A fix is available
APAR status
Closed as program error.
Error description
**************************************************************** THE FOLLOWING PTFS ARE IN ERROR: UJ03712 HJS77C0 UJ03711 HJS77B0 THESE PTFS ARE FIXED BY APAR OA63057 **************************************************************** A job creates multiple pieces of SYSOUT as "held for TSO". Sometime later, a modify command is issued to proces the output such as: *F U,Q=HOLD,CL=x,NCL=y.... The modify command starts processing the job; however, before the processing is complete JES3 is terminated/restarted via *RETURN. After JES3 restart, a second/new modify command is issued and processes the same job (output) again. This command succesfully finishes processing (IAT8122 message). Thereafter, SAPI later attempts to process job output and encounters DM764 RC10 ANALYSIS: When the initial modify command attempts to modify the job; it begins with the first OSE (JESMSGLG). It will add OUTDISP information into the JDS entry which requires building a bigger entry, clearing out the old entry, JDSADD the bigger entry and updating OSEJDPST to point correctly. However, this command was interrupted by the JES3 shutdown *RETURN before it complete and wrote the updated OSE (with the new OSEJDPST) to spool. When JES3 restarts the OSEJDPST points to the "old" entry that was cleared out. The second modify command processes the same output, again building a new JDS; however this time it is using the mostly cleared out entry to populate the new/larger entry. The command finishes processing. When the output is later attempted to be selected by SAPI, the mostly zeroed out "new" JDS (created by the 2nd command) is detected and issues U0764 RC10 due to the entry not containing data. It is also possible to experience this problem without a second '*MODIFY U' command. Other ABENDDM764 reason codes may be seen, issued by either SAPIDSP or PSODSP. KNOWN IMPACT: Output is not printed by JES3 (SAPI). abendU0764 RC10 is issued. JES3 continues processing. VERIFICATION STEPS: 1) Modify command *F U is issued in which job X output meets selection criteria 2) Before the command completes processing (IAT8122), JES3 is ended (such as *RETURN) 3) After JES3 restart a 2nd modify command is issued in which job X output meets selection criteria and the command completes 4) SAPIDSP attempts to process job X; issuing DM764-10 The projected closing code is PER for HJS77B0 and above.
Local fix
BYPASS/CIRCUMVENTION: Allow JES3 modify commands to fully complete before terminating JES3 (such as *RETURN)
Problem summary
**************************************************************** * USERS AFFECTED: * * All users of HJS77B0 and HJS77C0. * **************************************************************** * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: * * ABENDDM764 in SAPIDSP FCT. * **************************************************************** * RECOMMENDATION: * **************************************************************** A '*MODIFY,U' command was issued, and JES3 was brought down while the command was being processed. The JDS (IATYJDS) entry for a data set was replaced, but JES3 ended before the OSE (IATYOSE) was updated to point to the new JDS entry. Later, when SAPIDSP processed the data set, it used the old JDS information. It detected that the JDS entry was empty and issued ABENDDM764.
Problem conclusion
Installation On (Global) Order (Any) Activation Order (Any) Type/JES3 restart (Hot) Type/IPL (None) CLPA (No) (See Apar II07968 for definitions) Module IATOSDR has been changed to detect a bad JDS (IATYJDS) value and to update the OSE (IATYOSE) with the correct value. If the correct value cannot be determined, then IATOSDR will issue ABENDDM764 with new reason code RSN1C. Documentation changes: ===================== The information in the following manual should appear as indicated below. Updates will only be made to the manuals in future releases. z/OS JES3 Diagnosis Reference (GA32-1009-xx) In Chapter 6. JES3 Failsoft Codes, add reason code x'1C' to the list of reason codes, and add IATOSDR to the list of modules: Programmer response Check the dump to determine the cause of the error. The reason codes are: Code Explanation X'04' Process SYSOUT (PSO) encountered an error from the JDSPOINT service. X'08' Process SYSOUT (PSO) detected a zero JDS entry. X'0C' SYSOUT Application Programming Interface (SAPI) encountered an error from the JDSPOINT service. X'10' SYSOUT Application Programming Interface (SAPI) detected a zero JDS entry. X'14' Process SYSOUT (PSO) detected a zero spool address within a JDS entry. X'18' SYSOUT Application Programming Interface (SAPI) detected a zero spool address within a JDS entry. | X'1C' | Output Service restart processing encountered an | error from the IATXJET service. Module | IATOSDR, IATOSPC, IATOSSO z/OS JES3 Messages (SA32-1007-xx) Add IATOSDR as a detecting module for message IAT3755: Module Containing Detecting Issuing | IATFSLG IATOSDR, IATOSPC, IATFSLG | IATOSSO APAR OA59351 prereq's (and sup's) for FMID HJS77B0: Pre's: BA60130 APAR OA59351 prereq's (and sup's) for FMID HJS77C0: Pre's: CA60130
Temporary fix
APAR Information
APAR number
Reported component name
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Reported release
Special Attention
NoSpecatt / Xsystem
Submitted date
Closed date
Last modified date
APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:
APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:
UJ03711 UJ03712
GA321009xx | SA321007xx |
Fix information
Fixed component name
Fixed component ID
Applicable component levels
Fix is available
Select the PTF appropriate for your component level. You will be required to sign in. Distribution on physical media is not available in all countries.
[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SG19M"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF054","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"7C0"}]
Document Information
Modified date:
01 July 2022