IBM Support

Backup of virtual machine fails with ANS1370E and ANS4148E RC 114



A Tivoli Storage Manager backup of a virtual machine may fail due to insufficient authority if the administrator user of the proxy node is not an owner of the agent node.


Attempts to backup a virtual machine via the console may produce output similar to the following:

    C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient>dsmc backup vm -vmfulltype=vstor -vmlist=ex
    tra-53-W2003-TSM61-SRV -vmmc=vm-daily
    IBM Tivoli Storage Manager
    Command Line Backup-Archive Client Interface
      Client Version 6, Release 2, Level 3.0

    Node Name: EXTRA-66

    Session established with server EXTRA-51: Linux/x86_64
    Accessing as node: INTRANET-WORK-VM

    Full BACKUP VM of virtual machines specified in VMLIST option.
    Backup VM command started.  Total number of virtual machines to process: 1
    Backup of Virtual Machine 'extra-53-W2003-TSM61-SRV' started

    Starting Full VM backup of Virtual Machine 'extra-53-W2003-TSM61-SRV'
    Backup processing of 'extra-53-W2003-TSM61-SRV' finished without failure.
    ANS4148E Full VM backup of Virtual Machine 'extra-53-W2003-TSM61-SRV' failed with RC 114
    Unmount virtual machine disk on backup proxy for VM 'extra-53-W2003-TSM61-SRV (n
    Accessing as node: INTRANET-WORK-VM

    Backup VM command complete
    Total number of virtual machines backed up successfully: 0
    Total number of virtual machines failed: 1
      virtual machine extra-53-W2003-TSM61-SRV
    Total number of virtual machines processed: 1

Diagnosing The Problem

Check the dsmerror.log found in the Tivoli Storage Manager Client directory where the VM backup was initiated for the following two messages:

    ANS1370E The user ID entered does not have the correct level of authority to access the client machine.
    ANS4148E Full VM backup of Virtual Machine 'extra-53-W2003-TSM61-SRV' failed with RC 114

The Tivoli Storage Manager Server activity log would also show an error message like the following:

    ANR0473W Session 7285 for administrator EXTRA-66 ( ) refused - administrator name does not have the correct level of authority over client node. (SESSION: 7285)  

In this example 'intranet-work-vm' is the datacenter / proxy node (specified with the client using the -asnode=intranet-work-vm). Check the administrator user assigned for that datacenter / proxy node using Tivoli Storage Manager command QUERY ADMIN FORMAT=DETAIL. for example:

    tsm: EXTRA-51>query admin intranet-work-vm format=detail
      Administrator Name: INTRANET-WORK-VM
      Client Access Privilege:
      Client Owner Privilege: INTRANET-WORK-VM

Notice that the administrative user for the proxy node only has client owner privileges for itself, and not for the 'extra-66' node.

Resolving The Problem

On the Tivoli Storage Manager server, authority must be granted for the proxynode (datacenter) ADMIN so that the agent node has permission to perform backup operations using that ADMIN user.

    tsm: EXTRA-51>grant authority intranet-work-vm class=node authority=owner node=extra-66          
    ANR2125I GRANT AUTHORITY: Administrator INTRANET-WORK-VM was granted OWNER authority for client EXTRA-66.

    tsm: EXTRA-51>query admin intranet-work-vm format=detail
      Administrator Name: INTRANET-WORK-VM
      Client Access Privilege:
      Client Owner Privilege: EXTRA-66 INTRANET-WORK-VM

From the QUERY ADMIN output we can see that the administrator 'intranet-work-vm' has 'owner' level access privileges to the 'extra-66' client node used in the example.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSGSG7","label":"Tivoli Storage Manager"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Component":"Client","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"6.3;6.4;7.1","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB26","label":"Storage"}}]

Product Synonym


Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

