IBM Support


A fix is available


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APAR status

  • Closed as program error.

Error description

  • PB56471 msgINZI330E
    (HPU 5.1 only) The unload of the data from an image copy request
    by specifying the ""COPYDDN LAST_IC"" or the ""COPYDDN -n""
    option fails after having reported an allocation error via a
    INZI330E message such as:s used to unload from image copy
    where the DSN field congtains the truncated name of the input
    image copy to be used as inout.
    This occurs when the following conditions are fulfilled :
    - the name of the copy dataset contains special characters such
      as $@#
    - one of the special characters in the image copy data set name
      translated from the Db2 SBCS ccsid to ccisd 1208 has more than
      one byte
    - the length of the copy dataset name converted from Db2 SBCS
      ccsid to ccsid 1208 is greater than 44 characters

Local fix

  • use the ""COPYDDN ddname"" option and allocate the image copy
    data set with a DD statement

Problem summary

  • ****************************************************************
    * USERS AFFECTED:                                              *
    * Users of Db2 High Performance Unload for z/OS                *
    * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION:                                         *
    * PH10213:                                                     *
    * Db2 HPU can fail if the LIMITKEY column of the               *
    * SYSIBM.SYSTABLEPART table contains date-time                 *
    * delimited values, which can occur since Db2 11 conversion    *
    * mode, for the table space involved in                        *
    * the unload command.                                          *
    * Here is a non comprehensive list of use cases and related    *
    * errors and symptoms:                                         *
    * - case #1: A logical unload specifies an SQLPART option      *
    * involving one of the partitions that has                     *
    * a delimited date/time/timestamp LIMITKEY value               *
    * - symptom #1: The unload fails with completion code of 8     *
    * after having issued the following                            *
    * message:                                                     *
    *   DSNT408I SQLCODE = -180, ERROR: THE DATE, TIME, OR         *
    * TIMESTAMP VALUE                                              *
    *   'limit_key' IS INVALID where limit_key is the value of     *
    * LIMITKEY column from                                         *
    * SYSIBM.SYSTABLEPART for one of the involved partitions       *
    *                                                              *
    * PH10355:                                                     *
    * The unload of the data from an image copy request by         *
    * specifying the "COPYDDN LAST_IC" or the                      *
    * "COPYDDN -n" option fails after having reported an           *
    * allocation error via a INZI330E message such                 *
    * as:                                                          *
    *  INZI330E DYNAMIC ALLOCATION FAILED,                         *
    *  DSN=TWK1.FIDRLQ01.LDTSM01@.L0002.G130319.F09243             *
    * where the DSN field contains the truncated name of the input *
    * image copy to be used as inout.                              *
    * This occurs when the following conditions are fulfilled :    *
    * - the name of the copy dataset contains special characters   *
    * such as $@#                                                  *
    * - one of the special characters in the image copy dataset    *
    * name translated from the Db2 SBCS                            *
    * ccsid to ccisd 1208 has more than one byte                   *
    * - the length of the copy dataset name converted from Db2     *
    * SBCS ccsid to ccsid 1208 is greater                          *
    * than 44 characters                                           *
    *                                                              *
    * PH10597:                                                     *
    * After the fix for PH03781/PB50288 has been applied, Db2 HPU  *
    * hangs when the following conditions                          *
    * are fulfilled :                                              *
    *  - an unload from a global image copy is requested through   *
    * the COPYDDN LAST_IC or COPYDDN -n                            *
    * option                                                       *
    *  - the input image copy retrieved from the Db2 catalog is    *
    * from a partitioned-by-growth table                           *
    * space                                                        *
    *  - the input image copy is stored on tape                    *
    *  - a single output data set is requested                     *
    *  - the output dataset is to be stored on tape                *
    *                                                              *
    * PH10871:                                                     *
    * A logical unload run in native mode and specifying a SELECT  *
    * statement with an SQL expression                             *
    * involving the CHAR9 scalar function produces an incorrect    *
    * output field for this expression.                            *
    * This occurs if the evaluation of the SQL expression          *
    * involving the CHAR9 function requires the                    *
    * result from the CHAR9 function be casted into varchar data.  *
    *                                                              *
    * PH11228:                                                     *
    * After the fix for PH03148/PB54032 has been applied, the run  *
    * of an unload job specifying a single                         *
    * output GDG data set for a set of logical unloads (SELECT     *
    * statements) leads to the following                           *
    * errors:                                                      *
    * - if the unload command request the LOAD controls cards be   *
    * generated, they unduly contain one                           *
    * LOAD command per SELECT instead of one LOAD command for all  *
    * the SELECT statements which can lead                         *
    * the unloaded data to be incorrectly loaded with data loss.   *
    * - if the output GDG dataset is stored on tape, the system    *
    * message IEC148I 713-04 is issued and                         *
    * the job terminates with ABENDS0C4-04 in the CELQLIB module   *
    *                                                              *
    * Other effects not affecting the correct completion or the    *
    * correctness of the output of the                             *
    * unload occur. As the SELECT statements are processed as if   *
    * they were specified under a separate                         *
    * UNLOAD statement                                             *
    * - the following duplicate messages INZU281I - UNLOAD         *
    * STARTING AT POS(1, 1) are issued                             *
    * - the elapse time to complete the unload can be bigger than  *
    * expected as the parallelism is                               *
    * disabled                                                     *
    *                                                              *
    * PH11448:                                                     *
    * An unload statement processed in SQL mode against a          *
    * partitioned table space that specifies the                   *
    * SQLPART option terminates in error with completion code of 8 *
    * after having reported an SQL error                           *
    * (negative SQLCODE) such as "DNSNT408I SQLCODE = -104, ERROR: *
    * ILLEGAL SYMBOL ")".                                          *
    * This occurs if :                                             *
    *  - the Db2 settings specify the comma as decimal point       *
    *  - the SQLPART is actually put into action (i.e. one output  *
    * dataset per partition is provided)                           *
    *  - one of the partitions of the table space has a LIMITKEY   *
    * that terminates with a decimal value                         *
    * without any decimal digit after the decimal point. e.g. 99   *
    *  - the above mentioned partition is either in the list of    *
    * the partitions selected through the                          *
    * SQLPART option or is contiguous to a select partition.       *
    *  - APAR PM38944 is applicable                                *
    *                                                              *
    * PH11624:                                                     *
    * (fix 1) An ABENDU1133-3 occurs when the following conditions *
    * are fulfilled :                                              *
    * - the unload is run in native mode                           *
    * - the unload statement specifies two SELECT statements       *
    * involving the LOB column from two                            *
    * distinct tables belonging to distinct databases              *
    * - the tablespace parallelism - set through                   *
    * PARALELISM(...,...,ts) or the UTLPARAL parmlib               *
    * parameter - is greater than 1                                *
    * - the OBID of the indexes related to the two LOB columns are *
    * identical                                                    *
    * (fix 2) An ABENDU1133-3 occurs when unloading data from a    *
    * LOB column.                                                  *
    * This occurs if the following conditions are fulfilled:       *
    * - the unload is run in native mode                           *
    * - the index related to the LOB tablespace that contains the  *
    * data of the LOB column involved in                           *
    * the unload is compressed.                                    *
    * (fix 3) An unload run in native mode and requesting LOB data *
    * be unloaded terminates with                                  *
    * ABENDS0C1 or ABENDU1005 if the related LOB index page size   *
    * is greater than 4K. The ABENDSC1                             *
    * occurs if the LOB index page size is 8K. The ABENDU1005      *
    * occurs if the LOB index page size is 16K                     *
    * or 32K.                                                      *
    * (fix 4) An ABENDS0C4 occurs when unloading data from an XML  *
    * column. This occurs if the following                         *
    * conditions are fullfilled:                                   *
    * - the unload is run in native mode                           *
    * - the index related to the XML tablespace that contains the  *
    * data of the XML column involved in                           *
    * the unload is compressed.                                    *
    * (fix 5) During an unload run in native mode and involving an *
    * XML column, an ABENDU1136-48 occurs                          *
    * or the INZU547W message reports a reason-code of 1136-72 .   *
    * This occurs if the index related to                          *
    * the involved XML column is a multiple linear data set (LDS). *
    * RECOMMENDATION:                                              *
    * Apply the PTF.                                               *

Problem conclusion

  • Code has been changed to fix this problem.

Temporary fix

  • PH10355:
    Use the "COPYDDN ddname" option and allocate the image copy data
    set with a DD statement
    Allocate the output dataset on disk or replace the COPYDDN
    LAST_IC or COPYDDN -n option by
    COPYDDN ddname option to allocate the input image copy.
    Run the unload in SQL mode by specifying the DB2 FORCE option.
    You may also keep the native mode
    and replace the CHAR9 function by the VARCHAR9 wherever the
    CHAR9 function result is casted into
    varchar data.
    (fix 1) Use one of the following circumvention:
    - set the tablespace parallelism to 1 by specifying the
    PARALLELISM(...,....,1) option
    - if applicable, run the unload in SQL mode by specifying the
    DB2 FORCE option
    - split the unload step into two separate steps that involve one
    one of the tables mentioned
    (fix 2) If applicable, run the unload in SQL mode by specifying
    the DB2 FORCE option.
    (fix 3) If applicable, run the unload in SQL mode by specifying
    DB2 FORCE.
    (fix 4) If applicable, run the unload in SQL mode by specifying
    the DB2 FORCE option.
    (fix 5) If applicable, run the unload in SQL mode by specifying
    the DB2 FORCE option.


APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name


  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




  • Special Attention

    NoSpecatt / Xsystem

  • Submitted date


  • Closed date


  • Last modified date


  • APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

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Fix information

  • Fixed component name


  • Fixed component ID


Applicable component levels

  • R510 PSY UI62927

       UP19/05/17 P F905 ¢

Fix is available

  • Select the PTF appropriate for your component level. You will be required to sign in. Distribution on physical media is not available in all countries.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSAUUV","label":"IBM Db2 High Performance Unload for z\/OS"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"5.1.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
12 February 2021