IBM Support

Change Management Server (CM Server) MBean attributes--Documentation corrections and updates

Question & Answer


Are there any corrections and updates to the Change Management Server (CM Server) help topic "Setting available MBean attributes."?


Use the following URLs to access the topic "Setting available MBean attributes" on the IBM Rational ClearCase and Rational ClearQuest Information Centers, respectively:

Rational ClearCase Information Center:

Version 7.1.1:

Version 7.1.2:

Rational ClearQuest Information Center:

Version 7.1.1:

Version 7.1.2:

Attention: Do not modify any MBean attributes unless these are documented as modifiable with the [W] notation for write, or IBM Support instructs you to do so. Modifying read-only [R] or undocumented MBean attributes can affect system performance.


Version updates:

The following TeamServerMBean attribute definitions have changed in version The path names specified as values for these attributes are not validated or checked for write access before they are committed because the checks could fail when the account in which CM Server is installed does not have the appropriate network access privilege. Be careful when assigning values to these attributes to avoid unpredictable behavior in the CM Server:

  • ccrcViewStorage[R,W] - Alternate path name location for snapshot view directories created for Web access. Default value is "" (empty string/unset). Should be set to an existing local or network path name with no restricted access, or to the empty string ("") to unset the value. No spaces are allowed in the path name.
  • ccrcTempDir[R,W] - The default path name location where temporary files are created for the ClearCase Remote Client (CCRC). Default value is "" (empty string/unset). Can be set to to an existing path name with no restricted access, or to the empty string ("") to unset the value.
  • ccrcUserRegionMapfile[R,W] - The file which maps regions to users and/or sets of users so that different clients may run with different default regions. Default value is "" (empty string/unset). Can be set to to an existing path name with no restricted access, or to the empty string ("") to unset the value.

  • ccrcUnixCqHome[R,W] - The ClearQuest installation directory on the CM server machine when CQ is installed in a path other than /opt/rational/clearquest (this attribute is applicable on UNIX servers only). Default value is "" (empty string/unset). Can be set to a valid path name local to the CM Server or to the empty string ("") to unset the value.
When clearing any of the above attribute values, be sure to specify an empty string ("") without any space characters.

The following CcServerFactoryMBean attribute default values are changed in version
  • maxServerCount attribute is now 300 (was 200)
  • serverThresholdCount attribute is now 200 (was 50)
  • oncrpcCallThreshold attribute is now 10000 (was 5000)

The following CqServerFactoryMBean attribute default values are changed in version
  • maximumActiveServers attribute is now 10 (was 8)
  • serverWorkerThreadCount attribute is now 30 (was 16)

The following TeamServerMBean attribute was added in version
  • ccrcDownloadCompressionThreshold [R,W] - When ClearCase is loading files from the server to a client, any file that is larger than this threshold will be compressed on the server before it is transferred to the client. Default value is 15 Kbytes.

The following CqServerFactoryMBean attributes are added in version
  • remoteChartReportServerHostName[R,W] - For Unix only. Designates the host name of a Windows CM Server to process chart and report requests. Default value is "" (empty string/unset).
  • remoteChartReportServerPort[R,W] - For Unix only. Designates the port number of a Windows CM Server to process chart and report requests. Default value is 0.


The default value for the TeamServerMBean.cqLoginSessionWaitTimeout attribute is 300, not 120.

The default value for the TeamServerMBean.cqFulltextSearchRecordHitLimit is 100, not 200.


The instructions at the beginning of the subsection entitled "wsadmin example" in the code example are incorrect. Use the following corrected instructions:

// This section provides sample commands to start and use the wsadmin
// utility. For illustrative purposes, an operating system command prompt
// is denoted by the hash character "#" and the wsadmin command
// prompt is denoted by "wsadmin> ".
// There are CM Server wsadmin utility scripts that provide several
// convenience methods and functions. These scripts are located in a
// directory such as
// "C:\Program Files\IBM\RationalSDLC\common\CM\scripts" on Windows
// and "/opt/rational/common/CM/scripts" on the UNIX system and Linux.
// Open a command prompt and set your default directory to the location
// of the CM Server wsadmin utility scripts. For example:

On Windows:
# cd "C:\Program Files\IBM\RationalSDLC\common\CM\scripts"

On the UNIX system and Linux:
# cd /opt/rational/common/CM/scripts

// Set the WAS_BIN environment variable to the location of the wsadmin
// utility by using syntax appropriate for your preferred shell. For example:

On Windows:
# set WAS_BIN="C:\Program Files\IBM\RationalSDLC\common\eWAS\bin"

On the UNIX system and Linux:
# WAS_BIN=/opt/rational/common/eWAS/bin

// Start the wsadmin utility by specifying the CM Server profile name.
// The default CM Server profile name is 'cmprofile'. For example:

On Windows:
# %WAS_BIN%\wsadmin -profileName cmprofile

On the UNIX system and Linux:
# $WAS_BIN/ -profileName cmprofile

// The following wsadmin command loads the CM Server wsadmin
// convenience functions:
wsadmin> source teamAdminUtils.jacl

Missing MBean Attributes:

The following MBean attributes are missing from the TeamServerMBean section of the topic:

  • mediumReadSocketTimeoutMultiplier[R,W] - The multiplier to apply to the read timeout value on the socket between the middle tier and the backend server component for certain long running operations.  The default value of 2 indicates that the read socket timeout value is two times the backend server factory default read socket timeout value.  This multiplier is only applied to certain operations. Do not change the value.

  • largeReadSocketTimeoutMultiplier[R,W] - The multiplier to apply to the read timeout value on the socket between the middle tier and the backend server component for certain very long running operations.  The default value of 4 indicates that the read socket timeout value is four times the backend server factory default read socket timeout value. This multiplier is applied only to certain operations. Do not change the value.

  • versionNumber[R] - The CM Server product version number, expressed as a string value, separated by periods. For example, Note: This attribute was introduced in the release.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSSH27","label":"Rational ClearCase"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"CM Server","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"7.1;;;7.1.1;;;;;","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB36","label":"IBM Automation"}},{"Product":{"code":"SSSH5A","label":"Rational ClearQuest"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"CM Server","Platform":[{"code":"","label":""}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
16 June 2018

