IBM Support

DOCLINKS 7.5 Paperclip image showing as Orange out of the box

Question & Answer


Why does Maximo 7.5 show as DOCLINKS are associated on all records?


Within Maximo 7.5, ‘webclient.enabledoclinkonload’ is set to ‘false’ out of the box. This ‘disables’ the execution of the DOCLINKS relationship form being executed when accessing and inserting a record. In turn, every record show as it has a DOCLINK by showing the Attachments paperclip as Orange:

To disable this configuration, navigate to System Configuration – Platform Configuration – System Properties. Within the Global Properties – filter for ‘onload’:

Change the ‘Global Value’ from ‘false’ to ‘true’:

Save. Restart the Application Server to have the changes take effect as ‘Live Refresh’ isn’t enabled for the ‘webclient.enabledoclinkonload’ property.

Log into Maximo – Go To – Work Orders – Work Order Tracking – Access Work Order 1208 (Work Order used within the above example). The Attachments Paperclip will not show as Orange:

* Please note – when the – ‘enabledoclinkonload’ is configured to ‘true’ – the below query will be executed, to determine if the record has an attachment. This can lead to system performance issues. This is the specific design reasoning why this property has been disabled out of the box:

(ownertable='WORKORDER' and ownerid=:workorderid) or (ownertable='WORKORDER' and ownerid in (select workorderid from workorder where parent=:wonum and istask=1 and siteid=:siteid)) or (ownertable='ASSET' and ownerid in (select assetuid from asset where assetnum=:assetnum and siteid=:siteid)) or (ownertable='LOCATIONS' and ownerid in (select locationsid from locations where location=:location and siteid=:siteid)) or (ownertable='JOBPLAN' and ownerid in (select jobplanid from jobplan where jpnum=:jpnum and (siteid is null or siteid=:siteid) and pluscrevnum =:pluscjprevnum) ) or (ownertable='PM' and ownerid in (select pmuid from pm where pmnum=:pmnum and siteid=:siteid)) or (ownertable='SAFETYPLAN' and ownerid in (select safetyplanuid from safetyplan,wosafetyplan where safetyplan.safetyplanid=wosafetyplan.safetyplanid and wosafetyplan.wonum=:wonum and wosafetyplan.siteid=:siteid)) or (ownertable in ('SR','INCIDENT','PROBLEM') and ownerid in (select ticketuid from ticket,relatedrecord where ticketid=recordkey and ticket.class = relatedrecord.class and relatedrecclass=:woclass and relatedreckey=:wonum and relatedrecsiteid=:siteid)) or (ownertable in ('WOCHANGE','WORELEASE','WOACTIVITY') and ownerid in (select workorderid from workorder,relatedrecord where wonum=recordkey and workorder.woclass = relatedrecord.class and relatedrecclass=:woclass and relatedreckey=:wonum and relatedrecsiteid=:siteid)) or (ownertable='COMMLOG' and ownerid in (select commloguid from commlog where ownerid=:workorderid and ownertable='WORKORDER')) or (ownertable='SLA' and ownerid in (select slaid from sla,slarecords,workorder where sla.slanum=slarecords.slanum and slarecords.ownerid=workorder.workorderid and sla.objectname='WORKORDER' and slarecords.ownertable='WORKORDER' and workorder.wonum=:wonum))

[{"Product":{"code":"SSLKT6","label":"IBM Maximo Asset Management"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"System Related","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"7.5;7.6","Edition":"All Editions","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

