IBM Support

Best Practice of installing SQL Extensions Toolkit to save storage space in a PDA (
Netezza) appliance and cross-reference from across NPS databases

Question & Answer


Do we need to install the SQL Extensions Toolkit in every NPS database to reference functions like nz_ddl, encrypt etc. ?


Typically a followed practice is to install the SQL Extensions Toolkit in every NPS database on a PDA (Netezza) appliance to make it easy to reference.

However, the toolkit would account for ~ 500 MB of space to store the associated functions/files, so installing it in each and every database would create multiple copies of all those functions/files.

This would take up (~500 MB x No. of Databases), which can add up to a lot.
Having a bigger (than necessary) catalog also adversely affects other regular activities such as nzupgrade, nzhostbackup, nz_manual_vacuum, nzbackup etc..

Instead, one can choose to install it in just ONE database and easily reference it from any other database. So you have only one copy.
A good practice is to have an empty database set aside that ONLY contains these functions (and no tables).

An added benefit is when you next upgrade the SQL Extensions Toolkit, it would be easier to do it once (for one database) than for multiple databases.

So, for example, have one database created (lets call it SQL_EXTENSIONS_TOOLKIT) which is where you install all the functions.

Below is an example of how to cross reference it:

// SQL_EXTENSIONS_TOOLKIT is the database where the functions reside in this example.
// So, to reference them explicitly, pre-pend the function with the database name.

SYSTEM.ADMIN(ADMIN)=> select SQL_EXTENSIONS_TOOLKIT..encrypt('abcde', '12345');
(1 row)

Or to make it simpler, add the below line


To the file


// Now since we have it set up in the search_path, we don't need to explicitly pre-pend the database name.

SYSTEM.ADMIN(ADMIN)=> select encrypt('abcde', '12345');
(1 row)

To accomplish the above, one will have to grant permissions** to all users that may need to access the toolkit..

So, connect to the database which has the kit installed and then give everyone access to those 3 classes of objects

grant list,execute on FUNCTION to public;
grant list,execute on AGGREGATE to public;
grant list,execute on LIBRARY to public;

** Refer to the PDA SQL Extension kit user guide for more details on permissions required to access/modify the extension kit functions.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSULQD","label":"IBM PureData System"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Tools","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"1.0.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 October 2019

