A fix is available
APAR status
Closed as program error.
Error description
Ship APAR fixes for H28W700 Fix Pack
Local fix
Problem summary
**************************************************************** * USERS AFFECTED: All users of WebSphere Application Server * * V7.0 for z/OS * * * **************************************************************** * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: APAR PM15830 addresses various defects * * in WebSphere Application Server V7.0 * * for z/OS. * * * **************************************************************** * RECOMMENDATION: * **************************************************************** APAR PM15830 fixes the following defects in WebSphere Application Server V7.0 for z/OS: APAR Description PM09339 The JAX-WS runtime issues a confusing error when it receives an invalid SOAP message. PM09504 Enable reference compression for the Java SE 64 bit jvm. PM09567 Installation Factory is not handling interim fix install for trial version (if_v 7.0.07). PM09579 ADMA0091E message shown for a previously removed function datastore EJB. PM09622 Administrative console is corrupted when there are multiple entries for the same shared library. PM09674 Class not found during application initialization:. PM09697 Trace statement "error occured while generating trace" occurs while running a JAX-WS application. PM09716 CWSIC2059E message incorrectly returned to a WebSphere v7.0 Service Integration Bus client application. PM09742 Update WebSphere MQ messaging provider to fix pack PM09796 A NullPointerException occurs during deployment and startup of a J2EE 5 application. PM09810 Migration: when migrating from v5.1 to v7.0 on IBM i, post-migration fails, referencing missing "etc" directory. PM09819 IHS error log warning; "Not owner: processor unbind failed -1" in an AIX WPAR environment. PM09877 An org.apache.commons.logging.LogConfigurationException error occurs while installing, starting or using a JAX-WS application. PM09890 SQLException from DB2 universal JDBC driver not properly mapped to StaleConnectionException in some cases. PM09905 If a JAX-WS application has an SSL binding attached to it, the JAX-WS code incorrectly uses the system default SSL settings. PM09935 High CPU usage with dynacache disk offload. PM09939 JMS session sharing control introduced by PK59605 in WebSphere applciation 6.1 does not work in 7.0. PM10016 Add javadoc to interface sizeable. PM10056 From administrative console launching eclipse-based help, when clicking the ? icon returns blank page. PM10081 A NullPointerException error may occur while running a JAX-WS application. PM10082 Null pointer exception when using CMX. PM10115 While starting a JAX-WS application a NullPointerException error may occur in the PolicyEngine class. PM10270 The IBM HTTP Server can fail during an upload that is greater than 2 GB over SSL. PM10292 A JAX-WS client may fail with "IOException: async io operation failed" error if its host header contains a port. PM10321 OBPL0006E issued if ObjectPool lookup is done in StartupBean. PM10332 Prevent scheduling of duplicate ODC tree requests. PM10352 Embedded shared resources are only added to one server when targeting more than one server. PM10454 Sensitive information in default_create.log file if using WebSphere Application Server (non-saf) managed security. PM10631 Memory consumption/garbage collection issue in the Unified EL packaged in WebSphere Application Server v PM10684 Admin console sensitive information might appear in addNode.log when -trace option enabled. PM10732 Intermittent deadlock on startup using Java2 security. PM10783 While running a JAX-WS application an IllegalAnnotationsException occurred indicating a problem. PM10814 AccessControlException thrown when doing a JMS receive call using SIBUS with bus security on. PM10885 Config service might emit NullPointerException stacktrace to standard error, when getting attribute, even when operation succeeds. PM10893 Business-level application processing after saving configuration changes does not delete work space. PM10894 Core group bridge service inefficiently caches subjects and can cause OutOfMemory in extreme cases. PM10896 Promotion of server to cluster does not remove all resources from server.xml. PM10926 Introduce a new programming interface to allow third party frameworks to dynamically register message driven applications. PM11018 General bindings panel controller has unnecessary call to configuration task. PM11050 Allow customers to use an STS to issue or validate security tokens using WS-Security login modules. PM11134 Unexpected FFDC in the Feature Pack for OSGi Applications and Java Persistence API (JPA) 2.0. PM11632 Transaction service partner log fills up leading to com.ibm.ws.recoverylog.spi.LogFullException after PK92871. PM11713 Java.lang.OutOfMemoryError following a high volume of EJB calls processed by an appserver. PM11778 Cross-site scripting and URL injection vulnerability in administrative console. PM12049 When two or more "set-cookie" headers are present, an attribute may not be passed with the cookie to the client. PM12598 Unable to modify target of a web module inside an enterpise business-level application. PM12734 Fix pack did not uninstall correctly. PM12836 Permissions problems with applyPerfTuningTemplate.py on iSeries. *** NOTE *** Additional information about the APARs listed above can be found in RETAIN or by using the APAR search facility located at URL: http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/ Once at this web page, the APAR search facility can be found in the "Self help" section under "Solve a problem". Click on "-> APARs" to access the APAR search faciltiy. Once the APAR search utility is accessed, APAR numbers from the above list can be used as "Additional search terms" to locate an APAR's associated documentation.
Problem conclusion
APAR PM15830 fixes various defects in WebSphere Application Server V7.0 for z/OS. APAR PM15830 is currently targeted for inclusion in Service Level (Fix Pack) of WebSphere Application Server V7.0 for z/OS. Please refer to URL: //www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=404&uid=swg27006970 for Fix Pack availability.
Temporary fix
APAR Information
APAR number
Reported component name
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Fix information
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Applicable component levels
R700 PSY UK57729
UP10/06/17 P F006
Fix is available
Select the PTF appropriate for your component level. You will be required to sign in. Distribution on physical media is not available in all countries.
[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SS7K4U","label":"WebSphere Application Server for z\/OS"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"7.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]
Document Information
Modified date:
10 February 2022