APAR status
Closed as Vendor Solution.
Error description
The Backup of VMware guests located on 5.5 ESXi hosts using the option VMVSTORTRANSPORT SAN will fail with the errors : ANS9365E VMware vStorage API error for virtual machine 'VM-name'. TSM function name : VixDiskLib_Open TSM file : ..\..\common\vm\vmvddksdk.cpp (1736) API return code : 13 API error message : You do not have access rights to this file ANS9913W The VM backup operation that uses SAN transport mode failed. ANS4174E Full VM backup of VMware Virtual Machine 'vmname' failed with RC=-1 mode=full_or_incr, target node name='target_node_name', data mover node name='data_mover_node_name' In this case, the problem is due to a VMware known issue as seen in the Release Notes of VDDK (Virtual Disk Development Kit) version 6.0.1: "Backup and restore using SAN transport fails with VDDK 6.0.1 for VMs residing on ESXi 5.5 or earlier. When VDDK 6.0.1 connects to an ESXi 5.5.x host using SAN transport,and tries to retrieve the virtual machine MoRef from the snapshot managed object, the operation fails with the vmodl.fault.InvalidRequest error. This backward compatibility failure is due to changes in the getVM method between vSphere 5.5, 6.0, and 6.0.1. A fix is unlikely. The workaround is to use non-SAN transport when connecting to ESXi 5.5 and earlier hosts." Tivoli Storage Manager Versions Affected: Tivoli Storage Manager Client, 7.1.4 and higher on Linux and Windows Customer/L2 Diagnostics (If Applicable) A VM trace will show : <timestamp> [<PID>] [<TID>] : ..\..\common\vm\vmvddksdk.cpp (1205): DISKLIB-CHAIN : "san://snapshot-xxxx[<datastorename>]<vmname>/<vmname>.vmdk@<ESX i host IP>:443?ms\s48tsmvi/XXX" : failed to open (Unknown error). <timestamp> [<PID>] [<TID>] : ..\..\common\vm\vmvddksdk.cpp (1205): DISKLIB-LIB : Failed to open 'san://snapshot-xxxx[<datastorename>] <vmname>/<vmname>.vmdk@<ESXi host IP>:443?ms\s48tsmvi/XXX' with flags 0x1e Unknown error (318). <timestamp> [<PID>] [<TID>] : ..\..\common\vm\vmvddksdk.cpp (1205): VixDiskLib: Unable to locate appropriate transport mode to open disk. Error 13 (You do not have access rights to this file) at 4570. It can also display the following type of error : <timestamp> [<PID>] [<TID>] :..\..\common\vm\vmvddksdk.cpp (1205):<timestamp> error -[yyyyy] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] Acquiring disk lease for snapshot-xxxx<datastorename>] <vmname>/<vmname>.vmdk failed with vmodl.fault.InvalidRequest. Initial Impact: High Additional Keywords: Spectrum Protect SAN transport method failure TDP4VE
Local fix
The definitive fix is to upgrade the vCenter and ESXi hosts to version 6.0.x. As this change might not be possible immediately for any reason, the other possible actions are to : 1. Use another transport method (HOTADD (if applicable), NBD or NBDSSL) with the client option : VMVSTORTRANSPORT or 2. If using the SAN transport mode is critical, downgrade to version 7.1.3.x. However keep in mind that a. backups performed with a higher level client (in this case 7.1.4) cannot be restored with a lower level client. b. The Spectrum Protect Client and Spectrum Protect for Virtual Environments - Data Protection for VMware need both to have the same maintenance version. That means the first 3 digits of the version need to be the same. For example the following combination is supported : Data protection for VMware : Client : (avoid using as it is containing the affected 6.0.1 VMware VDDK module)
Problem summary
Problem conclusion
Temporary fix
The fix for this issue is address by VMware VDDK version 6.0.2. This version of the VDDK was first included in IBM Spectrum Protect (Tivoli Storage Manager) version
APAR Information
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Special Attention
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Fix information
Applicable component levels
[{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB26","label":"Storage"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSGSG7","label":"Tivoli Storage Manager"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"71W"}]
Document Information
Modified date:
13 February 2021