IBM Support

Fix list for DevOps Test Hub

Product Documentation


This document contains a complete listing of releases, refreshes, fix packs and interim fixes sorted by version for IBM DevOps Test Hub, also known as Rational Test Automation Server in 10.5.4 and earlier.


For a list of closed RTWec defects, review the Fix list for Rational Test Workbench Eclipse Client document.

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Helpful Hints For Obtaining Technical Assistance:

Before you contact IBM DevOps Automation Software Support, gather the background information that you need to describe the problem. When you describe a problem to an IBM software support specialist, be as specific as possible and include all relevant background information so that the specialist can help you solve the problem efficiently. To save time, know the answers to these questions:

  • What software versions were you running when the problem occurred?
  • Do you have logs, traces, or messages that are related to the problem?
  • Can you reproduce the problem? If so, what steps do you take to reproduce it?
  • Is there a workaround for the problem? If so, be prepared to describe the workaround.

If you have helpful information to diagnose or identify the problem on your system, you can provide this data by following the instructions to exchange information with IBM Technical Support.

Table of Contents:

Release 11.0.2
Link Date Released Status

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
Previously, when you ran an API automation test, the offline token expired in the middle of the test run.
This problem is fixed.
Previously, when you ran a JMeter test and if this test modified the default truststore of the JVM, the test completed successfully, but did not show any relevant log details.
This problem is fixed.
You can now view the relevant log details when you run a JMeter test.
Previously, as a project owner, you might have experienced issues when you tried to approve access requests for your project.
This problem is fixed.

Release 11.0.1
Link Date Released Status

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
Previously, when you ran a Web UI test with a custom code to use JDBC libraries, Test Hub displayed java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError.
This problem is fixed.

Release 11.0.0
Link Date Released Status

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
Previously, when you exported a statistic report for a test result, the downloaded report displayed the Agent Health report as the default report.
This problem is fixed.
The downloaded report now displays the UI Statistical report as the default report.
Previously, when you started a large number of test assets simultaneously, you were required to determine the capacity of the system, size of projects, and adjust the rate accordingly.
This problem is fixed.

Table of Contents:

Table of Contents:

Release 10.5.4
Link Date Released Status

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
Previously, when you exported a statistic report for a test result, the downloaded report displayed the Agent Health report as the default report.
This problem is fixed.
The downloaded report now displays the UI Statistical report as the default report.
Previously, when you started a large number of test assets simultaneously, you were required to determine the capacity of the system, size of projects, and adjust the rate accordingly.
This problem is fixed.

Table of Contents:

Release 10.5.3
Link Date Released Status

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
Previously, if you set the Helm option gateway.allowOrigin during installation of Rational Test Automation Server, it was mandatory for you to include the server URL in the string.
This problem is fixed.

Now, you need to only include strings for additional servers and you do not have to include the server URL string in the gateway.allowOrigin option.
Previously, the default configuration in Keycloak incorrectly assigned all users of Rational Test Automation Server the privileges of a server administrator.
This problem is fixed.
Previously, when members of a team space entered the URL of a page in a project, they were incorrectly provided the access to view the page even though they were not a member of that project.
This problem is fixed.
Previously, when filtering the virtual service instances that are listed on the Instances page by activity, Rational Test Automation Server incorrectly filtered by overall activity rather than recent activity.
This problem is fixed.
Previously, the project overview page did not display the statistics of the test results that were published to Rational Test Automation Server from any of the desktop products.
This problem is fixed.
Now, if a project has no configured repositories, the project overview page displays the statistics of the test results published to Rational Test Automation Server from any of the desktop products.

Table of Contents:

Release 10.5.2
Link Date Released Status

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
Previously, when you entered non-alphanumeric characters in search boxes on any page on Rational Test Automation Server, the search resulted in errors.
This problem is fixed.
When you installed Rational Test Automation Server on the OpenShift Container Platform it was possible, under certain high-performance loads, for the execution pod to fail after the server was restarted. This situation might have led to a failure to run test assets from the server.

Table of Contents:

Release 10.5.1
Link Date Released Status

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
Previously in Keycloak, when using the LDAP user provided certificates were not imported into the Keycloak truststore that resulted in errors when authenticating.
This problem is fixed.
Previously, when you added a static agent to multiple projects in Rational Test Automation Server, the agent was not added to all the projects and failed after a few projects were added.
This problem is fixed.
Previously, when you deleted multiple associations to test resources that were in different projects, Rational Test Automation Server failed to delete all the associations in the system model.
This problem is fixed.
When you associated Suites and tests with components in the system model in IBM Rational Test Automation Server 10.5.0, the associated components were not displayed under the Components column on the Execution and Results pages.
This problem is fixed.

Table of Contents:

Release 10.5.0
Link Date Released Status

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
TP-76020 PH47174
Previously in Keycloak, when using the LDAP user provided certificates were not imported into the Keycloak truststore that resulted in errors when authenticating.
This problem is fixed.
Previously, when you ran a Web UI test with an associated dataset, the test failed to read all the rows and stopped after completing a few iterations.
This problem is fixed.
A Sign-Up link is no longer offered on the login page by default to improve security posture. It can be enable during install or afterward from Keycloak by enabling Login > User Registration.
Previously, when you ran a performance test that contained integration tests on Rational Test Automation Server, the hierarchy of test iteration in the test log was incorrect. Therefore, the integration test steps in the test log were displayed under the first activity that was captured for the performance test.
This problem is fixed.

Table of Contents:

Release 10.2.3
Link Date Released Status

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
Previously, when you ran a performance or functional integration test on Rational Test Automation Server that had the API test type as a RAML definition, the test failed to run.
This problem is fixed.
Previously, the default configuration of Rational Test Automation Server had access to requests from any domain. Therefore, Rational Test Automation Server was exposed to cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) attacks.
This problem is fixed.
Previously, if you attempted to edit an API Suite that was in the git branch of your server project, the containerized API editing session was not launched because of non-omitted spaces in the path of the asset.
This problem is fixed.
Previously, if you specified a secrets collection while configuring a run of a virtual service, the specified collection was ignored and an attempt was made to use a secrets collection with the same name as the environment.
This problem is fixed.

Release 10.2.2
Link Date Released Status

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
Previously, when you stopped a large number of virtual service instances, you might have seen a 504 error although the virtual service instances were stopped successfully.
This problem is fixed.
When you run two virtual services concurrently from Rational Test Automation Server, where the virtual services come from the same desktop project but are run with different environments, traffic might fail to be routed to one of the virtual service and HTTP 502 errors might be encountered.
This problem is fixed.
Previously, if two instances of a virtual service resource were run simultaneously with different environments and later stopped, the virtual services displayed their status as STOPPED but the virtual services might be left running in the container.
This problem is fixed.
Previously, when you started an HTTP virtual service by using the REST API and supplied an environment name where the name differed from the desktop project value in its letter-casing, for example, env compared to Env, the virtual service might have started but the routing rules were not created.
This problem is fixed.
Previously, when a virtual service on the server was running and the server execution service restarted, it resulted in the loss of the routing rules for the virtual service.
This problem is fixed.
Previously, when you updated the name of the project in Jira, and if you have used that project name on Rational Test Automation Server, you were unable to configure the updated project name in the CHANGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM tab of Rational Test Automation Server.
This problem is fixed.
Previously, if you attempted to use the dataset override when you started an instance of a virtual services resource, you might have noticed that the dataset override did not take place.
This problem is fixed.

Link Date Released Status

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
Previously, when you ran the script to update the password seed, the script displayed an error message.
This problem is fixed.    
Previously, when the server was under high load, in some cases, the results microservice restarted indefinitely. This issue occurred when the Kubernetes supervisor stopped the results microservice during a database locking process.  
This problem is fixed.
Previously, when you tried to publish a created dataset after the migration from an earlier version to 10.1.3 or 10.2.0, you were unable to publish the dataset to a Git repository.
This problem is fixed.
Previously the command-line interface was displaying warnings about Ingress deprecation during the installation of Rational Test Automation Server 10.1.3 or 10.2.0 on Lightweight Kubernetes (k3s).
This problem is fixed.

Release 10.2.0
Link Date Released Status

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
Previously, during the installation of Rational Test Automation Server, checks were not made to verify that the supplied ingress domain was valid.
This problem is fixed.
Now, when you provide the details for the ingress domain, checks are performed for the following constraints:
  • The domain name must not exceed 253 characters in length.
  • Each element of the domain must not exceed 63 characters.
An additional check is made to ensure that the pattern, derived from the ingress domain, used to create hostnames dynamically, generates hostnames that conform to the same constraints.
You can disable the additional check by specifying --set preflight.validateHostPattern=false. If the ingress domain name does conform to the constraints, some of the service virtualization features might not work correctly.    
Previously, when you attempted to run an API Suite on Rational Test Automation Server that is installed on OpenShift, and when the API project contains a vast set of resources, the Execute button in the Execute test asset dialog box was enabled after a delay or at times not enabled at all.
This problem is fixed.
Previously, when the server was under high load, in some cases, the results microservice restarted indefinitely. This issue occurred when the Kubernetes supervisor stopped the results microservice during a database locking process. 
This problem is fixed. 

Table of Contents:

Mod Release (10.1.3)
Link Date Released Status

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
Previously, when you attempted to run an API Suite on Rational Test Automation Server that is installed on OpenShift, and when the API project contained a vast set of resources, the Execute button in the Execute test asset dialog box was enabled after a delay.
This problem is fixed.    
Previously, when you shut down Rational Test Automation Server, the Suites, Compound Tests, or Schedules that were running did not stop.
This problem is fixed. 

Mod Release (10.1.2)
Link Date Released Status

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
After about 20 minutes of an inactive browser session for Rational Test Automation  Server, if you attempted to use the existing browser session, you had to authenticate again by providing your username and password.
This problem was fixed.    
If you (as a user) requested to join an orphaned project, you saw a 404 not found error. You now see the following message: "You can't request to join a project that has no owners." 
Previously, from the Execution tab, you could not use the keyboard to search and select a branch.
This problem was fixed.
Previously, when you installed Rational Test Automation Server V10.1.1 on an OpenShift platform where OpenShift Container Storage (OCS) was not available (For example, the IBM Cloud) then test asset runs failed.
This problem was fixed.
Previously, you might have experienced errors when you published large reports, either from desktop products or when you executed a test on the server.
This problem was fixed.
You no longer have to set the options recommended as a workaround to publish large reports.
In Rational Test Automation Server V10.1.2, Kafka is replaced with RabbitMQ. Now you do not see a restart of the Kafka pod and some of the other microservices when the server is in an idle state.
Previously, when you started stubs on Rational Test Automation Server, occasionally the stubs remained in transition and did not run.
This problem is fixed.

Mod Release (10.1.1)
Link Date Released Status

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
Previously, when you used the Undo or Redo options for a change in a dataset by using the CSV editor, the Save or Discard options were grayed out, thus you could not save or discard the changes.
This problem was fixed.
Previously, before you upgraded to a new version, you had to cancel any scheduled execution.
This problem was fixed.  
This version addresses a problem with datapool encrypted values being logged as clear text to Jaeger log. 
Previously, GIT repositories that contained projects at the root level and were not under a subdirectory were not supported and would not work with Rational Test Automation Server.
This problem was fixed.   

Release (10.1.0)
Link Date Released Status

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
Previously, if you restored a backup, it failed due to existing execution containers.
This problem was fixed.
Previously, a user who was no longer a member of a project might be displayed in the Secrets tab. If a user was removed from a project and then added back to that project, the user would have the same access to secrets as they had before being removed.
This problem was fixed. 
Previously, intermediate <none>:<none> Docker images were represented as is and could not be selected individually in Resource Monitoring counters.
This problem was fixed.
Previously, Docker images that were created with no tag were assigned the “latest” tag. As the "docker ps" command did not show the "latest" tag anymore since the Docker 19.03.05 release, the Docker images were not detected and were not correctly monitored.
This problem was fixed.   
If you backed up a project with both API suites and stubs on Rational Test Automation Server V10.0.0, when you restored that backup on Rational Test Automation Server V10.0.2, the stubs were missing.
This problem was fixed. 
Previously, when you entered a URL for a test result directly into a browser or you clicked a link to a test result in the Jenkins console output from the Jenkins Rational Test Automation Server plugin, and you were not logged in to Rational Test Automation Server, you saw the following message: 
 "Request cannot be processed: Unauthorized" page. 
This problem was fixed.     
Previously, in Rational Test Automation Server, it was not clear that classifications could only be made for encrypted datasets.
This problem was fixed.      
Previously, executing a test on a non-English system failed.
This problem was fixed.    
Previously, an IBM WebSphere MQ stub that was configured to use more than one transport did not appear on the Execution page of the Rational Test Automation Server.
This problem was fixed.      
Previously, Rational Test Automation Server did not release system resources after they had exited.
This problem was fixed.
Previously, the project search field was case-sensitive. For example, if your project was named MYPROJECT and you searched for myproject, Rational Test Automation Server did not show any results.
This problem was fixed.                            
Previously, Rational Test Automation Server projects were sorted by date. Now, server projects are sorted alphabetically.    
If you wanted to add multiple repositories to a project in Rational Test Automation Server you could not add another repository until the last repository completed its synchronization.
This problem was fixed.       
Previously, if the server hostname was changed, it was necessary to run ./ and log in to the Keycloak Admin Console to change the 'testserver' client URLs. Otherwise you saw Invalid parameter: redirect_uri on the Login page.
This problem was fixed.      

Table of Contents:

Release (10.0.2, Fix Pack 1)
Link Date Released Status

List of fixes

ID APAR Description

Previously, the installer for Rational Test Automation Server only checked for free space in the root directory, which prevented you from using a different file system for the installation. Even if you specified a different file system for the server installation, the installer checked for 20GB free space in the root directory, which caused the Rational Test Automation Server installation to fail.

This problem was fixed.

Previously, in Rational Test Automation Server, it was not clear that classifications could only be made for encrypted datasets.
This problem was fixed.
Release (10.0.2)
Link Date Released Status

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
Previously, removing a dataset from a classification ID prevented the dataset from being added back to any classification IDs in the project.
This problem was fixed.
Previously, installing Rational Test Automation Server in GUI mode fails at the 'Preparing the server' step with no information about the error or what to do.
This problem was fixed.
Previously, clicking Previous at the end of installing Rational Test Automation Server returned you to the previous screen causing a reinstall or the server to prepare again.
This problem was fixed.
Now, an execution that is canceled is just displayed during one hour since the canceled date. After this time out the execution disappears automatically from the Progress view.
Previously, the 'last contact' in the Agents page was not updated while viewing that page.
This problem was fixed.
Performance is now improved when running AFT tests on Rational Test Automation Server.
Previously, executing a test on a non-English system failed.
This problem was fixed.
Previously, restarting Rational Test Automation Server (for example, then failed to remove the execution containers, which consumed disk space. When the disk space became critically low, a blank screen for the server UI was shown.
This problem was fixed.
After a user was deleted from Keycloak, when you logged in to Rational Test Automation Server, all the projects owned by this deleted user would appear in the "Other Projects" section with the label ("0" owners). No users (even one with admin role) could take the ownership of these "orphan" projects. Admin users would receive a 404 error when trying.
This problem was fixed.
Previously, execution results with status "Complete with Error" or "Launch failed" were displayed with inconsistent colors. In verdict statistics views (in Overview and Results pages) they were displayed in blue, whereas in the detail tables they were displayed in red.
This problem was fixed.
Previously, you could review test results for an archived project.
This problem was fixed.
Previously, a new project did not show on the Home page when the number of projects was 100 or more.
This problem was fixed.
Rational Test Automation Server Login and Account pages now support internationalization.
When you check in a project without a root directory a dialog box is displayed with the message: 

You cannot check in desktop client projects to the root of the Git repository. All checked-in desktop client projects must contain a parent directory within the Git repository. 

For example, if the desktop project contained the following assets: 

Then the Git repository should contain 

and not just 
/.project -> Will cause an error 
Previously, Rational Test Automation Server did not release resources after they had exited.
This problem was fixed.
Release (10.0.1)
Link Date Released Status

List of fixes

ID APAR Description
Previously, when creating an identifier to name a secret collection by using the same name for an existing secret collection, the identifier of that new secret collection was overwritten without any prompt to the user.
This problem was fixed. 
Selecting a date in the Execution Results card on the Project Overview page now updates the results for that date. 
Now when a Web UI test is published from the Workbench the type is 'Web UI' instead of 'Unknown’. 
Previously, archived projects could be updated.
This problem was fixed. 
Previously, the installation of Rational Test Automation Server failed because the installer did not check the version of Docker Compose.
This problem was fixed. 
Previously, the license server IP address was not checked during the installation of Rational Test Automation Server.
This problem was fixed. 
Previously, during a Linux or Windows installation of Rational Test Automation Server, information indicated there was enough disk space to install the software, but the installation failed with a message: no space left on device.
This problem was fixed. 
Previously, a Classification Name could be updated with an existing Classification Name, which resulted in two classifications with the same name being displayed.
This problem was fixed. 
Previously, errors could be encountered during server shutdown or while uninstalling the server if active asset executions were in progress.
This problem was fixed. 
Previously, when you clicked a scheduled asset in the Overview page, the Execution page opened instead of the Progress page.
This problem was fixed. 
Previously, to uninstall the server you had to use the same method that you used to install the server.
This problem was fixed. 
Previously, when you clicked a scheduled asset in the Overview page, the Execution page opened instead of the Progress page.
This problem was fixed. 

Release (10.0.0)
Link Date Released Status

List of fixes 

ID APAR Description

Original Publication Date

18 June 2024

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB67","label":"IT Automation \u0026 App Modernization"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSIZ4A","label":"IBM DevOps Test Hub"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z000000boAZAAY","label":"Documentation"}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Versions"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
18 June 2024

