IBM Support

ClearCase support for Microsoft Windows 2012 Server Operating system

Preventive Service Planning


Does IBM Rational ClearCase support the Microsoft Windows 2012 Server operating system?


IBM Rational ClearCase Core Server, ClearCase Native clients and IBM Rational ClearTeam Explorer clients are supported on Microsoft Windows 2012.

IBM Rational ClearCase version added support for Microsoft Windows 2012 with certain known issues and limitations as listed below.

Note: Microsoft Windows 2012 is supported with ClearCase or later. There are no plans to provide support in earlier ClearCase versions.

Known Issues:

  • Technote 1614898 Executing certain IBM Rational ClearCase commands from Microsoft Windows PowerShell

  • Technote 1620203 Using the ClearTeam Explorer Help on Windows 2012 platforms

  • When installing ClearCase on Windows Server 2012, you will get an error that it is an unsupported OS version. This error can be safely ignored; ClearCase will install correctly.

  • Technote 1444765 Known issues with ClearCase and UAC


A Request for enhancement (RFE) was opened requesting ClearCase support for Microsoft Windows 2012.

You can view the status or post comments for RFE RATLC01541227 on the Rational Software RFE Community Web site.

Rational RFE Community homepage

Refer to the Rational RFE Community homepage for details and status of Requests for Enhancements for Rational products.

Updated information about ClearCase system requirements including operating system support for the various ClearCase versions is available in the following document:

Document # 7008776 Rational ClearCase System Requirements List

Installing Rational ClearCase on Microsoft Windows 2012

Follow the instructions documented in the IBM Rational ClearCase 8.0 Information Center.

Related Information

[{"Product":{"code":"SSSH27","label":"Rational ClearCase"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Installation","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
16 June 2018

