APAR status
Closed as program error.
Error description
The 'crtmqfp' utility does not permit an install location to be specified when repackaging RPM packages. The MQ utility 'crtmqpkg' is used to repackage the MQ RPM packages, and at this version it allows an additional, optional argument to be provided which is used to specify the default installation path for MQ. For example, to repackage the MQ RPM packages such that they use the suffix "MQ92", with a default installation path of "/opt/mq92", you can use the syntax: crtmqpkg MQ92 /opt/mq92 This permits the packages to be installed to "/opt/mq92" without specifying the "--prefix /opt/mq92" argument at installation time. Equivalent functionality for specifying the default installation location is not available when repackaging MQ fix pack RPM packages, using the utility 'crtmfp'. This meant that the "--prefix" argument would always be needed to install to a non-default location.
Local fix
Specify the desired installation location using the "--prefix [path]" parameter to the rpm install command when installing. The path supplied using --prefix at installation time will always take precedence over an install location that was added during repackaging.
Problem summary
**************************************************************** USERS AFFECTED: Users of MQ on Linux platforms, who are installing the RPM packages to a non-default installation location. Platforms affected: Linux on Power, Linux on S390, Linux on x86-64, Linux on zSeries **************************************************************** PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: The enhancement made to the 'crtmqpkg' script to enable the RPM packages to be repackaged to install to a non-default location was not extended to include the 'crtmqfp' script - the equivalent script for repackaging the fix pack RPM packages.
Problem conclusion
The 'crtmqpkg' script has had a similar enhancement to it to permit an optional installation path to be specified when repackaging the RPM packages. To use this function, the syntax is: crtmqfp SUFFIX [installation path] For example, to repackage the RPM files to use the suffice 'MQ92', with a default installation path of '/opt/mq92', the syntax would be: crtmqpf MQ92 /opt/mq92 Note that this updated path can still be overridden at installation time, using the rpm '--prefix <install_path>' argument. --------------------------------------------------------------- The fix is targeted for delivery in the following PTFs: Version Maintenance Level v9.2 LTS v9.x CD 9.2.2 The latest available maintenance can be obtained from 'WebSphere MQ Recommended Fixes' http://www-1.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=171&uid=swg27006037 If the maintenance level is not yet available information on its planned availability can be found in 'WebSphere MQ Planned Maintenance Release Dates' http://www-1.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=171&uid=swg27006309 ---------------------------------------------------------------
Temporary fix
APAR Information
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[{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SSYHRD","label":"IBM MQ"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"920"}]
Document Information
Modified date:
25 March 2021