IBM Support


A fix is available


You can track all active APARs for this component.


APAR status

  • Closed as new function.

Error description

  • new function

Local fix

Problem summary

  • ****************************************************************
    * USERS AFFECTED: All DB2 users.                               *
    * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: The in-line length of DSNDB01.SPT01 can *
    *                      not be changed this can affect          *
    *                      performance and the DASD required for   *
    *                      packages.                               *
    * RECOMMENDATION:                                              *
    In DB2 V10 NFM the package information is stored in a LOB
    table space with an inline length of 0 which causes the
    following two problems:
    - All the package information is stored in the LOB table
      space and this can not be compressed. This can cause
      more DASD to be used for packages.
    - When package information is stored in the LOB, the base row
      and the LOB row must be read. This can affect performance.

Problem conclusion

Temporary fix


  • With APAR PM27811 DB2 code has been enhanced to allow the
    in-line length of DSNDB01.SPT01 to be changed. When DB2 is
    started with PM27811 on for the first time the in-line
    length is changed from 0 to 32138 and the table space is put
    in AREOR. The in-line length can be changed by using the
    SET SYSPARM LOAD command to load a new ZPARM module that
    has a different in-line length specified. The new ZPARM
    SPT01_INLINE_LENGTH can have a value of NOINLINE or 1-32138.
    When the in-line length is made larger, a new message
    DSNG010I will be issued showing the new length and the
    table space will be put in AREOR. New rows inserted by
    BIND will use the new length and a REORG will convert
    all the rows to the new length.
    When the new in-line length is smaller, a new message
    DSNG009I will be issued to indicate that the table space
    is put in REORP and message DSNG010I will be issued with
    the new in-line length. The table space must be REORGed
    before any packages can be bound or run.
    After the ENFM step for DSNDB01.SPT01 has completed, the SPT01
    table space has BLOB columns. By default, at this point, when
    the table space is in AREOR or REORP, a REORG TABLESPACE on
    DSNDB01.SPT01 will implicitly reorganize both the base table
    space and the associated LOB table spaces at the same time.
    ++Hold for PM27811
    ***Action for PM27811:
    See PM27811 APAR/PTF text for additional information.
    PM27811 is the enabling APAR that introduces the new function
    support for the ability to change the in-line length of
    DSNDB01.SPT01.  Earlier, a pre-conditioning APAR PM27073 was
    delivered that is a prereq.  In a data sharing group, this
    pre-conditioning APAR should be applied to all members before
    applying this enabling APAR to any member.  The new function
    will be enabled once this enabling APAR is applied.
    When DB2 is started with PM27811 on for the first time, the
    in-line length of DSNDB01.SPT01 is changed from 0 to 32138
    and the table space DSNDB01.SPT01 is put in AREOR.
    If you apply this PTF after SPT01 has been converted in ENFM,
    please specify the size of the SYSCOPY data set (either
    thru DD card specification or utility template) when you
    REORG SPT01.
    This PTF adds a new DB2 subsystem parameter in DSN6SPRM called
    SPT01_INLINE_LENGTH to specify the maximum length in single-
    byte characters of LOB column data in the SPT01 directory
    space to be maintained in the base table.  Valid settings are
    an integer from 1 - 32138 or NOINLINE.  NOINLINE means that no
    LOB data is to be placed inline in the SPT01 base table.  The
    default setting is 32138.  SPT01_INLINE_LENGTH is externalized
    on installation panel DSNTIPA2 as SPT01 INLINE LENGTH.
    This PTF also externalizes an existing parameter in DSN6SPRM,
    COMPRESS_SPT01, on DB2 installation panel DSNTIPA2 as
    COMPRESS SPT01.  The COMPRESS_SPT01 parameter can be used to
    indicate that DB2 is to compress data in the SPT01 base table.
    Valid settings are NO and YES.  The default is NO.  For more
    information about COMPRESS_SPT01, consult the DB2 Installation
    A change to the SPT01_INLINE_LENGTH  parameter does not take
    effect until you use the -SET SYSPARM command to  bring it
    online.  In other words, even if you start or restart DB2 after
    changing the value, the change is not honored until you issue
    the -SET SYSPARM command.
    If you increase the setting, DB2 will place SPT01 in Advisory
    REORG-pending (AREOR) status after you bring the change on-line.
    If you decrease the setting, DB2 will place SPT01 in REORG-
    pending (REORP) status after you bring the change on-line.
    REORG SPT01 with SHRLEVEL(REFERENCE) to materialize the inline
    LOB data.
    In DB2 data sharing, all members need to use the same setting.
    It is not required to apply this PTF to all members of the
    group at the same time.  However:
    * The PTF for pre-conditioning APAR PM27073 must be applied
      to all members before this PTF is applied to any member
    * When the PTF is applied to any member, the subsystem
      parameter (DSNZPxxx) module for that member must be configured
      to use the same SPT01_INLINE_LENGTH setting as all other
      members that have this PTF applied.  See action (3) below
      for guidance.
    When changing the setting of SPT01_INLINE_LENGTH for a data
    sharing group, make the change on all members before running
    the -SET SYSPARM command on any member.
    If you have already installed or migrated to this version of DB2
    you need to take the following actions after applying this PTF:
    (1) Update customized copies of DB2 installation CLIST members
    (2) Copy updated DB2 installation panels to alternate libraries
    (3) Update your customized copy of job DSNTIJUZ
    (4) Update private copies of the DSNTIDxx CLIST input member
    Detailed guidance for these actions follows:
    (1) Update customized copies of DB2 installation CLIST members
    ==> This action is required for all customers
        This PTF modifies CLIST member DSNTINST in the SDSNCLST
        target library only.  You need to redo any record format
        changes and reapply any tailoring you have done to your
        copies of this CLIST.  You may also want to move it to the
        prefix.NEW.SDSNCLST data set, where the CLISTs processed by
        job DSNTIJVC reside.
    (2) Copy updated DB2 installation panels to alternate libraries
    ==> This action is required for all V10 customers who maintain
        copies of the DB2 installation panels outside of SMP/E
        This PTF modifies DB2 installation panels DSNTIPA2 and
        DSNTIPB in the SDSNSPFP target library.
        If you keep the DB2 installation panels in a different
        library then after applying this PTF, you need to copy the
        updated DSNTIPA2 and DSNTIPB panels to that library.
    (3) Update your customized copy of job DSNTIJUZ
    ==> This action is required for all customers
        This PTF modifies DB2 installation job DSNTIJUZ in the
        SDSNSAMP target library.  After applying this PTF, you
        need to update your customized copy of this job as follows:
        * Add the keyword parameter SPT01_INLINE_LENGTH=<n>, where
          <n> is either NOINLINE or an integer from 1 to 32138, to
          the invocation of the DSN6SPRM macro in your customized
          copy of installation job DSNTIJUZ.  Make sure to add a
          continuation character in column 72 if needed. If you omit
          adding SPT01_INLINE_LENGTH here, the value will be set to
          the default of 32138 when you assemble the DSNZPxxx
        * Run the first two steps of the DSNTIJUZ job you modified.
        * After the job completes, you must either use the -SET
          SYSPARM command for the change to take effect.  In DB2
          data sharing, all members need to use the same setting.
          When changing the setting of SPT01_INLINE_LENGTH for a
          data sharing group, make the change on all members before
          running the -SET SYSPARM command on any member.
    (4) Update private copies of the DSNTIDxx CLIST input member
    ==> This action is required for all customers
        This PTF adds an entry for SPT01_INLINE_LENGTH to the CLIST
        default input members, DSNTIDXA and DSNTIDXB, in the
        SDSNSAMP target library.  You need to add this entry to all
        private copies of your CLIST output DSNTIDxx member.  In
        each such copy, add the following line:
    SPT01_INLINE_LENGTH CHAR  G  NONE        NONE          <n>
         Change <n> to the value you specified for
         SPT01_INLINE_LENGTH in step (3), above.
    ***DOC    for PM27811:
    See PM27811 APAR/PTF text for additional information.
    New DB2 messages, DSNG009I, DSNG010I and DSNG011I
    are added by this APAR/PTF.
    The change will be documented in the DB2 Messages manual
    and in the Information Management
    Software for z/OS Solutions Information Center.
    The new message text is:
    Explanation:  This message is issued at the completion
    of changing the in-line length of the SPTSEC_DATA
    column of SPT01 when the new length is shorter than the
    current length.
    LENGTH new-size
    Explanation:  The SPT01 inline length was successfully .
    new-size  The size of the inline length in bytes.
    LENGTH size
    Explanation:  The SPT01 inline length was not changed.
    Check the console for a DSNT500I message.
    size  The size of the inline length in bytes.

APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name

    DB2 OS/390 & Z/

  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




  • Special Attention


  • Submitted date


  • Closed date


  • Last modified date


  • APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

  • APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:




Fix information

  • Fixed component name

    DB2 OS/390 & Z/

  • Fixed component ID


Applicable component levels

  • RA10 PSY UK66379

       UP11/05/04 P F105

Fix is available

  • Select the PTF appropriate for your component level. You will be required to sign in. Distribution on physical media is not available in all countries.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSEPEK","label":"Db2 for z\/OS"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"10.1","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}},{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SG19M","label":"APARs - z\/OS environment"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"10.1","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
01 June 2011