Preventive Service Planning
Configuration information for Quantum DLT-S4 and Sun StorageTek DLT-S4
Quantum DLT-S4
Sun StorageTek DLT-S4 (No longer supported with Tivoli Storage Manager Server version 7.1 and later.)
1. When defining a device class for a DLT-S4 drive, use
- devtype=DLT
- format=<DRIVE | DLTS4 | DLTS4C>
- Example:
DEFine DEVclass devclassname DEVType=DLT FORMAT=DLTS4 .....
DEFine DEVclass devclassname DEVType=DLT FORMAT=DLTS4C .....
DLTS4 - Specifies that IBM Tivoli Storage Manager writes data that uses the DLTS4 recording format. This format results in a cartridge capacity of 800GB when using DLT-S4 media.
DLTS4C - Specifies that IBM Tivoli Storage Manager writes data that uses the DLTS4 recording format with compression. This format results in a cartridge capacity of 1.6TB when using DLT-S4 media.
2. DLT-S4 drive has a data compression ratio of 2:1
3. Device identification and firmware level
Firmware : 1414
4. Supported media
- DLT S4 Read/Write data cartridge
- SDLT II data cartridge written by SDLT600 drive (Read Only)
- SDLT I data cartridge written by SDLT320 drive (Read Only)
5. Quantum DLT-S4 drive reports drive serial number.
WORM Media Support
1. DLT-S4 WORM-capable drive can be used as a Read/Write or WORM drive. To use it as a WORM drive, when defining a device class, use WORM=Yes.
- Example:
DEFine DEVclass devclassname DEVType=DLT FORMAT=DRIVE WORM=Yes
2. To use DLT-S4 WORM-capable drives as a Read/Write drive, when defining a device class, do not specify the WORM parameter, or use WORM=No.
- Example:
DEFine DEVclass devclassname DEVType=DLT FORMAT=DRIVE WORM=No
3. Users are not required to convert RW media to WORM prior to checking in. The TSM server will convert a scratch RW volume to WORM when it needs to mount a scratch WORM volume and there is no scratch WORM volume in the library inventory.
4. When checking in WORM volumes, use checklabel=yes. Otherwise, they will be checked in as RW volumes.
5. Storage pools assigned to the DLT device class have a default reclamation value of 60. To prevent reclamation of WORM media, set the reclamation value to 100.
6. DLT-S4 WORM-capable drive cannot be defined for use as a WORM drive through the Device Configuration wizard on Windows. The drives will have to be defined through IBM Tivoli Storage Manager commands.
7. Device identification and firmware level used during validation with TSM 5.4.0
Firmware : 1414
8. RW and WORM media can be in the same library. However, 2 device classes--RW and WORM, must be defined. All drives in the library must be WORM capable if WORM media will be used.
See "Supported Devices for AIX, HP-UX, Solaris and Windows" or "Supported Devices for Linux" for minimum supported version levels and platforms for these devices.
More information regarding removable media is available in the Tivoli Storage Manager Administrator's Guide, which can be found in Tivoli Storage Manager Information Centers.
[{"Product":{"code":"SSGSG7","label":"Tivoli Storage Manager"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Component":"Server","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"All Supported Versions","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB26","label":"Storage"}}]
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Document Information
Modified date:
17 June 2018