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APAR status
Closed as program error.
Error description
Marketing content for a promotion recommendation can be defined with a "Predefined click action for a promotion" of "Add to shopping cart and apply promotion". However, the action can only be used with a promotion where the redemption method is "Requires promotion codes" and not with "Coupon promotion".
Local fix
Problem summary
USERS AFFECTED: WebSphere Commerce users on v7.0 using "Add to shopping cart and apply promotion" marketing content click action PROBLEM ABSTRACT: "Add to shopping cart and apply promotion" marketing content click action does not allow coupon promotions BUSINESS IMPACT: Marketing managers cannot set up an e-Marketing Spot to issue a coupon to the customer, and apply the coupon to the shopping cart. RECOMMENDATION:
Problem conclusion
The Marketing tool in Management Center was enhanced to allow a promotion with a "Coupon promotion" redemption method to be used in a web activity's Recommend Promotion action with a marketing content that has "Add to shopping cart and apply promotion" as the click action. When the customer clicks on the marketing content in the storefront, the specified item will be added to the customer's shopping cart, a coupon for the specified promotion will be issued to the customer, and the coupon will be applied to the customer's shopping cart. The AddOrderItemWithPromotionCodeOrCoupon command was also enhanced to make it optional to specify an item to add to the cart. The AddOrderItemWithPromotionCodeOrCoupon command can be used to just apply a promotion code or coupon to the shopping cart without requiring at order item to be added at the same time. The "Custom URL as click action" can be selected to use this functionality. The AddOrderItemWithPromotionCodeOrCoupon command will create a shopping cart if one does not already exist for the customer. The following are some examples of using the AddOrderItemWithPromotionCodeOrCoupon command in a marketing content click action: 1) Add item to shopping cart and apply promotion code AddOrderItemWithPromotionCodeOrCoupon?partNumber=GFR033_331101&p romoCode=#promoCode#&catalogId=#catalogId#&storeId=#storeId#&qua ntity=1&URL=OrderCalculate?URL=OrderItemDisplay&calculationUsage Id=#calUsageId# Marketing runtime will replace #promoCode# with the public promotion code from the specified promotion. 2) Apply promotion code AddOrderItemWithPromotionCodeOrCoupon?promoCode=#promoCode#&cata logId=#catalogId#&storeId=#storeId#&quantity=1&URL=OrderCalculat e?URL=OrderItemDisplay&calculationUsageId=#calUsageId# Use "Custom URL as click action" to remove partNumber parameter. 3) Add item to shopping cart, issue coupon and apply coupon AddOrderItemWithPromotionCodeOrCoupon?partNumber=GFR033_331101&p romoCode=#promoCode#&catalogId=#catalogId#&storeId=#storeId#&qua ntity=1&URL=OrderCalculate?URL=OrderItemDisplay&calculationUsage Id=#calUsageId# Marketing runtime will replace #promoCode# with promoName=#promoName#, and replace #promoName# with the name of the specified promotion. 4) Issue coupon and apply coupon AddOrderItemWithPromotionCodeOrCoupon?promoCode=#promoCode#&cata logId=#catalogId#&storeId=#storeId#&quantity=1&URL=OrderCalculat e?URL=OrderItemDisplay&calculationUsageId=#calUsageId# or AddOrderItemWithPromotionCodeOrCoupon?promoName=#promoName#&cata logId=#catalogId#&storeId=#storeId#&URL=OrderCalculate?URL=Order ItemDisplay&calculationUsageId=#calUsageId# Use "Custom URL as click action" to remove partNumber parameter. Optionally change promoCode=#promoCode# to promoName=#promoName# Optionally remove &quantity=1 ------------------------------------------------------------- The latest available maintenance information can be obtained from the Recommended Fixes for WebSphere Commerce technote:
Temporary fix
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Fix information
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R700 PSY
[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSYSYL","label":"WebSphere Commerce Enterprise"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"7.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}}]
Document Information
Modified date:
03 May 2014