IBM Support



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APAR status

  • Closed as documentation error.

Error description

  • This APAR describes the issues that customers encountered with
    IBM WebSphere Application Server Version 9.0. These issues were
    resolved as documentation updates in September 2020.

Local fix

  • N/A

Problem summary

  • ****************************************************************
    * USERS AFFECTED:  This APAR provides a cumulative list of     *
    *                  the                                         *
    *                  documentation issues for September_2020     *
    *                  that                                        *
    *                  affect users of IBM WebSphere Application   *
    *                  Server Version 9.0.                         *
    * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: The Knowledge Centers for WebSphere     *
    *                      Application Server Version 9.0 need to  *
    *                      reflect customer enhancement requests   *
    *                      received in problem management records  *
    *                      (PMRs). These enhancements can include  *
    *                      fixing technical inaccuracies or        *
    *                      clarifying vague information.           *
    * RECOMMENDATION:                                              *
    See the Problem conclusion section for a description of the
    issues, which are described in customer Skill Cases/PMRs, and
    documentation change or changes that will address these issues.

Problem conclusion

  • Note: As we update our knowledge centers, the following Version
    9.0 modifications will be available. To access the latest on-
    line documentation, go to the product library page at and select the
    version and product that is appropriate for your WebSphere
    Application Server environment.
    The following Version 9.0 issues will be addressed:
    ID: #2097
    Problem: Topic, Securing Liberty by using HTTP Strict Transport
    Security (HSTS), describes how to secure Liberty by using the
    HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) - BUT - needs to warn the
    user to first verify that the server has an SSL end point
    defined. without this verification, first, the procedure might
    Resolution:  Topic, Securing Liberty by using HTTP Strict
    Transport Security (HSTS), is updated to warn the user to verify
    that the server being secured has an SSL end point defined -
    whether setting a web application context-parameter or a server-
    level web container custom property.
    ID: #3499
    Problem: Topic, CertificateRequestCommands command group of the
    AdminTask object describes the createCertificateRequest command.
    One of the command options to be used is, -certificateValidDays.
    However you get an error using this option.  the doumentation is
    in error.
    Resolution: Topic, CertificateRequestCommands command group of
    the AdminTask object, is updated for the
    createCertificateRequest command.  The -certificateValidDays
    option is not in the code.  As such -certificateValidDays is
    removed from this topic.
    This update also applies to V8.5 level of the knowledge center.
    ID: #3560 (GHE)
    Problem: Client is trying to implement the SAML SSO feature of
    Websphere Application Server for one of our clients, following
    the documentation does not help. For the SP initiated SSO,
    client followed the steps mentioned in topic, Enabling SAML SP-
    Initiated web single sign-on (SSO), but it is not working. This
    code is not getting executed at all. The topic is missing
    information and needs updating.
    Resolution: Topic, Enabling SAML SP-Initiated web single sign-on
    (SSO), is updated as follows:
    (1) The About this Task section of the topic is updated to read:
    The AuthnRequest must be Base64 encoded. This example uses the
    Base64 encoder that is provided in the API. You can
    use any Base64 encoder that you want. For information, see (give
    the link to the javadoc for
        In the code example, the following is added to the import
    Before map.put the following code is added:
    // get an instance of the WSSUtilFactory
    WSSUtilFactory wssuf = WSSUtilFactory.getInstance();
    // invoke an API from the instance
    String encAuthnMsg = wssuf.encode(authnMessage.getBytes());
        the map.put statement is changed to:
    map.put(AuthnRequestProvider.AUTHN_REQUEST, encAuthnMsg);
    This update also applies to Veraion V8.5 of the knowledge
    ID: #3599 (GHE)
    Problem: Two JVM properties, AND are missing from the documentation
    for the BASE level of the knowledge center and their
    descriptions need to be added.
    Resolution: Topic, Java virtual machine custom properties, is
    updated to add these properties to the base level.  The
    properties read:
    Use this property to disable IPv6 support. On operating systems
    where IPv6 support is available, the underlying native socket
    that the product uses is an IPv6 socket. On IPv6 network stacks
    that support IPv4-mapped addresses, you can use IPv6 sockets to
    connect to and accept connections from both IPv4 and IPv6 hosts.
    Setting this property to true disables the dual mode support in
    the JVM which might, in turn, disrupt normal product functions.
    Therefore, it is important to understand the full implications
    before using this property. In general, setting this property is
    not recommended.
    The default value for this custom property is false.
    Use this property to disable IPv4 support. Setting this property
    to true disables the dual mode support in the JVM which might,
    in turn, disrupt normal product functions. Therefore, it is
    important to understand the full implications before using this
    property. In general, setting this property is not recommended.
    The default value for this custom property is false.
    This update also applies to version 8.5 of the knowledge center.
    ID: #3601 (GHE)
    Problem: Topic, Secure Sockets Layer client certificate
    authentication, needs clarification concerning Client
    certificate authentication.
    Resolution: Topic, Secure Sockets Layer client certificate
    authentication, is update as follows:
    Client certificate authentication occurs if the server side
    requests that the client side send a certificate. A Websphere
    server can be configured for client certificate authentication
    on the SSL configuration
    Client certificate authentication occurs if the server side
    requests that the client side send a certificate. A Websphere
    server can be configured for client certificate authentication
    on the SSL configuration. Note that this configuration only
    affects WebSphere when it is acting as a server, not when it is
    acting as a client.
    This update also applies to version 8.5 of the knowledge center.
    ID: #3623 (GHE)
    Problem: Client is using the removenode command to remove a node
    that was created with a Cell profile (using the cell profile
    creation process.  Removing this kind of node is not possible
    using the removenode command and should be indicated in the
    knowledge center.
    Resolution: Topics, removeNode command, and topic,Creating cell
    profiles, are update with a note that reads:
    Do not run the removeNode command if  the application server
    node was built as part of a cell profile creation.  Running the
    removeNode for this type of node results in the following
    message:   ADMU2035W: WARNING! Node removal utility is unable to
    remove this node since it was created during Cell Profile
    creation. Your current node has not been modified
    This update also applies to version 8.5 of the knowledge center.

Temporary fix


APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name


  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




  • Special Attention

    NoSpecatt / Xsystem

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  • Closed date


  • Last modified date


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Fix information

Applicable component levels

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSEQTP","label":"WebSphere Application Server"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"9.0","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
01 November 2021