IBM Support

Collecting data for exporting Content Manager OnDemand documents to IBM Support

Question & Answer


Collecting data for problems with IBM® Content Manager OnDemand that require sample document data. Gathering this information before contacting IBM Support will help speed the troubleshooting process.


If you have already contacted support, begin collecting exporting documents to IBM Support data. Otherwise, click Collecting data for Content Manager OnDemand.

Collecting sample document data specific information

  1. Export document data using the arsdoc command. There are two methods to specify search criteria using the arsdoc command: SQL query or public named query. Instructions for both methods are specified.

    Using a SQL Query:
    Using a SQL query to specify document data requires knowledge of the database column names specified in the application group. These column names must be used in the SQL statement.

    Run the following arsdoc get command on your OnDemand server, specifying a SQL query which will return the appropriate documents:

    arsdoc get -h OD_instance_name -u userid -p password -G application_group_name -a -g -N -c -v -i SQL_query -o outputfilename

    Example: arsdoc get -h ARCHIVE -u admin -p password -G "Baxter Bay Credit" -a -g -N -c -v -i "where account_num='000-000-000' AND name LIKE '%DOE%'" -o docs4ibm

    Using a Public Named Query:
    Using a public named query to specify document data requires no knowledge of the database column names, but does require proper permissions to create a public named query.
    1. Verify that you have permission to create a public named query.
      1. Launch the OnDemand Administrator Client.
      2. Right click and select Update on the folder which contains the document data.
      3. Select the Permissions tab and make sure that your user ID has permission to create a public named query.
    2. Launch your OnDemand Windows Client.
    3. Logon to your OnDemand server. A new session is required if permissions were changed.
    4. Open the folder which contains the document data.
    5. Specify the search criteria for the document data to extract.
    6. Go to File->Save Named Query.
    7. Specify a name for your public named query.
    8. Check the "Public Named Query" checkbox.
    9. Click OK.
    10. Run the following arsdoc get command on your OnDemand server:

      arsdoc get -h OD_instance_name -u userid -p password -f folder_name -a -g -N -c -v -q public_named_query -o outputfilename

      Example: arsdoc get -h ARCHIVE -u admin -p passwd -f "Credit Card Statements" -a -g -N -c -v -q mynamedquery -o docs4ibm

  2. Export the corresponding application group and folder definition.

  3. Send the following files to IBM Support:
    • Arsdoc get output. Two to three files should have been produced.
    • Local server export containing application group and folder definitions.

What to do next
Once you have collected the preceding information, submit the diagnostic information to IBM Support. See Exchanging information with IBM Support.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSEPCD","label":"Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"8.5;8.4;8.3","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

