APAR status
Closed as program error.
Error description
A queue resource monitor has been defined on an MQ Managed File Transfer agent, and has been configured to: - Configured to trigger on individual messages not in a group, and complete message groups. - And submits message-to-file transfers for each individual message or message group that it triggers on. Occasionally, the resource monitor: - Detects a message or message group on one poll, and submits a managed transfer to process it. - And then detects the same message or message group on the next poll, and submits another message-to-file transfer to process it, even though the first message-to-file transfer hasn't completed yet. When this happens, one of two things occur: - Either the second message-to-file transfer completes successfully and the destination agent writes a zero-byte file. - Or the second message-to-file transfer is discarded, and the source agent generates an FDC containing the information shown below: Probe: FFDC_001 Cause: com.ibm.wmqfte.cmdhandler.FTECommandHandlerErrorException: BFGCH0005E: A problem occurred when registering a file transfer request. com.ibm.wmqfte.cmdhandler.FTECommandHandlerErrorException: BFGCH0005E: A problem occurred when registering a file transfer request. at com.ibm.wmqfte.cmdhandler.impl.FTECommandHandlerStateStoreImpl.p rocessFileTransfer(FTECommandHandlerStateStoreImpl.java:572) at com.ibm.wmqfte.cmdhandler.impl.FTECommandIntepreterFileTransfer. interpret(FTECommandIntepreterFileTransfer.java:335) at com.ibm.wmqfte.cmdhandler.impl.MessageHandlerImpl.externalMessag eHandler(MessageHandlerImpl.java:245) at com.ibm.wmqfte.cmdhandler.impl.MessageHandlerImpl.processCommand (MessageHandlerImpl.java:167) at com.ibm.wmqfte.cmdhandler.impl.FTECommandHandlerWorkerThread.pro cessCommand(FTECommandHandlerWorkerThread.java:276) at com.ibm.wmqfte.cmdhandler.impl.FTECommandHandlerWorkerThread.run (FTECommandHandlerWorkerThread.java:172) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:820) at com.ibm.wmqfte.thread.FTEThread.run(FTEThread.java:70) Caused by: com.ibm.wmqfte.statestore.FTEStateStoreException: BFGSS0020E: A sending transfer with the transfer ID <transfer_identifier>, is already present within the agent. at com.ibm.wmqfte.statestore.impl.FTEStateStorePersistence.putSende r(FTEStateStorePersistence.java:1165) at com.ibm.wmqfte.statestore.impl.FTEStateStoreImpl.newSenderTransf er(FTEStateStoreImpl.java:777) at com.ibm.wmqfte.cmdhandler.impl.FTECommandHandlerStateStoreImpl.p rocessFileTransfer(FTECommandHandlerStateStoreImpl.java:547)
Local fix
Problem summary
**************************************************************** USERS AFFECTED: This issue affects users of MQ Managed File Transfer who have queue resource monitors configured to trigger on individual messages, or complete message groups. Platforms affected: MultiPlatform **************************************************************** PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: In MQ 9.1 LTS, the design of message-to-file transfers changed so that the messages were browsed while the managed transfer was taking place, and only removed from the source queue if the managed transfer was successful. Although this helped to prevent message loss, the design change meant that the "monitor retry for message-to-file transfers" functionality stopped working. To address this, the design of the "monitor retry for message-to-file transfers" functionality was changed so that queue resource monitors would perform the following steps if they detected either an individual message or message group that had been seen on a previous poll: - If there is already a managed transfer for this message or message group registered in the agent's state store then: - Ignore the message or message group. - Else: - If the value of the agent property monitorGroupRetryLimit is set to -1 then: - Submit a new managed transfer for the message or message group. - Else: - Check how managed transfers have been submitted for this message or message group. - If the number of managed transfers is greater than 1 and less than the value of the agent property monitorGroupRetryLimit: - Submit a new managed transfer for the message or message group. - Else: -Ignore the message or message group. - End if - End if - End if This new design was first included in MQ 9.1.4 CD, and was ported to MQ 9.1. LTS under APAR IT29334. However, the new design did not work property if: - A resource monitor detected an individual message, or a complete message group, during one poll and submitted a managed transfer request to process it. - And the agent hasn't started processing that managed transfer by the time the next poll started. In this situation, there wasn't an in-progress managed transfer for the individual message or the complete message group when the second poll took place. This meant that the resource monitor would incorrectly assume that the managed transfer had finished and failed, and so would submit a second managed transfer request for that message or message group. When this occurred, one of three things could happen to the second managed transfer: 1) If the first instance of the managed transfer was still running when the agent attempted to process the second managed transfer request, then the agent would generate an FDC containing the information shown below: ... Class: com.ibm.wmqfte.cmdhandler.impl.MessageHandlerImpl Method: externalMessageHandler Probe: FFDC_001 Cause: com.ibm.wmqfte.cmdhandler.FTECommandHandlerErrorException: BFGCH0005E: A problem occurred when registering a file transfer request. com.ibm.wmqfte.cmdhandler.FTECommandHandlerErrorException: BFGCH0005E: A problem occurred when registering a file transfer request. 	at com.ibm.wmqfte.cmdhandler.impl.FTECommandHandlerStateStoreImpl.p rocessFileTransfer(FTECommandHandlerStateStoreImpl.java:...) 	at com.ibm.wmqfte.cmdhandler.impl.FTECommandIntepreterFileTransfer. interpret(FTECommandIntepreterFileTransfer.java:...) 	at com.ibm.wmqfte.cmdhandler.impl.MessageHandlerImpl.externalMessag eHandler(MessageHandlerImpl.java:...) ....... Caused by: com.ibm.wmqfte.statestore.FTEStateStoreException: BFGSS0020E: A sending transfer with the transfer ID transfer_identifier , is already present within the agent. .... and discarded the managed transfer request. 2) If the first managed transfer request had completed successfully, then the agent would start processing the second managed transfer request only to find that the message was no longer on the source queue (it had been removed from the queue at the end of the first managed transfer): - If the source agent was running a version of the product that included the fix for APAR IT33189, then the managed transfer was marked as "Failed" with the supplementary information "BFGIO0414E: No messages exist on queue "LQ1@QM1" - If the source agent was running a version of the product that did not include the fix for APAR IT33189, then the managed transfer would be marked as "Successful" and the destination agent would create a zero-byte file. 3) If the first managed transfer request had completed with a failure, then the agent would start processing the second managed transfer request and try to move the message again. This attempt would either succeed or fail, depending on whether the first managed transfer request failed due to a transient issue or a permanent one.
Problem conclusion
To resolve this issue, MQ Managed File Transfer agents have been updated to include a list of the transfer identifiers for managed transfer requests that have been submitted by resource monitors and have not yet been picked up an agent: - Whenever a resource monitor performs a poll and submits one or more managed transfers to an agent, the transfer identifiers for those managed transfers are added to the list of "pending monitor transfers". - When an agent picks up those managed transfer requests and registers them in its state store, the transfer identifiers for those managed transfers are removed from the "pending monitor transfers" list. If a queue resource monitor: - Finds a message or complete message group on the source queue, - And has seen that message or message group on a previous poll then it will check if there is managed transfer for that message or message group in both: - The list of "pending monitor transfers" - And the agent's state store. If there is an entry for the managed transfer in either the state store or the "pending monitor transfers" list, then the message or message group will be ignored. However, if there isn't an entry for the managed transfer in the state store and the list of "pending monitor transfers", then the monitor will check the value of the monitorGroupRetryLimit property and the number of managed transfers that have already been submitted for the message or message group in order to determine whether a new managed transfer request needs to be submitted. --------------------------------------------------------------- The fix is targeted for delivery in the following PTFs: Version Maintenance Level v9.1 LTS v9.2 LTS v9.x CD 9.2.3 The latest available maintenance can be obtained from 'WebSphere MQ Recommended Fixes' http://www-1.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=171&uid=swg27006037 If the maintenance level is not yet available information on its planned availability can be found in 'WebSphere MQ Planned Maintenance Release Dates' http://www-1.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=171&uid=swg27006309 ---------------------------------------------------------------
Temporary fix
APAR Information
APAR number
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NoSpecatt / Xsystem
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APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:
APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:
Fix information
Fixed component name
Fixed component ID
Applicable component levels
[{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SSYHRD","label":"IBM MQ"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"915"}]
Document Information
Modified date:
24 March 2021