IBM Support




Questions and answers regarding the SNA over IP SNA/IP component of ANYNET.


Questions and answers below.

Resolving The Problem

Q1. How is the port configured? TCP, probably, but is any special started task name associated with it? Is the port number required in any SNA/VTAM definitions?

A1. Define the port in the TCP/IP profile. Since ANYNET uses TCP and UDP, the following two statements are required in the profile (net is the VTAM job name):
397 TCP net
397 UDP net
The TCP/IP major node in VTAM defines the PORT number with a default value of 397. Update this if you do not plan to use PORT 397.

Q2. It looks like UDP keepalive packets are part of this. Is configuration of any additional special port required for UDP? What about a firewall and the UDP packets? Currently, after the other side of the NJE connection starts the connection, the connection will close after about 5 minutes and the firewall rejects the UDP keepalive packets from the other side.

A2. You do not need to configure any additional ports beyond what is specified above. VTAM APAR OA01790 is required if a firewall that is doing NAT is used. It corrects a problem with ANYNET keepalive packets going through a NAT.
Is your firewall rejecting the keepalive requests from the other side? If yes, work with your network support to resolve that issue. The VTAM fix above corrects a problem where VTAM discarded the requests.

Q3. The other end of the NJE connection is able to successfully initiate a session, but this side receives sense 80040000. The HOSTS.LOCAL file is correctly configured and MAKESITE runs successfully. The names in HOSTS.LOCAL are successfully pinged. But none of this was added to DNS, since the referenced documentation states that HOSTS.LOCAL or DNS may be used. The error seems to indicate that DNS is required. IBMLink information also seems to indicate that DNS should be coded. What is correct?

A3. The 80040000 sense code on session initiation means that the resolver was not able to resolve the LU name to an IP address. Insure that a SYSTCPD dd statement in VTAM points to the correct TCPIP data file.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSSN3L","label":"z\/OS Communications Server"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Component":"All","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"},{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"1.6;1.7","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB35","label":"Mainframe SW"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
15 June 2018

