IBM Support



You can track all active APARs for this component.


APAR status

  • Closed as new function.

Error description

Local fix

Problem summary

  • The following problems have been fixed in V95FP3:
    365331: Linux 64 bit - corrupted char data from z/OS, or iSeries
     Linux 64 bit target
    User Affected: SQL replication
    Problem Description: Linux 64 bit - corrupted char data
     from z/OS, or iSeries to Linux 64 bit target
    Problem Summary: SQL APPLY tags sqlda with incorrect CCSID
    Problem Conclusion: change SQL APPLY to retrieve correct
     source CCSID
    364361: SQLCAPTURE and QCAPTURE ABENDS0C4 when a table
      created in DB2 v7 is dropped.
    User Affected: SQLCAPTURE and QCAPTURE
    Problem Description: The attributes of systables columns
      were changed in v8.  Hence, if a table that was created
      in V7 is dropped, the DELETE log record does not match
      with the current DESCRIBE.
    Problem Summary: The mapping must be modified dynamically
      per the version of log record.
    364361: QCAPTURE ABENDS0C4 if trigger generated SQL is
      rolled back.
    User Affected: QCAPTURE
    Problem Description: If a trigger generated SQL is rolled
      back and the statement is an insert, delete, or update
      for a subscribed table, QCAPTURE ABENDS0C4.
    Problem Summary: Needs logic to handle compensation of a
      trigger generated SQL.
    364361: Fix ASN0543E error for requesting negative amount
    User Affected: SQLCAPTURE and QCAPTURE
    Problem Description: Problem occurs When decoding no-data
      DROP TABLE log record
    Problem Summary: Decoder must not decode no-data
      DROP TABLE log records
    Problem Conclusion: The decoder will filter out no-data
      DROP TABLE log records
    359274: QCAPTURE occasionally fails to ignore trigger
      generated SQLs
    User Affected: QCAPTURE
    Problem Description: DB2 fails to turn on the trigger
      flag on certain update variations
    Problem Summary: Capture should ignore if any of the
      two-record variations has the flag on.
    359274: Added authID and correlID to messages ASN0633 and
    User Affected: SQLCAPTURE and QCAPTURE
    Problem Description: Messages ASN0633 and ASN0634 do not
      tell the responsible party.
    Problem Summary: Additonal information is needed in these
    Problem Conclusion: authID and correlID are added to
      these messages.
    359274: SQLCAPTURE and QCAPTURE ABENDS0C4 while
      REINIT/STOP is being processed.
    User Affected: SQLCAPTURE and QCAPTURE
    Problem Description: The worker thread terminates before
      the logreader terminates.
    Problem Summary: The worker/logreader communication is
    Problem Conclusion: The worker turns on the stop flag to
      signal the logreader to stop.
    359274: Changed ASN0011 and ASN0202 messages to display
      DB2 diagnostic codes.
    User Affected: SQLCAPTURE and QCAPTURE
    Problem Description: Current CAPTURE displays only some of
      the dictionary error diag codes.
    Problem Summary: CAPTURE must display all diagnostics
      codes on dictionary errors.
    Problem Conclusion: CAPTURE will insert the diag code
      into these messages.
    359274: Added more columns to monitor for SQLCAPTURE
    User Affected: SQLCAPTURE
    Problem Description: SQLCAPTURE needs more info to monitor
    Problem Summary: SQLCAPTURE should monitor as many cols as
    Problem Conclusion: Four more columns have been added in
      the SQL CAPMON table.
    359274: The Monitor calculates the QCAPTURE latency
    User Affected: QCAPTURE
    Problem Description: The monitor calculates QCAPTURE
      latency incorrectly which results in sending incorrect
    Problem Summary: The logic chose the max of eol and
      logtime latencies instead of the min.
    Problem Conclusion: The program has been fixed to use
      the min of the two latencies
    365331: Linux 64 bit - corrupted char data from z/OS to
      Linux 64 bit target
    User Affected: SQL replication
    Problem Description: Linux 64 bit - corrupted char data
      from zos to Linux 64 bit target
    Problem Summary: SQLAPPLY tags sqlda with incorrect CCSID
    Problem Conclusion: change SQLAPPLY to retrieve correct
      source CCSID
    361507: License checking when no EP license available
      causes Q Cap to stop
    Problem Description: This defect was introduced with
      Oracap developement in V95FP2 and unfortunately not
      picked up.  When an EP license is not present, asnqcap
      displays the warning that no EP license is present, but
      proceeds to stop, even if no publications are defined.
      Additionally, a segmentation violation occurs in
      asnoqcap at some point after the license check for
      asnoqcap if the EP license is not present.
    362526: ASNMON: bug fix for QCAPTURE / QAPPLY v8 monitor
      interval to be in seconds not in milliseconds
    Problem Description: ASNMON: bug fix for QCAPTURE / QAPPLY
      v8 monitor interval to be in seconds not in milliseconds
    360041: Oracle QCAPTURE  needs to check for the enablement
    Problem Description: Oracle QCAPTURE  needs to check for
      the enablement file asnoqcap.sys before starting up.
    363123: Log Read Buffer size for CAPTURE in DPF mode
      should be smaller to boost performance in getting log
    Problem Description: Performance measurements show that it
      is more efficient to call db2ReadLog more frequently
      with a smaller buffer size than less frequently with a
      larger buffer size.  The current size of buffer is
      204800 bytes.  We achieved more optimal performance by
      lowering to 51200 bytes.  We should make this a multiple
      of 32K-sized codepages.
    360243: multiple restart queue support
    Problem Description: Modify QCAPTURE to maintain restart
      information for each send queue
    360927: LIRP1029: QApply Skip DELTOMB for 2-Node P2P
    353321: Deal correctly with LOB columns in an UPDATE set
      clause when non-LOB columns are involved for QCAPTURE for
    Problem Description: Enable Oracle QCAPTURE parser to read
      values from the WHERE clause if CLOB column value
      contains not escaped single quote due to a bug in the
      providing interface Oracle LogMiner
    355572: Replication should allow CLUSTER unique indexes on
      tables containing LOB or XML columns
    Fixes included in this defect:
    1. CLUSTER unique indexes on tables containing LOB or XML
       columns are allowed in Capture and Apply
    2. Add MESSAGE_PERSISTENCE in QCAPTURE as a hidden
       parameter to control MQ message persistence
    3. Delete "db2_fenced 'N'" when creating Sybase wrappers
       in qtest
    358853: Fix multiple ASN messages
    Problem Description: The message text for a number of ASN
      messages needs to be corrected.
    362814: Admin thread should always fetch the subname from
      the SUBS table
    Problem Description: Admin thread should always fetch the
      subname from the SUBS table for LOADDONE msgs
    367608: QCAPTURE encountered an internal error "SIGSEGV"
      when adding column using signal
    Problem Conclusion: Fixed incorrect pointer manipulation
      during the removal of a send queue.

Problem conclusion

  • The problems described in this APAR have
    been fixed, and will be available in DB2 LUW V9.5 FP3.

Temporary fix


APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name


  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




  • Special Attention


  • Submitted date


  • Closed date


  • Last modified date


  • APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

  • APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:

Fix information

  • Fixed component name


  • Fixed component ID


Applicable component levels

  • R950 PSY


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSDP5R","label":"InfoSphere Replication Server"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"9.5","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
12 October 2021