Fixes are available
APAR status
Closed as program error.
Error description
CPU starvations (HMGR0152W) and java.lang.OutOfMemoryError messages may occur in relationship with class UCAEventInfo, if a lot of unnamed snapshots are used. detailed classname: com/lombardisoftware/bpd/runtime/engine/message/UCAEventInfo Even though you increased the heapsize of the AppTarget Server the problems remained the same or even got worse. The problem also occurs with garbage collection policy gencon. The javacore-files show OutOfMemoryError messages like: 1TISIGINFO Dump Event "systhrow" (00040000) Detail "java/lang/OutOfMemoryError" "Java heap space" received The system will also write heapdump files (phd files). The problem occurs, because of a missing DISTINCT arugment in SELECT statement used to read from the LSW_BPD_EVENT table in the 60database.xml file in the find-intermediate-messages-for-uca-query tag. . analysis of heapdump shows this type of usage. 2,347,711,336 bytes (31.65 %) of Java heap is used by 10,195 instances of java/util/ArrayList 1,326,078,048 bytes (17.88 %) of Java heap is used by 5,609,754 instances of com/lombardisoftware/bpd/runtime/engine/message/UCAEventInfo 1,185,295,120 bytes (15.98 %) of Java heap is used by 4,911,294 instances of com/lombardisoftware/core/TWUUID 1,138,615,096 bytes (15.35 %) of Java heap is used by 4,853,141 instances of com/lombardisoftware/bpd/runtime/engine/message/UCAEventInfo 498,866,384 bytes (6.73 %) of Java heap is used by 1,931,221 instances of com/lombardisoftware/bpd/runtime/engine/message/UCAEventInfo 434,932,576 bytes (5.86 %) of Java heap is used by 1,623,968 instances of com/lombardisoftware/bpd/runtime/engine/message/UCAEventInfo 425,599,728 bytes (5.74 %) of Java heap is used by 1,751,854 instances of com/lombardisoftware/core/TWUUID 415,645,640 bytes (5.6 %) of Java heap is used by 3,338,113 instances of java/lang/String 301,119,696 bytes (4.06 %) of Java heap is used by 20 instances of com/ibm/ejs/j2c/J2CGlobalConfigProperties while heapdump for 1933 shows 1,911,031,656 bytes (24.85 %) of Java heap is used by 7,688,272 instances of com/lombardisoftware/bpd/runtime/engine/message/UCAEventInfo 1,261,807,240 bytes (16.41 %) of Java heap is used by 4,843,937 instances of com/lombardisoftware/bpd/runtime/engine/message/UCAEventInfo 1,041,404,536 bytes (13.54 %) of Java heap is used by 3,929,963 instances of com/lombardisoftware/bpd/runtime/engine/message/UCAEventInfo Contains 4 instances of the following leak suspects: - com/lombardisoftware/server/ejb/persistence/versioning/ConcreteS napshotC ontext holding 14,220,496 bytes at 0x1cc4d97a0 - com/lombardisoftware/server/ejb/persistence/versioning/ConcreteS napshotC ontext holding 14,149,080 bytes at 0x1dc206e40 -
Local fix
1) stop the server 2) edit the 100Custom.xml in the Deployment Manager configuration and change the following entry: <properties> <server> <bpd-engine> <find-intermediate-messages-for-uca-query> select e.bpd_event_id, e.bpd_flow_object_id, e.correlation_parameter_id, e.durable_subscription from lsw_bpd_event e inner join lsw_bpd b on b.bpd_id = e.bpd_id where e.uca_id = ? and (((b.type is null or b.type in (1,2)) and e.event_type = 1) or (b.type = 3 and e.event_type in (0,1))) </find-intermediate-messages-for-uca-query> </bpd-engine> </server> </properties> to <properties> <server> <bpd-engine> <find-intermediate-messages-for-uca-query> select DISTINCT e.bpd_event_id, e.bpd_flow_object_id, e.correlation_parameter_id, e.durable_subscription from lsw_bpd_event e inner join lsw_bpd b on b.bpd_id = e.bpd_id where e.uca_id = ? and (((b.type is null or b.type in (1,2)) and e.event_type = 1) or (b.type = 3 and e.event_type in (0,1))) </find-intermediate-messages-for-uca-query> </bpd-engine> </server> </properties> 3) Restart the Deployment Manager and the Node Agents and do a full sync with all cluster members 4) check if the 100Custom.xml file was propagated to all Nodes 5) start all servers
Problem summary
Out-Of-Memory exception occurs in Process Designer PROBLEM DETAILED DESCRIPTION: After storing many versions of BPD processes and UCAs, huge amounts of memory are used for the DefaultMessageRoutingCache. For the UNDO functionality, all those versions need to be stored separately, even if only minor changes have occured. The query to load the DefaultMessageRoutingCache only loads the essentials of those tables, but does not check the result for duplicates.
Problem conclusion
By changing the query from "SELECT" to "SELECT DISTINCT", duplicates are ignored. Thus, the cache is filled without those duplicates, and fills only a small amount of memory. FIX AVAILABILITY: iFix for is available on Fix Central, search for APAR JR48508 at iFix for is available on Fix Central, search for APAR JR48508 at iFix for is available on Fix Central, search for APAR JR48508 at Fix is also targetted for inclusion in next fixpack for BPM 8.0.1 For BPM version the resolution for this issue is JR48550 is available on Fix Central at When obtaining any of the above fixes, be sure to download the accompanying readme, for itself, and any prerequisite fixes, and review them thorougly.
Temporary fix
APAR Information
APAR number
Reported component name
Reported component ID
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Submitted date
Closed date
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APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:
APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:
Fix information
Fixed component name
Fixed component ID
Applicable component levels
R801 PSY
R850 PSY
[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SSFTDH","label":"IBM Business Process Manager Standard"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"8.0.1","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]
Document Information
Modified date:
12 October 2021