To enable the IBM® Business Automation Workflow Support team (Support) to assist with your problem, you must collect documentation so that the Support team can diagnose your problem. Gathering the required documentation before you contact Support expedites the troubleshooting process and save you time. Otherwise, you might be directed to collect this data after the case is opened to allow us to proceed with our investigation.
If your issue is caused by a limitation in the current design capabilities of the product, the deficiency must be handled as a feature enhancement through use of the Request for Enhancement (RFE) facility. You must use the legacy name Business Process Manager to create these requests. The RFE process is customer driven and is used to introduce enhancements into the Business Automation Workflow system.
Resolving The Problem
- Upcoming deadlines and dates
- Realized or potential effect on customers or your business
- For guidelines on how this impact relates to recommended severity, refer to the IBM® Enterprise Support and Preferred Care Severity Definition page.
- IBM Business Automation Workflow product and version. Run the versionInfo -fixpacks -ifixes > version_info.txt command from the bin directory of your IBM Business Automation Workflow product installation and upload version_info.txt.
- Operating system and version
- Database vendor and version
- Information about other involved software
- Is your environment a Production, Test, or QA environment, and how is that environment impacted?
- If you are running in a cluster, describe the topology that you have in place. If you have a topology diagram, provide it including host names, ports, and so on.
- Is your IBM Business Automation Workflow product running in a container or virtual machine? If so, provide more details on the software that you are using and its version.
Detailed problem description
Provide a precise description of the issue and add every detail that might be related such as:
- What were you trying to do, and which symptoms do you see that are unexpected or unwanted?
- Which interface, component, or application is involved?
- Do you see any error messages in the GUI or in the logs or trace?
- What is the time stamp when the problem occurs (including second if possible)?
- Did the current scenario work previously in this or another environment? If yes, specify any changes that occurred.
- Is this issue reproducible at will? How often does this problem occur? Do you see any indicators on why the behavior happens?
- Provide screen captures if applicable (if an error message is not shown or if the specific error is not seen in the log files, and so on)
- <installationDirectory>/profiles/<profile_name>/logs/server_name
- <installationDirectory>/profiles/<profile_name>/logs/ffdc
Provide the configuration files (if requested)
Automatic data collection via the Business Automation Workflow Data Collector
- TeamWorksConfiguration.running.xml file, which is located in the following locations:
- Workflow Center profile:
<node_name>/servers/server_name/process-center- Workflow Server profile:
node_name/servers/<server_name>/process-server- If requested by the support team, the complete <installationDirectory>/profiles/<profile_name>/config directory.
Test case (if possible):
- Simplified and isolated test case without any custom dependencies and without access to external customer systems
- A project twx file export from IBM® Process Designer
- Project Interchange (PI) and enterprise archive (EAR) file from the involved Advanced Integration services, if applicable
- Exact, detailed steps to reproduce the problem, including timestamp of the problem occurrence.
Component-specific diagnostic information:
- Advanced Integration service (AIS)
- Application deployment
- Application deployment (EAR file or Advanced content)
- Business Process Choreographer
- Business Process Definition (BPD)
- IBM® Business Process Manager document store (for IBM Business Process Manager V8.5.x)
- Business Rules
- Business Space
- Case Manager
- Coaches
- Common Event Infrastructure (CEI)
- Connection to Workflow Center
- Data Map, Data Object and XML Serialization
- Database
- Dynamic Event Framework (DEF)
- Installing Business Automation Workflow
- Upgrading Business Automation Workflow
- Configuring network deployment environment
- Integration between IBM® Business Process Manager (BPM) and IBM ILOG or IBM WebSphere Operational Decision Management
- Message import and export (IBM MQ and JMS related)
- Migration
- Out-of-memory, hangs, crashes
- Performance
- Performance Data Warehouse
- Process Admin console
- Process Designer
- Process Inspector
- Process Portal
- Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) or Java Cryptography Extensions (JCE)
- Security
- Service Component Architecture (SCA), Service Integration Bus (SIB) or Failed Event Manager (FEM)
- Undercover Agent (UCA)
- Web services
Related Information
Product Synonym
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Document Information
Modified date:
14 September 2022