IBM Support

About the ClearCase integration with Cadence Design Framework II

Question & Answer


Where is there information about the integration of IBM Rational ClearCase with Cadence Design Framework II?


IBM Rational ClearCase Integration with Cadence Design Framework II


Starting with ClearCase and ClearCase, the Cadence Design Framework integration is included with ClearCase as a component that can be installed as part of the ClearCase install with IBM Installation Manager. Information on the new install method is available here:
How to Install Cadence Virtuoso Integration for ClearCase and ClearCase

Newer version of ClearCase integration (defect fixes on 1.3) with Cadence Design Framework II is available with ClearCase or later (including ClearCase or later) and includes defect fixes only.

The ClearCase integration version 1.3 with Cadence Design Framework II is available with ClearCase or later (including ClearCase or later).

The ClearCase integration version 1.2 with Cadence Design Framework II is available with ClearCase or later (including ClearCase or later).

The ClearCase integration version 1.1 with Cadence Design Framework II is available with ClearCase or later (including ClearCase or later).

The ClearCase integration version 1.0 with Cadence Design Framework II is available with ClearCase or 7.1.2 or later.

Versions 1.2 and 1.3 can be downloaded from Passport Advantage:

Part numbers to use for downloading versions and of the ClearCase Cadence Integration are CIAA8EN (for V8.0.0.4) and CIAA7EN (for

  • Passport Advantage clients: Passport Advantage and Passport Advantage Express clients are required to sign in to Passport Advantage Online to download the image.
  • Non-Passport Advantage clients: If your organization did not purchase your software and support through Passport Advantage or Passport Advantage Express, you are required to sign in to the new IBM Software Group OEM Portal to download the image.

    This includes clients with Flexible Contract Type (FCT) license purchases and IBM Business Partners.
For assistance with the IBM Software Group OEM Portal, visit the eCustomer care page.

You can download versions 1.0 and 1.1 of the ClearCase-Cadence Integration extension offerings from FixCentral

IBM Installation Manager (IM) will list the integration as:

  • Version (for Version 1.3)
  • Version (for Version 1.3)
  • Version (for Version 1.3)
  • Version (for Version 1.3)
  • Version (for Version 1.2)
  • Version (for Version 1.2)
  • Version (for Version 1.1)
  • Version (for Version 1.0)

Note: If you have later versions in your repository, you may also see those listed as seen in the example below.


Note: You can not install the 8.0 ClearCase-Cadence extension offering into a lower rev client (such as , nor can you install the ClearCase-Cadence extension offering into a ClearCase client. The 7.1.x version of the ClearCase-Cadence extension offering is not compatible with ClearCase 8.x clients.


The ClearCase integration with the Cadence Design Framework II environment allows custom chip designers to perform ClearCase actions while in the Cadence Design Framework II toolset. Some of the available features are:

  • Checkout
  • Checkin
  • History
  • Cancel Checkout
  • File Status
  • ClearCase WorkArea Manager
  • ClearCase Hierarchy Manager UI

  1. The integration now supports the use of Cadence Design Framework II environment running in either the 32-bit or the 64-bit mode. The Version 1.0 integration only supported the 32-bit mode.
  2. Support for Synchronous Request for Master (SRFM). (Refer to technote 1470733).

The integration is built into the Cadence Design Framework II environment and provides both a graphical user interface and a command line capability.

What is New in version of the ClearCase integration with the Cadence Design Framework II?

ClearCase Cadence 1.3 integration added support for the following features:

  • Hierarchy Manager user interface
  • Setting of 'ccase' as DMTYPE during new library creation
  • Support for unreserved checkouts
  • ClearCase property sheet
  • Label type browser for locking/unlocking of label types
  • Enhanced filtering capabilities in CWAM

Note: With the release of ClearCase Cadence 1.2, support for Cadence Design Framework II version IC615 is available for the integration.

With ClearCase release (and later releases) the following support is available with the integration:

  • ClearCase and ClearQuest Base Integration (native and web)
  • Solaris x86 support for both 32 bit and 64 bit Cadence Design Framework II environment

If using the ClearCase and ClearQuest integration in conjunction with the Cadence Design Framework II, the following settings are recommended:

  1. Use of the CQCC_AUTO_ASSOCIATE environment variable in the ClearCase file:

  2. Modify to flush stdout:

    Add $| = 1; after the three use statements in the first section of as follows:

    # Standard setup calls - DON'T CHANGE THIS SECTION

    # These classes define the top level trigger object (TriggerCQCC),
    # and support for parameters and CQSchemas.

    use CQCC::TriggerCQCC;
    use CQCC::Parm;
    use CQCC::CQSchema;

    $| = 1;

    # These two calls invoke your configuration subroutine below
    # then start the trigger.



  3. Set the following environment variables in


  4. If using IC5141 on Oracle Solaris Sparc, it is required that you set the following variable:

    LD_LIBRARY_PATH  to /$cds_root/tools/lib

Known issues with the ClearCase integration with Cadence Release

Hierarchy Manager functionality is intended to be available only with Cadence IC6.x version, although it has been observed that the Hierarchy Manager non functional menu may appear with IC5141 on Linux (fixed in the release).

Setting of "ccase" as default DM type as of now is supported with IC6.1.5. Users may see issues while using this functionality on older IC versions (fixed in the release).

In Hierarchy Manager if regex specified in filter type is not as per SKILL regex syntax, switching to CellView tab can cause distortion of UI with an error. To workaround this behavior switch to the Specification tab and clear or correct the filter(s) responsible for the error (fixed in the release).

Known issues with the ClearCase integration with Cadence Release
  • If a design opened in the Cell View Editor is checked out to a different ClearCase view, ClearCase Refresh from editor after design is checked in to ClearCase view where it was originally checked out, will only update editor's DM information and not the content.

  • With Cadence Design Framework II version IC615, s few new data fields in certain operations have been introduced and they may not get populated in certain UIs with the ClearCase Cadence 1.2 integration.

Known Issues with the ClearCase integration with Cadence Release

  • Running the cqreg command in a 32 bit Cadence perspective produces an invalid pointer error on RHEL5. The workaround is to run cqreg from a different shell or a ClearCase perspective.
  • The native ClearCase and ClearQuest integration fails on RHEL5 in a Cadence perspective. The workaround is to use the web integration or perform the operation in a ClearCase perspective.
  • If your VOB(s) are enabled to use atomic checkin and you are using the ClearCase and ClearQuest integration, you will need to associate multiple checkins one at a time with ClearQuest records.

For example : cleartool checkin file1 file2 file3

You will be prompted three times to associate a ClearQuest record for checkin to proceed.

Version 1.3 readme (click to expand or collapse)

IBM Rational ClearCase Integration version 1.3 with Cadence Design Framework
For the latest update on new platform supports, new features and know issues please refer to the technote at following URL:

This README is structured as following:
1) Supported ClearCase and Cadence Design Framework Versions
2) Install instructions
3) How to Configure ClearCase Cadence Design Framework Integration
4) List of Known Issues

Supported ClearCase and Cadence Design Framework version :
ClearCase Cadence Integration v 1.3 is supported with ClearCase or

Supported platforms and Cadence DF II versions for ClearCase Cadence Integration v 1.3 release:

RHEL 4.0 EL Update 8 (32) : IC5141, IC613, IC614, IC615 [supported only with ClearCase version 7.1.2.x]
RHEL 4.0 EL Update 8 (64) : IC5141, IC613, IC614, IC615 [supported only with ClearCase version 7.1.2.x]
RHEL 5.0 EL Update 8 (64) : IC613, IC614, IC615
RHEL 6.0 (64) : IC615
SLES9 ES SP3 (64) : IC5141, IC613
SLES10 ES SP3 (64) : IC613, IC614, IC615
SLES11 ES SP3 (64) : IC614, IC615
Sun Sparc 8(64) : IC5141, IC613 [supported only with ClearCase version 7.1.2.x]
Sun Sparc 9(64) : IC5141, IC613
Sun Sparc 10(64) : IC5141, IC613, IC614, IC615
Sun x86_64(Solaris) 10 (64) : IC613, IC614, IC615

Note: The above supported configurations support Cadence running in either 32 bit or 64 bit mode. ClearCase is supported running in 32 bit mode only. Release 1.1 onwards this integration contains functionality to support Cadence running in 64 bit mode. The integration library, is provided in 32 bit and 64 bit versions. The LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable can be used to select the proper version of the library to match the Cadence runtime mode.

Installation instructions:
Pre-requisite - Before installing this integration, ensure supported ClearCase Client version ( or ) is installed on the machine.

There is a single zip file that contains the new IM Extension offering. This one zip is applicable to all supported platforms.

Install Steps :
a) Download zip
b) Extract zip
c) Start IBM Installation Manager, select the File menu, click on Preferences.
d) Add location to the unzipped repository, click OK
e) Click the Install button within Installation Manager, "IBM Rational ClearCase Cadence Integration" will show up as an installable product.

How to Configure the Integration between ClearCase and Cadence Design Framework:
Before the users can start using the ClearCase Cadence Integration, the ClearCase VOBs should be set up by the ClearCase administrators. The Cadence design libraries should be put under ClearCase version control so that they can be used by the designers to perform ClearCase DM operations. The ClearCase DM system is named as "ccase".

Steps to be done by ClearCase Administrator:

1) Create a Base ClearCase dynamic view (e.g. cds_view)
2) Create a VOB (e.g. /vobs/cds_vob) if none exists.
3) Mount the VOB. (e.g. "% cleartool mount /vobs/cds_vob")
4) Set the view. (e.g. "% cleartool setview cds_view")
Note: Please refer to ClearCase Manual for help on the above steps.

Assuming that there is a library called basic which needs to be managed under ClearCase Design Management System.
And the current location of library on filesystem is /cdslib/basic.

5) Make the library and its elements ClearCase elements.

% clearfsimport -recurse /cdslib/basic /vobs/cds_vob/

This step will add the library "basic" and all its cells, views, property files, category files under ClearCase Design Management system.
(Note : It is a one-time operation. It may be required to run "cleartool protectvob" and/or "cleartool protect" on VOB and directory, file elements to give appropriate permission to the users and groups.

6)Also, the ClearCase-Cadence integration supports atomic check-in of co-managed sets of design files. Its required that the VOB should be enabled to support atomic checkin.

% cleartool protectvob [-atomic_checkin | -natomic_checkin]

After the ClearCase is set up and libraries are put under ClearCase source control , the libraries must be configured so that Cadence system recognizes that the libraries are under "ccase" DM system control.

7) ClearCase-Cadence integration (v1.1 onwards) supports synchronous request for mastership (SRFM) in a MultiSite setup. SRFM allows a user to immediately checkout a file or directory version even if the branch is mastered at another replica in the VOB family.

Before the users can start using SRFM, the ClearCase VOBs should be set up by the ClearCase administrators. The following steps needs to be performed :

7.1) Install the ClearCase version or higher on every server machine that hosts VOBs that are to be available for SRFM.

7.2) Raise the family feature level of every replicated VOB family where users will be allowed to use SRFM to Feature Level 6.
To do this follow the below mentioned steps :

7.2.1) First raise the replica feature level of each replica in the VOB family to replica feature level 6.

7.2.3) Raise the family feature level to 6 at the sibling replica that masters the VOB object.

7.2.3) Finally, use syncreplica to send these changes to all members of the VOB family.
(See the "cleartool chflevel" man page for details. )

7.3) Enable SRFM in a replica to make the functionality available to users at that site.
SRFM is enabled on a per VOB basis, and it must be enabled at every replica where the operation is to be supported.

% cleartool protectvob [-srfm | -nsrfm] <VOBtag>

7.4) Configure and enable reqmaster in every VOB where the mastership of files or directories will be requested by SRFM.

Steps to be done by Cadence Design Framework Administrator :

8) Edit "cds.lib" (if there is a centralized Cadence Design framework deployment used by group of users).
*Comment the existing entry for library basic and create new entry so that it points to the ClearCase location.

#DEFINE basic /cdslib/basic
DEFINE basic /vobs/cds_vob/basic

9) Edit cdsinfo.tag inside the library (/vobs/cds_vob/basic/cdsinfo.tag )to enable DMTYPE ccase
( If cdsinfo.tag does not exists , create it)
DMTYPE ccase

Before Developers can start using the ClearCase Cadence integration they must set up ClearCase on the client machine.
1. Mount the VOB (e.g. "% cleartool mount /vobs/cds_vob" )
2. Create a Base ClearCase dynamic view (e.g. dev1_cds_view)
3. Set the ClearCase view context ( e.g. "% cleartool setview dev1_cds_view" )
4. Make sure that the cds.lib does have required entry of the above library under ClearCase Design Management System.

* Comment the existing entry for library basic so that it points to the ClearCase location.

#DEFINE basic /cdslib/basic
DEFINE basic /vobs/cds_vob/basic

Assuming that user has installed the ClearCase Cadence Integration package on the client machine using IBM InstallManager, the integration bits are installed under /opt/rational/clearcase/ccase_cds.
Under/opt/rational/clearcase/ccase_cds there are configuration files and ccase_cds_init.csh.

To start performing ClearCase Design Management operations users must "source" the configuration file on the shell before launching the integration commands virtuoso/libManager.
- For bash and zsh :

32 bit:
% source /opt/rational/clearcase/ccase_cds/
or 64 bit:
% source /opt/rational/clearcase/ccase_cds/

- For ksh :

32 bit:
% . /opt/rational/clearcase/ccase_cds/
or 64 bit:
% . /opt/rational/clearcase/ccase_cds/

- For csh, tcsh :

32 bit:
% source /opt/rational/clearcase/ccase_cds/ccase_cds_init.csh
or 64 bit:
% source /opt/rational/clearcase/ccase_cds/ccase_cds_init_64bit.csh

This is a mandatory step. And user must source the configuration script every time on a new shell.
Note: User can put the source command in their .<shell_name>rc file so that the manual step is saved.

Note: On supported platforms (linux_x86, sol_x86, sun5), it is necessary to append the Cadence library path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH if user want to use the command line gdmxx commands.
- Do the following :



depending on your shell.

As part of integration a custom user interface for the ClearCase is also provided which is integrated into Virtuoso and is launched from Cadence Library Manager.
User's work area must be configured so that the user can launch the custom user Interface.
Following steps should be performed (once only) to configure the work area:

% cd <PathToVirtuosoWorkArea>
% mv .cdsinit .cdsinit.SAVE
% setenv CCROOT /opt/rational/clearcase
% ln -s $CCROOT/ccase_cds/examples/cci.cdsinit .cdsinit
% mv
% ln -s $CCROOT/ccase_cds/

Then invoke Virtuoso:

- For IC5141:

% icfb &

- For IC61:

% virtuoso &

When Virtuoso completes its initialization, choose 'Tools -> Library Manager ...' from the pull-down menus in the Command Interpreter Window (CIW). When the Library Manager appears, choose 'Design Manager -> CciGui' in the Library Manager pull-down menus to invoke the ClearCase Work Area Manager form. Or, you can choose 'Design Manager -> Browse hierarchy' in the Library Manager pull-down menus to invoke the ClearCase hierarchy browser form.

ClearCase Cadence 1.3 integration added support for following features
- Support for unreserved checkouts
- ClearCase property sheet
- Label type browser for locking/unlocking of label types
- Enhanced filtering capabilities in CWAM
Features listed below will work only with IC6.x or above
- Hierarchy Manager user interface
- Setting of 'ccase' as DMTYPE during new library creation. As a prerequisite, user should have cdsinfo.tag with DMTYPE set to 'ccase' at workarea/repository level or under the home directory

Refer user_doc.pdf for more details on above operations.

List of known issues :

a. Editing of "Access Permission" for artifacts under ClearCase source control can not be done by Library Manager GUI.
User needs to use "cleartool protect -chmod" command to change the access permission for library/cell/cellview versioned through ClearCase.

b. User will not be able to perform any ClearCase DM operation on a symbolic link.

c. Rename operation on a cell/cellview/library may fail because of access permission issue as GDM tries to modify the related metadata file. Users must ensure that proper access permission is given to the related file.(e.g. While "Rename" the "tech.db" in the library may need to have write access. User should check out it to perform "Rename" operation.)

d. On IC5141, gdmco and gdmexport operation with multiple and invalid arguments(not as per library.cell:cellview/file convention) causes a crash.

e. Using wildcard "*" with gdmci command eg. "gdmci *" from within a library will start adding library elements to ClearCase system even without -initial option.

f. From command line, if "gdmci -initial" is attempted on any cell/cell-view from inside the unmanaged library directory, the operation succeeds but current working directory in the shell is no longer valid.

Workaround: After completing the command, Users must exit directory and then do a "cd".

g. If "Rename" is performed on a cell which is under some category then the renamed new cell is not shown in the old Category in the ClearCase Work Area Manager Form. To refresh user need to restart Virtuoso.

h. In some error cases the error messages may be displayed in multiple lines instead of one line.

i. If a new library is added to source control and is right clicked, the "Browse Library" menu item may be greyed out some times.
Use "Design Manager -> ClearCase WA Manager" to launch CC WAM (ClearCase Work Area Manager).

j. SRFM behavior may be impacted due to ClearCase sync replica issue.
ClearCase MultiSite prevents a new syncreplica process from starting if one intended for the same sibling is already running. Sometimes a packet may fail to be sent, causing an import failure with a "dependency not met" error. This problem can be avoided by modifying the configuration file(CCASE-HOME-DIR/config/rfm_shipping.conf) that reqmaster uses for generating syncreplica packets.

Add "-update" to the list of RFM_OPTIONAL_ARGUMENTS in the file to force the synch script to do "multitool chepoch -actual" before invoking syncreplica.

k. libManager may hang/crash when user performs "Copy" operation on a newly created cell-view from the "version info" dialog box and in the copy option selects "Open after copy".

l. If user is performing "Checkin" operation from "libManager" GUI and there are large number of files in "checked out" and "unmanaged" state at the same time, some inconsistent behaviour might be observed. Users may have to relaunch libManager in such case.

m. If a design opened in Cell View Editor is checked out to different ClearCase view, ClearCase Refresh from editor after design is checked in to ClearCase view where it was originally checked out, will only update editor's DM information and not the content.

n. In Hierarchy Manager if regex specified in filter type is not as per SKILL regex syntax, switiching to CellView tab can cause distortion of UI and regex error can be seen on Virtuoso. To workaround this behavior switch to Specification tab and clear/correct the filter(s) responsible for the error.

Note: For the latest update on new platform supports, new features and know issues please refer to the technote at following URL:

======================== End of README ==============================

Version 1.2 readme (click to expand or collapse)

IBM Rational ClearCase Integration version 1.2 with Cadence Design Framework
The following information is from the README file that is installed (<RationalSDLC>/clearcase/ccase_cds/README) with the integration.
Note The readme file for version 1.2 of the integration is attached below.
IBM Rational ClearCase Integration with Cadence Design Framework
This README is structured as following:

Supported ClearCase and Cadence Design Framework version :
ClearCase Cadence Integration v 1.2 is supported with ClearCase or

Supported platforms and Cadence DF II versions for ClearCase Cadence Integration v 1.2 release:

RHEL 4.0 EL Update 8 (32) : IC5141 ,IC613 , IC614 [supported only with ClearCase version]
RHEL 4.0 EL Update 8 (64) : IC5141 , IC613 , IC614 , IC615 [supported only with ClearCase version]
RHEL 5.0 EL Update 8 (64) : IC613 , IC614 , IC615
RHEL 6.0 ES Update 2 (64) : IC615
SLES9 ES SP3 (64) : IC5141 , IC613
SLES10 ES SP3 (64) : IC613 , IC614 , IC615
SLES11 ES SP3 (64) : IC614 , IC615
Sun Sparc 8(64) : IC5141 , IC613 [supported only with ClearCase version]
Sun Sparc 9(64) : IC5141 , IC613
Sun Sparc 10(64) : IC5141 , IC613, IC614
Sun x86_64(Solaris) 10 (64) : IC613

Note: The above supported configurations support Cadence running in either 32 bit or 64 bit mode. ClearCase is supported running in 32 bit mode only. Release 1.1 onwards this integration contains functionality to support Cadence running in 64 bit mode. The integration library, is provided in 32 bit and 64 bit versions. The LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable can be used to select the proper version of the library to match the Cadence runtime mode.

Installation instructions:
Pre-requisite - Before installing this integration, ensure supported ClearCase Client version ( or ) is installed on the machine.

There is a single zip file that contains the new IM Extension offering. This one zip is applicable to all supported platforms.

Install Steps :
a) Download zip
b) Extract zip
c) Start IBM Installation Manager, select the File menu, click on Preferences.
d) Add location to the unzipped repository, click OK
e) Click the Install button within Installation Manager, "IBM Rational ClearCase Cadence Integration" will show up as an installable product.

How to Configure the Integration between ClearCase and Cadence Design Framework:
Before the users can start using the ClearCase Cadence Integration, the ClearCase VOBs should be set up by the ClearCase administrators. The Cadence design libraries should be put under ClearCase version control so that they can be used by the designers to perform ClearCase DM operations. The ClearCase DM system is named as "ccase".

Steps to be done by ClearCase Administrator:

1) Create a Base ClearCase dynamic view (e.g. cds_view)
2) Create a VOB (e.g. /vobs/cds_vob) if none exists.
3) Mount the VOB. (e.g. "% cleartool mount /vobs/cds_vob")
4) Set the view. (e.g. "% cleartool setview cds_view")
Note: Please refer to ClearCase Manual for help on the above steps.

Assuming that there is a library called basic which needs to be managed under ClearCase Design Management System.
And the current location of library on filesystem is /cdslib/basic.

5) Make the library and its elements ClearCase elements.

% clearfsimport -recurse /cdslib/basic /vobs/cds_vob/

This step will add the library "basic" and all its cells, views, property files, category files under ClearCase Design Management system.
(Note : It is a one-time operation. It may be required to run "cleartool protectvob" and/or "cleartool protect" on VOB and directory, file elements to give appropriate permission to the users and groups.

6)Also, the ClearCase-Cadence integration supports atomic check-in of co-managed sets of design files. Its required that the VOB should be enabled to support atomic checkin.

% cleartool protectvob [-atomic_checkin | -natomic_checkin]

After the ClearCase is set up and libraries are put under ClearCase source control , the libraries must be configured so that Cadence system recognizes that the libraries are under "ccase" DM system control.

7) ClearCase-Cadence integration (v1.1 onwards) supports synchronous request for mastership (SRFM) in a MultiSite setup. SRFM allows a user to immediately checkout a file or directory version even if the branch is mastered at another replica in the VOB family.

Before the users can start using SRFM, the ClearCase VOBs should be set up by the ClearCase administrators. The following steps needs to be performed :

7.1) Install the ClearCase version or higher on every server machine that hosts VOBs that are to be available for SRFM.

7.2) Raise the family feature level of every replicated VOB family where users will be allowed to use SRFM to Feature Level 6.
To do this follow the below mentioned steps :

7.2.1) First raise the replica feature level of each replica in the VOB family to replica feature level 6.

7.2.3) Raise the family feature level to 6 at the sibling replica that masters the VOB object.

7.2.3) Finally, use syncreplica to send these changes to all members of the VOB family.
(See the "cleartool chflevel" man page for details. )

7.3) Enable SRFM in a replica to make the functionality available to users at that site.
SRFM is enabled on a per VOB basis, and it must be enabled at every replica where the operation is to be supported.

% cleartool protectvob [-srfm | -nsrfm] <VOBtag>

7.4) Configure and enable reqmaster in every VOB where the mastership of files or directories will be requested by SRFM.

Steps to be done by Cadence Design Framework Administrator :

8) Edit "cds.lib" (if there is a centralized Cadence Design framework deployment used by group of users).
*Comment the existing entry for library basic and create new entry so that it points to the ClearCase location.

#DEFINE basic /cdslib/basic
DEFINE basic /vobs/cds_vob/basic

9) Edit cdsinfo.tag inside the library (/vobs/cds_vob/basic/cdsinfo.tag )to enable DMTYPE ccase
( If cdsinfo.tag does not exists , create it)
DMTYPE ccase

Before Developers can start using the ClearCase Cadence integration they must set up ClearCase on the client machine.
1. Mount the VOB (e.g. "% cleartool mount /vobs/cds_vob" )
2. Create a Base ClearCase dynamic view (e.g. dev1_cds_view)
3. Set the ClearCase view context ( e.g. "% cleartool setview dev1_cds_view" )
4. Make sure that the cds.lib does have required entry of the above library under ClearCase Design Management System.

* Comment the existing entry for library basic so that it points to the ClearCase location.

#DEFINE basic /cdslib/basic
DEFINE basic /vobs/cds_vob/basic

Assuming that user has installed the ClearCase Cadence Integration package on the client machine using IBM InstallManager, the integration bits are installed under /opt/rational/clearcase/ccase_cds.
Under/opt/rational/clearcase/ccase_cds there are configuration files and ccase_cds_init.csh.

To start performing ClearCase Design Management operations users must "source" the configuration file on the shell before launching the integration commands virtuoso/libManager.
- For bash and zsh :

32 bit:
% source /opt/rational/clearcase/ccase_cds/
or 64 bit:
% source /opt/rational/clearcase/ccase_cds/

- For ksh :

32 bit:
% . /opt/rational/clearcase/ccase_cds/
or 64 bit:
% . /opt/rational/clearcase/ccase_cds/

- For csh, tcsh :

32 bit:
% source /opt/rational/clearcase/ccase_cds/ccase_cds_init.csh
or 64 bit:
% source /opt/rational/clearcase/ccase_cds/ccase_cds_init_64bit.csh

This is a mandatory step. And user must source the configuration script every time on a new shell.
Note: User can put the source command in their .<shell_name>rc file so that the manual step is saved.

Note: On supported platforms (linux_x86, sol_x86, sun5), it is necessary to append the Cadence library path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH if user want to use the command line gdmxx commands.
- Do the following :



depending on your shell.

As part of integration a custom user interface for the ClearCase is also provided which is integrated into Virtuoso and is launched from Cadence Library Manager.
User's work area must be configured so that the user can launch the custom user Interface.
Following steps should be performed (once only) to configure the work area:

% cd <PathToVirtuosoWorkArea>
% mv .cdsinit .cdsinit.SAVE
% setenv CCROOT /opt/rational/clearcase
% ln -s $CCROOT/ccase_cds/examples/cci.cdsinit .cdsinit
% mv
% ln -s $CCROOT/ccase_cds/

Then invoke Virtuoso:

- For IC5141:

% icfb &

- For IC61:

% virtuoso &

When Virtuoso completes its initialization, choose 'Tools -> Library Manager ...' from the pull-down menus in the Command Interpreter Window (CIW). When the Library Manager appears, choose 'Design Manager -> CciGui' in the Library Manager pull-down menus to invoke the ClearCase Work Area Manager form. Or, you can choose 'Design Manager -> Browse hierarchy' in the Library Manager pull-down menus to invoke the ClearCase hierarchy browser form.

ClearCase Cadence 1.2 integration added support for the ClearCase pulldown menu in schematic and layout editors. We registered the ClearCase pulldown menu with other Cadence Virtuoso editors but our testing primarily focused on the schematic and layout editors. List of operations available from ClearCase menu are
- Check In
- Check Out
- Cancel Checkout
- Label
- Version Browser
- History Browser
- Refresh

Refer user_doc.pdf for more details on above operations.

List of known issues :

a. Editing of "Access Permission" for artifacts under ClearCase source control can not be done by Library Manager GUI.
User needs to use "cleartool protect -chmod" command to change the access permission for library/cell/cellview versioned through ClearCase.

b. User will not be able to perform any ClearCase DM operation on a symbolic link.

c. Rename operation on a cell/cellview/library may fail because of access permission issue as GDM tries to modify the related metadata file. Users must ensure that proper access permission is given to the related file.(e.g. While "Rename" the "tech.db" in the library may need to have write access. User should check out it to perform "Rename" operation.)

d. On IC5141, gdmco and gdmexport operation with multiple and invalid arguments(not as per library.cell:cellview/file convention) causes a crash.

e. Using wildcard "*" with gdmci command eg. "gdmci *" from within a library will start adding library elements to ClearCase system even without -initial option.

f. From command line, if "gdmci -initial" is attempted on any cell/cell-view from inside the unmanaged library directory, the operation succeeds but current working directory in the shell is no longer valid.

Workaround: After completing the command, Users must exit directory and then do a "cd".

g. If "Rename" is performed on a cell which is under some category then the renamed new cell is not shown in the old Category in the ClearCase Work Area Manager Form. To refresh user need to restart Virtuoso.

h. In some error cases the error messages may be displayed in multiple lines instead of one line.

i. If a new library is added to source control and is right clicked, the "Browse Library" menu item may be greyed out some times.
Use "Design Manager -> ClearCase WA Manager" to launch CC WAM (ClearCase Work Area Manager).

j. SRFM behavior may be impacted due to ClearCase sync replica issue.
ClearCase MultiSite prevents a new syncreplica process from starting if one intended for the same sibling is already running. Sometimes a packet may fail to be sent, causing an import failure with a "dependency not met" error. This problem can be avoided by modifying the configuration file(CCASE-HOME-DIR/config/rfm_shipping.conf) that reqmaster uses for generating syncreplica packets.

Add "-update" to the list of RFM_OPTIONAL_ARGUMENTS in the file to force the synch script to do "multitool chepoch -actual" before invoking syncreplica.

k. libManager may hang/crash when user performs "Copy" operation on a newly created cell-view from the "version info" dialog box and in the copy option selects "Open after copy".

l. If user is performing "Checkin" operation from "libManager" GUI and there are large number of files in "checked out" and "unmanaged" state at the same time, some inconsistent behaviour might be observed. Users may have to relaunch libManager in such case.

m. If a design opened in Cell View Editor is checked out to different ClearCase view, ClearCase Refresh from editor after design is checked in to ClearCase view where it was originally checked out, will only update editor's DM information and not the content.

======================== End of README ==============================

Version 1.1 readme (click to expand or collapse)

IBM Rational ClearCase Integration version 1.1 with Cadence Design Framework
The following information is from the README file that is installed (<RationalSDLC>/clearcase/ccase_cds/README) with the integration.

Note The readme file for version 1.0 of the integration is attached below.

=========================== README ===================================

IBM Rational ClearCase Integration with Cadence Design Framework
This README is structured as follows:

Supported ClearCase and Cadence Design Framework version:
ClearCase Cadence Integration v 1.1 is supported with a ClearCase version that is equal to
Supported platforms ,Cadence DF II versions for ClearCase Cadence Integration v 1.1 release:

RHEL 4.0 EL Update 8 (32) : IC5141 ,IC613 , IC614
RHEL 4.0 EL Update 8 (64) : IC5141 , IC613 , IC614
RHEL 5.0 EL Update 8 (64) : IC613 , IC614
SLES9 ES SP3 (64) : IC5141 , IC613
SLES10 ES SP3 (64) : IC613 , IC614
SLES11 ES SP3 (64) : IC614
Sun Sparc 8(64) : IC5141 , IC613
Sun Sparc 9(64) : IC5141 , IC613
Sun Sparc 10(64) : IC5141 , IC613, IC614
Sun x86_64(Solaris) 10 (64) : IC613

Note: The above supported configurations support Cadence running in either 32 bit or 64 bit mode. ClearCase is supported running in 32 bit mode only. Release 1.1 contains new functionality to support Cadence running in 64 bit mode. The integration library, is now provided in 32 bit and 64 bit versions. The LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable can be used to select the proper version of the library to match the Cadence runtime mode.

Installation instructions:
Pre-requisite - Before installing this integration, ensure supported ClearCase Client version ( ) is installed on the machine.
Note that the required IM version is 1.4.2 or above.

there is a single zip file that contains the new IM Extension offering. This one zip is applicable to all supported platforms.

Install Steps :
a) Download zip
b) Extract zip
c) Start IBM Installation Manager, select the File menu, click on Preferences.
d) Add location to the unzipped repository, click OK
e) Click the Install button within Installation Manager, "IBM Rational ClearCase Cadence Integration" will show up as an installable product.

How to Configure the Integration between ClearCase and Cadence Design Framework:
Before the users can start using the ClearCase Cadence Integration, the ClearCase VOBs should be set up by the ClearCase administrators. The Cadence design libraries should be put under ClearCase version control so that they can be used by the designers to perform ClearCase DM operations. The ClearCase DM system is named as "ccase".

Steps to be done by ClearCase Administrator:

1) Create a Base ClearCase dynamic view (e.g. cds_view)
2) Create a VOB (e.g. /vobs/cds_vob) if none exists.
3) Mount the VOB. (e.g. "% cleartool mount /vobs/cds_vob")
4) Set the view. (e.g. "% cleartool setview cds_view")
Note: Please refer to ClearCase Manual for help on the above steps.

Assuming that there is a library called basic which needs to be managed under ClearCase Design Management System.
And the current location of library on filesystem is /cdslib/basic.

5) Make the library and its elements ClearCase elements.

% clearfsimport -recurse /cdslib/basic /vobs/cds_vob/

This step will add the library "basic" and all its cells, views, property files, category files under ClearCase Design Management system.
(Note : It is a one-time operation. It may be required to run "cleartool protectvob" and/or "cleartool protect" on VOB and directory, file elements to give appropriate permission to the users and groups.

6)Also, the ClearCase-Cadence integration supports atomic check-in of co-managed sets of design files. Its required that the VOB should be enabled to support atomic checkin.

% cleartool protectvob [-atomic_checkin | -natomic_checkin]

After the ClearCase is set up and libraries are put under ClearCase source control , the libraries must be configured so that Cadence system recognizes that the libraries are under "ccase" DM system control.

7) ClearCase-Cadence integration v1.1 supports synchronous request for mastership (SRFM) in a MultiSite setup. SRFM allows a user to immediately checkout a file or directory version even if the branch is mastered at another replica in the VOB family.

Before the users can start using SRFM, the ClearCase VOBs should be set up by the ClearCase administrators. The following steps needs to be performed :

7.1) Install the ClearCase version or higher on every server machine that hosts VOBs that are to be available for SRFM.
Also, install on every client machine where users are to invoke SRFM.

7.2) Raise the family feature level of every replicated VOB family where users will be allowed to use SRFM to Feature Level 6.
To do this follow the below mentioned steps :

7.2.1) First raise the replica feature level of each replica in the VOB family to replica feature level 6.

7.2.3) Raise the family feature level to 6 at the sibling replica that masters the VOB object.

7.2.3) Finally, use syncreplica to send these changes to all members of the VOB family.
(See the "cleartool chflevel" man page for details. )

7.3) Enable SRFM in a replica to make the functionality available to users at that site.
SRFM is enabled on a per VOB basis, and it must be enabled at every replica where the operation is to be supported.

% cleartool protectvob [-srfm | -nsrfm] <VOBtag>

7.4) Configure and enable reqmaster in every VOB where the mastership of files or directories will be requested by SRFM.

Steps to be done by Cadence Design Framework Administrator :

8) Edit "cds.lib" (if there is a centralized Cadence Design framework deployment used by group of users).
*Comment the existing entry for library basic and create new entry so that it points to the ClearCase location.

#DEFINE basic /cdslib/basic
DEFINE basic /vobs/cds_vob/basic

9) Edit cdsinfo.tag inside the library (/vobs/cds_vob/basic/cdsinfo.tag )to enable DMTYPE ccase
( If cdsinfo.tag does not exists , create it)
DMTYPE ccase

Before Developers can start using the ClearCase Cadence integration they must set up ClearCase on the client machine.
1. Mount the VOB (e.g. "% cleartool mount /vobs/cds_vob" )
2. Create a Base ClearCase dynamic view (e.g. dev1_cds_view)
3. Set the ClearCase view context ( e.g. "% cleartool setview dev1_cds_view" )
4. Make sure that the cds.lib does have required entry of the above library under ClearCase Design Management System.

* Comment the existing entry for library basic so that it points to the ClearCase location.

#DEFINE basic /cdslib/basic
DEFINE basic /vobs/cds_vob/basic

Assuming that user has installed the ClearCase Cadence Integration package on the client machine using IBM InstallManager, the integration bits are installed under /opt/rational/clearcase/ccase_cds.
Under/opt/rational/clearcase/ccase_cds there are configuration files and ccase_cds_init.csh.

To start performing ClearCase Design Management operations users must "source" the configuration file on the shell before launching the integration commands virtuoso/libManager.
- For bash and zsh :

32 bit:
% source /opt/rational/clearcase/ccase_cds/
or 64 bit:
% source /opt/rational/clearcase/ccase_cds/

- For ksh :

32 bit:
% . /opt/rational/clearcase/ccase_cds/
or 64 bit:
% . /opt/rational/clearcase/ccase_cds/

- For csh, tcsh :

32 bit:
% source /opt/rational/clearcase/ccase_cds/ccase_cds_init.csh
or 64 bit:
% source /opt/rational/clearcase/ccase_cds/ccase_cds_init_64bit.csh

This is a mandatory step. And user must source the configuration script every time on a new shell.
Note: User can put the source command in their .<shell_name>rc file so that the manual step is saved.

Note: On supported platforms (linux_x86, sol_x86, sun5), it is necessary to append the Cadence library path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH if user want to use the command line gdmxx commands.
- Do the following :



depending on your shell.

As part of integration a custom user interface for the ClearCase is also provided which is integrated into Virtuoso and is launched from Cadence Library Manager.
User's work area must be configured so that the user can launch the custom user Interface.
Following steps should be performed (once only) to configure the work area:

% cd <PathToVirtuosoWorkArea>
% mv .cdsinit .cdsinit.SAVE
% setenv CCROOT /opt/rational/clearcase
% ln -s $CCROOT/ccase_cds/examples/cci.cdsinit .cdsinit
% mv
% ln -s $CCROOT/ccase_cds/

Then invoke Virtuoso:

- For IC5141:

% icfb &

- For IC61:

% virtuoso &

When Virtuoso completes its initialization, choose 'Tools -> Library Manager ...' from the pull-down menus in the Command Interpreter Window (CIW). When the Library Manager appears, choose 'Design Manager -> CciGui' in the Library Manager pull-down menus to invoke the ClearCase Work Area Manager form. Or, you can choose 'Design Manager -> Browse hierarchy' in the Library Manager pull-down menus to invoke the ClearCase hierarchy browser form.

List of known issues for 1.1 release :
a. Editing of "Access Permission" for artifacts under ClearCase source control can not be done by Library Manager GUI.
User needs to use "cleartool protect -chmod" command to change the access permission for library/cell/cellview versioned through ClearCase.

b. User will not be able to perform any ClearCase DM operation on a symbolic link.

c. Rename operation on a cell/cellview/library may fail because of access permission issue as GDM tries to modify the related metadata file. Users must ensure that proper access permission is given to the related file.(e.g. While "Rename" the "tech.db" in the library may need to have write access. User should check out it to perform "Rename" operation.)

d. On IC5141, gdmco and gdmexport operation with multiple and invalid arguments(not as per library.cell:cellview/file convention) causes a crash.

e. Using wildcard "*" with gdmci command eg. "gdmci *" from within a library will start adding library elements to ClearCase system even without -initial option.

f. From command line, if "gdmci -initial" is attempted on any cell/cell-view from inside the unmanaged library directory, the operation succeeds but current working directory in the shell is no longer valid.

Workaround: After completing the command, Users must exit directory and then do a "cd".

g. If "Rename" is performed on a cell which is under some category then the renamed new cell is not shown in the old Category in the ClearCase Work Area Manager Form. To refresh user need to restart Virtuoso.

h. In some error cases the error messages may be displayed in multiple lines instead of one line.

i. If a new library is added to source control and is right clicked, the "Browse Library" menu item may be greyed out some times.
Use "Design Manager -> ClearCase WA Manager" to launch CC WAM (ClearCase Work Area Manager).

j. SRFM behavior may be impacted due to ClearCase sync replica issue.
ClearCase MultiSite prevents a new syncreplica process from starting if one intended for the same sibling is already running. Sometimes a packet may fail to be sent, causing an import failure with a "dependency not met" error. This problem can be avoided by modifying the configuration file(CCASE-HOME-DIR/config/rfm_shipping.conf) that reqmaster uses for generating syncreplica packets.

Add "-update" to the list of RFM_OPTIONAL_ARGUMENTS in the file to force the synch script to do "multitool chepoch -actual" before invoking syncreplica.

k. libManager may hang/crash when user performs "Copy" operation on a newly created cell-view from the "version info" dialog box and in the copy option selects "Open after copy".

l. If user is performing "Checkin" operation from "libManager" GUI and there are large number of files in "checked out" and "unmanaged" state at the same time, some inconsistent behaviour might be observed. Users may have to relaunch libManager in such case.
========================= End of README ===============================

Also, users who start the Cadence Design Framework II tool in the context of a ClearCase dynamic view shell may experience problems if a ClearCase license is not available or other ClearCase access problems occur. This problem will occur with any tool started in the context of a ClearCase dynamic view shell process, but users need to be aware that if access to ClearCase data is not functioning, the dynamic view shell that is being used may not function either, and could result in a temporary hang of any associated processes until ClearCase data access is restored.

Related Information


[{"Product":{"code":"SSSH27","label":"Rational ClearCase"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Integrations: Cadence","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"}],"Version":";7.1.2;;;;;;;;;;;8.0;;;;;;","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
16 June 2018

