58314 UJ00815 zSecure version 2.4.0 ESP update (September 2019).
OA58207 UJ00563 zSecure RACF Offline version 2.4.0 ESP update (July 2019).
OA58208 UJ00565 zSecure version 2.4.0 ESP update (August 2019).
OA58203 UJ00564 zSecure version 2.4.0 ESP update (August 2019).
OA57912 UJ00109 zSecure RACF Offline version 2.4.0 ESP update (July 2019).
OA57906 UJ00097 zSecure version 2.4.0 ESP update (July 2019).
OA57626 UA99455 zSecure RACF Offline version 2.4.0 ESP update (May 2019).
OA57629 UA99452 zSecure version 2.4.0 ESP update (May 2019).
OA57613 UA99451 zSecure version 2.4.0 ESP update (May 2019).
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[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB24","label":"Security Software"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSPQTM","label":"IBM Security zSecure Admin"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z000000bm5wAAA","label":"zSecure Admin"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"2.4.0;2.5.0;3.1.0"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
10 December 2024

