Fixes are available
APAR status
Closed as new function.
Error description
Currently, the set of available users can be synchronized from VMM to the BPM DB using the Process Admin Console. This mechanism is not performant enough for a large number of users and an administrative approach is missing. In addition, there is no mechanism available to synchronize group memberships from VMM to the BPM DB. For both aspects, corresponding administrative scripts are requried.
Local fix
Problem summary
For large numbers of users in the user registry, the provided mechanism to synchronize user availability between the user registry and the BPM DB may require long execution times. No administrative mechanism is provided to synchronize group membership for users between the user registry and the BPM DB. PROBLEM DETAILED DESCRIPTION: Currently, user availability can be synchronized between the user registry and the BPM DB by issuing corresponding commands via the Process Admin Console. For large numbers of users command execution can last long. In addition, there are no administrative means to trigger the synchronization of group membership for users between the user registry and BPM DB. For both aspects of synchronization, administrative scripts are required.
Problem conclusion
NOTE: All scripts below may imply execution times which exceed the default timeout setting for wsadmin script execution. Change the default to reflect the execution time required in your set-up. For this, open the file <install-root>/profiles/<profile>/properties/soap.client.props and change the value for, e.g. set it 0 to imply no timeout. NOTE: consider executing the scripts during idle time, as they may impose a high load on the system. I. User synchronization Two new administrative scripts are provided to trigger user synchronization between the user registry and the BPM DB. Versions are available for both Windows and Linux environments and can be found at the location: <install-root>/profiles/<profile>/bin a. To synchronize a set of specified users, use the following script: usersSync.[bat|sh] [options...] <userID1> <userID2> ... <userIDn> Options: -?, -help This help message -u <username>, -username <username> user name of admin user -p <password>, -password <password> user password (unencrypted) -host <host> server host name, must be used with port -port <port> server SOAP port number userIDn: a list of user IDs which are to be synchronized. To execute the script, switch to the directory containing the script and trigger the execution. The script execution result indicates the number of synchronized users. Users that are not available in the user registry are skipped from synchronization. b. To synchronize all users in the user registry, use the following script: usersFullSync.bat [options...] Options: -?, -help This help message -u <username>, -username <username> user name of admin user -p <password>, -password <password> user password (unencrypted) -host <host> server host name, must be used with port -port <port> server SOAP port number To execute the script switch to the directory containing the script and trigger the execution. The script execution result indicates the number of synchronized users. NOTE: consider with care executing usersFullSync as it will insert ALL users available from the WAS user repository into the BPM DB. For increased performance, both scripts employ VMM interface calls, in case Federated Repositories (aka VMM) are configured for security. If VMM is used along with LDAP directories, tune your LDAP configuration in wimconfig.xml to allow for potentially retrieving all users in one VMM query. Consult the VMM tuning documents. In particular, select an appropriate setting for configurationProvider->maxSearchResults and consider adapting other values, e.g. ldapServers->connectTimeout, attributesCache->cacheSize. The wimconfig.xml file is located at <install-root>/profiles/<profile>/config/cells/<cell> /wim/config/wimconfig.xml (in a cluster, on the Deployment Manager for every server of the cluster). II. Group membership synchronization Two new administrative scripts are provided to trigger synchronization for (direct and indirect) user members of groups between the user registry and the BPM DB. Versions are available for both Windows and Linux environments and can be found at the location: <install-root>/profiles/<profile>/bin NOTE: synchronization for group membership takes into account users that a. are already in the BPM DB and b1. either have logged in BPM, after installing this ifix b2. or have been synchronized to BPM using one of the above user synchroniztation scripts. All other users will not be considered as group members, when applying the synchronization scripts for group membership. Consider with care, whether your set-up is appropriate for using the scripts. a. To synchronize group membership for the resolved (direct and indirect) user members of a set of specified groups, use the following script: syncGroupMembershipForGroups.[bat|sh] [options...] <groupName1> <groupName2> ... <groupNameN> Options: -?, -help This help message -u <username>, -username <username> user name of admin user -p <password>, -password <password> user password (unencrypted) -host <host> server host name, must be used with port -port <port> server SOAP port number groupNames: a list of group names the members of which are to be updated for membership. Note that, in the context of a group, the group membership is synchronized for the members of the group with respect to this group. To execute the script, switch to the directory containing the script and trigger the execution. The script execution result indicates the number of synchronized groups. Groups can be skipped from synchronization for a number of reasons: - groups are not available in the user registry - groups with a (short) name occuring more than once in the user registry - groups that are already defined with the same (short) name in BPM as non-security groups (e.g. groups created via the Process Admin Console) b. To synchronize group membership for the user members of all available groups, use the following script: syncGroupMembershipForAllGroups.[bat|sh] [options...] Options: -?, -help This help message -u <username>, -username <username> user name of admin user -p <password>, -password <password> user password (unencrypted) -host <host> server host name, must be used with port -port <port> server SOAP port number To execute the script switch to the directory containing the script and trigger the execution. The script execution result indicates the number of synchronized groups. Groups can be skipped from synchronization for a number of reasons: - groups with a (short) name occuring more than once in the user registry - groups that are already defined with the same (short) name in BPM as non-security groups (e.g. groups created via the Process Admin Console) For increased performance, both scripts employ VMM interface calls, in case Federated Repositories (aka VMM) are configured for security. The scripts require that the VMM entity type Group is extended to include an additional property representing either a. the set of (direct and indirect) user members of the group (referred to below as "groupusermember") or b. the set of direct (user or subgroup) members of the group (referred to below as "groupmember"). Perform the configuration steps listed below: 1. Check whether attached LDAP directories expose for a group entry an attribute listing all (direct or indirect) user members. For instance, the Tivoli Directory Server exposes for a group entry the "ibm-allmembers" attribute which can be directly queried to retrieve all user members of the group. If such an attribute exists, make sure it is configured for user member retrieval (see step 3 below). In case no such attribute exists, use in the steps below the LDAP attribute by which (user or subgroup) members of a group entry are identified in the LDAP directory, for instance "members" or "uniqueMembers". 2. Define a VMM property for identifying either a. all user members of a Group entity or b. the direct user and subgroup members of a Group entity. Extend the VMM entity type Group to include an additional property with name "groupusermember" or "groupmember". For this, include or extend the file wimxmlextension.xml (in a cluster, on the Deployment Manager for every server of the cluster) at the location <install-root>/profiles/<profile>/config/cells/<cell>/wim/model The file is to contain the extension definition: <sdo:datagraph xmlns:sdo="commonj.sdo" xmlns:wim=""> <wim:schema> <wim:propertySchema nsURI="" dataType="STRING" multiValued="true" propertyName="groupusermember"> <wim:applicableEntityTypeNames>Group </wim:applicableEntityTypeNames> </wim:propertySchema> </wim:schema> </sdo:datagraph> or <sdo:datagraph xmlns:sdo="commonj.sdo" xmlns:wim=""> <wim:schema> <wim:propertySchema nsURI="" dataType="STRING" multiValued="true" propertyName="groupmember"> <wim:applicableEntityTypeNames>Group </wim:applicableEntityTypeNames> </wim:propertySchema> </wim:schema> </sdo:datagraph> 3. For every LDAP directory configured for VMM, define the mapping between the VMM property name "groupusermember" or "groupmember" and the corresponding available LDAP attribute, e.g. "ibm-allMembers" or "uniqueMembers", repectively. For this, include in <install-root>/profiles/<profile>/config/cells/<cell> /wim/config/wimconfig.xml (in a cluster, on the Deployment Manager for every server of the cluster) the entry: <config:repositories xsi:type="config:LdapRepositoryType" ...> ... <config:attributeConfiguration> ... <config:attributes name="ibm-allMembers" propertyName="groupusermember"> <config:entityTypes>Group</config:entityTypes> </config:attributes> ... </config:attributeConfiguration> </config:repositories> or <config:repositories xsi:type="config:LdapRepositoryType" ...> ... <config:attributeConfiguration> ... <config:attributes name="uniqueMembers" propertyName="groupmember"> <config:entityTypes>Group</config:entityTypes> </config:attributes> ... </config:attributeConfiguration> </config:repositories> 4. For every LDAP directory configured for VMM, tune your LDAP configuration in wimconfig.xml to allow for potentially retrieving all groups in one VMM query. Consult the VMM tuning documents. In particular, select an appropriate setting for configurationProvider->maxSearchResults and consider adapting other values, e.g. ldapServers->connectTimeout, attributesCache->cacheSize. 5. Enable using the "groupusermember" or "groupmember" property by BPM. Include in 100Custom.xml (in a cluster, on the Deployment Manager for every server of the cluster) the entry: <common merge="mergeChildren"> <security> <vmm-options> <group-user-member-prop>groupusermember </group-user-member-prop> </vmm-options> </security> </common> or <common merge="mergeChildren"> <security> <vmm-options> <group-member-prop>groupmember</group-member-prop> </vmm-options> </security> </common> The file is located at <install-root>/profiles/<profile>/config/cells/<cell> /nodes/<node>/servers/<server> /process-center|process-server/config (in a cluster, on the Deployment Manager for every server of the cluster).
Temporary fix
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R801 PSY
[{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SSFTDH","label":"IBM Business Process Manager Standard"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"8.0.1"}]
Document Information
Modified date:
07 October 2021