APAR status
Closed as Permanent restriction.
Error description
A new message to warn of support for FIPS 140-2 removal from MQ is written to the standard output stream when using the IBM MQ classes for JMS or IBM MQ classes for Java with the IBM JRE (and later).
Local fix
The message can be safely ignored unless you are running your own Java application which makes direct use of the IBMJCEPlusFIPS provider - in this case, review the application's usage of the provider to determine how to address removal of the provider in a future JRE update. For information on suppressing the message, see the problem conclusion below.
Problem summary
**************************************************************** USERS AFFECTED: This issue affects users of: - AMQP server - Managed File Transfer (MFT) - MQ Console/web console - MQ Explorer - MQ REST API - MQ Telemetry service Platforms affected: MultiPlatform **************************************************************** PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: IBM MQ is shipped with the IBM Java Runtime Environment (JRE), which is used by the following MQ components: - AMQP server - Managed File Transfer (MFT) - MQ Console/web console - MQ Explorer - MQ REST API - MQ Telemetry service As a result of a software update within the JRE itself, when using TLS with or without FIPS a new message will be reported: "The IBMJCEPlusFIPS provider is configured for FIPS 140-2. Please note that the 140-2 configuration may be removed in the future". The functionality of the Java runtime and IBM MQ are unaffected by the presence of this message.
Problem conclusion
With the IBM JRE (and later) when using TLS with/without FIPS a new message will be reported: "The IBMJCEPlusFIPS provider is configured for FIPS 140-2. Please note that the 140-2 configuration may be removed in the future". The above can be suppressed by setting the Java Property on the JVM command line arguments: -Dcom.ibm.fips.silentUsage=true The message can also be global disabled for the IBM JRE Shipped with IBM MQ by adding a new line with "-Dcom.ibm.fips.silentUsage=true"(without the double quotes) to the options.default file locate in the following locations: AIX: <MQ_INSTALLATION>/java/jre64/jre/lib/ppc64/default/options.defau lt <MQ_INSTALLATION>/java/jre64/jre/lib/ppc64/compressedrefs/option s.default Linux S390x: <MQ_INSTALLATION>/java//jre/lib/s390x/default/options.default <MQ_INSTALLATION>/java//jre/lib/s390x/compressedrefs/options.def ault Linux x86_64: <MQ_INSTALLATION>/java//jre/lib/amd64/default/options.default <MQ_INSTALLATION>/java//jre/lib/amd64/compressedrefs/options.def ault Linux PPCLE: <MQ_INSTALLATION>/java//jre/lib/ppc64le/default/options.default <MQ_INSTALLATION>/java//jre/lib/ppc64le/compressedrefs/options.d efault Windows x86_64 : <MQ_INSTALLATION>\java\jre\bin\default\options.default <MQ_INSTALLATION>\java\jre\bin\compressedrefs\options.default NOTE: The above will be lost if you revert to previous maintenance level or upgrade to a newer maintenance level. --------------------------------------------------------------- The fix is targeted for delivery in the following PTFs: Version Maintenance Level v9.2 LTS v9.3 LTS The latest available maintenance can be obtained from 'IBM MQ Recommended Fixes' https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/recommended-fixes-ibm-mq If the maintenance level is not yet available information on its planned availability can be found in 'IBM MQ Planned Maintenance Release Dates' https://ibm.biz/mqplannedmaintenance ---------------------------------------------------------------
Temporary fix
APAR Information
APAR number
Reported component name
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Special Attention
NoSpecatt / Xsystem
Submitted date
Closed date
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Fix information
Applicable component levels
[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSYHRD","label":"IBM MQ"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"9.0","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB67","label":"IT Automation \u0026 App Modernization"}}]
Document Information
Modified date:
12 June 2024