IBM Support

Downloading WebSphere MQ v6.0, v7.0 or 7.1 i5/OS Maintenance from Fix Central

Product Documentation


Currently, some of the PTFs for WebSphere MQ for i5/OS exceed the maximum size to allow them to be 'immediately' downloaded from Fix Central. This document outlines how you can download and order these PTFs from the Fix Central Web site.


Due to the size of some of the PTFs for WebSphere MQ for i5/OS, you will currently be unable to 'immediately' download the complete set of PTFs from Fix Central. The instructions below outline how you can overcome this problem, so that you may obtain the latest PTFs.

To obtain this maintenance, you should order one of the three following Group PTFs (dependent on your operating system version):

WebSphere MQ v6.0
WebSphere MQ v7.0
WebSphere MQ v7.1
i5/OS V5R3
i5/OS V5R4
i5/OS V6R1
i5/OS V7R1

The following sections guide you through this ordering process using Fix Central:

Note: To use Fix Central, you need to have registered. You need to ensure that you have completed your iSeries profile in the System Information section of the registration, this can be updated from the following page.

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Selecting the WebSphere MQ PTFs

When you initially log on to Fix Central to obtain the WebSphere MQ PTFs, you should ensure that you select the "Groups, HIPER, Cumulative fixes" option.

Server: iSeries family
Product of fix type: OS/400 and i5/OS
Ordering option: Groups, HIPER, Cumulative fixes
OS level: V5R3, V5R4, V6R1 or V7R1

You will then be presented with a number of download screens which you should complete. Please note that the screens shown below show the WebSphere MQ v6.0 PTFs as an example. The equivalent for v7.0 and V7.1 PTFs are almost identical.

The Group, HIPER, and Cumulative screen (shown below) will allow you to select the applicable Group PTF for the WebSphere MQ product and add this PTF to your download list.

Select the Group PTFs you need from the following:

WebSphere MQ v6.0
WebSphere MQ v7.0
WebSphere MQ v7.1
i5/OS V5R3
i5/OS V5R4
i5/OS V6R1
i5/OS V7R1

Once the appropriate Group PTF is selected, the next screen presented is the Packaging options screen. If you require the complete contents of the Group PTF ensure that you select the first three options (do not select the last option) in the "What are your order options?" section (shown below).

The next screen displayed is the Download options screen. There are two main download/order options available for these PTFs, both of which are explained below:

Note: Due to the current size limitation the "Immediate download over the Internet (HTTP)" option is available but does not work for all of the WebSphere MQ PTFs, so should not be used.

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Option 1: Downloading a CD-ROM Image

The Download options screen allows you to modify how the Group PTFs are downloaded. This screen plus notes on how to download a CD-ROM image of the WebSphere MQ PTFs to an FTP Server can be found below.

When downloading a CD-ROM image, please note the following:

  1. You should not select the "Immediate download over the Internet (HTTP)" option, as the size of these PTFs means that they can not be downloaded using this method.
  2. You will need to select the "Download CD-ROM image to FTP server (FTP)" option. Please ensure that the size is set to "Maximum allowable" when selecting this option. The directory name and file name will automatically be populated.
  3. You do not need to select the "Mail order on CD-ROM if the total size exceeds the limits you selected above" option.

Once you have entered this information and selected continue, you will be prompted to enter your system information. Follow the instructions, if successful you will see a Summary screen with the following message and will also be sent further instructions in a email informing you how to complete the download.

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Option 2: Ordering a CD-ROM

The Download options screen allows you to modify how the Group PTFs are downloaded. This screen plus notes on how to order a CD-ROM image containing the WebSphere MQ PTFs can be found below.

When ordering a CD-ROM image, please note the following:

  1. You should select the "Immediate download over the Internet (HTTP)" option specifying that the maximum size you want to download is 15Mb.
  2. You should make sure that the "Download CD-ROM image to FTP server (FTP)" option is not selected.
  3. Select the "Mail order on CD-ROM if the total size exceeds the limits you selected above" option. Also indicate where you target system is installed, i.e. the Western or Eastern Hemisphere.

Note: Doing the above will force the PTFs to be sent to you as the WebSphere MQ PTFs exceed 15MB, so will not be downloaded.

Once you have entered this information and selected continue, you will be prompted to enter your system information. Follow the instructions, if successful you will see a Summary screen with the following message and the PTFs will be sent to you.

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[{"Product":{"code":"SSFKSJ","label":"WebSphere MQ"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Documentation","Platform":[{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"}],"Version":"7.1;7.0;;;;;;;6.0.2;;6.0.1;6.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Product Synonym


Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

