APAR status
Closed as fixed if next.
Error description
1. The internal viewRef version is not set when just the configuration options are edited in the coach view instance properties of Process Designer (both Coach View editor and Coach editor within the Human Service editor). It should have following version attribute set to 8010 so code generation can produce the correct html page: <contributions xsi:type="ViewRef" version="8010"> Snippet from non-working coach html page, notice the .currentItem: target : engine.resolveOptionValue.call(this, configId, "target", "local.pTestResult"), source : engine.resolveOptionValue.call(this, configId, "source", "local.pTest.currentItem"), Snippet from working coach html page, notice the .currentItem is now [index]: target : engine.resolveOptionValue.call(this, configId, "target", "local.pTestResult"), source : engine.resolveOptionValue.call(this, configId, "source", "local.pTest[index]"), 2. Due to issue 1 above, the "source" configuration option of the coach view is never resolved correct and is always undefined. As a result the logic leads to the server-side error and an error page in the web browser that just states "<p>Error</p><p>null</p>". Server side error: [2/24/14 17:24:04:420 EST] 0000002f ServletWrappe E com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.ServletWrapper service SRVE0014E: Uncaught service() exception root cause ajaxcontroller: java.io.IOException: Unexpected character 'u' on line 1, column 524 at com.ibm.json.java.internal.Tokenizer.next(Tokenizer.java:115) at com.ibm.json.java.internal.Parser.parseObject(Parser.java:109) at com.ibm.json.java.internal.Parser.parseValue(Parser.java:231) JSON data is posted to the server when the boundary event occurs, notice the last part which is "pTestResult":undefined. This leads to the server side error. The original inline javascript, as mentioned earlier thisView.context.options.source.get("value") always returns undefined and is then blindly set as the value of thisView.context.options.target which leads to the JSON above being posted and the server side hitting the exception.
Local fix
To work around the issue, you could try to add a binding to the "ACOBindButton" coach view and when this binding is set the internal viewRef version attribute will be set correctly. For example, this can be done by creating a private variable myBool of type Boolean and bound it to a binding of "ACOBindButton" coach view which we updated to take a binding of type Boolean. This binding is never used but allows the coach model to be updated in such a way that the problem can be worked around.
Problem summary
When bringing a pre-8000 coach or coach view into a 8.0+ release and changing a configuration option binding to point to a "currentItem" variable, code gen will not take the proper path and it will fail at run time.
Problem conclusion
Temporary fix
APAR Information
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Fix information
Applicable component levels
R801 PSY
[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SSFTDH","label":"IBM Business Process Manager Standard"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"8.0.1","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]
Document Information
Modified date:
12 October 2021