IBM Support

Database Table Schema

General Page

Attribute groups collect data for the IBM Spectrum Protect servers. The data is stored in the WAREHOUS database. To understand how to create custom reports, you must understand the data that is collected and stored in the database. The following tables show the attribute group, the corresponding WAREHOUS column and data type, and a short description of the column.
Agent log

Table name: AGENTLOG


Attribute name WAREHOUS column name WAREHOUS data type Description
Server SERVER String The name of the Tivoli Storage Manager server.
Server_Ver SRVR_VER String The version of the server.
Server_Rel SRVR_REL String The release of the server.
Msg_Date MSGDATE String The date and time that the message was generated.
Attr_Group ATTRGRP String The attribute group that was affected.
Message MSG String The message that was generated.

Activity log

Table name: Activity_Log


Attribute name

WAREHOUS Column name WAREHOUS data type Description
Server SERVER String The Tivoli Storage Manager server that the client node is connected to.
Server_Ver SRVR_VER String The version of the server.
Server_Rel SRVR_REL String The release of the server.
Node_Name NODE_NAME String The name of the node.
Log_Code MSG_CODE String The code that was retrieved from the Tivoli Storage Manager server activity log.
TSM_Severity TSM_SEV String The Tivoli Storage Manager-defined severity for the log entry.
Date_Time DATETIME String The date and time the message is logged.
Log_Text LOG_TEXT String The text from the activity log.

Enumeration types:

The TSM_Severity attribute is enumerated. The following table lists the WAREHOUS column values that corresponds to the attribute name.

TSM_Severity column value TSM_SEV column value
Informational I
Error E
Warning W
Diagnostic D
Severe S
Activity summary

Table name: Activity_Summary


Attribute name

WAREHOUS Column name WAREHOUS data type Description
Server_Name SRVR_NAME String The name of the server that hosted the activity.
Server_Ver SRVR_VER String The version of the server.
Server_Rel SRVR_REL String The release of the server.
Entity ENTITY String The entity on the server that reports this summary information.
Start_Time ST_TIME String The time the activity was started.
End_Time ED_TIME String The time the activity ended.
Type ACTIVITY Integer The activity type.
Number NUMBER Integer The identification number that is associated with the activity.
Comm_Method COMMMETH String The communication method that was used.
Comm_Addr COMMADDR String The address that was used for the communication.
Schedule_Name SCHEDULE_N String The name of the schedule that started this activity.
Examined_Objects EXAM_OBJ Integer The number of objects that were examined.
Affected_Objects AFF_OBJ Integer The number of objects that were affected.
Failed_Objects FAIL_OBJ Integer The number of objects that failed.
Total_Bytes TOTAL_BYTS Integer The total bytes of data that was processed.
Idle IDLE Integer The number of seconds that the session was idle.
Media_Wait MEDIAW Integer The number of seconds that the activity waited for media.
Processes PROCESSES Integer The number of background processes that were used.
Successful SUCCES String The status of the activity.
Volume_Name VOLUME_NM String The name of the volume that was involved.
Drive_Name DRIVE_NM String The name of the drive that was involved.
Library_Name LIB_NAME String The name of the library that was involved.
Last_Use LAST_USE String The reason a media mount was executed or required.
Comm_Wait COMMWAIT Integer The time the activity was waiting because of communication reasons with the client.
Num_Off_Site NUM_OFFS Integer The number of off-site volumes that were involved.
As_Entity ASENTITY String The name of the proxy target on whose behalf the activity was performed.
Activity_Details ACTDETAIL String The details of the activity.
Activity_Type ACTTYPE Integer The detailed activity type of the activity.
Sub_Entity SUBENTITY String The name of the VM that was associated with the activity.

Enumeration types:

The Type attribute is enumerated. The following table lists the WAREHOUS column values that corresponds to the attribute name.

Type column value ACTIVITY column value
Backup 1
Restore 2
Archive 3
Retrieve 4
HSM-Migrate 5
Recall 6
Migration 7
Reclamation 8
Offsite-Reclamation 9
Expiration 10
Move-Data 11
Move-NodeData 12
Full-DBBackup 13
Incr-DBBackup 14
Diff_DBBackup 15
STGPool-Backup 16
Copy-ActiveData 17
STGPool-Restore 18
Tape-Mount 19
Backup-Set-Gen 20
Shredding 21
Export 22
Import 23
SW-Migration 24
NQR-Scan-Sequential-Volume 25
Replication 26
Identify 27
Delete Filespace 28
Unknown 99

The Activity_Type attribute is enumerated. The following table lists the WAREHOUS column values that corresponds to the attribute name.

Activity_Type column value ACTTYPE column value
Periodic Full - Full 1
Periodic Full - Incremental 2
Incremental Forever - Full 3
Incremental Forever - Incremental 4
Full 5
Incremental 6
Client Node Storage table

Table name: Client_Node_Storage


Attribute name WAREHOUS Column name WAREHOUS data type Description
Client_Node_Name CLIENT_NOD String The name of the client node.
Domain DOMAIN String The domain of the client node.
Server SERVER String The Tivoli Storage Manager server that the client is connected to.
Server_Ver SRVR_VER String The version of the server.
Server_Rel SRVR_REL String The release of the server.
Disk_Usage DISK_USAGE Integer The amount of disk space that was used by this client in megabytes.
Tape_Volume_Count TAPE_VOLUM Integer The tape volume count.
Max_FileSpace_Cap FS_CAP Integer The maximum file space capacity for the client node in megabytes.
FileSpace_Used FS_USED Integer The total file space used in megabytes.
FileSpace_Used_Pct FS_PCT Integer The percentage of total file space used.
Removable_Used RM_USED Integer The total removable space used in megabytes.
Server_Used SRV_USED Integer The total server-based space used in megabytes.
Total_Spc_Con TOT_CONS Integer The total storage consumed by the client node in megabytes.
Tape_Spc_Usd TAPE_SPC Integer The total storage space on tape that is used in megabytes.
Disk_Active TOT_DACT Integer The total disk space in an active storage pool in megabytes.
Disk_Primary TOT_DPRI Integer The total disk space in a primary storage pool in megabytes.
Disk_Copy TOT_DCPY Integer The total disk space in a copy storage pool in megabytes.
Tape_Active TOT_TACT Integer The Total tape space in an active storage pool in megabytes.
Tape_Primary TOT_TPRI Integer The total tape space in a primary storage pool in megabytes.
Tape_Copy TOT_TCPY Integer The total tape space in a copy storage pool in megabytes.
Client Missed Files table

Table name: Client_Missed_Files


Attribute name WAREHOUS column name WAREHOUS data type Description
Server SERVER String The name of the Tivoli Storage Manager server.
Client_Node_Name CLIENT_NOD String The node name of the client.
Server_Ver SRVR_VER String The version of the server.
Server_Rel SRVR_REL String The release of the server.
Time_Missed TIMEM String The date and time that the file was missed.
File_Name FILEN String The name of the missed file.
Full_Path FULLPATH String The full path and file name that was missed.
Missed_Reason REASON Integer The reason that the file was missed.

Enumeration types:

The Missed_Reason is enumerated. The following table lists the WAREHOUS column values that corresponds to the attribute name.

Missed_Reason column value REASON column value
File Not Found 5
Access Denied 7
File Name too Long 18
File Changed 37
File in Use 987
Unknown 999
Client Node Status table

Table name: Client_Node_Status


Attribute name WAREHOUS column name WAREHOUS data type Description
Client_Node_Name CLIENT_NOD String The name of the client node.
Domain DOMAIN String The name of the domain that client node is in.
Server SERVER String The Tivoli Storage Manager server that the client is connected to.
Server_Ver SRVR_VER String The version of the server.
Server_Rel SRVR_REL String The release of the server.
Last_Successful_Backup_Date LAST_SUCCE String The date that the client was last successfully backed up.
Last_Successful_Warnings_Date LAST_SUCC0 String The last time that warnings were issued for the client.
Last_Failed_Backup LAST_FAILE String The date the client last had a failed backup.
IPAddress IP_ADDR String The IP Address of the client.
IPName IP_NAME String The name that is associated with the IP address.
PLName PLAT_NM String The platform that the client is operating on.
OSName OS_NAME String The operating system this client is operating on.
OSLevel OS_LEVEL String The operating system level/version that the client is operating on.
SYSArch SYS_ARCH String The system architecture that the client is operating on.
CLversion CL_VER String The version of the client.
CLrelease CL_REL String The release of the client.
CLlevel CL_LVL String The level of the client.
CLSubLevel CL_SLVL String The sub-level of the client.
Contact NODE_CONT String The contact value of the client node.
Email EMAILADR String The email address that is associated with the client node.
LongContact LONG_CONT String The long contact value for the client node.
LongEmail LONG_EMAIL String The long email address that is associated with this client node.
Database table

Table name: Database


Attribute name WAREHOUS column name WAREHOUS data type Description
Server_Name SRVR_NAME String The name of the Tivoli Storage Manager server.
Server_Ver SRVR_VER String The version of the server.
Server_Rel SRVR_REL String The release of the server.
Current_Size CURRENT_SI Real The total storage capacity that is available to the Tivoli Storage Manager server's database in gigabytes.
Percent_Space_Used PCNT_USED Integer The percentage of space that is used for the server database.
Total_Space_Used TOTAL_SPAC Real The total space that is used for this server database in gigabytes.
Last_BU_Date BACKUP_DT String The last time that the database was fully backed up.
Backup_Duration BACKUP_DUR Integer The amount of time it took to backup the database in minutes.
Backup_Status BACKUP_ST String The final status of the database backup.
Last_INCR_Date BU_INCR String The last time the database was incrementally backed up.
INCR_Duration INCR_DUR Integer The amount of time it took to incrementally backup the database in minutes.
Inc_Backup_Status INCR_ST String The final status of the incremental database backup.
Volumes_Used VOL_USED Integer The number of volumes that the database resides on.
Drives table

Table name: Drives


Attribute name WAREHOUS column name WAREHOUS data type Description
Server_Name SRVR_NAME String The name of the Tivoli Storage Manager server.
Server_Ver SRVR_VER String The version of the server.
Server_Rel SRVR_REL String The release of the server.
Library_Name LIB_NAME String The name of the library.
Drive_Name DRV_NAME String The name of the drive.
Device_Type DEV_TYPE String The type of the device.
Online ONLINE String If this drive is on-line.
Drive_Status DRV_STAT String The status of the drive.
Allocated_To ALOC_TO String What this drive is allocated to.
Serial LIB_SER String The serial number of the drive.
Volume_Name VOL_NAME String The volume name of the device.
Libraries table

Table name: Libraries


Attribute name WAREHOUS column name WAREHOUS data type Description
Server_Name SRVR_NAME String The name of the Tivoli Storage Manager server for the activity.
Server_Ver SRVR_VER String The version of the server.
Server_Rel SRVR_REL String The release of the server.
Library_Name LIB_NAME String The name of the library.
Library_Type LIB_TYPE String The type of library.
Shared SHARED String If the library is shared.
Lan_Free LAN_FREE String If the library is enabled for LAN Free.
Auto_Label AUTO_LBL String If this is an auto label library.
Serial LIB_SER String The serial number of the library.
Scratch_Vols SCATCH String The total scratch volumes that are available in the library.
Path_Online PATH_ON String The status of the path that is associated with the library.
Numeric_Scratch_Vols NSCATCH Integer The total number of scratch volumes that are available in the library.
Node Activity table

Table name: Node_Activity


Attribute name WAREHOUS column name WAREHOUS data type Description
Server_Name SRVR_NAME String The name of the Tivoli Storage Manager server that hosted the activity.
Server_Ver SRVR_VER String The version of the server.
Server_Rel SRVR_REL String The release of the server.
Node_Name NODE_NAME String The name of the node.
Start_Time ST_TIME String The time that the activity started.
End_Time ED_TIME String The time that the activity ended.
Type TYPE Integer The activity type.
Schedule_Name SCHEDULE_N String The name of the schedule that started the activity.
Inspected_Objects INSP_OBJ Integer The number of objects that were inspected for the activity.
Processed_Objects PROC_OBJ Integer The number of objects that were processed for the activity.
Failed_Objects FAIL_OBJ Integer The number of objects that failed.
Total_K_Bytes TOTAL_BYTS Integer The total number of kilobytes of data that was processed.
Elapsed_Time ELAPSED_TI Integer The total elapsed time for the activity in seconds.

Enumerated type:

The Type attribute is enumerated. The following table lists the WAREHOUS column values that corresponds to the attribute name.

Type column value TYPE column value
Restore 0
Backup 1
Archive 2
Retrieve 3
File Expiration 4
Server Full-Database Backup 5
Server Incremental-Database Backup 6
Unknown 99
Occupancy table

Table name: Occupancy


Attribute name WAREHOUS column name WAREHOUS data type Description
Server SERVER String The Tivoli Storage Manager server that the client is connected to.
Server_Ver SRVR_VER String The version of the server.
Server_Rel SRVR_REL String The release of the server.
Node_Name NODE_NAME String The name of the node.
File_Space_Type FS_TYPE String The type of file space that is used.
File_Space_Name FS_NAME String The name of the file space that is used.
Storage_Pool_Name SP_NAME String The name of the storage pool where the file space resides.
Number_of_Files NUMFILES Integer The number of files in the file space.
Physical_MB PHY_MB Integer The physical size of the file space in megabytes.
Logical_MB LOGICAL_MB Integer The logical size of the file space in megabytes.
Reporting_MB REPORT_MB Integer The size of the file space (in megabytes) that is used for reporting purposes.
File_Space_ID FSID String The identifier for the file space.
Device_Type DEV_TYPE String The type of storage that the file space resides on.
PVU Details table

Table name: PVUDetails


Attribute name WAREHOUS column name WAREHOUS data type Description
Server SERVER String The name of the Tivoli Storage Manager server that the client is connected to.
Server_Ver SRVR_VER String The version of the server.
Server_Rel SRVR_REL String The release of the server.
Product PRODUCT String The product ID of the Tivoli Storage Manager software.
License_Name LICNAME String The name of the license for the PVU detail.
Node_Name NODE_NAME String The name of the node that the license is associated with.
Last_Used_Date LST_USD_DT String The date that this license was last used.
Try_Buy TRYBUY String Is this a Try-Buy license.
Proc_Vendor PROC_VEND String The processor vendor that the license is associated with.
Proc_Brand PROC_BRND String The processor brand that the license is associated with.
Proc_Type PROC_TYPE String The processor type that the license is associated with, which also represents the processor core count that is used in this PVU calculation.
Proc_Model PROC_MODEL String The processor model that the license is associated with.
Proc_Count PROC_CNT Integer The number of processors that are associated with the license.
Lic_Role LIC_ROLE String The role of the node that is used for PVU calculations.
Lic_Role_OV LIC_RLE_OV String An overriden role for the node as indicated by the administrator.
Lic_Role_EFF LIC_RLE_EF String The end result of the roles as calculated or indicated by the administrator.
Value_Units V_UNITS Integer The predefined relative value for the processor.
Val_From_Table V_FRM_TBL String Was the value unit obtained from the value units table?
PVU PVU Integer The product of value units and processor count.
Scan_Error SCAN_ERROR String Did the scan of the processor result in an error?
API_Client API_CLIENT String Was this a Tivoli Storage Manager API client?
PVU_Agnostic PVU_AGN String Is this a pre-"Tivoli Storage Manager" 6.3 node?
Hypervisor HYPERVISOR String Virtualization information, if applicable.
GUID GUID String The Tivoli Storage Manager globally unique ID.
TSM_Version TSM_VER Integer The version of Tivoli Storage Manager that is associated with the license.
TSM_Release TSM_REL Integer The release of Tivoli Storage Manager that is associated with the license.
TSM_Level TSM_LVL Integer The level of Tivoli Storage Manager that is associated with the license.
Vendor_D VENDOR_D String The display version of the CPU vendor.
Brand_D BRAND_D String The display version of the CPU brand.
Type_D TYPE_D String The display version of the CPU type.
Model_D MODEL_D String The display version of the CPU model.
Product_D PROD_D String The display version of the product.
Replication Details table

Table name: ReplDetails


Attribute name WAREHOUS column name WAREHOUS data type Description
Server SERVER String The name of the Tivoli Storage Manager server that the client is connected to.
Server_Ver SRVR_VER String The version of the server.
Server_Rel SRVR_REL String The release of the server.
Node_Name NODE_NAME String The name of the node.
File_Space_Name FS_NAME String The name of the file space.
File_Space_ID FSID String The identifier for the file space.
Start_Time START_TIME String The time and date that the replication process was first initiated.
End_Time END_TIME String The time and date that the replication process was completed.
Rep_Status REP_STATUS String

The current status of the replication process. The value is one of the following:
Running: The operation is active and is either searching for eligible files or transmitting file data to the target server. 
Ended: The operation has ended and is not active.

Comp_State COMP_STATE String Did the replication complete?
Complete: The replication ran to completion.
Incomplete: The replication ended without running to completion.
Inc_Reas INC_REAS String The reason for the completion state of incomplete.
BUFT_Rep BUFT_REP Integer The number of files to replicate to the target server.
BUFNY_Rep BUFNY_REP Integer The number of files that have yet to be replicated.
BUF_Rep BUF_REP Integer The number of files that were successfully replicated to the target server.
BUF_RepE BUF_REPE Integer The number of files that could not be replicated due to an error.
BUFT_Del BUFT_DEL Integer The number of files to delete on the target server.
BUF_Del BUF_DEL Integer The number of files to delete on the target server.
BUF_DelE BUF_DELE Integer The number of files the could not be deleted from the target server due to an error
BUF_UPD BUF_UPD Integer The number of files successfully updated on the target server. When the meta-data of a file is changed, the changed fields are sent to the target server.
BUFT_UPD BUFT_UPD Integer The number of files to update on the target server.
BUF_UPDE BUFT_UPDE Integer The number of files the could not be updated on the target server due to an error.
BUF_PCTR BUF_PCTR Integer The percentage of backup files replicated for the node/server.
BUBT_Rep BUBT_REP Integer The number of bytes (in megabytes) to replicate to the target server.
BUBNY_Rep BUBNY_REP Integer The number of bytes (in megabytes) that have yet to be replicated.
BUB_Rep BUB_REP Integer The number of bytes (in megabytes) that were successfully replicated to the target server.
BUB_RepE BUB_REPE Integer The number of bytes (in megabytes) that could not be replicated due to an error.
BUB_Trans BUB_TRAN Integer The number of bytes (in megabytes) that were transferred to the target server.
ARFT_Rep ARFT_REP Integer The number of files to replicate to the target server.
ARFNY_Rep ARFNY_REP Integer The number of files that have yet to be replicated.
ARF_Rep ARF_REP Integer The number of files successfully replicated to the target server.
ARF_RepE ARF_REPE Integer The number of files that could not be replicated due to an error.
ARFT_Del ARFT_DEL Integer The number of files to delete on the target server.
ARF_Del ARF_DEL Integer The number of files to delete on the target server.
ARF_DelE ARF_DELE Integer The number of files the could not be deleted from the target server due to an error.
ARF_UPD ARF_UPD Integer The number of files successfully updated on the target server. When the meta-data of a file is changed, the changed fields are sent to the target server.
ARFT_UPD ARFT_UPD Integer The number of files to update on the target server.
ARF_UPDE ARFT_UPDE Integer The number of files the could not be updated on the target server due to an error.
ARF_PCTR ARF_PCTR Integer The percentage of archive files replicated for the node/server
ARBT_Rep ARBT_REP Integer The number of bytes (in megabytes) to replicate to the target server.
ARBNY_Rep ARBNY_REP Integer The number of bytes (in Megabytes) that have yet to be replicated.
ARB_Rep ARB_REP Integer The number of bytes (in megabytes) successfully replicated to the target server.
ARB_RepE ARB_REPE Integer The number of bytes (in megabytes) that could not be replicated due to an error.
ARB_Trans ARB_TRAN Integer The number of bytes (in megabytes) that were  transferred to the target server.
SMFT_Rep SMFT_REP Integer The number of files to replicate to the target server.
SMFNY_Rep SMFNY_REP Integer The number of files that have yet to be replicated.
SMF_Rep SMF_REP Integer The number of files that were successfully replicated to the target server.
SMF_RepE SMF_REPE Integer The number of files that could not be replicated due to an error.
SMFT_Del SMFT_DEL Integer The number of files to delete on the target server.
SMF_Del SMF_DEL Integer The number of files to delete on the target server.
SMF_DelE SMF_DELE Integer The number of files the could not be deleted from the target server due to an error.
SMF_UPD SMF_UPD Integer The number of files that were successfully updated on the target server. When the meta-data of a file is changed, the changed fields are sent to the target server.
SMFT_UPD SMFT_UPD Integer The number of files to update on the target server.
SMF_UPDE SMFT_UPDE Integer The number of files the could not be updated on the target server due to an error.
SMF_PCTR SMF_PCTR Integer The percentage of space managed files replicated for the node/server.
SMBT_Rep SMBT_REP Integer The number of bytes (in megabytes) to replicate to the target server.
SMBNY_Rep SMBNY_REP Integer The number of bytes (in megabytes) that have yet to be replicated.
SMB_Rep SMB_REP Integer The number of bytes (in megabytes) that were successfully replicated to the target server.
SMB_RepE SMB_REPE Integer The number of bytes (in megabytes) that could not be replicated due to an error.
SMB_Trans SMB_TRAN Integer The number of bytes (in megabytes) that were transferred to the target server.
TLFT_Rep TLFT_REP Integer The total number of files to replicate to the target server.
TLFNY_Rep TLFNY_REP Integer The total number of files that have yet to be replicated.
TLF_Rep TLF_REP Integer The total number of files deleted on the target server.
TLF_RepE TLF_REPE Integer The total number of files that could not be replicated due to an error.
TLFT_Del TLFT_DEL Integer The total number of files to delete on the target server.
TLF_Del TLF_DEL Integer The total number of files deleted on the target server.
TLF_DelE TLF_DELE Integer The total number of files the could not be deleted from the target server due to an error.
TLF_UPD TLF_UPD Integer The total number of files that were successfully updated on the target server. When the meta-data of a file is changed, the changed fields are sent to the target server.
TLFT_UPD TLFT_UPD Integer The total number of files to update on the target server.
TLF_UPDE TLFT_UPDE Integer The total number of files the could not be updated on the target server due to an error.
TLBT_Rep TLBT_REP Integer The total number of bytes (in megabytes) to replicate to the target server.
TLBNY_Rep TLBNY_REP Integer The total number of bytes (in megabytes) to replicate to the target server.
TLB_Rep TLB_REP Integer The total number of bytes (in megabytes) that were successfully replicated to the target server.
TLB_RepE TLB_REPE Integer The total number of bytes (in megabytes) that could not be replicated due to an error.
TLB_Trans TLB_TRAN Integer The total number of bytes (in megabytes) that were transferred to the target server.
EST_PCMPL EST_PCPL Integer The estimated percentage completed for this replication.
EST_TREM EST_TREM String The estimated time remaining for this replication.
EST_TCMPL EST_CPL String The estimated time of completion for this replication.
BU_NOACT BU_NOACT Integer The total backup files that need no action.
AR_NOACT AR_NOACT Integer The total archive files that need no action.
SM_NOACT SM_NOACT Integer The space managed files that need no action.
TO_NOACT TO_NOACT Integer The total files that need no action.
Replication Status table

Table name: ReplStatus


Attribute name WAREHOUS column name WAREHOUS data type Description
Server SERVER String The name of the Tivoli Storage Manager server.
Server_Ver SRVR_VER String The version of the server.
Server_Rel SRVR_REL String The release of the server.
Node_Name NODE_NAME String The name of the client node.
File_Space_Type FS_TYPE String The type of file space used.
File_Space_Name FS_NAME String The name of the file space.
Number_of_Files NUMFILES Integer The number of files in the file space from the source server.
File_Space_ID FSID String The identifier for the file space.
Source_Server SRC_SVR String The name of the server where the replication was replicated from.
Target_Server TGT_SVR String The name of the server where the replication was replicated to.
Target_NOF TGTNOF Integer The number of files in this file space that was sent to the replication server.
Schedule table

Table name: Schedule


Attribute name WAREHOUS column name WAREHOUS data type Description
Server_Name SRVR_NAME String The name of the Tivoli Storage Manager server where the schedule is defined.
Server_Ver SRVR_VER String The version of the server.
Server_Rel SRVR_REL String The release of the server.
Schedule_Name SCHEDULE_N String The name of the schedule.
Domain_Name DOIMAIN_N String The name of the schedule domain.
Node_Name NODE_NAME String The name of the node that is associated with the schedule.
Node_Type NODE_TYPE String The type of node that is associated with the schedule.
Schedule_Start SCHEDULE_S String The time that the schedule is supposed to start.
Actual_Start ACTUAL_STA String The time when the schedule actually started.
Schedule_Status SCHEDULE_0 Integer The status of the schedule.
Schedule_Result SCHEDULE_R String The result of the schedule.
Error_or_Warning_Text ERROR_OR_W String The text that is associated with the error or warning if it occurred.
Name_Date NMEDATE String A concatenation of the schedule name and the start date. The string is used for situational processing.

Enumeration types:

The Schedule_Status attribute is enumerated. The following table lists the WAREHOUS column values that corresponds to the attribute name.

Schedule_Status column value SCHEDULE_0 column value
Success 0
Success With Errors 1
Pending 2
Missed 3
Future 4
Failed 5
In Progess 6
Started 7
Severed 8
Sessions table

Table name: Sessions

The Sessions attribute group does not collect historical data by default and therefore there is no WAREHOUS table by default.

Attribute name WAREHOUS column name WAREHOUS data type Description
Server_Name SRVR_NAME String The name of the Tivoli Storage Manager server that hosted the activity.
Server_Ver SRVR_VER String The version of the server.
Server_Rel SRVR_REL String The release of the server.
Session_Number SESSNUM String The unique identifier for the session.
Start_DateTime STARTDT String The date and time that the session began.
Wait_Seconds WAITSEC Integer The amount of time, in seconds, that the session has waited.
Elapsed_Seconds ELAPSECS Integer The amount of time, in seconds, this session has been active.
Session_State SESSST String The state or status of the session.
Communication_Method COMMMETH String The method of communication that the session is using.
Bytes_Sent BYTESNT Integer The number of bytes that have been sent in the session.
Bytes_Received BYTESRC Integer The number of bytes that have been received in the session.
Session_Type SESSTYP String The type of this session.
Platform PLATFORM String The computer platform that the session is running under.
Client_Name CLIENTNM String The name of the client that this session is running under.
Owner_Name OWNNM String The owner of the session.
Mount_Point_Wait MNTPW String The amount of time the session has been waiting for mount points.
Input_Mount_Wait INPMW String The amount of time the session has been waiting for input mounts.
Input_Volume_Wait INPVW String The amount of time the session has been waiting for input volumes.
Input_Volume_Access INPVA String The state of the input volume that is currently being accessed.
Output_Mount_Wait OUTMW String The amount of time the session has been waiting for output mounts.
Output_Volume_Wait OUTVW String The amount of time the session has been waiting for output volumes.
Output_Volume_Access OUTVA String The state of the output volume that is current being accessed.
Last_Verb LASTV String The last Tivoli Storage Manager verb that was issued in the session.
Verb_State VERBS String The state of the last Tivoli Storage Manager verb that was issued in the session.
Storage Pool table

Table name: Storage_Pool


Attribute name WAREHOUS column name WAREHOUS data type Description
Server_Name SRVR_NAME String The name of the Tivoli Storage Manager server that is associated with the storage pool.
Server_Ver SRVR_VER String The version of the server.
Server_Rel SRVR_REL String The release of the server.
Pool_Name POOL_NAME String The name of the storage pool.
Device_Class DEV_CLASS String The type of device that the storage pool resides on.
Total_Space TOTAL_SPC Integer The total amount of storage space that is allocated for the storage pool in gigabytes.
Space_Util SPACE_UTIL Integer The percentage of storage space that is used in the storage pool.
Total_Usg TOTAL_USG Integer The percentage of the storage space that is used in gigabytes.
Total_Volumes_Used TOTAL_VOL0 Integer The total number of volumes that is used by the storage pool.
File_Space_Used FILE_SPACE Integer The total amount of file space that is used by the storage pool in gigabytes.
File_Space_Used_PCT FS_USEDPCT Integer The percentage of file space that is used by the storage pool.
Disk_Space_Used DISK_SPACE Integer The total amount of disk space that is used by the storage pool in gigabytes.
Disk_Space_Used_PCT DS_USEDPCT Integer The percentage of disk space that is used by the storage pool.
Dedup_Space_Saved DEDUP_SAV Integer The total amount of storage space that was saved by dedup processing for the storage pool in gigabytes.
Dedup_Data_Exists DEDUP_EXT String Indicates whether dedup data exists for the storage pool.
Dedup_Save_Pct DEDUP_PCT Integer The percentage of space that was saved by dedup processing for the storage pool.
Pool_Type POOLTYPE String The type of the storage pool.
Server table

Table name: Server


Attribute name WAREHOUS column name WAREHOUS data type Description
Server_ID SERVER_ID String The ID of the Tivoli Storage Manager server.
Server_Ver SRVR_VER String The version of the server.
Server_Rel SRVR_REL String The release of the server.
Storage_Pool_Space SP_SPACE Integer The size of the storage pools that are defined by the server in megabytes.
Tape_usage_Count TP_COUNT Integer The tapes that are in use by the server.
Total_DB_Size DB_SIZE Integer The size of the database in megabytes.
Client_Operation_Byte_Count CLIENT_OPE Integer The byte count of client operations in megabytes.
Client_Operation_Duration CLIENT_OP0 Integer The duration of client operations for the server in minutes.
Expiration_Operation_Object_Count EXPIRATION Integer The object count of the expiration operation.
Expiration_Operation_Duration EXPIRATIO0 Integer The duration of expired operations in minutes.
Migration_Operation_Byte_Count MIGRATION_ Integer The migration operation byte count in megabytes.
Migration_Operation_Duration MIGRATION0 Integer The duration of the migration operations in minutes.
Reclamation_Operation_Byte_Count RECLAMATIO Real The number of bytes that were reclaimed in megabytes.
Reclamation_Operation_Duration RECLAMATI0 Integer The length of the reclamation operations in minutes.
DBBackup_Operation_Byte_Count DBBACKUP_O Real The number of bytes that were backed up for the servers database in megabytes.
DBBackup_Operation_Duration DBBACKUP_0 Integer The length of the database backup operations in minutes.
SPBackup_Operation_Byte_Count SPBACKUP_O Real The storage pool backup operation byte count in megabytes.
SPBackup_Operation_Duration SPBACKUP_0 Integer The length of the storage pool backup operation in minutes.
Actual_Date ACDATE String The date that the data reflects from the Tivoli Storage Manager server.
Storage Device table

Table name: Storage_Device


Attribute name WAREHOUS column name WAREHOUS data type Description
Server_Name SRVR_NAME String The name of the Tivoli Storage Manager server for the activity.
Server_Ver SRVR_VER String The version of the server.
Server_Rel SRVR_REL String The release of the server.
Device_Name DEVICE_NAM String The name of the storage device.
Device_Class DEVICE_CLS String The type of storage device.
Write_Errors WERROR_CT Integer The current write error count for the device.
Read_Errors RERROR_CT Integer The current read error count for the device.
Tape Usage table

Table name: Tape_Usage


Attribute name WAREHOUS column name WAREHOUS data type Description
Server_Name SRVR_NAME String The name of the Tivoli Storage Manager server that the tape is assigned to.
Server_Ver SRVR_VER String The version of the server.
Server_Rel SRVR_REL String The release of the server.
Client CLIENT String The Tivoli Storage Manager client that uses this tape.
Volume_ID VOLUME_ID String The volume ID that is associated with this tape.
Storage_Pool STORAGE_PO String The storage pool that this tape is assigned to.
Tape Volume table

Table name: Tape_Volume


Attribute name WAREHOUS column name WAREHOUS data type Description
Server_Name SRVR_NAME String The name of the Tivoli Storage Manager server that hosted the activity.
Server_Ver SRVR_VER String The version of the server.
Server_Rel SRVR_REL String The release of the server.
Volume_ID VOLUME_ID String The ID of the tape volume.
Capacity CAPACITY Integer The capacity (in megabytes) of the tape volume.
Used_Capacity USED_CAPAC Integer The current used capacity (in megabytes) of the tape volume.
Unused_Capacity UNUSED_CAP Integer The current unused capacity (in megabytes) for the tape volume.
Used_Capacity_pct USED_CAPA0 Integer The percentage of the tape volume that is currently used.
Unused_Capacity_pct UNUSED_CA0 Integer The percentage of the tape volume that is currently unused.
Storage_Pool STG_POOL String The storage pool that this tape volume is assigned to.
Scratch_Vol SCRATCH Integer Was the tape volume checked in as a scratch volume?
Vol_Status VOL_STAT String The status of the tape volume.

Enumeration types:

The Scratch_Vol attribute is enumerated. The following table lists the WAREHOUS column values that corresponds to the attribute name.

Scratch_Vol column value SCRATCH column value
Yes 1
No 0

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSEQVQ","label":"IBM Spectrum Protect"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"All Versions","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB26","label":"Storage"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
18 March 2020

