Resolving The Problem
1. Separate test case and test script into two worksheets in an excel file.
2. Specify testcase.XLSWorksheetID="testcase sheet name" and testscript.XLSWorksheetID="test script sheet name" in cfg file.
3. In the test case sheet, specify the IDs(external ids) of the associated test scripts for the test case in single cell separated by newline. If test case is linked to 2 test scripts, then for that test case row, the test script cell should have 2 ID values separated by newline.
4. In the cfg file, use testcase.testscript=Link(x) to link the test case with test scripts. Here x is the column in the test case sheet where you specify test script IDs in step 3.
Product Synonym
Rational Quality Manager,RQM,ETM,Engineering Test Management
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Document Information
Modified date:
11 October 2023