Collecting troubleshooting data documents aid in problem determination and save time resolving Problem Cases (previously called PMRs).
Resolving The Problem
Collecting data early, even before opening the Case, helps IBM® Support quickly determine if:
Symptoms match known problems (rediscovery).
There is a non-defect problem that can be identified and resolved.
There is a defect that identifies a workaround to reduce severity.
Locating root cause can speed development of a code fix.
Collecting Data: Table of contents:
Gathering general information | |
Manually Gathering General Information | |
Gathering Linux Server Crash Information | |
Submitting Information to IBM Support | |
Online Self-Help Resources | |
Related Information |
Gathering General Information |
Entering general information into an electronically-opened Problem Case (previously called PMRs) eliminates waiting on the phone to provide general information to support.
Manually Gathering General Information |
From a Spectrum Protect Admin command line client, enter the following commands:
- QUERY SYSTEM > querysys.out
- QUERY ACTLOG begind=<mm/dd/yyyy> begint=<hh:mm> endd=<mm/dd/yyyy> endt=<hh:mm> > actlog.out
- - where begind and begint are the beginning date and time for the actlog entries being collected
- where endd and endt are the ending date and time for the actlog entries being collected
- the actlog gather should cover the full time frame of the issue/problem/scenario being diagnosed
- - where begind and begint are the beginning date and time for the actlog entries being collected
Explicitly using the above commands will redirect the output to a files called querysys.out and actlog.out in the Spectrum Protect servers working directory. The names of these files can be changed and a full path a can be specified to place the output in any desired directory using any desired name.
These files along with the following files/info should be included as general information:
- dsmserv.opt
- dsmserv.err
- details of operating system levels
- Spectrum Protect Server specific version (ex:
Gathering Linux Server Crash Information |
Files from the following four steps are needed to analyze the core dump.
1) Capture the core specific information :
- #cd /opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin
# getcoreinfo ./dsmserv /path/to/core
Note :
Replace /path/to/core with the actual full path file name of the generated core file.
For servers below level 6.1.3, the getcoreinfo command will generate the getcoreinfo.txt file only.
Starting with servers at level 6.1.3, the getcoreinfo command will generate the getcoreinfo.txt and getcoreinfo-shlibs.tar.gz files in the current directory.
The getcoreinfo.txt and getcoreinfo-shlibs.tar.gz (if running a 6.1.3 server or above) are needed.
2) Capture Spectrum Protect diagnostic information :
- # cd /opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/tsmdiag
# tsmdiag -id <admin> -pa <password>
Notes :
.If using the -results option with the TSMDIAG utility, APAR IC62818 must be applied to avoid the loss of any objects already in the directory specified by the -results option.
.Replace admin and password with appropriate Spectrum Protect administrative userid and password.
.This command will generate the tsmdiag_results.tar file. Send this file.
3) Send system libraries :
- # ldd dsmserv
Note : This command will list the dynamic shared libraries used by dsmserv.
Send all shared libraries returned by the output. For example :
# ldd dsmserv => /lib64/ => /lib64/ => /lib64/ => /lib64/ => /lib64/
/lib64/ => /lib64/
4) Send additional files :
- The following files are also needed to analyze the core dump :
. /var/log/messages
. /opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/dsmserv
Submitting Information to IBM Support |
After a Case is open, you can submit diagnostic troubleshooting data to IBM.
When data is uploaded to the Case, the status will be automatically be updated to acknowledge that data has been received. If you are still working with older Problem Management Records, you will want to update the PMR to indicate that you have sent the data.
Online Self-Help Resources |
Review up-to-date product information at the IBM Spectrum Protect page.
Sign into your account on the Spectrum Protect Product page, to access additional resources or to open a Case with the Support team.
Related Information |
Product Synonym
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Document Information
Modified date:
31 October 2019