IBM Support

BACKUP DB fails with ANR2993E and sqlcode: -2428



BACKUP DB fails with ANR2993E and sqlcode: -2428


BACKUP DB fails with ANR2993 and the db2diag.log file reports DISK FULL.


Not enough space available in the specified ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY


The dsmserv.opt has the following settings:

    ACTIVELOGSize               131072
    ACTIVELOGDirectory          /home/tsminst1/log
    ARCHLOGDirectory            /home/tsminst1/archlog

Diagnosing The Problem

When the BACKUP DB process fails the following messages will be seen in the Tivoli Storage Manager server's activity log:

    ANR2993E The database backup terminated with a log problem. DB2 sqlcode: -2428. DB2 sqlerrmc: .
    ANR0985I Process ## for Database Backup running in the FOREGROUND completed with completion state FAILURE at 05:55:52 AM.
    ANR1893E Process ## for Database Backup completed with a completion state of FAILURE.

Since the message is vague, you need to take the DB2 sqlcode found in the ANR2993E message, -2428, and search within the db2diag.log file for the code. Once the code is found, verify the timestamp is fairly close to the timestamp in the activity log for the ANR2993E. If the messages are within seconds of one another then you have found the entry in the db2diag.log file. Once you find the sqlcode, review the messages prior to the sqlcode for an indication as to why the BACKUP DB failed.

    2014-06-18- E104494E1180          LEVEL: Error (OS)
    PID     : 13431                TID : 46912975660800  PROC : db2sysc 0
    INSTANCE: tsminst1             NODE : 000            DB   : TSMDB1  
    HOSTNAME: server1
    EDUID   : 255                  EDUNAME: db2logmgr (TSMDB1) 0
    FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, oper system services, sqlowrite, probe:70
    MESSAGE : ZRC=0x850F000C=-2062614516=SQLO_DISK "Disk full."
              DIA8312C Disk was full.
    CALLED  : OS, -, write                            OSERR: ENOSPC (28)
    DATA #1 : File handle, PD_TYPE_SQO_FILE_HDL, 8 bytes
      File Handle              = 441
      File System Block Size   = 0 bytes
      File System Type         = UNKNOWN
      File Handle Flags :
        Require Sector Align   = No
        DIO/CIO Mode           = No
        Raw Block Device       = No
        Reserved Handle        = No
        Flush On Close         = Yes
        Thread-Level Lock      = Yes
        Write-through Mode     = No
        File Not Tracked       = No
    DATA #2 : unsigned integer, 8 bytes
    DATA #3 : signed integer, 8 bytes
    DATA #4 : String, 105 bytes
    Search for ossError*Analysis probe point after this log entry for further
    self-diagnosis of this problem.

    2014-06-18- I105675E3229          LEVEL: Error (OS)
    PID     : 13431                TID : 46912975660800  PROC : db2sysc 0
    INSTANCE: tsminst1             NODE : 000            DB   : TSMDB1  
    HOSTNAME: server1
    EDUID   : 255                  EDUNAME: db2logmgr (TSMDB1) 0
    FUNCTION: DB2 Common, OSSe, ossErrorIOAnalysis, probe:100
    CALLED  : OS, -, write                            OSERR: ENOSPC (28)
    DATA #1 : String, 147 bytes
    A total of 5 analysis will be performed :
     - User info
     - ulimit info
     - Target file info
     - I/O attempt
     - File system

     Target file handle = 441
    DATA #2 : String, 184 bytes
      Real user ID of current process       = 501
      Effective user ID of current process  = 501
      Real group ID of current process      = 501
      Effective group ID of current process = 501
    DATA #3 : String, 371 bytes
    Current process limits (unit in bytes except for nofiles) :
      mem     (S/H) = unlimited / unlimited
      core    (S/H) = unlimited / unlimited
      cpu     (S/H) = unlimited / unlimited
      data    (S/H) = unlimited / unlimited
      fsize   (S/H) = unlimited / unlimited
      nofiles (S/H) = 65534 / 65534
      stack   (S/H) = unlimited / unlimited
      rss     (S/H) = unlimited / unlimited
    DATA #4 : String, 41 bytes
    current sbrk(0) value: 0x0000000000695000
    DATA #5 : String, 262 bytes
    Target File Information :
      Size               = 507232256
      Link               = No
      Reference path     = N/A
      Type               = 0x8000
      Permissions        = rw-------
      UID                = 501
      GID                = 501
      Last modified time = 1403083143
    DATA #6 : String, 33 bytes
    I/O attempt not implemented yet.
    DATA #7 : String, 407 bytes
    File System Information of the target file :
      Block size        = 4096 bytes
      Total size        = 149022154752 bytes
      Free size         = 0 bytes
      Total # of inodes = 9240576
      FS name           = /dev/tsminst1_log_vg
      Mount point       = /home/tsminst1/log
      FSID              = 64822
      FS type name      = ext4
      DIO/CIO mount opt = None
      Device type       = N/A
      FS type           = 0xf
    CALLSTCK: (Static functions may not be resolved correctly, as they are resolved to the nearest symbol)
      [0] 0x00002AAAB709723B /home/tsminst1/sqllib/lib64/ + 0x21723B
      [1] 0x00002AAAB70987C3 ossLogSysRC + 0xB3
      [2] 0x00002AAAB708A934 /home/tsminst1/sqllib/lib64/ + 0x20A934
      [3] 0x00002AAAB7087BFD ossErrorAnalysis + 0x2D
      [4] 0x00002AAAB181A36B sqloSystemErrorHandler + 0x71B
      [5] 0x00002AAAAF4A7F2A sqlowrite + 0x44A
      [7] 0x00002AAAB188A7A3 _Z20sqlpgRetrieveLogDiskP9SQLP_DBCBPKcS2_jjtb + 0x223
      [8] 0x00002AAAB188FF03 _Z20sqlpgRetrieveLogFileP9SQLP_DBCB + 0x2D73
      [9] 0x00002AAAB1892D83 _Z21sqlpgHandleLogMgrPostP12sqpLogMgrEduP9SQLP_DBCBj + 0xCA3
      [10] 0x00002AAAB189528F _Z15sqlpgLogManagerP12sqpLogMgrEdu + 0x25F
      [11] 0x00002AAAB19A0647 _ZN12sqpLogMgrEdu6RunEDUEv + 0x27
      [12] 0x00002AAAAFC4C124 _ZN9sqzEDUObj9EDUDriverEv + 0xF4
      [13] 0x00002AAAAF4B4217 sqloEDUEntry + 0x2F7
      [14] 0x00000031C8A07851 /lib64/ + 0x7851
      [15] 0x00000031C82E890D clone + 0x6D
    2014-06-18- I108905E467           LEVEL: Error
    PID     : 13431                TID : 46912975660800  PROC : db2sysc 0
    INSTANCE: tsminst1             NODE : 000            DB   : TSMDB1  
    HOSTNAME: server1
    EDUID   : 255                  EDUNAME: db2logmgr (TSMDB1) 0
    FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, data protection services, sqlpgRetrieveLogToTemp, probe:7600
    MESSAGE : ZRC=0x850F000C=-2062614516=SQLO_DISK "Disk full."
              DIA8312C Disk was full.
    2014-06-18- I187272E571           LEVEL: Error
    PID     : 13431                TID : 47018911196928  PROC : db2sysc 0
    INSTANCE: tsminst1             NODE : 000            DB   : TSMDB1
    APPHDL  : 0-55839              APPID: *LOCAL.tsminst1.140618134115
    AUTHID  : TSMINST1             HOSTNAME: server1
    EDUID   : 1208                 EDUNAME: db2bm.1022.4 (TSMDB1) 0
    FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, data protection services, sqlpOpenLogForBackup, probe:20
    RETCODE : ZRC=0x82100016=-2112880618=SQLPLFR_RC_RETRIEVE_FAILED
              "Log could not be retrieved"

    2014-06-18- E187844E621           LEVEL: Severe
    PID     : 13431                TID : 47018911196928  PROC : db2sysc 0
    INSTANCE: tsminst1             NODE : 000            DB   : TSMDB1
    APPHDL  : 0-55839              APPID: *LOCAL.tsminst1.140618134115
    AUTHID  : TSMINST1             HOSTNAME: server1
    EDUID   : 1208                 EDUNAME: db2bm.1022.4 (TSMDB1) 0
    FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, database utilities, sqlubProcessLogExtent, probe:2406
    MESSAGE : ADM8010E  Backup was unable to copy requested log file "S0044241.LOG"
              for inclusion in the backup image. The backup has been aborted.

    2014-06-18- E189205E612           LEVEL: Severe
    PID     : 13431                TID : 47018982500096  PROC : db2sysc 0
    INSTANCE: tsminst1             NODE : 000            DB   : TSMDB1
    APPHDL  : 0-55839              APPID: *LOCAL.tsminst1.140618134115
    AUTHID  : TSMINST1             HOSTNAME: server1
    EDUID   : 1218                 EDUNAME: db2bm.1022.0 (TSMDB1) 0
    FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, database utilities, sqlubProcessLogExtent, probe:2530
    DATA #1 : Sqlcode, PD_TYPE_SQLCODE, 4 bytes
    -2428   <----- HERE -----
    DATA #2 : Hexdump, 4 bytes
    0x00002AC08195AA18 : 84F6 FFFF                                  ....

For this particular case above, a DISK FULL condition has been encountered for the ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY /home/tsminst1/log. Reviewing the operating system output from command df -m it appears there is space available in the specified ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY:

    Filesystem             1M-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
    /dev/tsminst1_log_vg      142119    131775      3127  98% /home/tsminst1/log
    /dev/tsminst1_archlog_vg 2889706   1957142    785876  72% /home/tsminst1/archlog

The output above shows the /home/tsminst1/log directory is approximately 138 GB and has about 3 GB of available space. The server's activity log is consuming 128 GB of the active log directory.The remaining space is being consumed by log files being moved to and from the archive log directory (ARCHLOGDIRECTORY) during the BACKUP DB process.

Resolving The Problem

The Tivoli Storage Manger publication states you should provision an extra 20% of free space for the ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY that can be used if needed. In the example above, one of two items needs to occur:

    1. Increase the available free space in the ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY to be at least 20% greater than the ACTIVELOGSIZE (Formula: (ACTIVELOGSIZE * .20) + ACTIVELOGSIZE ). For the example above the ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY should be increased to approximately 153 GB of space.
    2. Decrease the ACTIVELOGSIZE to allow the current filesystem to be 20% greater than the ACTIVELOGSIZE specified. Since the above example has an ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY specified as 138 GB, the ACTIVELOGSIZE would need to be set to a value that is 20% of the 138 GB (Formula: ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY_size - (ACTIVELOGDIRECTORY_size * .20)). In this particular example, the ACTIVELOGSIZE would need to be adjusted down to 112640 and would require a restart of the Tivoli Storage Manager server. Here is the example formula:

      • 138 - (138 * 0.20 ) = 110.4 This means the ACTIVELOGSIZE needs to be set to 110 GB, which is specified as 112640 MB in the options file. The .4 was drop because the value of the ACTIVELOGSIZE should be divisible by 512, which 512 goes into 112640, 220 times.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSGSG7","label":"Tivoli Storage Manager"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Component":"Server","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Supported Versions","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB26","label":"Storage"}}]

Product Synonym

TSM ADSM IBM Spectrum Protect

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

