IBM Support

Case Manager Version 5.2.0 documentation corrections

Product Documentation


The following items were missing or incorrect in the published IBM Case Manager, V5.2.0 help or information center.


Topic: A change to the file in the following topic is incorrect:

IBM Case Manager Platform Installation Tool fails due to memory error

Problem: Step 2 of the procedure states:

For each of steps 1-30, change the line PROCESSED_##=NO to PROCESSED_##=YES, where ## is the step number.

This is incorrect, as the steps to change should be steps 30-35.

Correction: Replace the step with the following:

For each of steps 30-35, change the line PROCESSED_##=NO to PROCESSED_##=YES, where ## is the step number.

In addition, the following sentence is inaccurate:

If you have already run the IBM Case Manager Platform Installation Tool and did not configure the file first, you will receive the out-of-memory error during step 30 of the installation, but you can still continue the installation without having to start over.

The out-of-memory error will actually occur during step 31.

For more information on known issues and corrections to the IBM Case Manager Platform Installation Tool, see Case Manager Platform Installation Tool updates.

Topic: Constructor for the Reassign class is missing example code.

Class icm.action.workitem.Reassign

Correction: The following information should be added:

The following example illustrates constructing the reassign dialog to enable a user to select a user from a role:

var dialog = new icm.dialog.reassigndialog.ReassignDialog({
      targetOS: targetOS,
      solution: solution,
      roles: roles,
      reassignItems: canReassignWorkItems,
      allowRoleSearch: true,

The following example illustrates constructing the reassign dialog to prevent a user from selecting a user from a role:

var dialog = new icm.dialog.reassigndialog.ReassignDialog({
      targetOS: targetOS,
      reassignItems: canReassignWorkItems,
      allowRoleSearch: false,

Topic: The following topic is missing information about using customized FileNet Content Engine SQL queries:

Case List widget

The following information should be added:

Customized Content Engine SQL queries
The Case List widget search payload supports customized FileNet Content Engine SQL queries.

For example, you can construct the following Content Engine query to search all cases that were created by admin users (user names that include "admin"):

"SELECT [this], t.[FolderName], t.[LastModifier], t.[DateLastModified], t.[CmAcmCaseTypeFolder], t.[CmAcmCaseState], t.[CmAcmCaseIdentifier], t.[DateCreated], t.[Creator], t.[Id], t.[ClassDescription] FROM [CmAcmCaseFolder] t WHERE (((t.[creator] LIKE '%admin%' AND t.[CmAcmParentSolution] = Object({CF0CFF8C-CD8C-41D3-AC0A-1272E4F73991}) AND t.[CmAcmCaseState] > 0))) ORDER BY t.[CmAcmCaseIdentifier]";

Custom Content Engine SQL queries must meet the following requirements:
  • The SELECT statement must include the following properties:

    "FolderName", "LastModifier", "DateLastModified", "CmAcmCaseTypeFolder", "CmAcmCaseState", "CmAcmCaseIdentifier", "DateCreated", "Creator", "Id", "ContainerType", "LockToken", "LockTimeout", "ClassDescription",
  • The query must search against a Case class, either the CmAcmCaseFolder class or its subclass.

To create the search payload object, you can use the icm.util.SearchPayload utility class as shown in the following sample code:

// This is running in a script adapter widget
var solution = this.getSolution();
var repositoryId = solution.getTargetOS().id;
var solutionGUID = solution.solutionFolderId;
console.log("solutionFolderId is:" + solutionGUID);
var caseTypeName ="";
var ceQuery = "SELECT t.[FolderName], t.[LastModifier], t.[DateLastModified], t.[CmAcmCaseTypeFolder], t.[CmAcmCaseState], t.[CmAcmCaseIdentifier], t.[DateCreated], t.[Creator], t.[Id], t.[ClassDescription] FROM [CmAcmCaseFolder] t WHERE (((t.[creator] LIKE '%admin%' AND t.[CmAcmParentSolution] = Object(" + solutionGUID + ") AND t.[CmAcmCaseState] > 0))) ORDER BY t.[CmAcmCaseIdentifier]";
console.log("ceQuery is:" + ceQuery);

var params = {};
params.ObjectStore = repositoryId;
params.ceQuery = ceQuery;
params.CaseType = caseTypeName;
params.solution = solution;

var p = new icm.util.SearchPayload();
var payload = p.getSearchPayload();
console.log("Payload is: -----");

return payload;

Restriction: Content Engine queries that use the ceQuery parameter only return one page of results only. The limitation is due to the default page size that is set by IBM Content Navigator (200 rows). For example, if an SQL query matches 500 rows in the Content Engine server, the ceQuery service will return only 200 rows of items.

Topic: The restriction in the following topic is incorrect:

Configuring where attachment content is displayed

Problem: The restriction due to unsupported MIME types and the Attachment widget is incorrect.

Correction: Since Form-related MIME types are now supported, the following MIME types are no longer restricted:


In addition, the following entry template MIME type is now supported, and should also be removed from the restriction:


Topic: The following topic is missing a restriction:

Case Information widget

The following information should be noted as a restriction:

Restriction: The Case Information widget does not support the following MIME types that are specific to Workplace and Workplace XT. Because the widget does not display these document types correctly, users might encounter errors when they open the documents of these types. To avoid these errors, store files with the following MIME types in folders that users cannot browse to or that they cannot search for:

Entry template MIME types

IBM Enterprise Records record MIME types

Search template MIME types

Workflow-related file MIME types

Topic: The description of the Custom Task Details page is incorrect in the following topic:

Work Item Toolbar widget

Problem: The description for the Custom Task Details page incorrectly lists 6 buttons as configured by default.

Correction: The following buttons are not configured by default:

Get Next (Opens the next work item)
Reassign Item

Topic: An incorrect name for the Properties View Designer is used in the following topic:

Defining properties views

The Properties View Designer is incorrectly called the Properties Layout Designer.

Topic: The following topic includes two incorrect statements:

Form widget

Problem: The following statement is partially incorrect:

The form that is used in the Form widget provides a customizable interface and automation features that are not provided by the Properties widget, such as custom field formats, custom field validation, custom layouts, and a calculation engine.

Correction: Custom field formats and custom layouts are now supported in the Properties widget. The following statement replaces the incorrect one:

The form that is used in the Form widget provides a customizable interface and automation features that are not provided by the Properties widget, such as custom field validation and a calculation engine.

Problem: The following statement is incorrect:

You cannot use the Form widget on a page that contains the Properties widget.

Correction: Any reasonable number of Form and Properties widgets on the same page are now supported.

Topic: The following topic lists the incorrect class for the Attachment context and contains broken links:

Action contexts

Problem #1:
 Table 1 incorrectly lists the ecm.model.AttachmentItem class as the model class that is associated with the Attachment context.

Correction #1:
  The table should list the ecm.model.ContentItem class as the model class that is associated with the Attachment context.

Problem #2: The links to the ecm.model classes in Table 1 do not work.

Correction #2: Use the following links to access documentation for the ecm.model classes:

Topic: The restriction on decimal places as well as information in the Content Platform Engine data models section in the following topic is incorrect:

Properties widget

Problem: The following restriction is incorrect:

Restriction: You can enter up to 10 decimal places after the decimal point for a float type value. However, the exact behavior of float type fields is determined by the implementation of JavaScript and Dojo libraries. Therefore, the values might look inconsistent for very small or very large numbers. A very small number, such as .0000001, might be represented in scientific notation format which the Dojo library interprets as an incorrect number. You might also see rounding errors with large numbers that have many digits before and after decimal place.

Correction: The number of decimal places (along with autorounding) can now be specified. The supported number range is related to the configured number of decimal places. Since a float value can support 15 decimal places, the supported range can be computed as follows:

 max = 9 * Math.pow(10, 15-places);
     min = -9 * Math.pow(10, 15-places);

The restriction is still true if numbers fall outside of these ranges. The Number Text Box and Number Spinner digits automatically enforce these computed ranges.

Problem: The information in the Content Platform Engine data models section of the topic is obsolete.

Correction: For workitem steps, String and Datetime are not considered required because their values can be saved as "".

These fields will be rendered as required (i.e. with an asterisk and null-validation errors for empty fields) on workitem pages but will be rendered otherwise on case pages. However, some controls (such as the checkbox) prevent the entry of null values. Such controls do not require the asterisk or the null-validation logic because the empty value is automatically converted. These controls include:

NumberTextBox (with zeroIfNull enabled)
NumberSpinner (with zeroIfNull enabled)
Drop-down (with zeroIfNull or falseIfNull enabled and a suitable zero or false choice)
Filtered drop-down (with zeroIfNull or falseIfNull enabled and a suitable zero or false choice)
RadioButtonSet (with zeroIfNull or falseIfNullEnabled and a suitable zero or false choice)

The Properties widget does support null values now for Boolean properties, but only on Case pages.

Topic: The instructions for designing the page layout in Page Designer in the following topic is inaccurate:

Creating a custom page

Problem: The first step in designing the page layout in Page Designer (Step 4 of the topic) is:

a. Select the page layout.

This is incorrect.

Correction: The first step should be replaced with the following sentence:

On the toolbar, click the Page Options icon to launch the Page Options window, where you can select and configure the page layout. Click OK.

Topic: The screenshot of the Case Details Form page is missing a default widget in the following topic:

Case Details pages

Problem: The Case Details Form page screenshot is missing the Timeline Visualizer widget, which is displayed by default.

Correction: The screenshot should include the Timeline Visualizer widget along the bottom of the image, similar to the screenshot for the Case Details page in the same topic.

Topic: The information about handling malfunction queue items in the following topic is incorrect:

Monitoring system performance

Problem: The following statement is incorrect:

The solution can have an IT administrator role with access to an in-basket for malfunction queue items. When the IT administrator logs into IBM Case Manager, the work items that are in the malfunction state will be displayed in the in-basket, and the administrator can take action to move the work items out of the malfunction state.

However, the malfunction queue items will not be displayed in the in-basket.

Correction: Use the following sentence in place of the incorrect statement:

The solution can have an IT administrator role with access to Content Platform Engine tools. The IT administrator can use either Process Administrator or Process Tracker to move the work items out of the malfunction state.

Topic: Some information in the following topic is incorrect:

In-baskets and integrated inboxes

Problem: The following important note is incorrect:

Important: The property values that are displayed in the in-basket are updated only when you complete a work item. The values are not updated if you merely save changes to the work item.

Correction: By default, the property values displayed in the in-basket are updated even if you merely save changes to a work item. This can be disabled if a business analyst updates the Event Update flag for properties to FALSE in Process Designer.

Problem: The following sentence is incorrect:

Depending on the number of work items and the in-basket configuration, you can use the paging controls to see all work items.

Correction: The default paging size is 200 and is not configurable, as this is an IBM Content Navigator implementation.

Topic: Some steps for adding custom tasks in the following topic are incorrect:

Adding custom tasks

Problem: Step b of the procedure for adding a work item incorrectly states that you assign a work item to a user or group.

Correction: Replace the step with the following text:

b. Assign the work item to a user or role.

Problem: Step e of the same procedure for adding a work item is missing information about the Insert Property Value icon.

Correction: Add the following information to the description for the Insert Property Value icon:

You can also insert Content Platform Engine properties (for example: Added by, Modified by, Added on).

Problem: The following statement in the description for work items is incorrect:

When the task is started, this work item is added to the in-basket of the user or group to which the work item is assigned.

Correction: Replace the sentence with the following text:

When the task is started, this work item is added to the in-basket of the user or role to which the work item is assigned.

Problem: Step 4 of the topic states that you should save and then validate the task.

Correction: You should first validate, and then save the task. You should correct any validation errors before saving the task.

Problem: Step 5 of the topic is missing information about clicking the Start button to start and close the task.

Correction: When you click the Start button, the task will be validated and saved as well before the task is started, and then the editor will close.

Topic: Some of the parameters for the command to synchronize cases in the following topic are incorrect:

Synchronizing cases with solution data

Problem: The topic includes a description for the -TaskTypes parameter, which does not exist. In addition, there is a parameter, -caseTypeFilter, that is mislabelled in the topic as -caseTypePrecondition.

Correction: Replace the -TaskTypes parameter and its description with the following parameters:

A comma-separated list of the task type symbolic names to add to the case instances. This parameter is optional.

A comma-separated list of the task type symbolic names to exclude from the update to the case instances. This parameter is optional.

Change the -caseTypePrecondition parameter name to -caseTypeFilter. The description for the parameter is correct.

Topic: Step 5 in the following topic provides inaccurate example text for the localization proxy document.

Creating translated form templates for your case management system

Correction: The correct example text is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <mapping locale="en-us">
        <mapping locale="zh-cn">
        <mapping locale="fr">

Important: Be sure to note the behavior that is documented in Step 9: Select a localization proxy document as an attachment for the Form Attachment Work Details page. The form template that is associated with the current locale of the case worker is opened. The form data document is saved with a reference to the specific form template that was opened to create the form data. The specific form data template is used to open the form data document in subsequent steps regardless of the locale of the case worker.

Topic: The properties.controller subpackage is not documented in the Javascript icm.model package topic.

Correction: The following classes are included in the package:
Represents a manager that is used to retrieve the property controllers for editable objects.
Represents a collection of property controllers that are bound to the properties of an editable object.
Provides the base controller class for a property.
Represents the controller for a property of type "attachment".
Represents the controller for a property of type "boolean".
Represents the controller for a property of type "datetime".
Represents the controller for property of type "float".
Represents the controller for a property of type "group".
Represents the controller for property of type "integer".
Represents the controller for a property of type "string".

Topic: The example about adding conditions to check for null values in business rules is incorrect:

Business rules

Problem: The following text is incorrect:

For example, you can add conditions to check for null values for the case properties. For a new account case type, define a rule that checks that a value is set for the opening account balance and sets the value of the Interest_Rate case property to 0.55% if the opening account balance is more than $10,000.

if the Opening_Balance of Account_Request is not null
and the Opening_Balance of Account_Request is more than 10000
then set the Interest_Rate of Account_Request to 0.55;

Correction: Ignore this text.

Topic: The reference to Tivoli Directory Server is incorrect in the topic for configuring single sign-on:

Configuring single sign on security

Correction: Replace the reference to Tivoli Directory Server with Tivoli Access Manager.

Topic: The default URL's are incorrect in the following topic:

Verifying your SSO deployment

Problem #1: The URL's for Case Builder are incorrect.

Correction: Use the following Case Builder URL's for verification:

Single Server:


Highly Available systems:


Problem: #2: The URL's for the highly available systems in a Development environment are incorrect.

Correction: Use the following URL's for verification in highly available Development environments:


Problem #3: The URL's for verification apply to Kerneros SPNEGO and CA Siteminder single sign-on. However, they do not work for Tivoli Access Manager.

Correction: Use the following URL's for verification of Tivoli Access Manager single sign-on configurations:


Topic: Information is incorrect in the following topic:

Indexing Content Platform Engine databases to improve IBM Case Manager performance

Problem: The definition of the following index is incorrect:

i3 on event (u<xy>_CMACMCASEFOLDER, AUDIT_SEQUENCE desc)

Add this index to avoid performance issues due to a table scan while searching Case History (case-info Widget).

Correction: To see the correct information, use the instructions in the following topic:

Configuring production target object store indexes

Topic: In the following topic, some of the details related to creating a split case are inaccurate:

POST method for the particular case instance resource

This first paragraph states the following:

"You can call this method to reuse property values from an existing case to create a case."

This sentence should read as follows:

"You can call this method to create a new case from an existing case."

In addition, a sample in this topic has an incorrect title. The sample that has the title "Request content for reusing case data" should instead be titled "Request content for creating a split case."

When you create a split case, no data from the original case is used when creating the new split case. You must pass in the property values you want to set on the new split case by using the properties attribute.

Topic: In the following topic, some of the details related to upgrading custom widgets are inaccurate:

Converting custom widgets after an upgrade

The "About this task" section includes a list with the following lead:

The following guidelines summarize the high-level widget conversion steps.

In this list, the second bullet, "Move from the REST API to the model layer." should be marked as Optional.

Similarly, the information sentence following step 4 of the procedure is incorrect:

4. Review your custom widget code and identify all of the REST API calls. All CASE REST API calls and CMIS REST API calls that are used in the V5.1.1 custom widget must be mapped to the V5.2 Model API.

The sentence should read as follows:

All CASE REST API calls and CMIS REST API calls that are used in the V5.1.1 custom widget can be mapped to the V5.2 Model API.

Topic: The following topic requires clarification about supported methods for high availability:

Planning for IBM Case Manager high availability

The text in the graphic that is included in the topic implies that WebSphere Network Deployment is required if you want to install a highly available IBM Case Manager environment. This implication is not accurate.

You can also use a standard WebSphere Application Server environment with an HTTP server load balancing implementation for a highly available IBM Case Manager environment. For High Availability environments that only require HTTP request load balancing, IBM Case Manager V5.2 does not require WebSphere Network Deployment.

However, this method of installing a highly available IBM Case Manager environment with the standard WebSphere Application server has certain limitations, such as session replication.

Topic: The description of the Work Details page is incorrect in the following topic:

Work Details pages

The default settings for the Work Item Toolbar widget and the Case Information widget on the Work Details page are incorrect. The correct settings are as follows:
  • The Work Item Toolbar widget includes the following buttons: Close, Comments, Complete, and Save.
  • The Case Information widget displays the following tabbed views: Documents, Tasks, and History.

Topic: The example in the following topic is not correct for IBM Case Manager V5.2.0 Fix Pack 1.

Class icm.util.SearchPayload

Problem: The getSearchPayload() method changed to an asynchronous function in Fix Pack 1. As a result, the example provided for the icm.util.SearchPayload class is not correct.

Correction: If you have installed IBM Case Manager V5.2.0 Fix Pack 1, use the following example for the icm.util.SearchPayload class:

var solution = this.solution; // solution from the widget.
var params = {};
params.ObjectStore = solution.getTargetOS().id;

var criterion = new ecm.model.SearchCriterion({"id":
    "CmAcmCaseIdentifier", "selectedOperator": "STARTSWITH",  
    "dataType": "xs:string", "defaultValue" : "%", "value": "%",
    "values": ["%"]});
params.criterion = [criterion];

// params.ceQuery = "SELECT t.[FolderName], t.[LastModifier],
    t.[DateLastModified], t.[CmAcmCaseTypeFolder],
    t.[CmAcmCaseState], t.[CmAcmCaseIdentifier], t.[DateCreated],
    t.[Creator], t.[Id], t.[ContainerType], t.[LockToken],
    t.[LockTimeout],  t.[ClassDescription], t.[DateLastModified],
    t.[FolderName] FROM [CmAcmCaseFolder] t WHERE
        ((((t.[CmAcmCaseIdentifier] LIKE '%%' or
        t.[CmAcmParentSolution] =  
        Object({201323A3-271B-48CC-9C0D-7D0B20B1822C})) and
        t.[CmAcmCaseState] > 1) )) ORDER BY

params.CaseType = "ICM_Case1";
params.solution = solution;

var searchPayload = new icm.util.SearchPayload();

var self=this;
searchPayload.getSearchPayload(dojo.hitch(self, function(payload) {
 payload.searchTemplate.setClasses([new ecm.model.SearchClass("ICM_CaseType1", "ICM_CaseType1", "folder", true)]);
 self.onBroadcastEvent("icm.SearchCases", payload);

Topic: The command syntax example is incorrect in the following topic:

createCaseHistoryStore command

The syntax example for the createCaseHistoryStore command has the following incorrect parameter:

-ConnName database_connection

The parameter should read as follows:

-dbConnName database_connection

Topic: A procedural step is incomplete in the following topic:

Configuring production target object store indexes

In the procedure for creating a four-part index, the second step of the procedure reads as follows:

2. Use Administration Console for Content Platform Engine to identify the database column name of the CmAcmCaseFolder property in the Event table. Record the values for the TableDefinition and ColumnId properties for the CmAcmCaseFolder property in the target object store.

Substeps are needed to clarify the step:

2. Use Administration Console for Content Platform Engine to identify the database column name of the CmAcmCaseFolder property in the Event table. Record the values for the TableDefinition and ColumnId properties for the CmAcmCaseFolder property in the target object store.
    a. Navigate to Target Object Store > Data Design > Classes > Other Classes > Event.
    b. In the Properties tab, sort on Property Name.
    c. Scroll down to find the property Table Definition and record the value.
    d. Click Property Value. Another Administration Console for Content Platform Engine tab opens.
    e. Open the Column Definition dropdown list and select column CmAcmCaseFolder. The Column Definition Properties tab opens.
    f. Record the value of the property Column Name.

Topic: A required command parameter is missing in the following topics:

Configuring the design environment by using the command line

Configuring the production environment by using the command line

In the procedure for running the generateConfig command, the -form parameter is missing from the list of parameters. The -form parameter is required even for environments that are not using forms. Use the following information to choose the correct value:

-form form_type

Specifies the form type to integrate with IBM Case Manager. If you specify ibmforms, IBM Case Manager will be configured to use eForms and IBM Forms. The form_type value can be one of the following items:


For environments that do not use forms, specify the eforms value for the parameter.

Topic: The following topic is inaccurate and incomplete:

Configuring email notification

Use the information in the attached document to configure email notification for IBM Case Manager solutions.


[{"Product":{"code":"SSCTJ4","label":"IBM Case Manager"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Not Applicable","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":";5.2.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

