IBM Support

Database Monitor (DBMon) enhanced status information



How can I tell what public database monitors are running? I need to end a public database monitor - how can I specify which one? What are the public database monitors filtering on?
See this TechNote for more information on Database Monitor impacts:


On the IBM i, several colleagues may running database monitors to collect information - tuning an applications, trying to understand a SQLCode, etc.

How can a IBM i Database Engineer (aka Database Administrator) see what is all running?

Resolving The Problem

On the IBM i you can have up to 10 public database monitor collections running.

How can someone tell how many are running? What are they filtering on?

New in IBM i 7.1 there is a new view in QSYS that has this information - QSYS2.DATABASE_MONITOR_INFO.

There are 29 columns of information but here is a sample query with just a few:

select MONITOR_ID,                  
         concat '/' concat          
       MONITOR_FILE as DBMon_File,  

Here is output from my IBM i:

7498262025  PMR14236/WQDBMON3         CLOSING      *ALL/*ALL/*ALL *EQ      
7498102026  KTRISKO/DBMON1            ACTIVE       QZDASOINIT/*ALL/*ALL *EQ
7498102027  KTRISKO/NEWMON            ACTIVE       QSQSRVR/*ALL/*ALL *EQ    
7488602024  PMR14236/NEWDBMON2        INACTIVE     *ALL/*ALL/*ALL *EQ      
********  End of data  ********                                            

In this case, we have information on 4 database monitor collections.
- two are currently collecting information (i.e. 'running') as they are 'ACTIVE'
- one is INACTIVE
- one is CLOSING

See this URL for more information

So if you wanted/needed to end a public database monitor, the MONITOR_ID can be used.

For example, to end the ACTIVE database monitor that is going to output file KTRISKO/NEWMON and collecting information for all QSQSRVR jobs,

ENDDBMON MONID(7498102027)

- Each job can also have one private (just for that job) running - this is not covered in this TechNote and does not count toward the 10 public database monitor collections

[{"Product":{"code":"SWG60","label":"IBM i"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Component":"DB2 for IBM i","Platform":[{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"}],"Version":"Version Independent","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB57","label":"Power"}}]

Historical Number


Document Information

Modified date:
18 December 2019

