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APAR status

  • Closed as documentation error.

Error description

  • TSM storage agent on Solaris creates an entry in
    /etc/inittab during installation that redirects output
    to /dev/console and can prevent text based console
    OS will report:
      Warning -- ttymon cannot allocate controlling tty
      on "/dev/console", there may be another session
      active on this port.
    APAR IC37071 was opened to address this issue, and
    this APAR's fix was additional scripts that could be
    run to configure TSM storage agent to redirect output
    to /dev/null.
    The following was added to the TSM Storage Agent
    Users Manual for Solaris in Appendix A:
    Appendix A.
    Administration and Configuration Reference
    This section provides information about administering,
    monitoring, tuning, and connecting the storage agent.
    Starting and Stopping the Storage Agent
     The storage agent can be configured to start
     automatically upon system reboot. It can also be
     started and stopped manually. The following is a
     description of these tasks.
    Automating the Storage Agent Startup
     The storage agent is configured to start automatically
     at the time of installation. An entry is made to the
     inittab to enable automatic startup. Scripts are provided
     in the storage agent installation directory that enable
     you to modify the inittab. The removefrominit script
     allows you to remove the entry in the inittab that
     enables automatic startup of the storage agent. The
     addtoinittab script allows you to add the entry to the
     inittab that enables automatic startup.
    The above documentation is incomplete.
    1) the "addtoinittab" should be changed to "addtoinit"
    2) the options for scripts are not documented in manual:
    "addtoinit" and "addtoinit console" will both result in
    inittab entry which redirects ouptut to /dev/console,
    this is the same behaviour as previous levels defaulted
    to, which can prevent text based console logins
    <key>:234:once:<server home>/dsmsta.rc >/dev/console
    "addtoinit null" results in inittab entry which redirects
    output to /dev/null, allowing text based logins to console
    <key>:234:once:$app >/dev/null.
    "removefrominit" removes any entry that refers to
    <storage agent home>/dsmsta.rc  and records them in a
    file called <storage agent home>/oldinit
    "addtoinit saved" will restore the entry from
    <storage agent home>/oldinit file to the /etc/inittab.
    *note* If more than one entry exists in the /etc/inittab
    file, the "removefrominit" will store all entries in the
    oldinit file, but "addtoinit saved" will only restore the
    first entry.
    The unistall process calls the "removefrominit" script to
    support upgrading and saving previous settings.
    The details regarding options of these added scripts needs
    to be detailed in Appendix A.
    Notes should also be added to TSMSTAxxx_SUN.README and
    TSMSTAxxx_SUN.README.INSTALL directing customers to refer
    to the additional information in Appendix A prior to
    installing the storage agent to prevent customers from
    installing storage agent and then not being able to login
    to Solaris from a text based console after a reboot.
    Platforms Affected: TSM storage agent on Solaris
    Initial Impact: Medium
    Additional Keywords:
     Tivoli Storage Manager

Local fix

  • N/A - options of addtoinit script need to be documented
     in TSM manuals, as well as in readme.install and readme
     files to direct customers to the configuration information.

Problem summary

  • ****************************************************************
    * USERS AFFECTED: All SUN TSM 5.2x and 5.3x Storage Agent      *
    *                 Users                                        *
    * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: TSM storage agent on Solaris creates    *
    *                      an entry in /etc/inittab during         *
    *                      installation that redirects output      *
    *                      to /dev/console and can prevent text    *
    *                      based console logins.                   *
    * RECOMMENDATION: Use the addtoinit, addtoinit console,        *
    *                 addtoinit null, addtoinit saved, or          *
    *                 removefrominit script (located in the        *
    *                 storage agent installation directory)        *
    *                 when starting the storage agent.             *
    *                                                              *
    *                 This update is currently projected to be     *
    *                 provided in levels 5.2.5 and 5.3.1 Note that *
    *                 this is subject to change at the discretion  *
    *                 of IBM.                                      *
    An optional parameter to the command line tool called
    addtoinit is not adequately described in the SUN TSM
    Storage Agent Documentation.

Problem conclusion

  • he SUN TSM Storage Agent includes a tool called
    addtoinit that adds an entry to the Solaris /etc/inittab
    file. At every system reboot the TSM Storage Agent is
    then started automatically. "addtoinit" causes the TSM
    Storage Agent to start with output redirected to the console
    which disallows non-GUI login. "addtoinit null" does not
    redirect the output to the console which allows login to
    that console.
    The Documentation does no give enough detail about the
    "addtoinit null" option. The TSM Storage Agent README has
    been updated to include details.

Temporary fix


APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name

    TSM SERVER 510

  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




  • Special Attention


  • Submitted date


  • Closed date


  • Last modified date


  • APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

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Publications Referenced

Fix information

Applicable component levels

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSGSG7","label":"Tivoli Storage Manager"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"52S","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB26","label":"Storage"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
23 February 2005