IBM Support



You can track all active APARs for this component.


APAR status

  • Closed as canceled.

Error description

  • Maintaining JES3 is a periodic activity. As you receive updates
    or enhancements for your JES3 product, you must apply these
    updates to your JES3 component.  Although IBM delivers JES3 and
    MVS services in the same manner, how you install each service
    can differ.
    To minimize the impact of applying maintenance while maintaining
    continuous operations, you must understand the JES3 maintenance
    philosophy. Follow the JES3 maintenance philosophy when applying
    APARs/PTFs, which fix problems that can arise between your
    scheduled maintenance upgrades, using the PUT maintenance
    When installing JES3 APARs/PTFs, terminology is used which is
    explained in the following sections. The intent is to limit the
    number of complex-wide restarts required by installing JES3
    APARs/PTFs. Note that the restart information does not take into
    account a dynamic system interchange (DSI). Therefore, if you
    use a DSI, be aware that the term "GLOBAL" implies both the
    current GLOBAL  processor and all potential GLOBAL processors.
    General overview of JES3 service
    To maintain your JES3 component, you must understand how JES3
    structures its maintenance in a System Modification Program
    (SMP) environment. It is assumed that you are familiar with the
    terminology and operation of SMP.  Refer to SMP/E User's Guide
    User's Guide for more information on using SMP.
    JES3 is a source-maintained product, which means that corrective
    fixes (APARs) are distributed in source format, while preventive
    fixes (PTFs) are distributed in source (non-cumulative) and
    object code format. It is an SMP requirement that every new
    fix (SYSMOD) must either PRE-REQ (prerequisite) or SUP
    (supersede) all previous maintenance to the same module.  In
    this way, SMP can ensure that no previous service is dropped or
    regressed. For example, assume that PTF1 addresses a problem in
    module IATOSWD, which is the permanent fix for APAR1.  APAR2 is
    then created to address another problem in the same module,
    IATOSWD. PTF2, created for APAR2, must then PRE-REQ SUP PTF1,
    because both PTF1 and PTF2 apply to the same module, IATOSWD.
    JES3 APARs, however, do not follow this same SMP requirement. A
    JES3 APAR only PRE-REQs or SUPs the code (APAR) that is required
    to allow the fix to function correctly.  JES3 APARs never
    PRE-REQ or SUP PTFs.  Applying APARs in this manner allows the
    user to install APAR maintenance to the system regardless
    of the existing PTF level that is currently installed.
    During the application of JES3 APARs, SMP SYSMOD regression
    reports can indicate that other SYSMODs are being regressed.
    This regression occurs because the APAR did not PRE-REQ or SUP
    the previously applied maintenance PTF.  Each regression error
    message indicates the specific APAR that is doing the regress
    and the specific PTF that was previously applied. Regression
    error messages, GIM38201W and GIM31901I, issued during the
    application of JES3 APARs can be ignored when they list PTFs.
    You must not ignore these messages if they list APARs, and
    you must not ignore any other error messages.
    During the application of JES3 PTFs, regression error messages
    can be issued. If the regressed SYSMOD is another PTF, then the
    PTF currently being applied may be in error, or the already
    installed PTFs have been erroneously applied.  In either case,
    you must determine why the regression message was issued. If the
    SYSMOD being regressed is an APAR, the APAR needs to be
    restored, the new PTF applied, then the APAR reapplied.  Instead
    of giving you the choice to restore the APAR, SMP allows you to
    ACCEPT the APAR. JES3, however, recommends that APARs never
    be accepted.  Do not ignore any SMP error messages when
    processing PTFs.
    Note: For various reasons, FIXTEST APARs are provided to allow
    JES3 users to verify the fix before the formal PTF is
    distributed. JES3 assumes that the APAR fix is only APPLIED and
    never ACCEPTED by SMP, because the final fix can change based
    on the feedback received from the testing customers.  You must
    remove the FIXTEST version prior to application of the final
    APAR or PTF to avoid conflicts with the final fix.
    JES3 Restart Information
    After APAR or PTF maintenance has been applied to your JES3
    system, you must determine how JES3 is to be restarted. Each
    JES3 APAR and PTF includes installation and activiation
    information that define the type of JES3 and MVS restarts
    that are required to properly install the changes made
    by the APAR or PTF.  The information provided takes into
    account module residency, operating environment, and how the
    change interacts with control blocks and other data
    structures created before the installation of the change. This
    restart information must be followed to ensure proper
    implementation of the changes.  JES3 service will inform you of
    the processors that the APAR or PTF must be installed on, the
    order of installation, the order of activation, the type of
    JES3 restart required, the type of IPL required, and whether or
    not CLPA is required.  For example, the cover letter information
    found in the APAR will contain instructions similar to the
    to the following in the PROBLEM CONCLUSION:
    . Install on (All processors)
    . Order of installation (Any)
    . Order of activation (Any)
    . Type of JES3 restart (None)
    . Type of IPL (Rolling), CLPA (Yes)
    The following values can be specified for this information:
    RESTART Information - Install On
    This information describes which processors the APAR must be
    installed on. This process can only be one of the following:
    All processors with C/I FSS
      All processors in the complex with C/I FSS address spaces.
    All processors with WTR FSS
      All processors in the complex with WTR FSS address spaces.
    All processors with any FSS
      All processors in the complex with any FSS address spaces.
    All processors with a Netserv
      All processors in the complex that run a Netserv.
      All local processors in the complex.
      The global processor and all potential global processors in
    the complex.
    All processors
      All processors in the complex regardless of whether C/I or WTR
    FSS is active on the processor.
    RESTART Information - Order of Installation
    This information describes the order that the APAR must be
    installed. This order can be one of the following:
      The order of installation does not matter.
    Global first, then locals
      Install on the global processor first, then install on all
    local processors in the complex.
    Locals first, then Global
      Install on all local processors in the complex first, then
    install on the global processor.
    RESTART Information - Order of Activation
    This information describes the order that the APAR must be
    activated. This order can be one of the following:
      The order of activation does not matter.
    Global first, then locals
      Activate on the global processor first, then activate on all
    local processors in the complex.
    Locals first, then Global
     Activate on all local processors in the complex first, then
    activate on the global processor.
    RESTART Information - Type of JES3 Restart Required
    This information describes the type of JES3 restart that is
    required. This restart can be one of the following:
    Note: To pick up a new level of the modules, you must do one of
    the following:
    . IPL the processor
    . If an IPL is not required, issue an F LLA,REFRESH or F
    LLA,UPDATE command.
      No JES3 restart is needed.
      Perform a hot start of the JES3 address space on the global
      Perform a hot start with refresh of the JES3 address space on
    the global processor.
      Re-IPL all processors in the complex. Perform a warm start of
    the JES3 address space on the global processor. Perform a local
    start of all local processors in the complex.
      Perform a local start of all local processors in the complex.
    C/I FSS
      Terminate and restart all C/I FSS address spaces in the
    complex. WTR FSS Terminate and restart all WTR FSS address
    spaces in the complex.
      Terminate and restart all FSS address spaces in the complex.
    Netserv Cancel and restart all Netservs in the complex.
      The new level of the code can be activated by issuing a MODIFY
    LLA,REFRESH/UPDATE or MODIFY LLA,UPDATE=xx command, and then
    issuing a *MODIFY,X,M=modname,REFRESH command for each module
    shipped in the APAR. The *MODIFY,X command will delete the old
    version of the module and cause a new copy of the module to be
    loaded the next time it is used. MSGIAT8489 stating Refresh
    Pending indicates the new copy of the module cannot be loaded
    until all DSPs using it are stopped.
    No IPL Required
      In cases where you do not need to IPL and instead just restart
    the JES3 address space, issue a *MODIFY,X command to refresh the
    module within JES3 (or use the SETPROG command for Dynamic LPA).
    You still need to issue a MODIFY LLA,REFRESH or MODIFY
    LLA,UPDATE command first.
    RESTART Information - Type of IPL Required
    This information describes whether an IPL is required. If an IPL
    is required, this information indicates which systems should be
    IPLed after installing the APAR.  This information can be one of
    the following:
      No IPL is required.
      IPL one processor at a time until all processors in the
    complex have been IPLed.
      IPL the global processor only.
      IPL the local processors only.
      IPL the global processor first, then IPL the local processors.
      IPL the local processors first, then IPL the global processor.
      You can activate the change using the dynamic LPA facility and
    then perform a hot or local start without an IPL of the required
    processors. See on page 26 for more information.
      You can activate the change using the dynamic LPA facility and
    then perform a hot start without an IPL of the global processor.
    See on page 26 for more information.
      You can activate the change using the dynamic LPA facility and
    then perform a local start without an IPL of the local
    processors. See on page 26 for more information.
    Dynamic LPA Facility
    New versions of JES3 LPA modules can be dynamically added to LPA
    by issuing the following commands:
        followed by:
    These commands can be issued while JES3 is active. The change
    does not take effect until JES3 is restarted. This allows you to
    back out the change if necessary.
    If the fix must be installed on more than one system, a SETPROG
    command must be issued for each system. Once the required
    modules have been added to LPA, perform a hot start or local
    start of JES3 (without an IPL of the system) to activate
    the change.  During initialization, JES3 picks up the new
    versions of the modules and issues the following:
    On the JES3 global processor, the prior message appears in
    JES3OUT only.
    On the JES3 local processors, the prior message appears on the
      IPL all processors at the same time.
    Restart Information - CLPA required
    This information describes whether a CLPA (create link pack
    area) is required when teh system is IPLed after installing the
    APAR.  The information can be as follows:
      Perform a CLPA
      No CLPA is required.

Local fix

Problem summary

Problem conclusion

Temporary fix


  • Info apar

APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name


  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




  • Special Attention


  • Submitted date


  • Closed date


  • Last modified date


  • APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

  • APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:

Fix information

Applicable component levels

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SG19N","label":"APARs - OS\/390 environment"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"001","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}},{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SG19M","label":"APARs - z\/OS environment"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"001","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}},{"Business Unit":{"code":null,"label":null},"Product":{"code":"SG19O","label":"APARs - MVS environment"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"001","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}},{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSSN3L","label":"z\/OS Communications Server"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"001","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB35","label":"Mainframe SW"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
14 December 2020