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APAR status

  • Closed as documentation error.

Error description

  • Documentation updates related to APAR OA51174

Local fix

Problem summary

  • ****************************************************************
    * USERS AFFECTED: All users of HBB7780 (z/OS 1.13) and above   *
    *                 supported releases using system logger       *
    * RECOMMENDATION:                                              *
    Publication (documentation) updates related to APAR OA51174
    should be available in RETAIN database.

Problem conclusion

  • z/OS Migration
         Chapter - BCP actions to perform before the first IPL of
                  z/OS release (with PTF for APAR OA51174 applied).
     Define a RACF authorization profile for log stream
     subsystem exits
     Description - Log stream users on z/OS can specify a log stream
      subsystem exit routine name to receive control for reading log
      data through either of the following methods-
       - SUBSYS=(LOGR,exit_routine_name,...) keyword of the DDNAME
         JCL statement, or
       - on a dynamic allocation request using text units DALSSNM
         (value LOGR) and DALSSPRM (value specifying the
         exit_routine_name), refer to DYNALLOC/SVC99 and macro
      As of APAR OA51174, to use an exit_routine_name, as specified
      above, then you are required to define a RACF authorization
      profile in the FACILITY class to cover the resource
      IXGLOGR.SUBSYS.LSEXIT.exit_routine_name, where
      exit_routine_name identifies the name of the log stream
      subsystem exit routine.  The exception to this requirement is
      when the exit_routine_name is one of the following names
      A log stream subsystem exit_routine_name will only be used
      when it is either one of the names listed above or the
      authorization check allows use of the noted resource.
      Otherwise, z/OS system logger will not invoke the exit routine
      name, a logger error message (IXG507I) will be issued and a
      failure return will be provided to the log stream subsystem
      function (that is, z/OS converter and/or allocation).
      Table-  Information about this migration action
       Element or feature-            BCP
       When change was Introduced-   z/OS V2R2, z/OS V2R1 and
                                      z/OS V1R13, all with PTFs
                                      for APAR OA51174 applied.
       Applies to migration from-z/OS V2R2, z/OS V2R1 and
                                      z/OS V1R13, all without PTFs
                                      for APAR OA51174 applied.
       Is the migration action required?
          Yes, if your installation has log stream subsystem exit
          routines that are specified either through the
          SUBSYS=(LOGR,...)  keyword on a DDNAME JCL statement or on
          a dynamic allocation request via a text unit value for key
          DALSSPRM, and the exit routine name is NOT one of the
          following-  IXGSEXIT, IFASEXIT, IFBSEXIT, or DFHLGCNV.
       Timing-                        Before the first IPL of z/OS
                                      with PTF for APAR OA51174
       Target system hardware requirements-    None.
       Target system software requirements-    None.
       Other system (coexistence or fallback) requirements-   None.
       Restrictions-                  None.
       System impacts-
          Jobs or dynamic allocation requests that specify a log
          stream exit routine name may fail and not complete
       Related IBM Health Checker for z/OS check-   None.
     Steps to take-
     - If your installation does use log stream subsystem exit
       routines, but only uses the names IXGSEXIT, IFASEXIT,
       IFBSEXIT, or DFHLGCNV, then you are not affected and there
       are no actions for you.
     - If your installation does use or intends to use log stream
       subsystem exit routine names, other than the set of names
       IXGSEXIT, IFASEXIT, IFBSEXIT or DFHLGCNV, that are specified
       either through the SUBSYS=(LOGR,exit_routine_name ,...)
       keyword on a DDNAME JCL statement or on a dynamic allocation
       request via a text unit value for key DALSSPRM, then you are
       affected and there are actions for you to perform.
       To use an exit_routine_name (other than one in the set of
       define a RACF profile in the FACILITY class covering the
       resource IXGLOGR.SUBSYS.LSEXIT.exit_routine_name, where
       exit_routine_name identifies the name of the log stream
       subsystem exit routine.
       IBM recommends you do one of the following:
      (a) Define a discrete profile
          IXGLOGR.SUBSYS.LSEXIT.exit_routine_name for the FACILITY
          class to cover the resource, where exit_routine_name
          identifies the name of the log stream subsystem exit
          routine.  This profile should audit all failures and
          allow all users READ access.
          For example:
           RDEFINE FACILITY  IXGLOGR.SUBSYS.LSEXIT.exit_routine_name
      (b) If you choose to allow for exit_routine_names that may not
          be explicitly known to be used on your system, meaning you
          did not define explicit discrete profile(s) as described
          in step (a) above, then consider also defining a generic
          profile IXGLOGR.SUBSYS.LSEXIT.* for the FACILITY class to
          cover the resources associated with using these log stream
          subsystem exit routines. Include in this generic profile
          the WARNING attribute.
          For example:
          When this generic profile is used to cover the
          authorization check for a resource
          IXGLOGR.SUBSYS.LSEXIT.exit_routine_name , if the check
          fails since WARNING has been specified, RACF will issue
          the appropriate warning message to the user, logs the
          access attempt, and allows the user to access the
          This generic profile approach is recommended only as a
          temporary mechanism to gather information on the possible
          exit routine names that need to be supported, and once
          known you can then define the appropriate discrete
          profiles.  Once the known exit routine names are covered
          by discrete profiles, then delete the
          IXGLOGR.SUBSYS.LSEXIT.* generic profile.
       Note, if you do not define any of the profiles similar to
       those stated above but you have defined a different generic
       profile that will cover the resource
       IXGLOGR.SUBSYS.LSEXIT.exit_routine_name, then those generic
       profile attributes will determine the outcome of the
       authorization checking, logging, and whether the
       exit_routine_name will be used.
      Reference information-
       - For more information on system logger log stream subsystem
         exit routines, refer to topic "Authorization for system
         logger applications" in z/OS MVS Setting Up a Sysplex, and
         topic "IXGSEXIT - Log Stream Subsystem Exit" in z/OS MVS
         Installation Exits.
       - For more information on defining RACF profiles, refer to
         topic "Planning for profiles in the FACILITY class" in
         z/OS Security Server RACF Security Administrator's Guide.
     z/OS MVS Setting Up a Sysplex
         Chapter - Planning for system logger applications
     Authorization for system logger applications
      < add following text at end of this topic >
      Log stream users can specify a log stream subsystem exit
      routine name to receive control for reading log data through
      either of the following methods:
       - SUBSYS=(LOGR,exit_routine_name,...) keyword of the DDNAME
         JCL statement, or
       - on a dynamic allocation request using text units DALSSNM
         (value LOGR) and DALSSPRM (value specifying the
      If your installation does not intend to use any log stream
      subsystem exit routines, or if your installation intends to
      use only the log stream subsystem exit routine names IXGSEXIT,
      IFASEXIT, IFBSEXIT, or DFHLGCNV, then there is no need to
      define the RACF policies described below.
      If your installation does use or intends to use log stream
      subsystem exit routine names, other than the set of explicit
      names listed above, then you or your security administrator
      needs to define a RACF authorization profile in the FACILITY
      class to cover the resource
      IXGLOGR.SUBSYS.LSEXIT.exit_routine_name, where
      exit_routine_name identifies the name of the log stream
      subsystem exit routine.  For more information on defining RACF
      profiles, refer to topic "Planning for profiles in the
      FACILITY class" in z/OS Security Server RACF Security
      Administrator's Guide.
      IBM recommends you do one of the following:
      (a) Define a discrete profile
          IXGLOGR.SUBSYS.LSEXIT.exit_routine_name for the FACILITY
          class to cover the resource, where exit_routine_name
          identifies the name of the log stream subsystem exit
          routine.  This profile should audit all failures and
          allow all users READ access.
          For example:
           RDEFINE FACILITY  IXGLOGR.SUBSYS.LSEXIT.exit_routine_name
      (b) If you choose to allow for exit_routine_names that may not
          be explicitly known to be used on your system, meaning you
          did not define explicit discrete profile(s) as described
          in step (a) above, then consider also defining a generic
          profile IXGLOGR.SUBSYS.LSEXIT.* for the FACILITY class to
          cover the resources associated with using these log stream
          subsystem exit routines. Include in this generic profile
          the WARNING attribute.
          For example:
          When this generic profile is used to cover the
          authorization check for a resource
          IXGLOGR.SUBSYS.LSEXIT.exit_routine_name , if the check
          fails since WARNING has been specified, RACF will issue
          the appropriate warning message to the user, logs the
          access attempt, and allows the user to access the
          This generic profile approach is recommended only as a
          temporary mechanism to gather information on the possible
          exit routine names that need to be supported, and once
          known you can then define the appropriate discrete
          profiles.  Once the known exit routine names are covered
          by discrete profiles, then delete the
          IXGLOGR.SUBSYS.LSEXIT.* generic profile.
       Note, if you do not define any of the profiles similar to
       those stated above but you have defined a different generic
       profile that will cover the resource
       IXGLOGR.SUBSYS.LSEXIT.exit_routine_name, then those generic
       profile attributes will determine the outcome of the
       authorization checking, logging, and whether the
       exit_routine_name will be used.
       < end of new text in this topic >
     Activate the LOGR subsystem
     < add following bulleted item at end of list in last paragraph>
     |- See previous topic "Authorization for system logger
     |  applications" for additional information on allowing
     |  authorization for system logger applications.
     z/OS MVS Programming: Assembler Services Guide
         Chapter - Using System Logger Services
     JCL for the LOGR Subsystem
      SUBSYS=(LOGR ,exit_routine_name  ,'SUBSYS-options1'
                ,'SUBSYS-options2' )
    . . .
       The exit_routine_name is the second positional parameter and
       specifies the name of the exit routine to receive control
       from the LOGR subsystem.
        . . .
       <add following text at end of exit_routine_name description>
     | Contact your installation system programmer to ensure your
     | exit_routine_name can be used as a log stream subsystem exit
     | routine.  Refer to topic "Authorization for system logger
     | applications" in z/OS MVS Setting Up a Sysplex.
     z/OS MVS Installation Exits
         Chapter - Using System Logger Services
          Section - IXGSEXIT  Log Stream Subsystem
     Installing the Exit
      < changes to introduction as noted below >
       The log stream subsystem exit must be link edited in
       its own load module into SYS1.LINKLIB or any
       APF-authorized library in the LNKLST concatenation.
     | Do not give the exit routine APF authority.  In other words
     | do not specify the binder option AC(1).  That option is only
     | for programs that are designed to run as job step tasks.
       To activate the exit routine, refresh LLA through the MODIFY
       LLA,REFRESH command.
       . . .
       Note: To use the log stream subsystem exit, the LOGR
     | subsystem must be activated, and the installation must
     | allow authorization for the log stream subsystem exit
     | routine name to be used.  Refer to topic "Authorization
     | for system logger applications" in z/OS MVS Setting Up
     | a Sysplex for more information.
     z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 10 (IXC-IZP)- new message
     Explanation:  The exit routine name specified, either through
     the SUBSYS=(LOGR,exitname,...) keyword on a DDNAME JCL
     statement or on a dynamic allocation request via a text unit
     value for key DALSSPRM, for the log stream subsystem data set
     interface is not registered with the system.  No Security
     Server RACF profile is defined to allow it.
     System logger will not use this exit routine name.
     In the message text:
        is the installation defined subsystem name for system
        is the name of the DD statement or equivalent dynamic
        allocation DD name with the SUBSYS= specification.  The name
        will be blanks for the converter function or for the
        allocation function on a concatenated DD.
        is the name of the log stream subsystem exit routine.
        indicates that the log stream subsystem converter function
        encountered the error.
        indicates that the log stream subsystem allocation function
        encountered the error.
     System Action:  System logger will not use this exit routine
     name, and message IXG510I will be issued to the job log.
     Depending upon the log stream subsystem function
     encountering the issue, the following will occur:
      - The job terminates for CONVERTER requests.
      - The job step terminates for ALLOCATION requests of JCL DD
        SUBSYS= statements.
      - Dynamic Allocation requests return with an error and the
        request is rejected.
     User Response: Contact the system programmer.
     Operator Response: Contact the system programmer.
     Application Programmer Response: Contact the system programmer.
     System Programmer Response:  Contact your security
     administrator.  Action depends on whether your installation
     intends to use the log stream subsystem exit routine name
     (exitname).  If so, then have your security administrator
     define the appropriate RACF profile to allow the use of the
     exit routine name.  Refer to topic "Authorization for system
     logger applications" in z/OS MVS Setting Up a Sysplex.
     If your installation does not intend to use the log stream
     subsystem exit routine name (exitname), then work with your
     security administrator to determine your next course of action.
     Source: System logger (SCLOG)
     Detecting Module:  IXGSDSAL, IXGSDSCN
     Routing Code: 11
     Descriptor Code: 6

Temporary fix


APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name


  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




  • Special Attention

    NoSpecatt / Xsystem

  • Submitted date


  • Closed date


  • Last modified date


  • APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

  • APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:

Fix information

Applicable component levels

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SG19M","label":"APARs - z\/OS environment"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"780","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}},{"Business Unit":{"code":null,"label":null},"Product":{"code":"SG19O","label":"APARs - MVS environment"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"780","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
26 October 2016