IBM Support

IT21169: Message loss when the MQ resource adapter connects to a z/OS queue manager using the BINDINGS transport and RRS transactions

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APAR status

  • Closed as program error.

Error description

  • The MQ V8 resource adapter has been deployed into a WebSphere
    Liberty Profile for z/OS server. A JMS connection factory had
    been defined in the WebSphere Liberty Profile server
    configuration, which contains information about how to connect
    to an MQ for z/OS V8 queue manager using the BINDINGS transport.
    A queue destination has also been defined, which contained
    information on how to access a queue on the queue manager.
    An enterprise application containing a servlet is then deployed
    into the WebSphere Liberty Profile server. The servlet contains
    the logic shown below:
    - Lookup the JMS connection factory from the WebSphere Liberty
    server's JNDI repository.
    - Lookup the JMS queue destination from the application server's
    JNDI repository.
    - Start a user transaction.
    - Create a JMS context from the connection factory.
    - Use the JMS context to send a message to the queue
    destination, using the method call:
            context.createProducer().send(queue, "This is a Text
    - Commit the user transaction.
    - Start a second user transaction.
    - Create a new JMS context from the connection factory.
    - Use the JMS context to get a message to the queue destination,
    using the method call:
    - Rollback the user transaction.
    - Start a third user transaction.
    - Create a new JMS context from the connection factory.
    - Use the JMS context to get a message to the queue destination,
    using the method call:
    - Commit the user transaction.
    When the servlet is invoked, the message is successfully put to
    the queue destination, delivered to the servlet and then rolled
    back. However, when the servlet tries to get the message again
    within the third user transaction, the call to:
      context1.createConsumer(queue).receiveBody(String.class, 500);
    fails with a JMSException containing MQ reason code 2033

Local fix

Problem summary

  • ****************************************************************
    This issue affects two categories of user:
    Category 1:
    Users of:
    - The IBM MQ V8 resource adapter.
    - The IBM MQ V9 resource adapter.
    who have:
    - Deployed the resource adapter into WebSphere Liberty Profile
    on z/OS.
    - And defined a connection factory within WebSphere Liberty
    Profile that contains information on how to connect to an IBM MQ
    queue manager using the BINDINGS transport.
    - And have enterprise applications that use the connection
    factory to create a connection to a queue manager, and calls one
    of the following methods:
        - JMSConsumer.receiveBody(Class<T>)
        - JMSConsumer.receiveBody(Class<T>, long)
        - JMSConsumer.receiveBodyNoWait(Class<T>)
    to get messages from a destination hosted on that queue manager
    inside a user transaction.
    Category 2:
    Users of:
    - The WebSphere Application Server for z/OS V9 IBM MQ messaging
    who have:
    - Defined a connection factory within WebSphere Application
    Server that contains information on how to connect to an IBM MQ
    queue manager using the BINDINGS transport.
    - And have enterprise applications that use the connection
    factory to create a connection to a queue manager, and call one
    of the following methods:
        - JMSConsumer.receiveBody(Class<T>)
        - JMSConsumer.receiveBody(Class<T>, long)
        - JMSConsumer.receiveBodyNoWait(Class<T>)
    to get messages from a destination hosted on that queue manager
    inside a user transaction (also known as an RRS transaction)
    Platforms affected:
    When an enterprise application running inside of either
    WebSphere Application Server V9 or WebSphere Liberty Profile
    calls one of the following methods:
        - JMSConsumer.receiveBody(Class<T>)
        - JMSConsumer.receiveBody(Class<T>, long)
        - JMSConsumer.receiveBodyNoWait(Class<T>)
    the MQ resource adapter will perform the following steps:
    - Issue an MQGET API call, with the option MQGMO_BROWSE
    specified, to get a copy of the message.
    - Get the body of the message, and turn it into an Object of the
    type requested by the application.
    - If the body of the message can be turned into an Object of the
    specified type, then:
        - Issue a second MQGET API call, to destructively get the
        - Return the Object back to the application.
    - Else:
        - Throw an Exception.
    - End if.
    Now, if the MQ resource adapter detects that the methods:
        - JMSConsumer.receiveBody(Class<T>)
        - JMSConsumer.receiveBody(Class<T>, long)
        - JMSConsumer.receiveBodyNoWait(Class<T>)
    are being called inside of a transaction, then when the first
    MQGET call is made, the queue manager will associate the message
    with that transaction and hide it from other applications. If
    the message body can be turned into an Object of the specified
    type and the second MQGET call works, then the transaction
    completes successfully and the message will no longer be on the
    queue. If the transaction is rolled back, then the message will
    be put back to the queue so that it can be picked up again.
    If the MQ resource adapter detect that the method is being
    called to get a message outside of a transaction, then it will
    issue the MQGET API call with the additional option MQGMO_LOCK
    set. This effectively hides the message from other applications.
    If the attempt to get the message body subsequently fails, then
    the message is unlocked so that it can be reprocessed.
    Unfortunately, the MQ resource adapter did not handle user
    transactions created by enterprise applications running in
    either WebSphere Liberty Profile on z/OS or WebSphere
    Application Server for z/OS V9 correctly. When the methods:
        - JMSConsumer.receiveBody(Class<T>)
        - JMSConsumer.receiveBody(Class<T>, long)
        - JMSConsumer.receiveBodyNoWait(Class<T>)
    were called as part of a user transaction managed by RRS, the MQ
    resource adapter incorrectly assumed that the methods were being
    called from a non-transacted JMS session. As a result, the MQGET
    calls made to browse and subsequently get the message were
    performed outside of the user transaction. This meant that when
    the user transaction was rolled back, the message was lost.

Problem conclusion

  • The MQ resource adapter has been updated to correctly handle
    user transactions created by enterprise applications running in
    either WebSphere Liberty Profile on z/OS or WebSphere
    Application Server for z/OS V9. Now, when the methods:
        - JMSConsumer.receiveBody(Class<T>)
        - JMSConsumer.receiveBody(Class<T>, long)
        - JMSConsumer.receiveBodyNoWait(Class<T>)
    are called as part of a user transaction, the MQ resource
    adapter associates the MQGET calls used to browse and
    destructively get the message with the user transaction. This
    means that if the user transaction is subsequently rolled back,
    the message that was removed from the JMS destination as part of
        - JMSConsumer.receiveBody(Class<T>)
        - JMSConsumer.receiveBody(Class<T>, long)
        - JMSConsumer.receiveBodyNoWait(Class<T>)
    methods is rolled back.
    The fix is targeted for delivery in the following PTFs:
    Version    Maintenance Level
    v9.0 CD    9.0.4
    v9.0 LTS
    The latest available maintenance can be obtained from
    'WebSphere MQ Recommended Fixes'
    If the maintenance level is not yet available information on
    its planned availability can be found in 'WebSphere MQ
    Planned Maintenance Release Dates'

Temporary fix


APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name


  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




  • Special Attention

    NoSpecatt / Xsystem

  • Submitted date


  • Closed date


  • Last modified date


  • APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

  • APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:

Fix information

  • Fixed component name


  • Fixed component ID


Applicable component levels

  • R800 PSY


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SSYHRD","label":"IBM MQ"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
05 September 2017