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APAR status
Closed as program error.
Error description
This APAR addresses two problems related to the PX_PROMOARG database table. 1) With previous releases of WebSphere Commerce, there was extra code required by the product when managing entries in Oracle database tables with CLOB columns. To insert a row, first a row is created with an empty CLOB, then a subsequent update is made to set the contents into the CLOB column. To update a row, first the row is updated to have a empty CLOB, then a subsequent update is made to set the contents into the CLOB column. With the currently supported version of Oracle, this extra step is no longer required and a single insert or a single update can be used to manage CLOB columns. 2) When there is high volume of traffic on a Commerce site, many locks may occur on the PX_PROMOARG database table. This can result in decreased site performance. If certain requirements are met (see below), then an alternate code path can be enabled that bypasses creating and updating entries in the PX_PROMOARG database table.
Local fix
Problem summary
USERS AFFECTED: WebSphere Commerce 7.0 users who use Promotions and have a large number of concurrent shoppers, operating with an Oracle database. PROBLEM ABSTRACT: Improve performance related to create/update of the PX_PROMOARG database table. BUSINESS IMPACT: Locking in CLOBs could lead to an outage as the system waits or times out waiting for updates to the PX_PROMOARG table. RECOMMENDATION:
Problem conclusion
This fix addresses two problems related to the PX_PROMOARG database table. 1) For Oracle databases only, the performance related to managing CLOB columns is improved. The code for the PromotionArgumentSessionBeanPersistenceManager was updated to perform a single insert or a single update when managing entries in the PX_PROMOARG database table. This occurs every time the promotion engine is called to evaluate a shopping cart. The code for the PromotionRewardOptionSessionBeanPersistenceManager was updated to perform a single insert or a single update when managing entries in the PX_RWDOPTION database table. This occurs when adding and updating free gifts in a shopping cart. 2) For customers who meet the following requirements: a) There is no custom code that relies on records in the PX_PROMOARG database table. b) The VoucherAdjustment promotion adjustment is not used. This adjustment can offer a new coupon to a customer when a promotion is applied and an order is submitted. This adjustment is not used out of the box in V7 and would only be used through a customization. c) V7 Feature Pack 1 or higher is installed with the foundation component enabled. If these requirements are met, then you can optionally enable a code path that will not persist records to the PX_PROMOARG database table. This can result in improved site performance. See the Additional Instructions in the APAR readme for details on how to enable this code path. ------------------------------------------------------------- The latest available maintenance information can be obtained from the Recommended Fixes for WebSphere Commerce technote:
Temporary fix
APAR Information
APAR number
Reported component name
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Reported release
Special Attention
Submitted date
Closed date
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APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:
APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:
Fix information
Fixed component name
Fixed component ID
Applicable component levels
R701 PSY
[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSYSYL","label":"WebSphere Commerce Enterprise"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"701","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB31","label":"WCE Watson Marketing and Commerce"}}]
Document Information
Modified date:
21 December 2021