Direct links to fixes
Version 8.5 Refresh Pack 5 for the IBM Business Process Manager products
Download Version 8.0.1 Fix Pack 3 for the IBM Business Process Manager products
Version 8.5 Refresh Pack 6 for the IBM Business Process Manager products
Version 8.5.0 Fix Pack 2 for the IBM Business Process Manager products
APAR status
Closed as program error.
Error description
No matter how you select this value, if the input message does not include the time zone information the UTC time zone is used to parse the date/datetime value. And when you send a date/datetime value, the UTC time zone is used.
Local fix
Manually convert each date back to UTC timezone
Problem summary
**************************************************************** * USERS AFFECTED: IBM Business Process Manager (BPM) * * Advanced * * IBM BPM Standard * * IBM BPM Express * **************************************************************** * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: No matter how you select this value, * * if the input message does * * not include the time zone information * * the UTC time zone is * * used to parse the date/datetime * * value. And when you send a * * date/datetime value, the UTC time * * zone is used. * **************************************************************** * RECOMMENDATION: * **************************************************************** No additional information is available.
Problem conclusion
A fix is available for IBM BPM V8.5.0.1 so that you can configure the time zone in inbound and outbound web services. On Fix Central (, search for JR50354: 1.Select IBM Business Process Manager with your edition from the product selector, the installed version to the fix pack level, and your platform, and then click Continue. 2.Select APAR or SPR, enter JR50354, and click Continue. When you download fix packages, ensure that you also download the readme file for each fix. Review each readme file for additional installation instructions and information about the fix. After you install this fix, the time zone field in advanced parameters properties is available for you to control the default time zone that is used to parse and serialize date/datetime values. There are four options: <default>, Server, Client, and UTC. <default> and Client are the same. Use either of these options when you want to use the time zone value that is defined in the 100Custom.xml file. If no value is specified in the 100Custom.xml file, the time zone defaults to UTC or GMT. The option named ¢â‚¬ “Client ¢â‚¬ ½ has a misleading name. W select Client, it means that you want IBM BPM to use a configurable time zone to parse the data/datetime information when there is no time zone information in the inbound or outbound message. This configured time zone value is used for all inbound and outbound messages. For the Server option, use the server ¢â‚¬â„¢s default time zone the UTC option, use UTC/GMT. The following example is of an inbound web service request: Input value in SOAP message 2014-06-16T12:00:00.000, Server time zone: GMT+08:00 Client time zone configured in 100Custom.xml is GMT-08:00 After parsing occurs, the value for the selections is <default>/Client: 2014-06-17T04:00:00.000+08:00 Server: 2014-06-16T12:00:00.000+08:00 UTC: 2014-06-16T20:00:00.000+08:00 The following example is of an outbound web service invocation: Value for date parameter is 2014-06-16T12:00:00.000+08:00 Server time zone is: GMT+08:00 Client time zone configured in 100Custom.xml is GMT-08:00 The string value in SOAP message is <default>/Client: 2014-06-15T20:00:00.000-08:00 Server: 2014-06-16T12:00:00.000+08:00 UTC: 2014-06-16T04:00:00.000Z To control the Client time zone information, you can add the following configuration in the 100Custom.xml file: <common merge="mergeChildren"> <webservices merge="mergeChildren"> <default-client-timezone merge="replace">GMT-08:00</default-client-timezone> </webservices> </common> For more information, see ¢â‚¬ “Changing server properties in 100Custom.xml ¢â‚¬ ½ ( ic=/ and ¢â‚¬ “The 99Local.xml and 100Custom.xml configuration files ( ic=/ html).
Temporary fix
APAR Information
APAR number
Reported component name
Reported component ID
Reported release
Special Attention
Submitted date
Closed date
Last modified date
APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:
APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:
Fix information
Fixed component name
Fixed component ID
Applicable component levels
R800 PSY
[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SSFTDH","label":"IBM Business Process Manager Standard"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"8.5","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]
Document Information
Modified date:
24 June 2014