IBM Support

5.2.8 Limitations and known issues for IBM Spectrum Control and Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for Replication

Preventive Service Planning


This document provides information about limitations and known issues that you might encounter when you use IBM Spectrum Control™ V5.2.8.


This document contains the following sections:

Support links and documentation

Installation, upgrade, and configuration

General IBM Spectrum Control issues

Language-related issues

Other monitoring products

Tivoli Common Reporting

Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for Replication

Documentation updates and corrections

Microsoft Internet Explorer

VMware vSphere

Support links and documentation

To access all of the support documentation, including alerts and APARs, go to the IBM Support Portal.

For information about the devices that are supported by IBM Spectrum Control, see the Supported Hardware, Products and Platforms Interoperability Matrix Links at

To see the IBM Spectrum Control V5.2.8 Quick Installation Guide and other publications, see the printable documentation download web site at

The IBM Spectrum Control V5.2.8 Knowledge Center is available here:

For a list of the known issues with the IBM Spectrum Control support for Hitachi Data Systems Virtual Storage Platform, see

Product licenses for IBM Spectrum Control

IBM Spectrum Control V5.2.8 offers product licenses with differing functionality to meet your storage management needs. For information about these licenses, see

Option to install or upgrade reporting components might not be available when you upgrade from Tivoli Storage Productivity Center V5.2.x to IBM Spectrum Control

The instructions for upgrading IBM Spectrum Control that are in the product documentation include steps for installing or upgrading Jazz for Service Management and Tivoli Common Reporting and IBM Spectrum Control reports during the upgrade process. However, the option to install or upgrade these reporting components when you upgrade Tivoli Storage Productivity Center V5.2.x to IBM Spectrum Control V5.2.8 might not be available. The ability to install or upgrade reporting components during the 5.2.x to 5.2.y upgrade process depends on the status of your reporting environment before the upgrade as described in the technote at

Installation, upgrade, and configuration

After installing IBM Spectrum Control V5.2.8 without IBM Cognos Business Intelligence reports, you cannot install Cognos BI on the same system

If you experience difficulties installing IBM® Cognos® Business Intelligence (Cognos BI) reports on a system that has IBM Spectrum Control V5.2.8 installed, follow these instructions to resolve the issues and successfully install Cognos BI:

1. In the Spectrum Control 5.2.8 installation program, click Cancel.
2. Go to the _uninst subdirectory in the IBM Spectrum Control V5.2.8 installation directory. For example, installation_directory\_uninst
3. Delete the .tpcreg.bak file, if it exists.
4. Open the .tpcreg file in a text editor and add the following line to the end of the file:
    rep= Build 20151203-1332

5. Save the .tpcreg file.
6. Run the IBM Spectrum Control 5.2.8 installation program again and install the Cognos Business Intelligence reports.
7. After the installation is complete, exit the IBM Spectrum Control 5.2.8 installation program and go to the _uninst subdirectory in the main installation directory.
8. Delete the .tpcreg.bak file.
9. Edit the .tpcreg file by removing the line that you added in step 4.
10. Save the .tpcreg file.

Installing IBM Spectrum Control and Cognos Business Intelligence reports on Windows 2012 R2

If you install IBM Spectrum Control and Cognos Business Intelligence (which includes Jazz for Service Management and Tivoli Common Reporting) on Windows 2012 R2, you must upgrade IBM® WebSphere® Application Server from 8.5.0 to 8.5.5. To upgrade to 8.5.5, follow the instructions at

SSLv3 disabled by default

Before you upgrade to Tivoli Storage Productivity Center V5.2.5 or later, read and understand the information in this security bulletin: Security Bulletin: Multiple vulnerabilities in IBM Java SDK affect Tivoli Storage Productivity Center October 2014 CPU.

SSLv3 (the legacy SSL protocol) has been disabled by default once you upgrade to Tivoli Storage Productivity Center 5.2.5 and later releases. To maintain compatibility between Tivoli Storage Productivity Center and storage systems or devices that support only SSLv3, you must upgrade the storage systems and devices to a level that provides TLS support (if available) or manually enable SSLv3 in Tivoli Storage Productivity Center using a script after you upgrade. Information about using the script to enable SSLv3 is provided in the link in the security bulletin.

The Supported Hardware, Products and Platforms Interoperability Matrix Links support pages have been updated to reflect known compatibility considerations related to this security update.

Related Information: Security Bulletin: Multiple vulnerabilities impact DS8000 HMC.

Using a virtual private network connection to install IBM Spectrum Control can cause problems

Do not use a virtual private network (VPN) connection to install IBM Spectrum Control. This type of network connection can create problems with the installation.

If you are using a VPN connection, disconnect it before you install IBM Spectrum Control. After you install IBM Spectrum Control, you can reconnect the VPN connection.

Error message BPCIN0224E is displayed during the pre-installation of IBM Spectrum Control on a Windows domain

If you specify a domain user account for the common user when you install IBM Spectrum Control, but a local user account was created during the DB2 installation, the following error message is displayed:

BPCIN0224E The user Domain Name\Domain User is a domain account and cannot be used to log in to DB2. You must enter a separate user name for DB2.

This error occurs when you click Next in the Single Server Installation Information page of the installation wizard.

To resolve this error:

1. Click Configure Database repository in the Single Server Installation Information page.
2. In the Configure the Database Repository page, enter the DB2 user name without a Windows domain name prefix, enter the password for the DB2 user, and click Validate.
3. When the validation is complete, click OK to exit the Configure the Database Repository page and return to the Single Server Installation Information page.
4. Click Next on the Single Server Installation Information page to continue the installation.

DB2 log messages ADM5530W can be ignored

ADM5530W messages in the DB2 Event Log and db2diag.log indicate that the materialized query table (MQT) is using the 'NOT LOGGED INITIALLY' option to improve database performance and create fewer transaction log entries. These messages do not require any user action and can be ignored.

To prevent these messages from appearing in the Event Log and db2diag.log, set the DB2 notifylevel and diaglevel parameters to 2. For information about how to set these parameters, see:

The source location for DB2 Version 10.1 or later is not required for DB2 Version 9.7

The Jazz for Service Management installation wizard includes the field The IBM DB2 10.1 or later, Enterprise Server Edition installation image on the Specify Source Locations page of the wizard. If you leave this field blank, the following message is displayed:

The IBM DB2 10.1 or later, Enterprise Server Edition installation image field is empty.
This field is required when you want to install DB2.

If you are using DB2 Version 9.7, disregard this message and leave the field blank.

For a list of DB2 versions and fix packs that you can use with IBM Spectrum Control Version 5.2.8, see the Supported Hardware, Products and Platforms Interoperability Matrix Links at Click the 5.2.8 link under Agents, Servers and Browsers.

Installing Jazz for Service Management

The following information applies to the installation of Jazz for Service Management:
  • To install Jazz for Service Management and Tivoli Common Reporting, the following compressed files must be downloaded and extracted to a single directory (for example, c:\downloads\JazzSM):
    • Jazz for Service Management Version
    • Tivoli Common Reporting Version
    • Tivoli Common Reporting Version
    • IBM WebSphere Application Server Version
  • Disk space requirements for each server on which you plan to install Jazz for Service Management and Tivoli Common Reporting. If you are using downloaded installation packages from Passport Advantage Online or IBM Fix Central, the downloaded packages must be unpacked to a local disk or file system on each server on which you install these two components.
    • Windows:
      • 5 GB free disk space on the C: drive for temporary installation files and other necessary files that will remain on the server
      • 10 GB additional free disk space on the target installation disk for the Jazz for Service Management and Tivoli Common Reporting program files
      • Additional free disk space for the installation images, including the images that you download and the resulting unpacked files; this might require as much as 10 GB additional free disk space
    • AIX/Linux:
      • 5 GB free disk space on the root file system for temporary installation files and other necessary files that will remain on the server
      • 10 GB additional free disk space on the target installation disk for the Jazz for Service Management and Tivoli Common Reporting program files
      • Additional free disk space for the installation images, including the images that you download and the resulting unpacked files; this might require as much as 10 GB additional free disk space

When you install Jazz for Service Management, you must use the IBM Spectrum Control installation program. If you do not use the IBM Spectrum Control installation program, you will experience the following types of issues:
  • The Jazz for Service Management Windows service is not created.

  • As a result, the Jazz for Service Management server does not automatically start when you restart the computer or log off of your Windows session. IBM Spectrum Control reports cannot connect to Jazz for Service Management. You must manually start Jazz for Service Management server every time you restart the computer or log off of your Windows session on which Jazz for Service Management is installed.

    To start the Jazz for Service Management server, run the following command:

    JazzSM_install_directory\profile\bin\startServer.bat server_name

    JazzSM_install_directory and server_name were specified when you installed Jazz for Service Management. The default JazzSM_install_directory is C:\Program Files\IBM\JazzSM, and the default server_name is server1.

    It might take a few minutes for the server to start.

    You can also return the name and status of the server by entering the following WebSphere® Application Server command:

    serverStatus -All
  • Jazz for Service Management launchpad uses the same default ports as IBM® Tivoli Integrated Portal Version 1.1, which can create a port conflict when you upgrade to Version 5.2.1 or later.
    When you upgrade from Tivoli Storage Productivity Center Version 4.2 (or later) to Tivoli Storage Productivity Center Version 5.2.1 (or later), there is a port conflict, the Jazz for Service Management launchpad does not provide an option to use non-default ports. The Jazz for Service Management launchpad also does not detect the port conflict if the Tivoli Integrated Portal Version 1.1 server is down.
  • If you try to install Jazz for Service Management separately by using a Windows domain user account, the installation will fail.

Unable to run Tivoli Storage Productivity Center reports when you upgrade from Tivoli Storage Productivity Center V5.1.1.2 to 5.2.1 or later on AIX operating systems

On AIX operating systems, before you upgrade from Tivoli Storage Productivity Center Version to Version 5.2.1 or later, verify whether Tivoli Storage Productivity Center reports work properly. If reports do not work, some of the files that were bound to DB2 may have been deleted. If this occurs, you cannot run Tivoli Storage Productivity Center reports.

Restriction: You must complete the following procedure before you upgrade to Tivoli Storage Productivity Center Version 5.2.1 or later. After you complete the procedure, verify that you can run Tivoli Storage Productivity Center reports, and then upgrade to Tivoli Storage Productivity Center Version 5.2.1 or later.

To resolve this issue, complete the following steps:
  1. Log in to Tivoli Storage Productivity Center by using the root user name.
  2. At the command line, issue the following commands:
su - db2inst1
db2 terminate
db2 connect to tpcdb
db2 bind /opt/IBM/db2/V9.7/bnd/db2schema.bnd blocking all grant public sqlerror continue
db2 terminate
The installation of Tivoli Common Reporting fails with insufficient space on the disk partition

The Tivoli Common Reporting installation program fails when the DB2 Content Store database for Tivoli Common Reporting is installed on a different server from the server on which you plan to install Jazz for Service Management and Tivoli Common Reporting. The Tivoli Common Reporting installation program fails when 8 KB of additional DB2 table space is requested from the disk partition because there is not enough space on the disk partition.

To resolve this issue, ensure that you have sufficient space in the remote disk partition for the DB2 table space before you install Tivoli Common Reporting.

This issue will be fixed in a future release of Tivoli Common Reporting.

The prerequisite checker checks the /usr directory instead of the /opt directory

On Linux and AIX operating systems, when you install Jazz for Service Management and Tivoli Common Reporting, instead of checking the /opt directory for free space, the prerequisite checker checks the /usr directory. Ensure that you have sufficient space in the /opt directory.

Unable to restart Jazz for Service Management services when Jazz for Service Management is installed without using the IBM Spectrum Control installation program

On the Windows operating system, if you installed Jazz for Service Management and Tivoli Common Reporting without starting the IBM Spectrum Control installation program, and you log off or restart your computer, Jazz for Service Management and Tivoli Common Reporting services do not automatically start. You must manually restart the Jazz for Service Management and Tivoli Common Reporting services. For information about restarting Jazz for Service Management and Tivoli Common Reporting services, see IBM Spectrum Control Knowledge Center. Search for Starting IBM Spectrum Control servers.

To resolve this issue, you must install Jazz for Service Management and Tivoli Common Reporting by using the IBM Spectrum Control installation program.

Restriction: If your computer is part of a Windows domain, to avoid the Access Denied message, you must run the startServer command with the runas parameter.

Discrepancy about the space requirement in the /opt folder to install Jazz for Service Management

Although you need 6 GB in the /opt folder to install Jazz for Service Management, the Prerequisite Scanner check states that you need only 4.6 GB.

To resolve this issue, before you install Jazz for Service Management, ensure that you have at least 6 GB of space in the /opt folder.

Jazz for Service Management directories remain after you uninstall Tivoli Common Reporting

After you uninstall Tivoli Common Reporting, the follow directories might still remain in the C:\Program Files\IBM\JazzSM directory:
  • bin
  • etc
  • lib
  • logs
  • profile
  • reporting
  • var

Replacing existing server SSL certificates when upgrading from versions earlier than Tivoli Storage Productivity Center V5.2.2

Tivoli Storage Productivity Center Version 5.2.2 (or later) uses SSL certificates with 2048-bit encryption keys whereas previous versions of Tivoli Storage Productivity Center used 1024-bit encryption keys. If you upgrade Tivoli Storage Productivity Center from a version earlier than V5.2.2, your SSL certificates are not updated automatically to 2048-bit encryptions keys. If you want to use 2048-bit encryption keys with previous versions of Tivoli Storage Productivity Center, you must replace the default SSL certificates with custom SSL certificates.

For information about how to replace SSL certificates, see Replacing custom SSL certificates in the IBM Knowledge Center:

When installing V5.2.3 Storage Resource agents using the local CLI, you must replace the existing server SSL certificates

A new installation of Tivoli Storage Productivity Center V5.2.2 or later uses SSL certificates with a 2048-bit key. However, if the server was upgraded from an earlier version to V5.2.2 or later, then the server still uses certificates with a 1024-bit key. If you install V5.2.2 or later Storage Resource agents using the command line installation procedure from the installation image, and point those agents to an upgraded server, the agent installation will fail due to a certificate mismatch. To install V5.2.2 or later Storage Resource agents using the local command line, the 2048-bit certificates in the install image on the agent system must be replaced with 1024-bit certificates using the following steps.

Restriction: This process assumes that the Storage Resource agent disk image can be modified. If you are installing from a DVD, you must copy the installation files to a location where you have write access before you implement the following steps.

1. Copy <TPC_installation_directory>/data/sra/<agent_operating_system>/ from the upgraded Tivoli Storage Productivity Center server to <SRA_image_install_directory>/sra/<agent_operating_system> on the agent system.

2. Extract the file to <SRA_image_install_directory>/sra/<agent_operating_system>/certs.

Note: <SRA_image_install_directory> is the directory where the Storage Resource agent image was extracted. <agent_operating_system> is the directory that is named for the operating system where the agent is installed.

3. Install the Storage Resource agent with the appropriate option.

After upgrade to Spectrum Control 5.2.8, Fabrics managed by only an SRA may become unreachable and attempts to update or set the schedule fail

IBM Spectrum Control V5.2.8 no longer supports managing fabrics via a Storage Resource Agent. If a fabric is managed by only an SRA, it will be marked as unreachable after the upgrade and attempts to set a schedule will fail with an error message. You must configure the fabric switches with the appropriate CIMOM or SNMP data source in order to manage the device again.

General IBM Spectrum Control issues

Cannot acknowledge the health status of secondary volume copies

IBM Spectrum Control checks the status of a resource during data collection. If the status of a resource is Warning, Error, or Unreachable, you can mark that status as acknowledged. For mirrored volumes in storage systems that run IBM Spectrum Virtualize, you cannot acknowledge the health status of secondary volume copies if both of the following conditions are true:
  • The status of the primary volume copy is Online.
  • The status of the secondary volume copy is Offline, Error, or Warning.

Renewing security certificates

When you receive notifications that your Tivoli Storage Productivity Center or IBM Spectrum Control security certificates are expiring or have expired, you can renew them using the procedure described in this IBM Knowledge Center topic:

Renewing security certificates

This topic is part of the IBM Spectrum Control V5.2.9 Knowledge Center, but applies to IBM Spectrum Control V5.2.8 as well. This topic also resolves APAR IT11179.

Brocade switches in Access Gateway mode are sometimes allowed to be added to IBM Spectrum Control via an SNMP agent.
IBM Spectrum Control supports Brocade switches in Access Gateway (AG) mode, but only via a Network Advisor (CIM agent) data source. The IBM Spectrum Control web user interface normally disallows adding an AG mode switch via an SNMP data source. However in rare cases, the AG mode switch does not properly identify itself as being AG, making it possible to add the AG mode switch via an SNMP agent. This will result in incorrect information displayed for the switch in the user interface. To correct this problem, remove the switch from IBM Spectrum Control, and add it again using a Network Advisor data source.

Alert server stops responding

In some cases, the Alert server might stop responding when it processes performance alerts that include suppression settings. To avoid this issue, complete the following steps:

  1. In a text editor, open <installation_dir>/alert/conf/

  2. Change:




  3. Restart the Alert server:
    a. In the product GUI, go to Home > System Management.
    b. Click Component Servers in the Components section.
    c. Click Stop Server next to the Alert server.
    d. Click Start Server next to the Alert server.

Information about resources that use the iSCSI protocol is not shown in IBM Spectrum Control

IBM Spectrum Control does not collect iSCSI port information for storage systems and servers. Information about resources that connect to monitored storage systems using the iSCSI protocol is not shown in the web-based GUI. For example, information about iSCSI mapped volumes is not shown.

Provisioning fails with ADD_PORTS_TO_HOST message on XIV 11.5.0 when modifying host

When trying to provision storage from an XIV 11.5.0 system, the provisioning task fails with an "ADD_PORTS_TO_HOST task failed" message when trying to provision storage to a host that is already defined on the XIV subsystem. This can happen when the host definition does not contain all the Fibre Channel ports that IBM Spectrum Control is trying to assign the volume to.

For example, if you try to provision storage to a host that has 2 Fibre Channel ports and the host is
already defined on the XIV 11.5.0 system but with only one of the Fibre Channel ports, the assign job will fail and the second port will not be added to the host.

This condition does not occur when IBM Spectrum Control is creating the host definition, or when an existing host definition already has all ports defined. This issue does not occur with XIV 11.4 systems, and 11.5.1 or later systems.

Work around: modify the host definition on the XIV 11.5.0 system to contain all the Fibre Channel ports, then run a probe of the XIV 11.5.0 system in IBM Spectrum Control or upgrade to XIV 11.5.1 or later.

Displaying the web-based GUI in high contrast mode

You might encounter minor display issues if you view the web-based GUI in high contrast mode. For example, if you enter invalid data in a field, an error message is displayed but the field is not highlighted.

Enabled ethernet port that is not connected to a switch can cause the web-based GUI to hang

On some IBM servers running Windows 2012, an enabled ethernet port can cause the IBM Spectrum Control web-based GUI to stop responding if the port is not connected to a switch. This condition causes a DB2 SQL -911 error and also causes the IBM Spectrum Control web-based GUI to stop responding.

To prevent this, disable the ethernet port or configure the port by using the instructions here:

GPFS/GSS/Spectrum Scale systems are not correctly represented

You might experience the following types of issues related to GPFS/GSS/Spectrum Scale support:
  • GPFS/GSS/Spectrum Scale file systems are not correctly represented in Cognos reports that are included with IBM Spectrum Control.
  • Information about NFS and CIFS exports that are defined on a GPFS/GSS/Spectrum Scale cluster is not collected.
  • From the Alerts page in the web-based GUI, selecting a Resource Link from the File System Not Found alerts table opens the properties notebook for that resource, and displays error BPCUI0000E. Also, in some cases clicking on File Set in the Alerts table will display the File System properties notebook. Other unexpected behavior can occur from the web-based GUI Alerts pages.

The probe fails for an IBM Spectrum Scale storage system that is configured for object storage

To probe an IBM Spectrum Scale storage system that is configured for object storage, the IBM Spectrum Control server must be able to connect to the OpenStack Swift and Keystone endpoints that are used to access object services.

If any of the object service endpoints are unreachable by the IBM Spectrum Control server, the probe of the object storage system might fail. For example, you might see the following error message in the probe log:
HWNEP0287E Error when collecting Accounts information from Object Storage Service using REST protocol.

To resolve this problem, complete the following steps:
1. To list the URLs for the Keystone and Swift services, run the following commands as user root on one of the GPFS cluster nodes that are configured for object storage.
. ~/openrc
openstack endpoint list                                      

2. Ensure that the IBM Spectrum Control server can connect to the IP addresses and host names that are included in the URLs for the Keystone and Swift services.
For example, the URL for the Keystone service might be http://gpfs420proto1:5000/v3. In this case, the IBM Spectrum Control server must be able to connect to the gpfs420proto1 host name.

Configuring the collection of performance data for IBM Spectrum Scale

Before you can collect performance data for IBM Spectrum Scale, the IBM Spectrum Control server must be able to connect to port 9084 on the node where the collector component of the IBM Spectrum Scale performance monitoring tool is running.
This condition applies to IBM Spectrum Control Version 5.2.8 or later.

If the collector node is unreachable by the IBM Spectrum Control server, you might see the following message when you add IBM Spectrum Scale for monitoring:
HWNPM0281I Performance monitoring is unavailable for resource 
<resource_name>because an agent for monitoring the resource was not defined. 

To resolve this problem, complete the following steps:
1. Determine the node that is configured as the collector node by viewing the /opt/IBM/zimon/ZIMonSensors.cfg file on one of the sensor nodes. The collector node is set in the host property of the collectors section in this file. For example,
collectors =
       host = "node3" 
       port = "4739"
2.  Ensure that the host property is set to one of the following options:
- An IP address that can be reached by the IBM Spectrum Control server
- A host name that can be resolved to a reachable IP address by the IBM Spectrum Control server

For more information about configuring the collection of performance data for IBM Spectrum Scale, see

Disable Windows User Account Control to edit configuration files

On Windows installations, if you installed IBM Spectrum Control by using a domain user account, you must disable User Account Control to edit the IBM Spectrum Control configuration files.

Tip for scheduling probes

When scheduling probes to collect data about resources, schedule the probes to run at different times. By scheduling data collection so that no two probes run at the same time, you can help improve the overall performance of the product and ensure that data is collected successfully. Probes are scheduled when you add resources for monitoring, and you can modify schedules at a later time. To modify the schedule for an existing probe, complete the following steps:
  1. Access the web-based GUI.
  2. From the navigation pane, go to the resource list page for a resource type. For example, to modify a probe schedule for a storage system, click Storage > Storage Systems.
  3. Right-click the resource that you want to modify and select Data Collection > Schedule.
  4. On the Data Collection Schedule window, modify the schedule for the probe and click Save.

Incorrect roles-to-group mappings in Tivoli Storage Productivity Center Version 5.1 (or later) result in login issues after you upgrade to IBM Spectrum Control 5.2.8

In Tivoli Storage Productivity Center Version 5.1 (or later), if you did not complete a correct roles-to-group mapping, you can experience login issues in the web-based GUI after you upgrade to Version 5.2. These issues occur because there was no roles-to-group mapping validation in previous Tivoli Storage Productivity Center versions.

Tip: Role-to-group mapping is defined as one group that is mapped to one role and this group is declared at the operating system level.

To avoid this issue, after you upgrade to IBM Spectrum Control Version 5.2.8, log in to the web-based GUI by using one of the following credentials:
  • A valid root ID (on UNIX operating systems)
  • A valid administrator ID (on Windows operating systems)
The Administrator role in Version 5.2 was the superuser role in Version 5.1.

To correct the previous role-to-group mapping, after you log in to the web-based GUI, click Settings > User management.

Cannot report detailed back-end storage information for a DS5000 or a DS4000 system

If a SAN Volume Controller uses back-end storage from a DS5000 system or a DS4000 system, some information about the back-end storage might be missing. If you did not create explicit host connections for the back-end disks on the DS5000 or DS4000 system, the following problems might occur:
  • The CIM agent for the DS5000 or DS4000 system does not report any detailed information about the back-end storage.
  • IBM Spectrum Control cannot provide other information about the back-end storage for the consuming disk system. For example, IBM Spectrum Control cannot provide RAID information.

Therefore, you must create explicit host connections for the back-end disks on the DS5000 or DS4000 system. It is not sufficient to associate the back-end disks with the default host group.

IBM Spectrum Control cannot detect the mount status of file systems on Scale Out Network Attached Storage and Storwize V7000 Unified storage systems

If a file system is manually unmounted from an IBM® Scale Out Network Attached Storage (SONAS) or Storwize V7000 Unified storage system, IBM Spectrum Control cannot detect that the file system was unmounted. Because of this limitation, information that is displayed in the IBM Spectrum Control GUIs is not accurate and some storage-related actions on the file system might fail.

For example, when you provision storage, a file system on a Storwize V7000 Unified storage system might be recommended for provisioning. However, if that file system was manually unmounted after it was first detected by IBM Spectrum Control, the provisioning action will fail. An unmounted file system cannot be used for provisioning. To avoid this issue, ensure that the monitored file systems on the Storwize V7000 Unified storage system are mounted before you run the provisioning action.
A new IBM SONAS file set might be mistakenly deleted

The file set information was deleted in the other system before the new file set with the existing ID was created.

If IBM Spectrum Control discovers a new IBM SONAS file set, the ID of a deleted file set might be reused for the new file set. If you delete the older file set in IBM Spectrum Control, the new file set is deleted instead. This issue occurs in the following circumstances:
  • A file set that is known to IBM Spectrum Control is deleted in a system other than IBM Spectrum Control.
  • IBM Spectrum Control retained the deleted file set information, either because the probe was not run after the file set was deleted or because the retention period of the file set has not expired.
The file set information was deleted in the other system before the new file set with the existing ID was created.

The change password tool cannot restart the Device server

When you run the change password tool, the following message is displayed:
There was an error restarting the Device server. Restart the server manually.

To manually start the Device server, follow these steps:

On Windows operating systems:
  1. At the command prompt, go to the TPC_installation_directory\scripts directory.
  2. Run the stopTPCDevice.bat command.
  3. Run the startTPCDevice.bat command.

On AIX or Linux operating systems:
  1. At the command line, go to the TPC_installation_directory/scripts directory.
  2. Run the ./ command.
  3. Run the ./ command.

Running multiple optimization recommendations at the same time results in a Pool Exhaustion Exception error

In some cases, running more than 15 optimization recommendations at the same time can cause one or more of the individual recommendation executions to result in a Pool Exhaustion Exception error. This can be caused by a lack of available resources in the operating system thread pool. You can manually complete the failed recommendations.

If this situation occurs frequently, contact IBM Support for assistance in reducing the number of concurrently running optimization recommendations.

Running optimization actions on filer volumes that do not support execution of the recommendations should be avoided.

In some cases, the IBM Spectrum Control UI will allow Optimization actions such as Analyze Tiering and Transform Storage on filer volumes. Since analysis execution of any recommendations for such volumes is not allowed by the storage devices themselves, users should avoid running or executing Optimization actions on such volumes.

The Performance tab is displayed for storage system disks for which performance information is not supported

The server details page in the web-based GUI shows information about server-related resources, including storage system disks that are associated with the volumes that are assigned to the server. A Performance tab shows performance information for SAN Volume Controller, Storwize V7000, and Storwize V7000 Unified storage virtualizers.
Although performance information for disks is available only for these storage virtualizers, the Performance tab might be displayed for other storage systems. The Performance tab cannot show disk information for other storage systems.

Migrating an existing NetApp filer managed via an SRA to NAPI based management 

There is no direct way to change an existing NetApp filer, managed via an SRA, to be directly managed via the NetApp (NAPI-based management). Spectrum Control users wishing to change from SRA to NAPI for their existing NetApp filers should use the 'Add Device Wizard', specifying the NetApp credentials. Spectrum Control will see that the NetApp specified is already monitored and, rather than adding a new NetApp device, will modify the data source information such that NetApp filer data is retrieved directly from the NetApp itself rather than from the SRA.

Changing the synchronization rate for volumes on SAN Volume Controller or Storwize family systems 

The synchronization rate on a SAN Volume Controller is the rate at which the volume copies synchronize again after synchronization is lost. 

IBM Spectrum Control can do tasks that significantly alter the structure of storage. For example, IBM Spectrum Control can add a mirrored volume copy, or migrate volumes from one pool to another by using storage optimization functions. When IBM Spectrum Control performs these tasks, a default synchronization rate of 100% is set. 

This synchronization rate can cause performance problems on all SAN Volume Controller volumes. However, you can use the tpctool command to change the synchronization rate. 

For more information about how to change the synchronization rate, see the "Changing the synchronization rate for volumes on SAN Volume Controller or Storwize family systems" technote at

You can follow the progress of the APAR related to this issue here:

Predefined reports with schedules listed as "unknown" after upgrade 

When you upgrade from Tivoli Storage Productivity Center 5.2.7 and earlier to IBM Spectrum Control 5.2.8, the schedules of predefined reports in the Cognos BI reporting tool are lost. The names of predefined reports that are scheduled and set to deliver by email are listed as "unknown" on the Status tab on the IBM Cognos Administration page. 

For more information about this problem, see APAR IT13190.

Language-related issues

On AIX operating systems, if the language is set to FR_FR, text might not appear correctly on some installation pages

On AIX operating systems, if the language is set to FR_FR, the Welcome page and the Single Server Installation Information page may not display correctly. For example, text might be truncated or there might not be enough space between sentences.

Some characters might not be displayed correctly in reports in PDF format

Characters from the Mongolian, Tibetan, or Yi languages are displayed as square boxes in reports in PDF format. To resolve this problem, you must enable IBM Cognos to display Chinese characters correctly. For more information about how to enable IBM Cognos to display Chinese characters correctly, see the IBM Cognos Business Intelligence 10.2.0 information center. Search for Chinese characters.

PDF files do not export correctly in languages and locations with non-Latin 1 code pages

In the IBM Spectrum Control web-based UI, PDF files do not export correctly in languages and locations where non-Latin 1 code pages are used. When you try to export the file, the non-Latin 1 characters are stripped from the output.
The affected languages are:
  • Chinese (Simplified)
  • Chinese (Traditional)
  • Czech
  • Hungarian
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Polish
  • Russian

When you export to CSV and HTML, the correct output is generated in all languages and locations.

You must use Tivoli Common Reporting to generate reports and export these reports as PDF files. For more information about exporting reports as PDF files, see IBM Cognos Business Intelligence information center Version 10.1.1. Search for Export Data in PDF Format.

Other monitoring products

When reconfiguring a running monitoring agent, the agent cannot be restarted to use the new configuration

The IBM Spectrum Control Monitoring Agent can be used by the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server to monitor systems in your enterprise. This monitoring agent is an optional program that you can install and use in your enterprise. You can reconfigure a monitoring agent, if necessary, by using the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services Console. If the monitoring agent is running when you reconfigure an agent, the agent must be restarted for the new configuration to take effect. If the agent is running, you are asked if you want to restart it. However, the restart operation fails. If errors are returned that indicate the agent was not stopped and started, use the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services Console to manually stop and then start the monitoring agent.

IBM Spectrum Control data is not displayed on IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Tivoli Enterprise Portal desktop client in a distributed configuration

In some cases, the workspaces of the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Agent for IBM Spectrum Control do not display in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal (TEP) desktop client when the Tivoli Monitoring Agent is installed on the same server as the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services, and the Tivoli Enterprise Portal server is installed on a different server. To resolve this, install the TEP user interface extension from the Tivoli Monitoring Agent package on the same machine that the TEP server is installed on.

Linux file system capacity is reported differently by IBM Spectrum Control and TADDM

The capacity of Linux file systems is reported differently by IBM Spectrum Control and Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager. The capacity value reported by IBM Spectrum Control is similar to the value reported by the Linux operating system.

Data displayed in other Tivoli products uses older data type labels

When IBM Spectrum Control data is displayed in other Tivoli products, such as Tivoli Business Service Manager and Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager, those applications use incorrect labels for some data types. The incorrect labels are from Tivoli Storage Productivity Center version earlier than V5.2.

Other Tivoli applications might also use GB or MB capacity values rather than GiB or MiB, which IBM Spectrum Control V5.2 and later use.

Pre-TPC5.2.x LabelTPC 5.2.x Label
Volume Group CapacityPool Capacity
Volume Group Freespace Available Pool Space
Allocated CapacityAssigned Volume Space
Available CapacityUnassigned Volume space

Tivoli Common Reporting

Total capacity statistic in Tivoli Common Reporting reports is incorrect in some cases

If a group includes a volume that is configured as back-end storage for a storage virtualizer, the Total Capacity value for that group that is displayed Tivoli Common Reporting reports might not be correct.

Relationships between resources and fabrics and switches are not displayed correctly in report

If you select Reporting > Create capacity reports in the web-based GUI, you can create custom reports about capacity and relationships. The Capacity and Relationships package in Tivoli Common Reporting contains a new Fabrics and Switches folder. If you create a custom report that includes properties from both the Servers to Storage Systems folder and the Fabrics and Switches folder, the relationships between resources are not displayed correctly.

Tivoli Common Reporting tasks might fail if not configured to use the correct DB2 instance on AIX and Linux

If you install more than one instance of DB2, you must ensure that either:
  • the Tivoli Common Reporting TPCDB data source uses the default DB2 instance, or
  • the TPCDB database is cataloged in the default DB2 instance.

Otherwise, Tivoli Common Reporting tasks might fail.

Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for Replication

Documentation update: DS8000 storage system default ports

In table 2 of the Knowledge Center topic Ports, the System Storage DS8000 should include two default ports: 1750 and 1751. For more information, see the support topic for APAR IT0913

You can navigate to this Knowledge Center topic by using this path:
Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for Replication for System z 5.2.8>Product overview>Key concepts>Ports.

HyperSwap commands might unfence the alternate target device of a multi-target session type

Under some conditions when using the multi-target session type, HyperSwap commands might unfence the alternate target device , This can counteract the resiliency improvements in DS8870 for zOS HyperSwap Soft Fence, which prevents a host from reading or writing data on the previous primary storage system after a HyperSwap occurs. If the alternate target device is unfenced, it might access data from the previous primary PPRC site when an unplanned recovery occurs in your storage environment. To prevent this condition, make sure you know which volume you are using to IPL.

Unexpected behaviors occur in the Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for Replication GUI
When you upgrade to Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for Replication Version 5.2.x, behaviors such as these might occur on the GUI pages:
  • The page is loading for a prolonged amount of time.
  • The page is partially rendered.
  • Buttons and other items on the page do not work.
  • Images are missing from the page.
If these behaviors occur, clear the cache for the web browser in which the Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for Replication GUI is running. For instructions on how to clear the cache for a specific browser, refer to the documentation for that browser.

Documentation updates and corrections

Incorrect swidtag for IBM Spectrum Control Standard Edition license

In the topic titled "Adding an installation license" located in the IBM Spectrum Control Installation Guide, the swidtag is incorrect for the IBM Spectrum Control Standard Edition license.
Incorrect swidtag:  Contains a double underscore between ibm and IBM:
Correct swidtag:  Contains a single underscore between ibm and IBM:
To view the topic in the IBM Spectrum Control Installation Guide, go here and search Adding an installation license:

Adding servers with Storage Resource agents

Documentation is missing information pertaining to adding servers by importing a configuration file. As described here:

When adding one or more servers with Storage Resource agents by importing the configuration information from a comma delimited file, an additional parameter is required: WWPN

Here is the correction:
    The input file for importing server information can contain entries for one or more servers. Each line in the file represents a server that you want to add. Information about each server must be organized in the following format:
    host name or IP address,OS type,machine type,location,WWPN

Incorrect license key file name for IBM Spectrum Control Standard Select Edition license
In the following topics, the names of the IBM Spectrum Control licenses and the names of the license key files are incorrect:
Editing the response file. To view the topic, go to Installing IBM Spectrum Control > Installing IBM Spectrum Control in a
single-server environment > Installing IBM Spectrum Control in a single-server environment by using silent mode.
Adding an installation license. To view the topic, go to Installing > Installing IBM Spectrum Control.

The correct names of the licenses and of the license key files are as follows:
License nameLicense key file name
IBM Spectrum Control Standard Edition licensenodelock
IBM Spectrum Control Standard Select Edition licensenodelock.SEL
IBM Spectrum Control Advanced Edition licensenodelock.AE
IBM Spectrum Control Advanced Select Edition licensenodelock.AS

The IBM Tivoli Monitoring agent does not collect performance information

In the IBM Spectrum Control Knowledge Center, the topic Product overview > Key concepts > Agents > IBM Spectrum Control Monitoring Agent states that the IBM Spectrum Control agent for IBM Tivoli Monitoring collects performance information. This statement is not correct. The monitoring agent collects status and asset information about resources, but not performance information.

Documentation is available to upgrade a DB2 server on Linux or UNIX operating systems

Documentation for upgrading a DB2 server on a Windows operating system is included in the IBM Spectrum Control Knowledge Center and IBM Spectrum Control V5.2 User's Guide. For documentation about how to upgrade a DB2 server on a Linux or UNIX operating system, see the IBM DB2 Version 10.1 information center. Search for Upgrading a DB2 server (Linux and UNIX).

Incorrect file name for database maintenance tool

In the following topics, the name of the database maintenance tool for Linux and UNIX operating systems is incorrect: The correct name of the database maintenance tool is runTPCDBMaintenance. That is, the file does not have a .sh extension.

Microsoft Internet Explorer issues

Internet Explorer version 11 displays a security certificate error

If you use Internet Explorer version 11 to run the web-based GUI, you might see this error page appear in all open Internet Explorer windows and tabs: "There is a problem with this website's security certificate." To return to the web-based GUI page you were working on, click "Continue to this website" and you will be returned to the previous page. This behavior does not occur in other browsers.

Alerts Notification Settings display as available in Internet Explorer version 11

When viewing the Alerts Notification Settings page by using Internet Explorer version 11, some check boxes might appear as available (selectable) when they should be disabled. To change the Alerts Notification Settings, click Edit on the Alerts Notification Settings page.

This condition does not occur in other browsers.

Tables automatically scroll in Internet Explorer version 11

When using Internet Explorer version 11 to work with IBM Spectrum Control, selecting a row in a table might cause the web page to scroll automatically to a point where the first row of the table is at the top of the page. This behavior does not occur in other browsers.

Online help table of contents does not display properly in Internet Explorer 11

The table of contents for the IBM Spectrum Control online help does not display correctly in Microsoft Internet Explorer version 11. All sections are automatically expanded, and cannot be collapsed. This behavior does not occur in other recommended browsers.

Internet Explorer v10 hangs when you use the transform plan or analysis execution panes after you view logs

Internet Explorer v10 hangs and must be closed when you use the transform plan or analysis execution panes after you open and close log files. To resolve the problem, close and restart Internet Explorer. To avoid the problem, use a different web browser.

Limitations and known issues when using IBM Spectrum Control with VMware vSphere

The following limitations and known issues can occur when you use IBM Spectrum Control with VMware vSphere:

Following redeployment, the IBM Spectrum Control build version does not match the version number of the vSphere Web Client extension

After you redeploy the vSphere Web Client extension, the IBM Spectrum Control build version might not match the version number of the vSphere Web Client extension. To resolve this issue, complete the following steps to redeploy the extension:

1. On the vSphere Web Client computer that connects to the vCenter Server system where the extension is installed, go to the plug-in directory:
  • On Windows operating systems:
    • C:\ProgramData\VMware\vSphere Web Client\vc-packages\vsphere-clientserenity
  • On Linux operating systems:
    • /var/lib/vmware/vsphere-client/vc-packages\vsphere-client-serenity

2. Delete the packages for the vSphere Web Client extension. Package files use the following naming convention:

3. Delete the file. The file is stored in the following location:
  • On Windows operating systems:

      For example, C:\ProgramData\IBM\TPC\ or %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\IBM\TPC
      For example, C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\IBM\TPC\
  • On Linux operating systems:

4. Redeploy the vSphere Web Client extension.

5. Restart the VMware vSphere Web Client service.

6. Log in to the vSphere Web Client. From the vSphere Web Client Home tab, in the Administration section, click the IBM Spectrum Control icon. Confirm that the IBM Spectrum Control build version matches the version number of the vSphere Web Client extension.

Alerts omit the storage provider name

In the vSphere Client, the Events tab shows the Storage provider name that is associated with an alert. In the vSphere Web Client, the Events Console omits the Storage provider name.

The vSphere Web Client extension recovery after the vSphere Web Client server restarts

A vCenter Server provisioning task might stay in a Queued state during the approval process by the IBM Spectrum Control administrator. During this time, the vSphere Web Client server or the host machine might be restarted.

The vSphere Web Client can close a connection to the vCenter Server after a time-out. The default for this time-out is 120 minutes.

If a time-out occurs, the vSphere Web Client extension for IBM Spectrum Control restores the connectivity to the vCenter Server and IBM Spectrum Control when a user logs in to the vSphere Web Client. The status of the provisioning task is updated based on the status of the task in IBM Spectrum Control.

To start the recovery process, log in to the vSphere Web Client and go to one of the following panels in the vSphere Web Client extension:
  • IBM Spectrum Control provisioning
  • IBM Spectrum Control saving configuration information
  • IBM Spectrum Control storage system metrics

The All IBM Spectrum Control Actions string is not translated in some locales

Due to an error in the translation process, the All Spectrum Control Actions string is not translated in double-byte locales.

Deploying the vSphere Web Client extension on vCenter Server 5.5 fails on Windows 2008 or Linux

If you deploy the vSphere Web Client extension from a IBM Spectrum Control server onto a vCenter Server 5.5 that is installed on Windows 2008 or Linux, the deployment fails. The following message is displayed:
BTAVM2244E The remote registration of the vSphere Web Client extension for IBM Spectrum Control did not complete.

The deployment fails due to a handshake issue with the vSphere Client, vSphere PowerCLI, and vCenter Server 5.5.

To learn how to resolve this issue, go to the VMware Knowledge Base at Search for vSphere Client and vSphere PowerCLI
may fail to connect to vCenter Server 5.5 due to a Handshake failure (2049143).

Limitations when using vCenter 5.1
The following are limitations when using vCenter 5.1. They are resolved in vCenter 5.5.

Provisioning with VMware datastore creation to a clustered ESX 5.1 is partially complete
If you provision storage with datastore creation to two clustered ESX 5.1 hypervisors by using the vSphere Web Client extension, the datastore is not assigned to the second hypervisor. The datastore is not assigned because of a LUN snapshot issue in VMware vCenter Server.

To learn how to resolve this issue, go to the VMware Knowledge Base at Search for vSphere handling of LUNs detected as snapshot LUNs (1011387).

Storage DRS calls fail for datastore clusters with file system storage

When a IBM Spectrum Control VASA provider is added to the vCenter 5.1 Server, a datastore cluster that contains a NetApp datastore and an IBM® Scale Out Network Attached Storage datastore fails to log Storage DRS calls.

vCenter 5.1 Server does not send a storage DRS request to the IBM Spectrum Control VASA provider

In a datastore clustered NFS environment, vCenter 5.1 Server does not send a Storage DRS request to the IBM Spectrum Control VASA provider. System Capability and Storage Provider Namespace values are populated correctly.

IBM Spectrum Control VASA provider alarms might be displayed in the Events panel

IBM Spectrum Control alerts that are sent as alarms to the vCenter 5.1 Server from the IBM Spectrum Control VASA provider might be displayed in the Events panel, instead of the Alarms panel.

IBM Spectrum Control VASA provider SpaceCapacity alarm might behave inconsistently

If a VASA SpaceCapacity alarm is return to a LUN that does not belong to a datastore, an event is displayed in the vCenter 5.1 Server. If the LUN belongs to a datastore, two non-relevant events are displayed.

vCenter 5.1 Server does not display events from the IBM Spectrum Control VASA provider

The SMS log might show that events were received from the IBM Spectrum Control VASA provider and an attempt was made to post them to the vCenter 5.1 Server.

In the vSphere Client, click Home > Management > Events. The event from the VASA provider is not logged. In the vSphere Web Client, click Home > Monitoring > Event Console. The event from the VASA provider is not displayed.

vCenter 5.1 Server does not send a storage DRS request to the IBM Spectrum Control VASA provider

In a datastore clustered NFS environment, vCenter 5.1 Server does not send a Storage DRS request to the IBM Spectrum Control VASA provider. System Capability and Storage Provider Namespace values are populated correctly.

IBM Spectrum Control VASA provider alarms might be displayed in the Events panel

IBM Spectrum Control alerts that are sent as alarms to the vCenter 5.1 Server from the IBM Spectrum Control VASA provider might be displayed in the Events panel, instead of the Alarms panel.

IBM Spectrum Control VASA provider SpaceCapacity alarm might behave inconsistently

If a VASA SpaceCapacity alarm is return to a LUN that does not belong to a datastore, an event is displayed in the vCenter 5.1 Server. If the LUN belongs to a datastore, two non-relevant events are displayed.

Alarms with the StorageFileSystem entity type are flagged as unknown

For the IBM Spectrum Control VASA provider alarms on StorageFileSystem objects that are returned to the vCenter 5.1 Server, an unknown vCenter identifier is displayed.

Delay in refreshing IBM Spectrum Control VASA provider data in Storage Reports after synchronization

VASA provider data can take some time to be displayed in Storage Reports after a successful synchronization.

The Volume Not Found alert might not be displayed in vCenter Server

The vCenter Server SMS log shows a generated alert, but the alert is not displayed on the vSphere Client or the vSphere Web Client.

[{"Product":{"code":"SS5R93","label":"IBM Spectrum Control"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"5.2.8","Edition":"All Editions","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB26","label":"Storage"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
22 February 2022

