IBM Support

Collect troubleshooting data for IBM® Business Automation Workflow (formerly Business Process Manager)



To enable the IBM® Business Automation Workflow Support team (Support) to assist with your problem, you must collect documentation so that the Support team can diagnose your problem. Gathering the required documentation before you contact Support expedites the troubleshooting process and save you time. Otherwise, you might be directed to collect this data after the case is opened to allow us to proceed with our investigation.

If your issue is caused by a limitation in the current design capabilities of the product, the deficiency must be handled as a feature enhancement through use of the Request for Enhancement (RFE) facility. You must use the legacy name Business Process Manager to create these requests. The RFE process is customer driven and is used to introduce enhancements into the Business Automation Workflow system.

Resolving The Problem

Business Impact
Business impact is a clear and specific description of the impact the issue is having on your business (such as timeline, stakeholder commitments, revenue, regulatory requirements, or user impact). Providing a detailed impact allows us to better understand the urgency of the issue you are experiencing, as well as whether you need an immediate workaround or full root cause analysis and correction. Supply the specific impact this issue is having on your company, including:
Sending Support Diagnostic Data
You can open a case or send data through the IBM® Support community or upload large files through the ECuRep upload options, which include SFTP, HTTPS, or utility
Environment description
  • IBM Business Automation Workflow product and version. Run the versionInfo -fixpacks -ifixes > version_info.txt command from the bin directory of your IBM Business Automation Workflow product installation and upload version_info.txt.
  • Operating system and version
  • Database vendor and version
  • Information about other involved software
  • Is your environment a Production, Test, or QA environment, and how is that environment impacted?
  • If you are running in a cluster, describe the topology that you have in place. If you have a topology diagram, provide it including host names, ports, and so on.
  • Is your IBM Business Automation Workflow product running in a container or virtual machine? If so, provide more details on the software that you are using and its version.

Detailed problem description
Provide a precise description of the issue and add every detail that might be related such as:
  • What were you trying to do, and which symptoms do you see that are unexpected or unwanted?
  • Which interface, component, or application is involved?
  • Do you see any error messages in the GUI or in the logs or trace?
  • What is the time stamp when the problem occurs (including second if possible)?
  • Did the current scenario work previously in this or another environment? If yes, specify any changes that occurred.
  • Is this issue reproducible at will? How often does this problem occur? Do you see any indicators on why the behavior happens?
  • Provide screen captures if applicable (if an error message is not shown or if the specific error is not seen in the log files, and so on)
General diagnostic information
Note: The <installationDirectory> refers to the location in which you installed the product. The <profile_name> is the name of the profile that is specific to your configuration. The <cell_name>, <node_name>, and <server_name> are the name of cell, node, and server that is specific to your configuration.
Provide the complete log directories (always)
  • <installationDirectory>/​​profiles/<profile​​_​​name​​>/​​logs​​/server​​_​​name
  • <installationDirectory>/​​profiles/<profile​​_​​name>/​logs​​/ffdc

Provide the configuration files (if requested)
  • TeamWorksConfiguration.running.xml file, which is located in the following locations:
    • Workflow Center profile:
    • Workflow Server profile:
  • If requested by the support team, the complete <installationDirectory>/​​profiles/<profile​​_​​name>/config directory.
Automatic data collection via the Business Automation Workflow Data Collector
You can also use the IBM Business Automation Workflow data collector to automatically collect data like logs, version information. Before you send it to IBM® Support for problem analysis, verify the created package if any requested information is missing.

Test case (if possible):
  • Simplified and isolated test case without any custom dependencies and without access to external customer systems
  • A project twx file export from IBM® Process Designer
  • Project Interchange (PI) and enterprise archive (EAR) file from the involved Advanced Integration services, if applicable
  • Exact, detailed steps to reproduce the problem, including timestamp of the problem occurrence.

Component-specific diagnostic information:



[{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SS8JB4","label":"IBM Business Automation Workflow"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z000000cxvoAAA","label":"General MustGather"}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Version(s)"},{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSFPJS","label":"IBM Business Process Manager"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m50000000CcaaAAC","label":"Install and Deployment Environments"}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Version(s)"}]

Product Synonym


Document Information

Modified date:
14 September 2022

