IBM Support


A fix is available


You can track all active APARs for this component.


APAR status

  • Closed as program error.

Error description

  • When running certain DB2 Stored Procedures (crypto access) with
    SECURITY USER, the number of ICH7000I messages issued by
    successful RACROUTES in the WLM Begin Server Transaction Service
    becomes intolerable. The SYSLOG is flooded with these messages.
    The RACROUTE invocation in the WLM Begin Server Transaction
    Service needs to be modified to suppress the ICH7000I message
    for successful completion.
    To reduce the performance impact of moving to SECURITY USER, the
    RACROUTE invocation in the WLM Begin Server Transaction also
    needs to be extended with an APPL parameter that allows
    RACF statistics to be restriced to once per user per day.

Local fix

  • As a circumvention, run those DB2 Stored Procedures with
    SECURITY DB2. This causes the requests to be inserted into the
    queue without user ID, and the WLM Begin Server Transaction
    Service not to invoke RACROUTE at all.

Problem summary

  • ****************************************************************
    * USERS AFFECTED: All users of z/OS 2.1 (HBB7790) and          *
    *                 above.                                       *
    * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Excessive ICH700001I messages when      *
    *                      running transactions in application     *
    *                      environments that use SECUSER=YES       *
    * RECOMMENDATION: None                                         *
    When running an application environment where SECUSER=YES is
    specified on the IWM4QINS macro, the number of ICH70001I
    messages issued for successful completion of the RACROUTE issued
    by the WLM Begin Server Transaction (IWM4STBG) service can
    become excessive.
    The RACROUTE invocation in IWMM2SEC needs to be modified to
    suppress the ICH70001I message for successful completion.  To
    reduce the performance impact of moving to SECURITY USER, the
    RACROUTE invocation in IWMM2SEC also needs to be extended with
    an APPL parameter that allows RACF statistics to be restriced to
    once per user per day.

Problem conclusion

  • A new parameter SUPPSAFINFOMSG in the IEAOPTxx member of
    SYS1.PARMLIB has been defined to allow an installation to
    suppress the ICH70001I message for successful completions of
    RACROUTE invocations in the WLM Begin Server Transaction
    (IWM4STBG) service.  The default for the new IEAOPTxx parameter
    SUPPSAFINFOMSG=YES/NO is NO which does not change the current
    behavior.  Indicator RMCTZ_SUPPSAFINFOMSG was introduced in
    control structure IRARMCTZ to reflect the current SUPPSAFINFOMSG
    status.  ON signals SUPPSAFINFOMSG=YES.
    IWMM2SEC has been updated to check if RMCTZ_SUPPSAFINFOMSG is ON
    and if so, it now specifies MSGSUPP=YES on the RACROUTE
    invocation so that message ICH70001I is suppressed during
    IWM4STBG proccessing and it also passes an APPL class profile
    that allows RACF statistics to be restriced to once per user per
    day.  The procedure name associated with the started task is
    used for the name of the APPL class.
    +--- Documentation to be updated ------------------------------+
    |                                                              |
    | z/OS 2.1:                                                    |
    |     SA23-1380-04   MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference   |
    |                                                              |
    | z/OS 2.2:                                                    |
    |     SA23-1380-07   MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference   |
    |                                                              |
    +--- Location in Publication ----------------------------------+
    |                                                              |
    | z/OS 2.1:                                                    |
    |     SA23-1380-04   MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference   |
    |                                                              |
    |     Chapter 49. IEAOPTxx (OPT parameters)                    |
    |     In the '1. Special Options:' list, add in alphabetical   |
    |     order:                                                   |
    |                                                              |
    | z/OS 2.2:                                                    |
    |     SA23-1380-07   MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference   |
    |                                                              |
    |                                                              |
    |     Chapter 50. IEAOPTxx (OPT parameters)                    |
    |     In the '1. Special Options:' list, add in alphabetical   |
    |     order:                                                   |
    |                                                              |
    |     order:                                                   |
    |                                                              |
    |                                                              |
    |                                                              |
    |          ,SUPPSAFINFOMSG=YES|NO   (default NO)               |
    |                                                              |
    +--- Documentation to be updated ------------------------------+
    |                                                              |
    | z/OS 2.1:                                                    |
    |     SA23-1380-04   MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference   |
    |                                                              |
    | z/OS 2.2:                                                    |
    |     SA23-1380-07   MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference   |
    |                                                              |
    +--- Location in Publication ----------------------------------+
    |                                                              |
    | z/OS 2.1:                                                    |
    |     SA23-1380-04   MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference   |
    |                                                              |
    |     Chapter 49. IEAOPTxx (OPT parameters)                    |
    |       Statements/parameters for IEAOPTxx                     |
    |                                                              |
    |       Add IEAOPT parameter in alphabetical order.            |
    |                                                              |
    | z/OS 2.2:                                                    |
    |     SA23-1380-07   MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference   |
    |                                                              |
    |     Chapter 50. IEAOPTxx (OPT parameters)                    |
    |                                                              |
    |       Add IEAOPT parameter in alphabetical order.            |
    |                                                              |
    |                                                              |
    |                                                              |
    |  SUPPSAFINFOMSG=YES|NO   (default NO)                        |
    |                                                              |
    |    Specifies if SAF informational messages issued for        |
    |    successful completion of RACROUTE invocations in the      |
    |    WLM Begin Server Transaction (IWM4STBG) service should    |
    |    be suppressed.                                            |
    |                                                              |
    |    YES                                                       |
    |       SAF informational messages issued for successful       |
    |       completion of RACROUTE invocations in the WLM Begin    |
    |       Server Transaction (IWM4STBG) service are suppressed.  |
    |       Furthermore, an APPL class profile is passed on the    |
    |       RACROUTE invocation that allows RACF statistics to be  |
    |       restriced to once per user per day.                    |
    |       The procedure name associated with the started task    |
    |       is used as the name of the APPL class.                 |
    |                                                              |
    |       For sample security definitions that restrict RACF     |
    |       statistics to once per user per day, check             |
    |                                                              |
    |            |
    |         SSLTBW_2.1.0/      |
    |            |
    |         SSLTBW_2.2.0/      |
    |                                                              |
    |       (Note to ID: First link is for 2.1 and second link     |
    |                    is for 2.2, content is the same)          |
    |                                                              |
    |                                                              |
    |    NO                                                        |
    |       Informational messages issued for successful           |
    |       completion of RACROUTE invocations in the WLM Begin    |
    |       Server Transaction Service (IWM4STBG) are not          |
    |       suppressed. No APPL parameter is passed on the         |
    |       RACROUTE invocation.                                   |
    |                                                              |
    |    Default value: NO                                         |
    |                                                              |
    +--- Documentation to be updated ------------------------------+
    |                                                              |
    | z/OS 2.1:                                                    |
    |   GA32-0938-02 -- z/OS V2R1 MVS Data Areas Volume 4          |
    |                   (IRARMCTZ -LCT)                            |
    |                                                              |
    | z/OS 2.2:                                                    |
    |   GA32-0936-03 -- z/OS V2R2 MVS Data Areas Volume 2          |
    |                   (IAX - ISG)                                |
    |                                                              |
    +--- Location in Publication ----------------------------------+
    |                                                              |
    | z/OS 2.1:                                                    |
    |   GA32-0938-02 -- z/OS V2R1 MVS Data Areas Volume 4          |
    |                   (IRARMCTZ -LCT)                            |
    |                                                              |
    |     Chapter IRARMCTZ Information                             |
    |     In the 'IRARMCTZ mapping', add the following:            |
    |                                                              |
    | z/OS 2.2:                                                    |
    |   GA32-0936-03 -- z/OS V2R2 MVS Data Areas Volume 2          |
    |                   (IAX - ISG)                                |
    |                                                              |
    |     Chapter 229. IRARMCTZ Information                        |
    |     In the 'IRARMCTZ mapping', add the following:            |
    |                                                              |
    |                                                              |
    |                                                              |
    | 14 (E) BITSTRING 1 RMCTZ_FLAG2 RMCTZ Flag 2                  |
    | Bit definitions:                                             |
    |   1... .... RMCTZ_VCM_OPT  "X80" 1:=VCM specified            |
    |   .1.. .... RMCTZ_VCM      "X40" 1:=Running in vertical      |
    |                                    CP management mode        |
    |   ..1. .... RMCTZ_IOMS     "X20" 1:= I/O management          |
    |                                  support turned on           |
    |   ...1 .... RMCTZ_FULLPRESYSTEM  "X'10'" 1:=FullPreSystem    |
    |                                  specified                   |
    |   .... 1... RMCTZ_ABSMSUCAPPING  "X'08'" 1:=ABSMSUCAPPING    |
    |   .... .1.. RMCTZ_SUPPSAFINFOMSG "X'04'" 1:=SUPPSAFINFOMSG   |
    |   .... ..11 RMCTZ_FLAG2_RSVD1    "X'0F'" reserved            |
    |                                                              |
    +--- Documentation to be updated ------------------------------+
    |                                                              |
    | z/OS 2.1:                                                    |
    |   GA32-0938-02 -- z/OS V2R1 MVS Data Areas Volume 4          |
    |                   (IRARMCTZ -LCT)                            |
    |                                                              |
    | z/OS 2.2:                                                    |
    |   GA32-0936-03 -- z/OS V2R2 MVS Data Areas Volume 2          |
    |                   (IAX - ISG)                                |
    |                                                              |
    +--- Location in Publication ----------------------------------+
    |                                                              |
    | z/OS 2.1:                                                    |
    |   GA32-0938-02 -- z/OS V2R1 MVS Data Areas Volume 4          |
    |                   (IRARMCTZ -LCT)                            |
    |                                                              |
    |     Chapter IRARMCTZ Information                             |
    |     In the 'Cross Reference for IRARMCTZ', add in            |
    |     alphabetical order:                                      |
    |                                                              |
    | z/OS 2.2:                                                    |
    |   GA32-0936-03 -- z/OS V2R2 MVS Data Areas Volume 2          |
    |                   (IAX - ISG)                                |
    |                                                              |
    |     Chapter 229. IRARMCTZ Information                        |
    |     In the 'Cross Reference for IRARMCTZ', add in            |
    |     alphabetical order:                                      |
    |                                                              |
    |                                                              |
    |                                                              |
    | RMCTZ_ABSMSUCAPPING     E     08                             |
    | RMCTZ_SUPPSAFINFOMSG    E     04                             |
    |                                                              |

Temporary fix


APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name


  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




  • Special Attention

    NoSpecatt / Xsystem

  • Submitted date


  • Closed date


  • Last modified date


  • APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

  • APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:

    UA82153 UA82154



Publications Referenced

Fix information

  • Fixed component name


  • Fixed component ID


Applicable component levels

  • R7A0 PSY UA82153

       UP16/07/13 P F607

  • R790 PSY UA82154

       UP16/07/13 P F607

Fix is available

  • Select the PTF appropriate for your component level. You will be required to sign in. Distribution on physical media is not available in all countries.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SG19M","label":"APARs - z\/OS environment"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"790","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}},{"Business Unit":{"code":null,"label":null},"Product":{"code":"SG19O","label":"APARs - MVS environment"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"790","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
02 August 2016