IBM Support

Adding Columns in Scheduler For Related Records



This procedure describes how to add a column to the Graphical View in the Graphical Scheduling application for a column that is based on a related record, such as the Asset description.


Note: To use data from Related Records you need check the Enable Related Attributes?  check-box on the More Information sub-tab of the Schedule tab.

1. In Graphical Scheduling either create a new Schedule or use an existing Schedule.

2. On the More Actions menu select Configure Gantt View Properties – Default Settings

3. In the top System Properties section create a New Row.   
- Give it a Property Name such ASSET DESCRIPTION
- Check Show In Gantt View Table. Do not check Is Persistent or Has Applink.

4. In the lower section, Object and Attribute Mapping, click New Row and add these values:
- Property Name: = ASSET DESCRIPTION (the Property Name from above)
- Object Name: = WORKORDER
- Attribute Name: = ASSET.DESCRIPTION (chosen using the Select Value icon at the end of the field, scroll past the Workorder columns down to the Relationship section to Asset. Open that up and scroll down to Description. This tells the WO to find its Asset and using that, find the Asset's Description)
- Applink Object: (leave it blank).

5. Click Apply and then OK.

6. Log out of Maximo and log back in to see the new column in the menu to select columns.

7. In the columns on the Graphical View tab and you will see the Description for the Asset on rows that had Assets.

You also need to go back to Configure Gantt View Properties – Default Settings and make another Object and Attribute Mapping row for Object = WOACTIVITY (the Tasks below a WO).

You can adjust the columns on a single schedule to have the Asset Description next to the Asset column by dragging and dropping but to make it the default for new Schedules you will need to manipulate the Display Order value to get them to come up next to each other. For example make Asset have 62 and Asset Description have 63.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SS9NUN","label":"Maximo Asset Management Scheduler"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Versions","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
14 November 2018

