A fix is available
APAR status
Closed as program error.
Error description
Ship APAR fixes for H28W601 Fix Pack APAR PK96157 is being mark PE/Y because it will document the delivery of ZE APAR PK93059. The following is the associated abstract and Error Description for PK93059: Abstract: JACL SCRIPT FAILS WITH JAVA.LANG.INDEXOUTOFBOUNDSEXCEPTION: ERROR AT Error Description: When using script for Creating cluster member it fails at with error [31.07.09 13:24:10:217 CEST] 0000000a AbstractShell E WASX7120E: Exception "java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 5, Size: 5 " java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 5, Size: 5 at java.util.ArrayList.get(ArrayList.java:356) at com.ibm.ws.scripting.adminCommand.AdminCmdController.processStep s(AdminC mdController.java:514) at com.ibm.ws.scripting.adminCommand.AdminCmdController.processOpti ons(Admi nCmdController.java:264) at com.ibm.ws.scripting.adminCommand.AdminCmdController.processCmd( AdminCmd Controller.java:171) at com.ibm.ws.scripting.adminCommand.AdminCmdProxyHandler.invoke(Ad minCmdPr oxyHandler.java:86) The same script works fine at and lower version fixpacks level for 6.0.x and only fails when fixpack 35 is applied
Local fix
Problem summary
**************************************************************** * USERS AFFECTED: All users of WebSphere Application Server * * V6.0.1 for z/OS * * * **************************************************************** * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: APAR PK96157 addresses various defects * * in WebSphere Application Server V6.0.1 * * for z/OS. * * * **************************************************************** * RECOMMENDATION: * **************************************************************** APAR PK96157 fixes the following defects in WebSphere Application Server V6.0.1 for z/OS: APAR Description PK27122 Memory leak in Java URL name space cache when applications are stopped and restarted. PK27756 Uncaught exception in AppdataMgr. PK67604 Performance issue when making java: namespace indirect JNDI lookups. PK68126 Plug-in failed to read "503 service unavailable" response headers. PK69843 ClassCastException in custom authorization token implementation of AuthenticationToken and SingleSignOnToken. PK74905 Algorithm for distribution of messages to consumers with selectors unevenly distributes messages. PK81609 NullPointerException in the startup service. PK82730 The http_request_headers property is not being honored when setting a cookie. PK82764 Incorrect cookie processing. PK82838 Web Services properties link in administrative console not displayed for user logged in with monitor role. PK83856 Mediations stop processing messages after an FFDC with probeid 145 from MediationThreadPool.execute. PK84243 wsadmin.jar removing com.ibm.SOAP.loginUserid and com.ibm.SOAP.loginPassword from soap.client.props. PK84528 Improve the plug-in logic for requesting parition tables when GetDWLMTable property=TRUE and a session cookie is detected. PK85227 A messaging engine that is using DB2 v9 for z/OS fails to start and produces a CWSIS1530E error. PK85910 The WS-Security runtime does not skip an unrecognized SAML token when mustUnderstand= 0 in the SOAP security header. PK85941 The isAppReady command shows incorrect results for an application with editions. PK86131 StringIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown if cache id contains a colon. PK86182 504 error messages are returned from the proxy server sporadically for post requests with zero request length. PK86340 The isAppReady command returns false when the application is mapped to webserver. PK86376 Negative J2C connection pool size after a J2C connection error. PK86465 StackOverflowError may occur in LockableHashtable.get(). PK86862 pluginMerge tool incapable of handling plugin-cfg.xml files generated by network deployment processes. PK86876 Out of memory problems caused by session entries not being deleted. PK87043 WSIF timeout values not being respected over multiple invocations. PK87126 A transaction is lost when XAER_RMERR is thrown due to an exception in reconnectRM. PK87133 Message context is cached on web container threads by WS-Security client. PK87169 SockectException was not thrown to the application code. PK87176 Administrative console contains vulnerability to cross-site request forgery attacks. PK87402 Heuristic hazard at the server level for a V6.0.2 node. PK87857 Allow root cause of TransactionRollbackException to be returned to an EJB client. PK88515 A user is required to login to the console again after viewing the classpath of an application in the console. PK88824 Excessive concurrency in dynacache. PK88942 AdminConfig ConvertToCluster fails with exception. PK88995 SSLC0002E exception is thrown when starting the Application Server. PK89055 The "pretest existing pooled connections" value is changing back to the default when another field is changed in console. PK89162 Core group bridge is not rebuilt when only one bridge exists in a core group. PK89258 ODC receives stale data in initial broadcast from newly started processes. PK89517 Use of UOW_TYPE_ACTIVITYSESSION when activity service is not started in the server. PK89593 The entire state for the subject is removed instead of just part of the state information. PK89776 When running a portlet which shows the supported languages in a drop down the languages are shown twice (duplicate locales). PK89779 Web Services client might not be able to set the connection HTTP request header. PK90190 Custom property com.ibm.wsspi.jsp.usecdatatrim=true breaks when using servlet caching. PK90364 Dynacache: replication type set incorrectly when using cacheinstances.properties file. PK91197 IBM HTTP Server startup crash on Microsoft Windows when configured to use SSL and started as a service. PK91198 Duplicate key expection occurs while acquiring lease for schedulers created at cluster scope. PK91199 Unexpected servant hang/restart (during failover) on WebSphere Application Server for z/OS component. PK91361 CVE-2009-1891: mod_deflate. PK91414 UserRegistry object methods might be accessed incorrectly. PK91481 Processing child elemnts from missing SOAP header might cause NullPointerException. PK91483 Error java model exception occurs during EJBDeploy command. PK92118 OutOfMemory during stress run of SCA applications with J2C security enabled. PK92318 In the collector tool, using the JarOutName option causes a null to appear in the paths within the output jar. PK92404 In a large topology the core group bridge may get messages out of order when stopping or starting multiple bridges. PK92500 When using xpathutil in conjunction with session="false" seeing "java.lang.IllegalStateException: jsp.error.page.nosession". PK92628 Problem replicating WSSecureMap cache. PK92796 WSWS3259E error reading data stream MIME start boundry not found. PK92914 CORBA.INV_OBJREF occurs when the EJB stubs can't be found in the thread's classpath. PK93059 JACL script fails with java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: error after PK93112 Disable SSLv3 protocol when SSLFIPSEnable is configured. PK93225 Apache portable runtime memory allocation functions can return invalid pointers (CVE-2009-2412). PK93507 The JAX-RPC web service client may not honor the redirection of an HTTP response with status code 307. PK94325 Deployment targets are not removed. PK94807 ws_ant may fail to load for Java2WSDL task. PK94821 WasService does not recognize server started when running Japanese locale. PK94831 DCSV8030I messages logged continuously in systemout.log for more than 60 seconds. PK94866 When using SOAP/JMS as a one way interface, the Web Services engine does not propagate exceptions. PK95098 Suppress $WS headers from the request to the application PK95504 WASServiceTrace.log shows sensitive information. PK95600 ExpectedDuration parameter is ignore when a task is run from thescheduler. PK96607 When using the WebSphere Connect JDBC driver, resultSet.getxxx operations fails with "index out of range". PK96858 CVE-2009-3094: mod_proxy_ftp null pointer dereference. PM00675 CVE-2009-3555: tls/ssl protocol mitm vulnerability. PM00675 CVE-2009-3555: TLS/SSL Protocol vulnerability. *** NOTE *** Additional information about the APARs listed above can be found in RETAIN or by using the APAR search facility located at URL: http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/ Once at this web page, the APAR search facility can be found in the "Self help" section under "Solve a problem". Click on "-> APARs" to access the APAR search faciltiy. Once the APAR search utility is accessed, APAR numbers from the above list can be used as "Additional search terms" to locate an APAR's associated documentation.
Problem conclusion
APAR PK96157 fixes various defects in WebSphere Application Server V6.0.1 for z/OS. APAR PK96157 is currently targeted for inclusion in Service Level (Fix Pack) of WebSphere Application Server V6.0.1 for z/OS.
Temporary fix
APAR Information
APAR number
Reported component name
Reported component ID
Reported release
Special Attention
Submitted date
Closed date
Last modified date
APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:
APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:
BBOUBINF BBO00231 BBO02713 BBO08656 BBO09940 BBO10298 BBO10300 BBO11394 BBO15695 H28W601J
Fix information
Fixed component name
Fixed component ID
Applicable component levels
R601 PSY UK52467
UP09/12/12 P F912
Fix is available
Select the PTF appropriate for your component level. You will be required to sign in. Distribution on physical media is not available in all countries.
[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SS7K4U","label":"WebSphere Application Server for z\/OS"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"6.0.1","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]
Document Information
Modified date:
10 February 2022